Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 45

Xue Xiaoxiao didn’t expect Yang Zicong to be okay, but he felt a little nervous. But when she thought of Yang Zicong’s special for her, she was still very confident to calm Yang Zicong’s anger.

As for other people, it has nothing to do with her.

The thought that Yang Zicong could easily tear the shutter door open, Xue Xiaoxiao was very excited.

Unfortunately, Yang Zicong was not standing at the door, but 666.

Seeing a woman pounce, 666 clenched a fist in her right hand, three paws glowed with cold light. When Xue Xiaoxiao pounced, a paw passed without hesitation.

The whole person was divided into four pieces by claws from top to bottom.

Blood spewed out, 666 receded quickly, and there was no drop of blood on his body.

Everyone was shocked by 666.

666 Disgusted looking at the woman who was divided into several pieces on the ground, the main disgust was the blood of that place. He looked up casually.

The person watched by 666 softened his legs and knelt down directly.

“Boss Rao Ming, Boss Rao Ming, I didn’t want to throw you out, it was Cheng Hai’s attention, yes, Cheng Hai.”

“Yes, yes, Cheng Hai, Cheng Hai, Boss, Cheng Hai’s attention, has nothing to do with us.”

Looking at the two, his face was pale and frightened. 666 raised his mouth with satisfaction: “Don’t worry, come one by one. You, one, can’t run away.”


The second to tenth team captains were all former Zhang Zhongmin’s teammates.

Fu Cao’s request to Jane has been conveyed to them in a round, and those who were previously locked in the classroom have also been transferred to the dormitory of the couple’s dormitory, because there is only free space for coma and fever people.

The nine captains gathered to discuss Fu Cao’s opinions.

Xiao Bin thought of Fu Cao’s selfishness and shook his head: “I don’t agree to let Fu Cao take the squad leader away. The squad leader is now in a coma, and may not necessarily become a zombie. On the day the squad leader did not become a zombie, we would Keep the monitor safe. “

Liu Guoan looked at Xiao Bin: “Actually, I think Fu Ke might have a way to help the squad leader. Wasn’t Lu Xun because of Fu Ke’s help before?”

“Liu Guoan!” Xiao Bin said with a black face: “Even if Fu Cao helped Lu Xun, how much do you know about Fu Cao? Can you be sure that Fu Cao took the monitor to help the monitor?”

Deng Wencong touched his head: “I think Fu Cao is quite good. She should help the monitor.”

The others nodded. Although they did not have much contact with Fu Cao, they all had a good impression of Fu Cao.

Of the ten class captains, only one team, Zhang Zhongmin and Fu Cao, had the most contact, and then the second class Liu Guoan and the third class Xiao Bin.

Deng Wencong of Class 4 has also contacted Fu Cao, but not much.

Others have never touched Fu Cao much.

“Will Lu Xun come to ask Lu Xun’s opinion?” Liu, the class leader of Class Five, roughly suggested.

‘Buckle buckle’

There was a knock on the door.

‘Click. The door was opened when everyone had not responded. Fu Cao leaned at the door with his hands on his chest.

Seeing Fu Cao, Xiao Bin’s face changed.

“Sorry, bother. But I think Captain Xiao should go to see your girlfriend.” Fu Cao said with a smile.

“What do you mean?” Xiao Bin looked at Fu Cao vigilantly. Did Fu Cao want to threaten him with Du Weiwei?

Fu Kuo shrugged his shoulders: “It’s not interesting, but just saw your girlfriend holding a knife and walked to the room where you installed Zhang Zhongmin.”

Now back to the bedroom, there are more empty rooms in the couple’s bedroom, so Zhang Zhongmin was placed in a separate room.

“What?” Liu Guoan frowned, and he noticed that Fu Cao was holding a knife!

“It is estimated to pass by from there.” Deng Wencong couldn’t help but think that Fu Cao might think a little bit more.

However, Xiao Bin’s face was even more ugly. He suddenly remembered the uncontrollable rise in Du Weiwei’s mouth when he heard Zhang Zhongmin’s coma and fever before.

His head exploded, and he ran out with his legs stretched out.

Others looked left and right, and followed them one after another. I feel that Xiao Bin’s attitude seems strange.

Fu Cao slowly walked out, she didn’t see it with her own eyes. It is felt with mental force. This Du Weiwei actually wanted to kill Zhang Zhongmin.

Where did Zhang Zhongmin offend her?

At this time, Du Weiwei’s mouth twitched to a certain extent, walked to the room where Zhang Zhongmin was installed, and opened the door. She looked at the pale man lying in the room, and the hand holding a dagger was slightly tight.

She didn’t know whether Zhang Zhongmin would become a zombie or a power person, but that didn’t matter. Kill him, there will be no more Zhang Zhongmin in this world.

Now the monitors are meeting, so this is the best time for her to start.

Du Weiwei slightly bent the corner of her mouth and walked in quietly with a knife. She looked down at the person lying on the bed: “Who made you want to target me?”

So, you **** it!

Du Weiwei’s expression was slightly distorted, and she looked at the dagger in her hand. The length of the dagger could completely penetrate Zhang Zhongmin’s neck. She vaguely felt a little excited.

Chen Meijia, Feng Han. She also remembered these two very clearly.

By the way, there is Fu Cao!

When Du Weiwei thought of Long Ge’s gentleness towards her, she gave Fu Cao all her heart, and she couldn’t breathe. That is what belongs to her, why should it be given to others?

She didn’t dare to gamble, so she didn’t dare to go to Dragon Brother now. But it’s okay, when Fu Ke is dead, everything will be back on track.

The first solution is Zhang Zhongmin.

These people, she will definitely find opportunities to solve them one by one. Du Weiwei’s eyes flashed with excitement, holding the dagger in both hands slowly too high.

“Stop it!” Xiao Bin rushed here first. When he saw the picture inside, he suddenly mentioned his throat and rushed in quickly to grab Du Weiwei’s hand.

Du Weiwei’s face changed: “You …” Shouldn’t Xiao Bin meet with those people at this time? How could it appear here?

Liu Guoan and others rushed afterwards, and they were all black when they saw this scene. Some later feared that if Du Weiwei went down with a knife, the squad leader would really be over.

“Xiao Bin, you need to give us an explanation for this matter!” Liu Guoan was furious.

“It seems that you are really too unsafe here.” Fu Cao looked at them: “If it were not for me to remind you, it is estimated that squad leader Zhang now … Gee.”

Fu Cao shook his head sadly, and it seemed that she had expected Zhang Zhongmin’s ending if she didn’t find it in time.

Even if Fu Ke doesn’t say it, they can think of it.

Liu Guoan turned and looked at Fu Cao: “Miss Fu, although I am not clever, I am not stupid. I know you are not an ordinary person, so please help the monitor.”

Deng Wencong opened his mouth and seemed to want to say nothing, but said nothing.

“No!” Du Weiwei said, screaming suddenly.

“Shut up!” Xiao Bin grabbed the dagger in Du Weiwei’s hand and looked at Du Weiwei somberly. Then he said to them: “I will be optimistic about Du Weiwei and will not let her approach the monitor. But I still don’t agree to give the monitor to Fu Cao.”

Xiao Bin had the heart to kill Du Weiwei at this moment, but it was his girlfriend. This was not the case with Weiwei in the past. Xiao Bin didn’t know if he didn’t discover Du Weiwei’s true face, or Du Weiwei had changed unconsciously.

Anyway, he almost never knew Du Weiwei now.

Liu squad leader of Class Five roughly sneered and said, “If it wasn’t Fu Cao, the squad leader was solved by your girlfriend. Xiao Bin, is this your girlfriend and the squad leader’s hatred, or was you instructed?”

“What are you talking about!” Xiao Bin’s eyes suddenly broke when he heard Liu roughly suspect him.

Liu Guoan took a cold look at Xiao Bin: “Vote to decide, we don’t have time to protect the squad leader for 24 hours now. We agree to let Fu Cao raise his hands away from the squad leader. Those who disagree will not raise their hands.”

For a time, everyone except Xiao Bin raised their hands.

Fu Cao stood and watched. Undeniably, this group of people became dissatisfied with Xiao Bin because they saw Du Weiwei wanted to kill Zhang Zhongmin. She also used mental power to make them trust her.

She looked at Xiao Bin with a smile.

Xiao Bin’s brain was blank.

Du Weiwei looked at Fu Cao, his eyes flashing slightly. But at this time she felt that everyone was dissatisfied with her, and she dared not speak.

What Xiao Bin said is that she will be optimistic about her in the future, which means she will be fine.

After sipping, Du Weiwei secretly felt that he was too careless. But it doesn’t matter, as long as Xiao Bin keeps her. As long as there is time, there are opportunities.

So Du Weiwei lowered her eyes and stood there watching her nose, nose and nose, and no one could see what she was thinking.

Liu Guoan was relieved and looked at Fu Cao seriously: “Fu Cao, the squad leader pleased you.”

“I will try my best to help him, but I can’t guarantee to give you a lively Zhang Zhongmin.” Fu Cao can only try his best.

If Zhang Zhongmin really turned into a zombie … Fu Cao thought about the pile of first-order crystal nuclei in her space, it seems that Zhang Zhongmin could not be advanced to restore his mind at once.

Therefore, if Zhang Zhongmin did not support the past and became a zombie, because without Zhang Zhongmin, the base could not maintain the same situation as before, Fu Ke thought she might change places.

The monitor of Class 8, Ban Dingshan looked at Fu Cao: “Can we go to see the monitor at any time?”

Fu Cao looked at the window and there seemed to be no rain to stop, and said with a smile: “I don’t care, you come as soon as you want.”

Liu Guoan was carrying Zhang Zhongmin and went to the exclusive hotel with Fu Cao. With Fu Cao’s willful plug-in, they can’t even touch the rain at all.

Carrying Zhang Zhongmin, Liu Guoan could feel the heat that penetrated the clothes strongly. He couldn’t help saying: “Fu Cao, what is the chance of the squad leader coming through?”

Fu Cao looked at Liu Guoan: “I don’t know, but staying with me is better than staying with you. If I can’t help it …”

She smiled and said nothing at the end.

Liu Guoan’s heart sank slightly, and a thick face was heavy.

“Don’t worry.” Fu Cao looked at Liu Guo’an’s troubles and was obviously worried about Zhang Zhongmin. Fu Cao couldn’t help sighing. Although she did not like Xiao Bin, Xiao Bin worried that Zhang Zhongmin was sincere.

She could feel that Xiao Bin was really worried about Zhang Zhongmin. I don’t know the charm of Zhang Zhongmin, so that thousands of people will serve him alone. Better than her mental strength.

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