Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 44

Zhang Zhongmin was also lying in the classroom. Fu Cao glanced over and saw the dark-skinned man.

His lips were pale and tightly lying on the ground, and the ups and downs of his chest were negligible. It seems like a dead person.

Fu Cao does not know whether this has happened in his previous life or what will happen in the end. But this rain is obviously an excellent thing for zombies, but very scary for humans.

But she did n’t quite understand why she hated the rain. She was also a zombie.

“Can I take him away?” Fu Cao looked at Jan round.

Jane looked at Fu Cao in surprise and didn’t understand why Fu Cao took Zhang Zhongmin away, even though Fu Cao did not name the surname. However, Jane consciously felt that he was Zhang Zhongmin in her mouth.

“Isn’t it possible?” Fu Cao frowned, she knew that Zhang Zhongmin was indispensable for her peaceful coexistence with this base. Therefore, Zhang Zhongmin could not have an accident.

If Zhang Zhongmin becomes a zombie or dies, she and this base may not be able to live together peacefully.

No, it’s because of the poor roots of humanity.

Fu Cao didn’t know that he was suspicious in many places, but he doubted it, as long as those people didn’t come to investigate.

Even if you want to explore, you have to see if you have that skill.

Whether it is a human or a zombie, there are very few even reaching the third order. Fu Cao believes that no one can be stronger than her.

But she still likes the way she gets along now, is it good to get what she needs?

Fu Cao doesn’t know if she can help Zhang Zhongmin, but she feels at least better than Zhang Zhongmin being placed in this classroom at will.

“This … I’m not talking.” Jane smiled awkwardly. “I want to ask the monitors how good they are.”

He was just the captain of a small team, even though Zhang Zhongmin was in a coma. Nor can he change the fact that he is already the leader of this base. Although everyone did not give a clear name, everyone thought so.

Fu Cao nodded and looked at the people inside through the glass windows. The large classroom was filled with people. Because of limited conditions, they have not been able to separate these people.

“Then ask them.” Fu Cao said casually, but he had other ideas in his heart.

Everyone unanimously agreed to pay for the crystal nucleus to return to the dormitory. Fu Ke’s help quickly returned to the dormitory safely.

Qiu Yingying silently watched Fu Cao’s skilled water control, and silently decided to practice in private. The water system abilities are really not just water supply.


In the darkness, Yang Zicong was at a loss: “Where is this place?”

A bright light cut through the darkness, and the dazzling light caused Yang Zicong to quickly block his eyes with his hands. After half the sound, he tentatively removed his hands and carefully looked over.

After the eyes adjusted to the darkness, a bright yellow costume robe embroidered with dragon-shaped patterns, her hair erected high, was tied with a bright yellow hair band, and there was also a jade piece carved with flying dragon .

The comer stands hand in hand.

“Are you unwilling?”

Yang Zicong froze for a while: “Who are you?”

“People who help you realize your wishes, I can do it for you if you want.” The man in the robe stood not far away, his chin lifted slightly, and his black eyes made people unable to see emotions clearly.

“As long as I think, can you help me?” Yang Zicong looked at the man suspiciously.

“Of course.” The man nodded.

Yang Zicong sneered: “I have nothing to be unwilling to do. I can report all my humiliation and hatred, without anyone’s help!”

The man looked at Yang Zicong and chuckled, drawing circles with his hands.

A picture appeared in the circle he drew.

After Yang Zicong was kicked out, he walked purposefully to the county below D City, and was not as scared of zombies as before.

After discovering that the zombie was easily killed, he more and more aroused his bloodiness and conquered many people along the way.

The picture shows that Yang Zicong was thrown out by a group of people after he was comatose by the rain.

For a time Yang Zicong’s complexion was green: “This group of miscellaneous pieces!”

“People exposed to rain will become infected and become zombies. Are you sure you can still take revenge?” The man took out a paper folding fan and gently swayed: “If I remember correctly, you still want Revenge D City University? “

“How do you know?” This matter, Yang Zicong said nothing, he looked at the man in disbelief.

“Of course I know.” The man’s narrow and narrow eyes narrowed slightly: “I said, I can help you.”

I was caught in the rain, fell into a coma, and got a fever. Yang Zicong collapsed. How can he survive the coma? If it can’t stand, it will become a zombie.

He was a little unwilling: “What do you want?”

Yang Zicong didn’t believe that there was a white lunch in the world, nor did he believe that this inexplicable person would have such a kind heart to help him without anything.

“All you need is a ray of soul.” The man closed the paper fan. “It’s not a bad deal to have your ray of spirit. It’s a good deal. How about it? Consider?”

Yang Zicong didn’t even know what soul spirit was.

But listening to the name is related to the soul. However, if it becomes a zombie, then nothing will happen? He couldn’t even revenge!

When Zhang Zhongmin was kicked out of the school, Yang Zicong secretly vowed that he would come back to flatten the whole school one day!

“Okay, I’m going to be reborn and go back to the end.” Yang Zicong said, thinking or not, it’s just a breath, it’s still a ray, and it’s not very important.

However, the man shook his finger: “No, no, I think you misunderstood. I can help you get revenge, but I have no ability to rebirth you.”

Yang Zicong froze: “How can you help me get revenge?”

“If you want to take revenge, you can only listen to me. Otherwise, you will become a zombie, and you don’t know anything. Not to mention revenge?” The man’s deep voice was a bit bewitched.

Yang Zicong pursed his lips and asked unswervingly: “Is there a way to make me alive? It doesn’t matter if I become a zombie, I just need to stay sane!”

The man shook his head: “Don’t you understand? You can’t be born again, and you will immediately become a zombie without thinking. I can help you to take revenge on your behalf. There is no other way.”

Looking at Yang Zicong, who seemed to collapse, the man paused: “Of course, the chance is only this time. If I don’t want to, then I will leave.”

“No!” Yang Zicong watched the man turn and was about to leave. The subconscious opening stopped: “Help me, help me get revenge!”

He was grieved with anger and sadness and a distorted expression on his face.

If Zhang Zhongmin drove him out of the base, how could he become like this? How could it become a zombie! All are Zhang Zhongmin, everyone in D City University!

Now he can’t live, so go to **** together!

Yang Zicong said surreptitiously: “I want to ping the university of D city, and there are a bunch of debris, I also want them to die! Not only die, I want them to die miserably, there are tricks to die!”

The man looked at Yang Zicong in surprise, his mouth twitched a playful smile.

“Sounds good, as you wish.”

After talking, the man disappeared. Yang Zicong appeared in a closed room on all sides, with a bed and a TV.

When the TV turned on, he saw that he was lying in the rain, slowly opening his eyes, the fun flashing in his black eyes. Yang Zicong’s consciousness came to mind, the person just now.

666 stood in the rain and stretched his body, twisting his neck.

After lying on the ground for two days, the skeleton of this body was almost stiff. When I twisted my neck, there was a crunching sound, which sounded a bit permeable.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, like a broken old antique.” 666 said disgustedly.

Yang Zicong: …

Because of the rain, the dozen or so people who were subdued by Yang Zicong just lifted and throwed Yang Zicong out, so now 666 saw the closed rolling door of the non-staple food shop.

666 diameter walked over, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

To say that Yang Zicong’s men threw Yang Zicong so simply because as long as someone had a fever, Yang Zicong would go out without saying a word.

These people were very scared, but they did not have the courage to kill Yang Zicong directly, so they threw Yang Zicong out.


The sound of knocking on the rolling door made more than a dozen people in the non-staple food shop look at each other, all nervous.

Cheng Hai, who had been jumping up and down next to Yang Zicong, raised his hand so that everyone would be quiet. After listening carefully, there was no movement.

No one opened the door, and 666 was impatient.

He can’t wait to fulfill his promise to Yang Zicong and let these people experience fancy death methods.

For the requirements of the task target, he used his ability without any scruples. Fists in both hands, three long knives brushed with cold light between the protruding metacarpals were exposed at once.

666 looked at the long knife glowing like a paw in the cold light, the muscles of his arms swelled slowly, and the blades of his hands rested casually on the roller shutter door.

Slowly sliding down, the roller shutter door was like a piece of paper, and it was cut open without any defense.

More than a dozen people standing in the non-staple food shop watched in horror as the shutter door suddenly inserted six blades glowing with cold light, and slowly slid down, making a terrifying sound.

But it seemed as though they were cutting tofu effortlessly, causing them to step back.

“Go upstairs, hurry, go upstairs!” Cheng Hai yelled in a low voice, and rushed upstairs first.


The shutter door was torn open.

“Ah !!!” The people inside couldn’t help but screamed and rushed upstairs. Unfortunately, the stairs can only accommodate the width of the next person.

The scrambled person, in a hurry, dragged the person in front of him down.

“Old, Boss?” The woman who was scared just stared at the door. The woman who was frightened finally saw the person at the door. Some of her stuttered wondered if she was wrong.

The boss, let everyone’s footsteps stop, everyone looked back at the door standing casually there, a man who seemed to be enjoying their performance.

Who is not the boss?

As the only woman, Xue Xiaoxiao suddenly burst into tears, and said softly: “Boss, you are fine, Xiao Xiao is worried about dying.”

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