Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 46

Liu Guoan heard that Fu Cao made him not to worry, and suddenly moved a little in his heart. In this way, Fu Cao’s grasp was still quite big. For a while, the worries in my heart swept away.

“Worrying can’t change the facts.” Fu Cao finished speaking, and thought he said something very reasonable. If Zhang Zhongmin is destined to become a zombie, no matter whether Liu Guoan is worried about eating or sleeping, it won’t help.

“…” Liu Guoan looked at Fu Cao and deeply doubted whether he had made Fu Cao’s decision to take the squad leader wrong or right.

After Liu Guoan sent Fu Cao and Zhang Zhongmin back, he carried Zhang Zhongmin on the second floor.

There is also a warehouse on the second floor. Liu Guoan put Zhang Zhongmin on the sofa in the living room and was driven away by Fu Cao.

When going out, Fu Cao did not go back with him. However, Liu Guoan was not exposed to the rain at all when he walked in the rain, and he immediately became more confident in Fu Cao.

After Liu Guoan left, Fu Cao took out the crystal nuclei from the space.

Before Qin Long told her that there was a tyrannical ingredient in the crystal nucleus, Fu Cao carefully observed it, penetrated the crystal nucleus with mental force, and found that there were many black spots in the white crystal nucleus.

But these spots didn’t really help her, but they weren’t very good for humans.

There are not many crystal nuclei, and there will be nothing. But if it accumulates little by little, then the outbreak will be particularly terrifying.

She tried to wrap the crystal nuclei with water, trying to separate the black spots inside, but each time it ended in failure.

After looking at Zhang Zhongmin, Fu Cao played with the crystal nucleus in his hand.

There is no liquid in the crystal nucleus, so it is really difficult for her to strip the black spots inside. But water in the human body occupies 70%.

Fu Cao looked at Zhang Zhongmin, who was still in a coma, and his mental power was concentrated on Zhang Zhongmin.

In an instant, Zhang Zhongmin became transparent in Fu Cao’s eyes, and every one of his meridians and blood flow was clearly seen.

But the blood vessels and meridians are covered with many spots, black and colored.

The colorful spots made Fu Cao feel the breath of various elements, while the black spots carried a decaying breath.

“Huh?” Fu Cao was a little surprised. This was the first time she covered all of a person’s body with her mental strength, and clearly looked at the various structures of the human body.

While studying the various spots in Zhang Zhongmin’s body, a familiar sensation rose from under his belly.

“…” Advanced again?

It can be said that the advanced level of the previous life is very difficult. Even if you eat a lot of crystal nuclei, you may not be able to advance. But so far, almost all of the crystal nuclei she eats in this life are first-order crystal nuclei. Why is it that it is much faster than the previous one?

It was too late to think too much, the familiar feeling became stronger and stronger, and Fu Cao flashed and disappeared in place.

Just when he reached the space, Fu Cao saw that the gold in the space was almost engulfed by the space. Various crops in the space are gratifying.

The pond that was originally behind the small hut had grown bigger, as if it were not a pond, but a vast sea of ​​water. It was very vast.

Fu Cao basically just takes what he wants directly from the space, and rarely enters the space.

Seeing the changes in space, I felt a little shocked. Can this space continue to change?

The warehouse not far away has also become wider. Fu Cao suddenly thought, since the space is so powerful, is it possible to segment the black spots inside the crystal nucleus?

A powerful force erupted directly with Fu Cao as the center.

“BAA Baa baa……”

“Giggle …”

“Quack …”

“Wang Wang Wang!”

For a while the chicken flying dog jumped up, and all the animals ran to the distance in groups, all kneeling when they ran.

An invisible barrier was erected in the space for the first time to help this group of animals and plants resist this force, for fear that Fu Cao would destroy the space.

However, the remaining gold in the space disappeared at this moment and there was no leftover.

After Fu Cao opened his eyes, his head hurt a little, and he saw the familiar vortex in the space. The gold that had been put in the hut was gone.


As soon as the vortex appeared in the space, Fu Cao felt very uncomfortable, presumably because of the reason that the space was associated with her.

Fu Cao picked up the crystal nucleus and cast his expressionless face towards the vortex.

The vortex directly engulfed the crystal nucleus, and the rotating vortex immediately stopped, and soon a crystal nucleus was ejected directly.

However, the vortex rotates faster.

Fu Cao took the crystal nucleus and looked at the whirlpool: “It’s obviously a good thing, but you still dislike it!”

However, Fu Cao, who was holding the crystal nucleus, was suddenly surprised when he looked at the crystal nucleus. Because the crystal nucleus is more translucent, I observed it mentally and found that the black spots inside disappeared.

Fu Cao threw the crystal nuclei into his mouth, and the crystal nuclei with the black spots removed became more delicious.

Suddenly, she threw all crystal nuclei into the whirlpool.

“No spraying is allowed!” Fu Cao said threateningly with his eyes narrowed.

The crystal nucleus swallowed by the vortex was soon spit out by the vortex. Probably because he was threatened by Fu Cao, instead of spraying randomly, he spit out and quickly piled up a small pile beside the vortex.

After the last nucleus was spit out, the vortex gradually disappeared.

“Huh, you’re full so quickly?” Fu Cao was a little dissatisfied. She also wanted to see if there was rain outside, and space was needed.

But the space eats black spots with a rotten atmosphere, so can these crops, animals, and humans in the space still eat?

I hadn’t thought about it before, but thought about it now. Fu Cao was a little worried that the crops and animals in the space could not be eaten by humans. What should I do?

Out of space, Fu Cao found that this time to the twelfth level, she did not spend much time, just a few hours.

But this time it was dark. Even if she wanted to find Qin Long, she had to wait for tomorrow morning.


Xiao Bin opened the door and saw Du Weiwei sitting in a daze on the bed. He looked at Du Weiwei coldly and did not speak. He walked to the side of the chair and sat down.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Du Weiwei felt a little nervous. Looking at Xiao Bin’s indifferent look, Du Weiwei was not well.

She knew that Xiao Bin was really angry when she saw that she wanted to kill Zhang Zhongmin.

But can this blame her? The resentment flashed in Du Weiwei’s eyes. When she thought of Zhang Zhongmin’s ruthlessness when she was at the gate of the base, she hated it even more.

For a moment, a mist was cast in his eyes.

“Xiao Bin …” Du Weiwei stirred her fingers, and seemed to look anxiously at Xiao Bin who ignored her over there, her voice trembling slightly, with a cry.

Hearing Du Weiwei’s voice, Xiao Bin’s heart tightened, pursing his lips without opening his eyes, as if he didn’t seem to hear it.

It’s getting late, and the electricity hasn’t been turned off. The room is bright and bright at the moment. Xiao Bin’s subtle expression did not escape Du Weiwei’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I seem to be enchanted …” Du Weiwei dropped her tears in a snap: “You know, I don’t even kill the chicken, and I How dare you kill someone? “

She curled up slowly on the bed, trembling with her knees.

The last sentence, Xiao Bin suddenly stunned. He opened his eyes all at once and saw the woman trembling in bed. She seemed scared, her eyes were red, and her tears kept falling.

Yes, Du Weiwei is very timid. He remembers not to mention killing chickens before.

How could such a person have the courage to kill?

Xiao Bin looked at Du Weiwei solemnly.

“Weiwei, how did you come from city S to city D?” From city s to city D, it is not far away, and it is not near. But the traffic after the end is definitely not as convenient as before the end.

And there are dangers along the way.

Before seeing Du Weiwei coming to D City University safely, Xiao Bin was particularly happy, and even had a kind of excitement, but he forgot to ask Du Weiwei how he spoiled S City.

She has no abilities and is very timid.

Du Weiwei was stiff and didn’t expect Xiao Bin to think of it suddenly.

She used to worry that Xiao Bin would ask her, but Xiao Bin never asked. Du Weiwei gradually forgot about it.

“It’s Qin Long.” Du Weiwei looked at Xiao Bin with red eyes. “I once saved Qin Long by accident. This time I happened to meet Qin Long, and I asked him to send me over.”

Qin Long and Fu Cao are closely related, but Xiao Bin doesn’t think there will be anything between Qin Long and Du Weiwei.

Just surprised, he didn’t expect Qin Long to help Du Weiwei. But it seems to make sense to think that Du Weiwei had saved Qin Long before.

“What’s going on before you?” The original suspicion gradually dropped. Xiao Bin’s tone also eased a lot: “Is it because of the previous …”

Du Weiwei shook his head vigorously: “Xiao Bin, I really don’t have that. I don’t know, my whole person seems to be out of control, just like a string puppet operated by someone else. Every move. “

Xiao Bin looked at Du Weiwei with eye gaze, Du Weiwei was crying very sad, and his pupils were still afraid.

Suddenly thinking of something, Xiao Bin asked suddenly: “Did you see Fu Cao on your way?”

Fu Cao? Du Weiwei was at a loss, she shook her head: “Did not see.”


The **** smell permeated around the non-staple food shop. Those zombies who greeted the rain began to get agitated when they smelled the **** smell.

666 sat on the chair of the non-staple food shop, admiring the various death methods of ten people. Everyone is dead, only Cheng Hai is still alive.

Cheng Hai sat blankly on the ground, some people were completely peeled off, some people broke their bones and made string puppets …

He was so frightened that he felt soft and regretted, if he could choose to come back. He must not throw Yang Zicong out, either stay well or kill him directly.

“Old, boss …”

A smell of urination rose slowly, and 666 suddenly covered his nose in disgust, but this time the communicator rang. 666 was not too happy to press the communicator at the pinna.

“what’s up?”

001: “Don’t play, the business matters. The people of the Anti-Space-Time Administration Alliance have noticed that you suddenly changed the time and space, and it will probably be found soon.”

666 has been informed about the anti-space-time authority alliance, and it does n’t matter: “Let them come and guarantee that they will come and go this time!”

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