Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Unhappy

When Sardin went downstairs, he took the dazed assistant away.

He went downstairs and asked, “What are you doing with the vase?”

The little assistant scratched his head embarrassedly, “I, I want to change some water for the vase.”

The kitchen is semi-open, and you have to go through the dining room to change the water. The assistant should be afraid that the situation is not right, so he wanted to use this as an excuse to interrupt the punishment that the hero might have on him.

His kindness was accepted by Sardin, but the reckoning still had to be done.

After passing the platform at the turn of the stairs, Sardin put his hand on the shoulder of the assistant, “If you have time to change the water, it is better to go and see if the window is closed. The hero has a good temper. I didn’t blame you, but you can’t relax because of this. Don’t take your job seriously.”

To say it is righteous words, with grace and power.

If I hadn’t seen the lord gently push open the window before, the little assistant would have taken the blame. He was dissatisfied and opened his mouth to retort: “But I clearly closed it-”

“Think about your salary, how many did you get?” Sardin walked over while rubbing the shoulder of the assistant, his voice dropped suddenly, only the two of them could hear it.

The assistant opened his mouth, but couldn’t say anything.

Since he took other people’s money, he should naturally do things for them. There should be no biased thoughts. The newly hired assistant learned the first lesson of entering the society.

“Go and bring the cake upstairs, and then make a good pot of tea.” Through the window, Sardin saw clearly that it was Huayu who had not seen for a long time outside, and his mood immediately flew up.

In order to please Xiongzhu, he made no less than dozens of cakes in five days, but Xiongzhu always lacked interest.

Don’t eat it, the freezer is full of refrigerators.

Eat it, the lord is only willing to take a bite, he is tired of eating it himself, and even the little assistant pitifully expresses that he does not want to eat it.

Now the worms have been found!

Huai Yu groaned angrily.

He had never been so angry before!

He was lying well in the hospital by himself, he had to eat and drink, and he had to drink. When I was bored, there was a gentle little Asian woman to read the gossip, and every day at noon, the dignified president of You Shi came to deliver meals, and the life was extremely comfortable.

As a result, the boss of the courier company insisted that there were no insects to deliver courier in this wealthy area, and the time for leave had not expired, so he just dragged him back. What else do you say, if you don’t come back, you will be fired directly.

Humph, who is afraid of your resignation!

While muttering, Huaiyu went through the discharge procedures swiftly.

No way, who made him need this salary to maintain his daily expenses and tuition for the next semester.

Blame his mouth, how can it be so edible?

While angry, he unloaded from the car with a bang, and the vigorous and powerful back made the female Awen, who was not far away, stunned.

Cut, isn’t it just a courier, what’s so amazing.

Not wanting the physical strength of his weak chicken, Awen said harshly to Huaiyu: “Hey, Ya female, get out of the way.”

Huaiyu was puzzled: “Why don’t you see me unloading the goods?”

Awen: “You’re blocking my way.”

Huaiyu pointed to the distance: “My car is parked on the side of the road, not in the middle of the road. You won’t go around such a big place there?”

Awen: “What are you going around? I’m going to this house!” Pointing to Song Bai’s villa.

Huai Yu followed the direction of his finger and looked at the courier in his hand again. The recipient: Song Family, he was mad at him: “Wait until I finish unloading the courier.”

Awen took a deep breath, this was not something he found fault with, nor did he violate his brother’s order: “Hey, what’s your attitude?! You are blocking me, do you know?”

Huaiyu felt like he was going crazy, turned around and rolled up his sleeves, “Let’s be reasonable, who was the first to speak ill of me?”

He looks fat, but his arms are full of well-developed muscles.

What attracted Awen’s attention was not his muscles, but his shirtless body, without the slightest worm pattern.

On the insect star, the female insect pattern will extend to the arm, only the male insect is completely clean. Moreover, the juvenile males are very similar in size to the adult subfemales.

All Awen’s words were stuck in his throat. He thought that the little fat man in front of him was a female, so he dared to speak so arrogantly. Now his momentum is completely like a withered balloon. He took a half step back and slumped: “No, it’s okay…”

Huaiyu looked at him and backed away, and turned back to continue carrying things, but there was a burst of laughter from the fence gate.

“Huaiyu, I haven’t seen you for several days, do you want to come and eat cake?”

Sardin walked over, with a ruffled apron, a sweet smile, and a soft and well-behaved look.

“What! There’s a cake?!” The resentment was swept away, Huayu smiled like a little sun, and rubbed his hands together: “Oh, that’s so embarrassing, cake, haha.”

At the speed of five pieces per second, he quickly piled the mountain-like express items onto the trolley and stood there, waiting for Sardin to open the door.

“Let other males enter your house casually? Do you have any shame?”

Only then did I find a female worm in the back of the car.

How can an immature female live like a Taoist guard and become an essence every day?

Sadin was lazy, didn’t bother to pay attention to him at a glance, and pressed the door on the terminal to open the door.

Huaiyu pushed the handle of the car with one hand, the wheels rolled across the ground, and walked in briskly, the door slowly closed with the automatic induction.

“Hey hey hey! Didn’t you hear me?” Awen squeezed in through the gap between the doors that were about to close.

He squeezed in with great difficulty, and the rapid and vigorous exercise made him gasp while leaning on his knees, “Don’t you see something in my hand? What is it?”

No worm responded to him, and when he looked up, the shameless female worm and the juvenile male worm walked away while talking and laughing.

I wanted to throw away the invitation letter in my hand and left, but my brother specifically instructed that it must be delivered to every female monarch in person.

Awen took a deep breath, he was going to get married after this summer vacation, and his parents sent him to his brother, just to ask him to learn the etiquette of the female monarch. Whether he wanted it or not, he had to show what the female monarch should have. Come with style.

Awen adjusted his clothes. The classic and conservative female monarch’s clothes were much more polite than the one who walked out wearing an apron. Oh, let you see what the graceful appearance of a female gentleman should be, Awen strutted and walked towards the main entrance.

In the living room, Song Bai sat on the sofa, with a thick book of customs on his lap, carefully flipping through it.

A black suit and a white shirt, casually without a tie, just lounging on the sofa, so charmingly charming.

As soon as Huaiyu entered the door, he saw this scene. His eyes were almost drawn away, and he strode up, “Song Bai, I really didn’t see it was you. When did the clothes look so good?”

Saying that, he was about to go forward to touch Song Bai’s clothes, but Song Bai didn’t move at all, only frowning slightly.

Sardin, who was closing the door behind him, secretly thought that it was not good, and motioned the little assistant to step forward and stop him.

“Sir, the cake is over there, but I watered it just now, and my hands are a little dirty. I’ll go wash it first, you go there first.” The little assistant smiled obediently.

Huaiyu could see clearly, the little assistant’s hands were fair and clean, and if there was anything dirty, he would make a joke if he pointed at him. Only then did I see the gray on my hands. I just unloaded a whole truck of couriers, and the pit father company was reluctant to pay for a second male courier. Some of these couriers have been stacked in the warehouse for a week.

The co-author was reminding himself, Huaiyu retracted his hand in embarrassment and pretended to be okay: “Let’s go together, I have to wash it too.”

“Master.” Sardin lost his active energy just now, shrank his hands, and stood in front of Song Bai, “I was wrong.”

Song Bai ignored him and read the book by himself.

Sardin stood awkwardly where he was, and the living room was silent for a while.

After drying him for a while, Song Bai finally raised his head from the book, “What’s wrong?”

I finally stopped kneeling after admitting my mistake, and I made progress.

As a result, after waiting for a while, Sardin was still standing there, dazed.

On the contrary, the hands are constantly moving, as if counting.

Well, I asked him what was wrong, and he actually counted it seriously? After such a long time, you have to count fifteen or sixteen mistakes, right?

Song Bai had never felt such a headache before.

“How many mistakes have you made so far?”

Suddenly interrupted, Sardin was startled a little, shrank his neck, and said honestly: “Two, twenty-one.”

Song Bai: “…”

Is he a foster wife? Are you still raising a bug correction system?

Song Bai patted the sofa, “Sit down.”

Sardin sat down obediently, so obediently.

It seems that in Sardin’s mind, this mistake must be not small.

“What are your mistakes, write them down in the bedroom at night, and give them to me tomorrow.” Song Bai closed the book and decided to first understand what happened to Sadin today. He was so bold that he dared to hug him just now. Now starting to shrink back.

“Now, let’s talk about the most important mistakes first.”

Song Bai’s face was stern and his eyes were sharp, like the strictest old teacher.

Song’s mother had been a high school teacher since she was a child, and all the arrogant children in the discipline class were obedient. Although Song Bai had never been disciplined by her, she still had a good demeanor.

It’s more than enough to bluff Sardin.

Sardin has been an excellent student since childhood. How could he have received such a piercing stare into his heart? He suddenly felt hot on his face.

Guilt, guilt.

want to kneel.

Still have no guts.

His head was so low that it was about to be buried in his legs, “Master, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have listened to the slander on the Internet, saying…”

The sound is getting lower and lower.

“say what?”

Song Bai spoke very intimately, with a thick book lying across his legs, just a pair of glasses, he could disguise himself as a bohemian university teacher who abducted an innocent young man.

Sardin didn’t see this scene, so he said very difficultly: “I, I shouldn’t try to test the bottom line of the hero.”

Song Bai: “So you deliberately gave me a lot of cakes? You deliberately wanted, and you hugged me on purpose, and even more deliberately invited Huaiyu in on your own initiative?”

Sardin shook his head in a panic, and soon, nodded again.

Song Bai: “Why do you want to test?”

Sadin closed his eyes tightly, “The forum said, yes… Yes, the females must first try the male lord’s bottom line. For the sake of life in the future, see how much the male lord can tolerate his behavior.”

This was the first time Song Bai had heard of this, “Classified?”

Sardin nodded.

In a world where the male is superior and the female is inferior, the lowly side is also fighting back in its own way, which is quite interesting.

Song Bai: “Then what level am I at?”

“Ah?” Sardin was stunned and raised his head suddenly.

This is a semi-open secret among female insects. In order to make their life more comfortable in the future, female insects must find an appropriate opportunity to explore the bottom line of the male master first, while the male master can tolerate it when he is young. Introverted, it can be regarded as the belated rebellion in the female worm’s bones. It was Yoshin who found it again and urged him to try.

There are also grades in the forum, some let the hero eat things that he doesn’t like, some take the initiative to seek pleasure, and there are close contacts with the hero without consent, and even invite guests without the consent of the hero.

There are five levels in total. Most of them are cleaned up by the hero at the first level. When it comes to taking the initiative to seek pleasure, that is to express contempt for the hero’s X ability. If you can survive this part, you are considered a warrior. .

However, if all the above, when you confessed to the male lord, have not been thrown into the punishment room, then, congratulations, you have achieved the first favored female worm in the ancient times.

“No matter what level I’m in, are you satisfied with the results of this trial?” Song Bai’s expression was light after listening to Sardin’s explanation.

Sadin suddenly felt worried, he shook his head, “I’m sorry, Lord.”

“I shouldn’t have tested you.”

“Do you like the result?”

Sadin’s voice panicked: “I’m sorry, Lord.”

“Just ask you, do you like it?”

Sardin was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head.

“Huh?” Song Bai suddenly laughed, “I thought I was the highest level, after all, I feel pretty good about myself.” Nonsense, any normal human being in this place can get the highest level in this kind of broken test. .

That burst of laughter made Sardin realize that the hero was really angry.

His own mistakes are borne by themselves, and he has long had this awareness. Since he couldn’t control himself and actively wanted to test, then he should bear it.

Just don’t know why, the anger of the hero this time makes him feel more scared than everything in the past.

Not the fear of punishment, nor the abandonment of divorce, but an almost absurd thought.

He was afraid that the hero would be disappointed in him.

After panicking for two seconds, he quickly calmed down with an extremely positive attitude.

“Saddin was wrong, I shouldn’t have done this, making the hero unhappy.”

Especially when Huaiyu was invited in, the hero didn’t say anything about him at all, and Huaiyu even had to touch the clothes of the hero. Only then did the hero express his dissatisfaction slightly.

But it was the light dissatisfaction that made Sardin panic.

He never wanted to offend the hero.

“I’m not happy, this is the only one?”

God knows how long Song Bairen’s pile of **** cakes has been. For five days, the house was filled with a greasy sweet smell.

Sardin heard the suppressed emotions in the calm voice, he opened his eyes as if he had returned home, and his words were calm: “Let the hero punish you.”

Never should, never should, he should not be so willful and impulsive.

Song Bai stood up, his tall body obscuring Sardin’s sight.

Sardin held his breath, he was not afraid of the lord’s punishment, but he was afraid that the lord would be disappointed in him.

Disappointed forever.

If the hero is still willing to punish him, does it mean that there is still hope for him?

Even if there is only a little left, a little bit. all good.

But he only waited for the hand that gently caressed his hair, and a sigh.

“What makes me unhappy is that you are unhappy.”


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of little fairy; 5 bottles of white picks; favorite hug bear*^O^*1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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