Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Laugh (Fix)

After returning from dinner, Sardin lay in his bedroom. The room was dark, and only the gentle demeanor of the hero at night still appeared in his mind.

Reappears again and again.

Sadin covered his face impatiently, he almost thought that he was the most favored female servant of the male lord.

Indeed, only female servants can feel this way.

That feeling of almost drowning in a pampered honeypot.

Sadin pinched on his arm, the pain hit the heart, and the heat on his face finally subsided a little.

Still can’t help but want to say that Ping has never heard of news recently, he can only send a text message to Yushen.

Eushin: Wouldn’t it be nice to be pampered?

Sardin: But, it feels very unreal.

Eushin: Only untrue? If it’s not true, last time I went to your house to find you, how could you sit on the mat so peacefully and smile so sweetly?

Sardin: …well, more than that. I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always want to do something very out of the ordinary and do it to the hero. And it is clearly stated in the code, and it is recommended not to do things.

Eushin: …

Yushen: You are too bold!

Sardin: It’s true, it’s just an irresistible urge. I knew it was wrong, but I just wanted to do it.

Eushin: …Aren’t you the most polite! Wasn’t it good before? Why did this happen all of a sudden?

Sardin: It’s not suddenly, it’s more and more impulsive these days.

Sardin didn’t dare to say that the hero knelt down for him, this thing is too unbelievable for any worm.

But, at the moment when the heroine knelt down, Sardin seemed to feel the floodgates of a firmly suppressed emotion being opened.

A steady stream of impulses, and recklessness, poured out gallopingly.

But fortunately, he was accustomed to control and did not let them rampage and disrupt his etiquette and life.

Yushin was silent for a long time, and then sent a message: When I was seventeen, I remember you said the same thing, saying that you wanted to change departments, you didn’t want to miss the theory, and you wanted to go to the front line. That time was also at night. I advise you to tell you that you are about to graduate in the middle of the night, so don’t be impulsive. You answered well at the time, and a week later I found out that you had entered the military department.

Yushen: It is impossible to persuade you to persuade you. If you have an impulse, you will explode sooner or later.

Sadin smiled bitterly: Yes, I’m really afraid that I won’t be able to hold back that day.

Eushin: Link.

Sardin: ?

Eushin: Anyway, sooner or later it will break out, so you might as well try it out on this post. Say it in advance, at your own risk.

Clicking on the post, Sardin watched, and fell into contemplation a little bit.

In mid-July, Xia Chan was tirelessly making noises under the big tree outside the window.

“Master, my cake is baked, do you want to try it?”

Across the bedroom door, Song Bai sat in a chair thinking about life.

“What did I do wrong?” This is the third time Song Bai has asked himself today, “Why do I have to force myself to keep eating cakes?”

Unable to refuse the invitation of his protagonist, Song Bai pushed open the door and walked out, facing the bright smile of Sadin.

Sardin stood by the door, nodded slightly, and said cheerfully, “Master, what flavor do you want to eat? I made fruit, chocolate, and matcha.”

Song Bai felt a slight headache, and said casually, “Everything is fine.”

Saying that, he strode towards the restaurant, and Sardin, wearing an apron, followed with small steps.

“I don’t like it for a while, I’ll redo it if I want to eat it!”

Song Bai’s pace couldn’t help but speed up a bit.

Sitting on the chair, three small cakes are lined up in front of them. The colorful colors and delicate shapes look very attractive.

However, this was Song Bai’s fifth day in a row!

Just as Song Bai was about to cut in a complicated mood, the assistant next to him immediately rushed over and cut a thin fan-shaped piece for him with delicate tableware. The center of the plate was clean and bright, and the cream was soft and the fruit was bright.

As expected of the high-quality cream shipped from the sky, the taste is soft and dense, tender and silky. With the special sweetness of the fruit, the delicious food almost swallows the tongue.

The little assistant lowered his head and operated the knife earnestly. He didn’t have to think about it to know that it must be like a few days ago. The lord stood respectfully beside the young master and looked at the young master with an eager look.

The young master is a dignified male! How could a male worm endure such a fiery gaze from a female monarch?

In Kyoto, there are many male masters from rich families who ask for assistants, but there are not many who really like females. Otherwise, the job of life assistant will not only be popular with females.

As soon as the assistant raised his head, he didn’t pay attention, and swept across the handsome face of the male insect, as if he should not be handsome in this world.

The breathing stagnated for a second, and the next second, the cicadas sounded again.

“Master, how does this taste, I deliberately added a third less sugar,” Sadin suddenly came up, and kept the little assistant behind him without a trace.

“Well, it’s better than yesterday.” The male didn’t seem to notice Sardin’s movements. He lowered his head and said his suggestion in earnest. Sardin quickly started recording it on the terminal.

The warm wind lifted Sardin’s apron.

But this is the room with the doors and windows closed and the air conditioner always on! Where did the warm air come from? The assistant was puzzled.

“Is the window open? Go take a look and close it.” Sardin’s voice sounded faintly.

Compared with the eagerness and temperature when the lord talked to the young master just now, the little assistant felt a lemon in his heart.

Why do other people’s families have the enthusiasm of the lord, while this Song family is the enthusiasm of the male insects? Even last time, he was locked in the yard unintentionally until nine o’clock in the evening, and the young master apologized to him.

And the master, just like now, said lightly, “Ah, I’m sorry, I will double your salary this month as compensation.”

Compared with the young master’s approachability, the little assistant was originally inclined to the master’s heart, and completely turned to the male young master.

As the assistant walked towards the living room, he murmured inadvertently, “I locked the doors and windows, and I went to see them half an hour ago.”

Sardin’s warm smile stiffened for two seconds, the window was indeed opened when he went to call the hero just now. I couldn’t help but scolded the little assistant who demolished the platform, and I didn’t even think about who paid you the salary.

That’s right, although the little assistant was found by the elder brother of the hero, in fact, it was Allen who asked Yushen in Kyoto to find him, and Yushen was his friend, so naturally he would not find someone who wanted to climb the high branch and marry the hero. The Asian female came, so I said hello in private, the little assistant received a salary from the male master, and he gave another one.

The only requirement is to secretly help Sardin if necessary.

Afraid of going through a gang in front of the lord, Sardin didn’t dare to be in a daze, and hurriedly cut a small piece for the other two cakes, smiling slyly, “Lord Xiong, try these two again, I specially added new ingredients~ ”

The meaning of pleasing is particularly obvious.

I took a bite of the cake and enjoyed the rare hospitality of my own female monarch. Song Bai was amused in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face.

Sardin is his protagonist, a biography of characters that he himself transcribes in the book.

Sardin was born in a noble family, and the noble family naturally had complex interpersonal entanglements. Even if it was the Xiao family, the males took the initiative to join the family, and there were still many female servants in the family. of.

Although he didn’t know anything about how to be a good female monarch, he still managed to be a lord who would win over others.

Song Bai didn’t care at all, since he planned to make up for Sardin, he was naturally prepared to have only Sardin.

“I didn’t eat it, it feels no different from the previous one.” Song Bai said lightly, as if inadvertently: “Don’t open the windows at home after a while, the assistant is young after all, so he can’t point at him in everything, you are the family member. My lady, don’t be busy with gatherings, it’s more important to be at home.”

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Sardin felt a little lost. After listening to the second half of the sentence, for the sake of the hero’s forgiveness, he instantly felt embarrassed. Obviously he opened the window deliberately, so he wanted to take the opportunity to help the assistant, but the hero went to the trouble of instructing him how to be a female monarch, which is beyond what a hero should do. Instantly ashamed.

Song Bai patted him, “You are also working hard, I know.”

Sadin was working hard for this month’s party. Seeing that he was so busy, Song Bai offered to help him taste it. As a result, Sardin seems to have mistakenly thought that he likes sweet cakes. Although he has done it well, he is still eager to try new varieties.

Song Bai had no particular preference for food, even though it was too boring to taste cakes every day, but he couldn’t bear to dissuade Sardin from his enthusiasm.

Fortunately, he couldn’t bear it, otherwise how could he see such a good show at home?

“That’s it, I really like it.” Song Bai pointed to the middle one, and this one was the least sweet.

After returning from dinner five days ago, Sardin’s courage was inexplicably much stronger. “Uh-huh!”

Sardin nodded earnestly, his eyes shining brightly: “I still have a baking book, would you like to take a look?”

The meaning of the hint: Xiong is mainly interested, I will continue to do it for you~

Thinking of how sweet and greasy these days have been, Song Bai’s mind was instantly clouded. He was really scared, and hurriedly shook his head, “That one just now will do.”

“Ah, good.” The starlight in his eyes dimmed a little.

The hero didn’t want to eat anymore, and there was no place where he could continue to perform, and Sardin instantly fell down.

But no matter how low you are, you can’t get rid of your determination to get along with the hero!

Sardin: “The weather is fine today, does the lord say it?”

Just as Song Bai was about to get up, he heard the sound and looked out of the window. The sky was blue and white. “It’s really not bad. It’s a rare weekend.”

On a rare weekend, Sardin is also rare and lively.

Yes, lively.

He had been here for almost a month and a half, and Sardin finally dared to use a normal person’s tone to ask him questions.

Lovely protagonist, he should always be rewarded.

Song Bai looked at his watch. At half past one, he decided not to go to the company to squeeze Feili who was going to work overtime.

“Is there anything you want to do in the afternoon, or a place you want to go? I’ll accompany you?”

The loss all over his body was swept away, and Sadin did not hide his joy at all, and almost jumped in front of Song Bai at once.

He hesitated: “Master, is it really possible?”

As good as a rabbit.

Where does this bad luck come from?

Throwing it to the back of his head, Song Bai vowed: “Of course.”

Sardin gently stood on tiptoe, twisted his apron with his fingers, attached to Song Bai’s ear, and said a small novel.

Song Bai’s expression was leisurely at first, so shy, then his smile became more and more broken, and finally he was calm and scared.

The little assistant who was still in the living room suddenly saw this scene.

The young master was still wearing a smart black suit, which was buttoned up when he stood up, full of a gentleman’s atmosphere, but his expression was gloomy.

The lord is not going to be punished, right? The assistant is still worried about the employer after all. He looks left and right, picks up the vase, and rushes forward.

However, the male worm did not cast any punishment, just stretched out his long arms and pressed Sardin, who was half a head shorter than him, directly into his arms.

With cold eyes, the little assistant hugged the vase, his feet seemed to be rooted in place, and he shrank his neck, so scared that he didn’t dare to take a step forward.

The protagonist of his own is attached to his arms, very docile and very soft.

It was Song Bai, who was beautiful in his arms, but still had a headache.

Sticking to Sardin’s ear and sighing: “You just want that?”

Sardin’s body froze for a moment, remembering what Yushin said, not being able to climb into bed is equivalent to falling out of favor, regardless of the past 24 years of restraint, nodded: “Yes.”

Song Bai’s head hurt even more. How could the protagonist, who usually blushes with fright at a touch, take the initiative to do this? Continue to persuade: “The sun is still hanging high outside.”

Sardin’s conservatism is engraved in his bones, which is completely different from the female worm who has followed the steps and has been fully educated to serve the hero. No matter what indulgence Sardin makes, he still hesitates and can’t let go. Song Bai simply used the most high-sounding to press him.

Sadin said seriously: “Xiong mainly wants to go outside… I can, too.” His face was slightly red, and his body was a little stiff.

You don’t have to think about which is the most important, falling out of favor or being reserved.

Although Yushin is a little lost at times, his understanding of the rules of the female emperor can leave him a few blocks away! Sardin was convinced.

Song Bai felt that his reason had run away from home now. What did he mean when he wanted to go outside, so was Sadin? !

Arms passed under Sardin’s armpits and carried him to the dining table.

Sardin made a small snort, and sat at the table, shaking his legs, feeling very uncomfortable.

Song Bai: “Can I go outside?”

Sardin said lightly, “Isn’t it?”

Song Bai: “Then I can treat you whatever I want?”

Sardin shook his legs: “As long as the hero is happy.”

Song Bai continued: “Including disregarding your wishes? Hurt you?”

Sardin put his arms around the neck of the hero and said cheerfully, “I have a strong recovery ability.” He was also a little proud.

Song Bai desperately suppressed the urge to smoke. Although he rejected Sardin because his thoughts have been very chaotic recently, this cannot cover up the key issue that their brain circuits are not on the same level: Sardin’s attitude towards him is still the attitude of the female king in this world.

The doorbell rang suddenly, it must be the delivery courier. Sadin apologized, Song Bai nodded, and then jumped off the table.

Seeing that he was about to step out of the sliding door of the restaurant, he folded back and hugged Song Bai’s waist.

Before Song Bai could react, he laughed and ran away.

Forget it, Song Bai’s frowning brows relaxed.

It’s rare that the protagonist of his family is so happy and cares about what those principles do.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [landmine]: 1 in July;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of court emperor; 20 bottles between a thought; 5 bottles of Hee Hee; 4 bottles of Shang Naiyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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