Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Fall In Love

“What makes me unhappy is your unhappiness.”

These words blurted out, and Song Bai’s mind was empty for a while.

When will he be unhappy because of the unhappiness of others?

Song Bai wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Awen, who I saw that day, was knocking on the door.

Sadin subconsciously got up to go to the reception, but was held by Song Bai’s hand.

However, unfortunately, the voice outside the door was knocking, Song Bai’s terminal was also ringing, and it was the vice president Feili.

If there is nothing wrong with Fei Li, he will never contact him.

Whatever happened to come together.

Song Bai’s mind was confused, and he hurriedly said to Sadin: “The company has something to do, I’ll talk about it when I get back.”

Sardin nodded inexplicably.

Branch, outside the conference room door.

In the communication, Feili’s tone was wrong, and he was out of breath. Song Bai asked him several times without asking clearly, and went directly to the branch by car.

In the corridor, Fei Li paced back and forth repeatedly, constantly looking at the entrance, until Song Bai arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

After a question, it became clear that it was not the problem with the plan that had been set, but that a cooperative person came to the door.

The reason why Feili was so excited was that the worm who came was not a nameless person, but the You family in the Kyoto business circle who couldn’t even climb it, You Shen.

Song Bai was speechless for a while.

These days, in addition to guiding Fei Li to revise and improve the plan, on the other hand, he is discussing cooperation matters with Yu Shen.

Before, it was only Yoshen who was interested in this novel variety show under Song Bai’s hands. After several private interviews with them, Yoshen seemed to finally be moved and finally came to inspect on behalf of the company.

Pushing the door and entering, in the center is Yushen in a suit and tie, next to his team.

Fei Li was still very excited, and he waved his secretary to prepare tea and snacks.

“No dim sum.”

“Tea will do.”

Song Bai and You Shen almost spoke in unison.

Fei Li, the secretary, and Yushin’s team were very surprised, and looked between the leaders of the two companies.

Their eyes turned, could it be that the scandals mentioned in the news were true?

Song Bai and You Shen looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Before, because of Yushen’s deliberate avoidance of suspicion, he had to negotiate in a place where Sardin could see, and Sardin was addicted to making cakes. For five days, he ate a lot of sweets, but now they both panic when they see sweets.

The meeting proceeded in an orderly manner in an eerie atmosphere.

At the end of the meeting, when Yu Shen took the people away, he didn’t even give Song Bai a polite handshake to say goodbye.

But no bugs found this detail. The cooperation has just been tentatively finalized, but Fei Li has long lost his previous excitement.

He watched Song Bai leave with reverence.

It turned out that his boss not only had strong professional skills, but also attracted two female worms from aristocratic families to bow down. What kind of charm is this.

It was not yet three o’clock when I came out of the company, and it was still early.

Song Bai was walking on the street, surrounded by a lot of traffic and passengers.

Most of the time, Song Bai was like this, alone, alone.

It seems to be really a bit lonely, it would be nice if Sardin was around.

Suddenly aware of this thought, Song Bai stayed in place for a while. A passerby came to ask, and Song Bai woke up from a big dream.

In my memory, the impulsive kiss at the ball, the look of Sardinian hesitating to speak, and his inexplicable withdrawal.

Countless fragments are circulating in my mind, and everything has an answer at this moment.

The sky gradually darkened. He came out of the third concierge. He didn’t get the answer he wanted. Song Bai chose to harass Allen.

“Brother, do you think it’s too late to buy a ski resort now?”

From the Song family, Sadin sent Huaiyu away. There were so many cakes that Huaiyu only had half a breath left. When he left, he packed up the rest.

At five o’clock, the little assistant got off work, came to greet him and left, while Sardin waited for the hero to return on the sofa in the living room.

When I woke up again, the night fell deeply, and the unlit room was pitch black.

In a daze, I opened the terminal, checked the time, and slept until nine o’clock.

Why hasn’t the lord come back yet?

Sardin yawned slightly, slightly puzzled.

The lights were on, and the room was empty.

Feeling lonely.

“Why were you all right before? When you arrive in Kyoto, it’s all about it.” Sardin patted his forehead, not satisfied.

In Jiangcheng, the heroine would always have parties outside, and often came back late at night at one or two o’clock. At that time, Sardin also waited like this, but never felt lonely.

He couldn’t remember what he was thinking at that time, anyway, to deal with some official business, to deduce some tactics in his mind, and the time passed just like that.

How is it like now, squeamish like a sub-female.

Although dissatisfied, he did not pinch himself like before. What the hero said would hurt, it should mean that he was not allowed to hurt himself.

The banging knock on the door startled him, and at first glance, it turned out to be the driver.

He opened the door and asked the driver if he didn’t take Xiongzhu out in the afternoon?

The driver was a dark female, he said, and came back in the evening. Just take him out for a while as the young master ordered.

While wondering, Sardin walked back and changed his clothes.

These days he is used to being casual at home, going out all of a sudden, not knowing what clothes to choose for a while.

Finally, after delaying for a while, when getting on the bus, Sardin asked the driver, “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

The driver saw the red light in front of him, and took advantage of the gap between the stops and said, “I asked, the young master said, when will the lord wake up and when will he take you there.”

Sardin snorted and turned to look out the window.

The neon sign outside the window quickly retreated, and the blush of the Song family lord was quietly reflected on the glass.

When we got there, it turned out to be the entrance of the amusement park.

Sardin glanced at the driver suspiciously, “Are you sure it’s this, not a restaurant?” He thought that the male would take him to dinner, and he specially wore the female monarch’s dress.

The driver also checked the address again in confusion, and finally nodded, “Master, that’s right, it’s here.”

Sardin walked towards the amusement park.

In the past, when I was not married, I would often pass by this place to and from get off work.

This is the largest and oldest amusement park in Kyoto, which can be said to be the memory of a generation of insects in their twenties in Kyoto.

But not Sardinia.

He was nurtured by his female father when he was very young, and he skipped grades all the way to reading, and his peers couldn’t keep up with his progress. For a long time, I was alone, sitting in the Xiao family’s car, looking at the brightly colored amusement park through the car window.

Later, when I grew up, it would be too childish to come to an amusement park.

Thinking that the hero was waiting for him at the entrance of the amusement park, Sardin waited for a while at the entrance, but he never saw him.

The amusement park got off work early, and the only street light barely illuminated the road ahead. The thick wooden doors were painted with pleasing cartoon patterns, which were bright and beautiful during the day, and illuminated by the white lights at night, which was particularly miserable.

Threads and strands of white clouds blocked the moon, and the surroundings suddenly became much darker.

I don’t know if it was an illusion or not, the wind suddenly felt a little cooler, and the leafy street trees were shivering.

Sardin was wearing summer clothes, and it was getting colder and colder. Sardin couldn’t help hugging himself, trying to cover the last trace of heat.

There was a hoarse rubbing sound from the heavy wooden door.

The cold wind full of water vapor swept across, and the whistling of the wind slashed sharply on the eardrum.

It’s like a prelude to a ghost movie.

Not far away, the driver was hit by the cold wind, couldn’t help sneezing, and got back into the car trembling.

Through the front window, the lord was still standing there, and the door behind him slowly opened inward.

The driver’s heart couldn’t help but mention his throat.

The clouds slid across the moon, and the silver moonlight fell on the ground again.

The driver finally saw it clearly, the gate of the amusement park opened inward, and a splendid carriage slowly approached.

As the carriage stopped, behind it, there was a whole piece of rolling silver.

Countless night lights came on one after another, making the closed amusement park look like daytime and colorful.

The carriage is the palace style in the classical fairy tale, and it is luxuriously and luxuriously decorated.

A hand stretched out from the open car door, inviting Sardin.

Sardin was obviously stunned for a moment, then laughed away, took the hand of the hero, and got on the carriage together.

The luxurious carriage gradually left, and the gate slowly closed.

The driver in his twenties was in a daze for a long time in the driver’s seat. Finally, he touched his forehead, confirmed that he had no fever, and murmured, “I’m not dreaming.”

In this world, is there really a prince who came out of a fairy tale?

In the carriage, the prince was dressed in a white knight’s suit, and sat opposite Sardin, who was wearing a black lady’s dress.

After getting into the car, Song Bai didn’t speak, and Sardin didn’t speak.

For a while, it was as silent as snow.

Snow, only then did Sardin realize that outside the glass window of the carriage, there was a whole piece of silver-white snow. They spread out and quietly contrasted with the cold white moonlight.

Cold air came in, and he couldn’t hold it back, causing Sadin to sneeze.

The hero’s laughter entered his ears, and before Sardin could raise his head, a thick cloth was draped over him.


Sadin was still thinking about what Bai Xiongzhu said he wanted to tell him, but when he looked up, his breath was completely taken away by the handsome Prince Charming in front of him.

“I wrapped this up and wanted to give you a surprise,” Song Bai sat down next to him, watching Sadin put on his heavy coat silently, like a little winter melon: “But it seems to have failed.”

Sardinh shrugged his neck in his thick coat, looking out the window at the white snow, the snow gun was still working, and he could vaguely hear the rumbling in the air.

“Master, why?” Why surprise him?

Song Bai understood Sardin’s expression.

Sadin likes winter, and as an author, Song Bai knows this all too well.

He went to three ski resorts and asked, because he had a temporary intention, and the ski resorts answered that the time was too fast to be outsourced. He even called and asked Allen. Alan, who was about to get off work, was made particularly irritable by his younger brother. He asked him clearly about his purpose, and hated that iron would not become steel: “You go directly to rent a venue and get a few snow machines, which is better than buying Come quickly?!”

For some reason, Song Bai’s sober mind was thinking of a surprise for his protagonist, but he stumbled.

Insect Star’s snow-making machine is more powerful, but it is impossible to cover such a large field in just a few hours. Song Bai only covered the road from the garden carriage.

He was busy, and it was only when the evening was approaching that he was busy with this effect.

It’s just that Sardin’s reaction seems to be cold.

Song Bai was a little embarrassed, but he still said, “It’s my apology, and I’m still slow.”

Sardin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Song Bai interrupted him.

“I thought take your time, and naturally, you’ll accept everything I give you.”

He thought he knew enough about Insect Star to know his protagonist. He took it for granted that if he wanted to make Sardin happy, then at least he had to be transformed into a more independent person who would treat himself equally.

Only, he forgot. He forced his own thoughts as a human on Sardin.

Even he forgot. Sardin is a protagonist created by Song Bai, who has fascinated countless readers in ten years.

Sardin was not as fragile as he thought, otherwise he would not have resisted the original body and fought on the front line. There will also be no fighting between the Xiao family and the Qi family in the military and political arena.

Song Bai got off the carriage, and Sardin took his hand and got down together.

The hand was still tightly held by the lord, and Sardin raised his head, and there was a cold snow in the eyes of the lord.

Cool, but gentle.

“It’s me who thinks you are too fragile. When you want it, you will ask for it yourself. I thought I was awake enough, but I was still too sluggish enough to need you to wake me up.”

It was Sardin’s test that suddenly awakened Song Bai and pierced his self-righteous arrogance as an author.

He is not a “humble” female worm engraved into his bones, but just follows the trend under the rule of the worm star.

A long time ago, before he realized it, Sardin was what he imagined it to be.

He fell in love unconsciously, like a lover.

This is not the male worm Song Bai in the original book, but what Song Bai, who is a human, wants to do to Sadin.

Sardin’s heart trembled a little, and he had a bad premonition.

The hero in front of him slowly knelt down on one knee. In the center of his palm, he was familiar with the pendant on the necklace that the hero had worn for many years.

Call it a pendant, but rather a ring, with a small clock pattern in the center.

“Sadin, will you marry me?”

Against the background of snow and moonlight, the small clock shone dazzlingly.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

1 bottle of purple;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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