Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Pain

“Xiong, Lord Xiong…” The voice sounded like she was about to cry, but it didn’t.

Yushin’s words and the time when the Lord opened the door was in no particular order.

The body is faster than the brain, and Sardin hurriedly stepped under the bed and threw himself on the ground.

The thumping sound slammed into Song Bai’s heart. His hand was still on the door handle, and he froze in place.

It’s not that Song Bai is rude when you enter someone else’s bedroom without knocking on the door. In the first two days after Sardin was discharged from the hospital, Song Bai knocked on the door actively. As a result, Sardin directly pulled out the needle for the infusion. On the ground, kowtow and admit your mistake.

Later, Song Bai learned that after the males become adults, there are often several people in the family, and the females are rushing to pursue the male lord’s favor. At this stage, the female room is only equipped with a simple handle for pushing and pulling.

He didn’t understand it at the time, and caused bruises on the back of Sardin’s hand for several days.

Song Bai didn’t show any emotion, “The kitchen has washed the fruit and came to the restaurant to eat.”

Holding the door handle, he stood almost as straight as the door frame. The pure white home clothes were like white clouds, wrapping softly around him, which made the male worm’s complexion more and more elusive.

Song Bai turned around and left, and Sardin immediately got up and followed.

When I walk, my brain is foggy, and this thing is over like this? Or first sweet and then bitter, and settle accounts after eating?

I really didn’t dare to think too much. Sadin lowered his head and stared at his toes. He didn’t even notice when Song Bai stopped.

The embarrassed female monarch just slammed into the back of her hero, and her mind was blank except for the hair in the capital letters.

Sardin’s eyes were staring at the stars, the hero’s training these days was not in vain, and his body was as hard as steel.

Fortunately, I didn’t dare to look straight at the hero, otherwise the bridge of the nose would have to be broken.

Sardin thought so, he didn’t dare to rub his head with his hands.

Song Bai was already sitting upright in the chair at this time, and the young assistant of the female female hurriedly brought up the sliced iced fruit in the crystal bowl.

It was Allen who came to greet Song Bai on a routine basis. He learned that there were no insects to take care of Song Bai in such a big villa. He immediately asked the branch to recruit a life assistant, who was similar to the book boy girl next to the ancient young master of Blue Star, who was just a follower. Miscellaneous.

Song Bai was used to living on his own at Blue Star, so he didn’t feel any trouble, but he finally accepted it.

Why not have someone help with trivial matters.

The fruit platter is very beautiful, crystal clear, and exudes a hint of cool air. Sardin can almost smell the fragrance of the fruit.

He loves cold food and has been used to it since he was a child.

But now, the frozen fruit can’t attract him.

Sadin’s knees were weak, and he wanted to kneel back on the ground almost the next second.

Song Bai didn’t react at all. He forked a piece of fruit from the plate on the table and ate it slowly, which was very pleasing to the eyes.

The little assistant next to him, with sharp eyes, remembered the president’s instructions, saying that Song Shao loves the lady, so he ran to the living room to get the cushion and put it in front of Sardin.

Familiar style, familiar function, after all, after kneeling on this mat for two or three days, Sadin closed his eyes and decided to kneel down.

“The cushion is thrown.” The male’s calm voice sounded in the restaurant, which was like a thunderbolt to the two females present.

“Song Shao, yes, I’m sorry.” The little assistant stammered, he just made himself smart, it was really inappropriate, he bowed abruptly and apologized to Song Bai.

Immediately, he rolled the mat and put it under his arm, like a little mouse holding its tail.

This time, I have a long memory. I first glanced at the male worm’s expression. Seeing that the male worm has been looking at the master, he knew that the next occasion was for the husband and the wife. It seems to have slipped away.

Song Bai glanced at the back of the assistant who had gone away, and was sure that he had really gone away. He glanced at Sadin, and then turned back to eat the fruit.

Sardin stood in place, his cold fingertips twisting the edge of his sleeve back and forth, at a loss.

The hero made it clear that he was going to hang on to him, but when he looked at him just now, he didn’t let him kneel down and admit his mistakes according to the rules of the female emperor. So what should I do to relieve the hero?

Sadin clenched his fists. Although the lord has never mentioned punishment, the new house is probably not even equipped with a punishment room, but before he came, he had ordered a whole set of portable punishment tools, and it is estimated that they will be delivered soon. Come.

At that time, just let the hero use it.

Sitting on the hardwood chair, Song Bai’s back was straight, and the fruit was cool and sweet, but he couldn’t taste much.

Clear-headed, his brain racing, he pondered the recent pattern of behavior between him and Sardin.

Sadin’s fate begins to deviate from the tragic orbit of the original book, but is still generally influenced by the background concept of the bug star.

Song Bai said to Sardin more than once, “Don’t kneel down”, but when Sardin thought he was wrong, he still chose to kneel.

In the world view of the Zerg culture, males are superior to females, males are extremely noble, females are extremely humble, and females are especially so. Including the female code of the Blue Star’s ancient three obedience and four virtues, it also played a role in fueling the flames. In this small background combination of the family, the gap between superiors and inferiors is pushed to the extreme.

Female worms, even if they are female monarchs, do not regard themselves as independent worms. If the male lord says something is wrong, he must be wrong. Even if the male lord does not say anything wrong, he must first find out his own fault.

Sadin knelt down more than once, because he did not obey the words of “Song Bai”, but obeyed the words of “Rules of Feminine Lord”.

The fruit in the bowl was finished, the fork was placed across the bowl, and the metal and glass made a crisp sound.

I originally thought that it would be good to subtly change Sadin’s ideas with actions. Just like when Song Bai first passed through, he adhered to the concept of “the male worm does not need a reason to do anything”, and let the surrounding worms directly accept his change.

Just like he told Allen on the rooftop of the hospital that he would not get a divorce, although Allen was a little puzzled, he still acquiesced to this fact.

But Sardinian’s conception of him still existed at the time of his original body and has not changed.

Since the subtle actions cannot attract the attention of Sardin, the dialogue and communication of relationship equality will not work. After all, the premise of relationship equality is that Sardin should treat himself as an independent worm.

Song Bai placed the fork on the bowl parallel to the edge of the table, and the solution naturally surfaced.

Song Bai tapped his finger on the table, and Sardin looked over.

“Take the empty bowl and sit on the chair.”

“Yes!” Sardin’s hands and feet were almost numb from the cold. He did the same with his hands and feet. He was a little puzzled and didn’t dare to ask.

Sitting back in the chair, Satine, who was very nervous, almost instantly relaxed.

No, it can’t be.

Sardin sat only a small piece next to the edge of the chair.

The hero’s eyes floated over again, “Sit down.”

“Yes,” Sardin said in a low voice, what happened to him, and he began to secretly speculate on the master’s mind again!

In an invisible place, through the home clothes, he secretly pinched himself.

A piercing pain came over, and Sardin’s beating heart calmed down a little.

The pain reminded him that he should not make mistakes again.

“Sit on it and don’t leave.” The male’s voice was cold and metallic.

It was completely different from the previous gentleness, but Sadin’s heart was much more at ease.

He is not very used to the gentleness of the hero, but this kind of concise and powerful command, he is better at it.

Song Bai stood up from the dining table and came to Sardin.

Sardin lowered his head and closed his eyes slightly.

The clear light in the afternoon passed between the two insects, completely illuminating the entire space. The tall and straight male worm stood in front of the cold female monarch. The female monarch seemed to feel guilty and was extremely willing to wait for the punishment that the male lord was about to fall.

Waiting for the punishment of his destiny.

It seems to be waiting for the slap from the hero.

But Sardin was doomed to disappointment.

He didn’t wait for a slap, but heard a loud thud.

Sardin opened his eyes suspiciously, but saw a scene that shocked him.

His hero, Song Bai, knelt straight in front of him.

“Master! How can you!” Sardin said in surprise, stood up abruptly, and was about to step forward to support Song Bai in the next second.

“What did I say?” Song Bai’s voice was still indifferent.

Sardin’s footsteps stopped suddenly.

Sit on it and don’t leave.

It turns out that this is what the hero just said.

However, how can a female prince dare to be kneeled by a male lord? This is simply ridiculous!

It would be outrageous to ask the hero to kneel!

Sardin didn’t care what he said, he knelt down in front of the hero, and was about to hold Song Bai up.

“Don’t listen to what the hero says?”

A rhetorical question, but there is hidden power that cannot be rejected.

That is the concept inscribed in the bones of all female insects in the Zerg society: Do not disobey the male master.

However, Sardin didn’t sit back. He shook Song Bai vigorously, almost hysterically: “Master! Master! What are you doing, get up, get up!”

Song Bai didn’t move like a mountain: “Do you want a divorce?”

All of Sardin’s movements froze in an instant, as if time only stood still on him.

“Sit back if you don’t want a divorce!”

This is the first time the hero has spoken in such a stern tone since the accident.

Slowly, slowly, Sadin stepped back, kneeling backwards.

He held his hand tightly, not allowing himself to help the hero again.

When he touched the legs of the chair, his body slowly stood up, and finally sat down on the edge of the chair.

All his eyes were on the hero’s face.

And Song Bai’s gaze passed over Sardin, as if he was a piece of glass, penetrating straight through.

Time passed little by little, but the hero always ignored him.

Anxiety, like a ghostly ghost, nibbled away his reason little by little.

The hero’s eyes were like a cold knife, slicing out his heart, chopped it neatly into eight petals, and finally fell to the ground high, and it became a cold pool with blood.

Sadin finally couldn’t bear it anymore, his eyes turned red a little bit, and the moist water vapor kept accumulating, “Master, don’t do this, tell me what’s wrong, please, don’t do this…”

Sardin finally slipped off his chair.

Before landing, he was held firmly by someone.

“Is it tormenting?” The lord’s worried voice sounded in Sardin’s ear.

Sadin nodded with tears in his eyes.

Song Bai’s heart also throbbed in pain, but he was trying his best to remain calm.

He wrote the book for ten years, and his protagonist, Sardin, was strong in his life and never shed tears.

The female army sees tears as weakness, and Sardin is the myth of the female army. Even in the face of the original body, she has never had any weakness.

Song Bai couldn’t help hugging Sardin tighter, and said softly, “If you kneel, I’ll hurt too.”


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [landmine]: 1 little fairy;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Water chestnut musk deer 7 bottles; Hee hee, plain steamed buns not steamed 5 bottles; Panpan 2 bottles; 6 Qiyue Wuyi 91 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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