Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Strangeness

When he got out of the car, Song Bai was carrying two large books, just like Nobita who had just taken the zero-point test, staring blankly at his villa.

Song Bai wandered outside the fence gate for two minutes, finally made up his mind and walked home.

Pushing open the door, he looked towards the living room. Sure enough, Sardin was kneeling on the cushion in the center of the living room.

“Master.” Sardin knelt up straight and lowered his head, with an undisguised shame on his face.

Song Bai turned around and changed his shoes, avoiding his kneeling and simply replying with a “um”.

Song Bai put the book on the porch, took two cups of warm water from the kitchen, and handed a cup to Sadin.

“Sit over and drink.” He patted the side of the sofa he was sitting on.

Sadin held the water glass in both hands, thinking offline for two seconds, with a puzzled look on his face.

He clearly did such stupid things, why did the hero treat him so tolerantly?

Sardin hurriedly put the cup on the floor beside him, took two steps forward on his knees, faced Song Bai, and slammed his forehead on the floor.

“The slave has done something wrong, and please ask the lord to punish him.”

Song Bai didn’t seem to see or hear it. He leaned on the sofa, looked straight ahead, and drank all the water.

According to Sardin’s recent experience of being punished, the hero will tease him gently, and then gently lift him.

Incredibly gentle.

Even Sardin knew that he had made a big mistake this time, and made a big mistake that was almost unforgivable in the eyes of other female insects, but he was not flustered in his heart.


Sardin sneaked forward another half step, the carpet absorbed the sound of moving forward, and the living room was still silent.

“Sit down here.” Song Bai’s water glass was gently placed on the coffee table, and the glass collided with the glass, making a thud.

If you don’t sit down, I won’t talk to you.

A flash of light flashed in Sardin’s mind, and he suddenly understood the meaning of the hero.

He said “yes”, and just about to get up, he stared at the water glass placed on the floor for a second, squeezed the glass, and sat on the sofa.

Sardinian sat very well, holding the cup in his hands, the bottom of which rested between his tightly folded legs.

The hero’s next move surprised him.

Song Bai picked up a cushion from behind, put it directly on the ground without saying a word, and sat down cross-legged very neatly.

The cushion was next to the cushion on which Sardin had just kneeled, as if the male were being punished.

“Master! What are you doing!” Sardin stood up suddenly, the water in the cup swayed and almost spilled.

“Sit down.” Song Bai folded his arms in front of his chest, his face expressionless.

But Sardin heard the order in his tone.

The lord did not dare to disobey his orders.

Sardin sat back on the sofa again, his posture more restrained than before, and the water glass kept shaking.

He has always been unqualified as a female monarch. Many female worms know the common sense of serving the male lord since childhood, but Sardin does not know anything about it.

Yoshin said he was excusable for spending too much time in the military field.

But Sardin knew that he was simply being lazy. He must not be lazy when it comes to etiquette when dealing with worms. In other aspects, such as serving on the bed, and how to be more pleasing to the hero when he is punished, he turned a blind eye, as if he did not know.

If he could learn more about the common sense of serving the hero earlier, wouldn’t he be able to understand what the hero is doing now?

For the first time, Sardin hated his own laziness.

He stared blankly at the TV wall in front of him, just like Song Bai just now.

“It has nothing to do with you, it’s because I don’t understand the situation.” The male insect’s calm voice sounded in the empty living room, “This month, you have been wrongly punished for kneeling several times, and the responsibility lies with me.”

On the return car, Song Bai carefully read two books. It turns out that Zerg and humans are really different.

The body of female worms can return to its original state within a week after giving birth, and the same is true for small births, and female worms are more lustful than humans. If the troops consumed too much energy, female worms would definitely be able to accompany their male masters to fight for three days and three days. Night is not empty.

Song Bai finished reading this part at the time, put the book on his face, and completely refreshed his human common sense with the common sense of the Zerg world.

Finally, he laughed twice.

After crossing over, he thought he took good care of Sardin and felt very good about himself. As a result, he was tortured in another way.

With a flash of inspiration, Sardin suddenly understood that the hero was “kneeling as punishment”.

According to common sense, this is definitely an absurd conjecture. Males are stronger, how could they “admit wrong” to a female, or to a female monarch who has the power of life and death in his own hands?

But since the accident, the astonishing tolerance and open-mindedness shown by the hero, made him have to believe this absurd fact.

“…Master.” The voice was a little choked.

The male lord is willing to close the case for him, willing not to relinquish his position as queen, willing to forgive his miscarriage of miscarriage, and even more willing not to divorce him regardless of previous grudges.

Even maintained everywhere.

Even treat him better than before.

My heart was constantly surging, and a wave of heat flowed from my heart to all parts of my body. This made him dare to resist the hero’s command and took a step forward.

The hero did not stop, and there was no other reaction.

Sadin knelt down on the mat again and put his hands on Song Bai’s folded thighs.

“Master…” Sardin raised his head, it was the first time that he was so rude, and he demanded a response from the master.

Song Bai smiled in a low voice, the magnetic voice made Sardin’s whole body feel numb, and the strangeness made him want to shrink back.

Song Bai crossed Sardin’s armpits with both hands, and hugged him whole into his arms, face to face, face to face.

It was too close, and the numbness that even the fingertips were trembling had not subsided, and Sardin’s whole body was on fire again.

“How old are you?” Song Bai raised Sardin’s chin and looked gently at the female prince who was about to shrink himself into a ball.

“Two, twenty-four.” Sardin’s eyes floated.

“Twenty-four.” He was six years younger than Song Bai in the human world.

Sadin suddenly hugged Song Bai’s hand and stammered: “I-I’m no worse than when I was eighteen. Really, really, try it, it’s not bad at all, if it doesn’t work, I can go for surgery…”

Sardin passed through adulthood at the age of eighteen, met his original body at the age of twenty-two, and lost his first unborn child at the age of twenty-four.

Song Bai’s eyes darkened, and he squeezed Sardin tightly into his arms.

Sadin put his face on the chest of the hero, hesitating for a long time, not knowing where to put his hands.

“I thought sleeping separately would help you recover,”

Sardin held his breath.

“It’s not your fault, and I don’t think you’re bad.”

The body temperature of the hero came through through the thin clothes, and in a trance, Sardin seemed to smell the breath of the forest sprinkled by the sun, not the strong perfume smell at the previous party, but even more dizzy.

The air conditioner must be broken.

Sadin muttered vaguely, and put both hands on the male.

Fits perfectly, with no gaps.

The soft and warm body was hugged in his arms, as if the missing ribs suddenly returned to the original body.

A wonderful feeling, like water waves, rippled in Song Bai’s body.

The corners of his mouth were upturned uncontrollably, and the unstoppable pulse was gentle.

Before, Song Bai asked Zheng Yun, what exactly is love?

Zheng Yun leaned her chin in her hand, and in the afternoon cafe, she looked through the window at the men and women passing by in a hurry.

She pointed to the distance, and the tall boy crouched down, tying the shoelaces of his petite girlfriend sitting on the stone steps, and occasionally raised his head to chat and laugh with her.

“I can’t help but want to be nicer to him, and be nicer, but it’s not enough.”

On the hot afternoon of the sun, Song Bai, whose soul was already thirty years old, finally heard the sound of flowers blooming after he came to another world.

Sardin lay on the bed in his bedroom, the heat on his face continued to fade.

In the new residence, in order to prevent him from secretly adjusting the temperature too low, the temperature control system of the entire villa is simultaneously controlled on Song Bai’s terminal.

Sardin finished sticking his left face and his right face. The cold, smooth silk could not relieve the temperature one ounce.

If the temperature was lower, he would not be so uncomfortable.


So annoying.

Very annoying.

Sardin let out an “ah”, wishing to become an ostrich, and plunged into the pool made of cold silk.

He crossed the terminal address book from top to bottom several times. Among the contact names of a series of subordinates, superiors, classmates, etc., there is only one with a solitary period, which is placed high above the series of correspondence names.

A full stop, in Sardinian’s cognition, is equal to completion.

Marriage is the end of each female’s fate, and the male lord is naturally the end of the female’s marriage career.

I am married, which means I am consummated.

But what.

Sadin touched his hot face, his heart beating in his chest.

What is this strange and strange feeling?

He wrapped himself in the quilt and rolled the quilt into a roll.

Gulu come and go on the big bed.

With a bang, Venus appeared in front of him.

Sardin broke free from the quilt and sat up blankly. Everything around him seemed to be a little shorter. Why did the windows become so high?

The female worm was dumbfounded, only to see the swallow outside the window burrowing out of the tree canopy and rushing towards the sky. Another bird, with a blue straw in its pointed beak, hopped around its mate.

Turns out I fell to the ground.

It turns out I…

Get off the ground!

“…” Sardin closed his eyes and put the quilt over his head, refusing to admit that he was so stupid.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Yushen received the second communication from his friend for the first time.

“Strange, there is only voice, no video,” Yushen was puzzled for a second, and quickly picked up.

“Calling me again, twice a day, that’s strange enough,” Yoshin smiled.

As an adult, Sardin is quite independent, and is no longer as emotionally dependent on Eushin as he was when he was a child.

Over the years, Yoshin deeply missed the relationship from his childhood.

“Hey, don’t laugh at me.” Sardin’s voice was small and seemed a little embarrassed.

“!” Yushin’s eyes suddenly lit up, startling the assistant who was packing the documents.

Remembering that he was still working, Yu Shen waved his hand and motioned his assistant to go out.

“What’s the matter with you, it suddenly became like this,” Yoshin’s boss chair spun around happily, and even the pen was tossing around his fingertips, “Your subordinates must be scared to death when they find out.”

“…I don’t know,” Sardin said honestly.

What made his friend suddenly shy, Yushin expressed quite curious, “You want to accept the blessing of the hero at night?”

Sardin: “…?!”

Sardin: “If you talk nonsense any more, I’ll hang up!”

“Hey! Don’t, don’t, don’t!”

Feeling that his friend was telling the truth, Yushin quickly stopped circling.

“What happened?”

Holding the terminal, Sardin hesitated for a while.

He wanted to say that he was uncomfortable, but it didn’t seem to be the intolerance of being sick, nor the pain of being disciplined.

Sardin pressed the seam on the floor and sighed, “It’s nothing.”

Yushen didn’t break it, he was eager to report his results in the afternoon: “I got a good thing from my second father, you must be able to use it.”

Aren’t you most afraid of little uncle?

Sadin endured for a while before he didn’t ask. He lay on his back on the big bed and took the terminal in his other hand: “What?”

Yushin was silent for a while, as if to see if anyone was around.

A deliberately lowered voice came over.

The pressure was too low, and Sardin couldn’t hear it clearly, so he had to let the other side repeat it.

Still can’t hear it.

Sardin rolled over, lay on the bed, and switched to hands-free mode with a sigh.

“Isn’t it bad for you to be a hero? I want some medicine to help sex, don’t worry, don’t worry about it this time…”

Yushin was excited, and once again filled his heart with the satisfaction of being relied on by his friends.

However, there was silence across the terminal.

Yoshin quickly asked what was wrong.

Just listening to the opposite side of the terminal, there was the voice of Sadin who was about to cry: “Xiong, Lord Xiong…”

“Bang!” With a loud noise, Yoshin fell from the boss chair to the ground.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 fallen leaf flower;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Jinyun 38 bottles; Mr. Can you change 5 bottles; 6 Qi said no clothes 91 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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