Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Sugar

“Yes, I’m sorry, Lord, I never knew,” Sadin sobbed softly in Song Bai’s arms.

“Shh—” Song Bai put his index finger on his lips, and his eyes were hazy with tears, and the male’s eyes were focused and clear.

“When two people live, the important thing is not right or wrong, but comfort.”

“So, don’t kneel down to me, and don’t admit your mistakes endlessly,” the male’s voice seemed to come from the distant sky, “I hope you feel comfortable.” In our relationship, it’s easy and comfortable.

Sardin raised his eyebrows, his moist eyes full of puzzlement: “Shu, comfortable?”

As long as the hero is happy, he will be happy too. But what is the explanation for simply “feeling comfortable”?

Song Bai was really tired from kneeling, the plop sounded loud, and his knees were really suffering.

In fact, if you really think about Sardin, you should consider the fact that “he is a female”, and treat Sardin in the same way that males treat females, such as punishing kneeling, punishing them, just like Sheng An treated Ping.

Anyway, this is a world where male insects are respected. If he only needs to give a little gentleness, Sardin will be grateful.

Why not do it?

However, in this way, Song Bai couldn’t forgive himself.

Intellectually, he knew what was good for Sardin.

Emotionally, Song Bai understood better than anyone else that for him, Sadin was not only a sense of guilt, but also a sense of gratitude.

In a sense, the abuse of writing about Sardin in those days actually shared part of the pain for him.

If there is only guilt, he can stand on the creator’s point of view with peace of mind, consider himself the master of Sardinia, and enjoy his kneeling.

It was just that gratitude that drove him to sincerely hope that Sardin could also enjoy some of the fun in life.

And, he has full confidence that Sardin will definitely enjoy the fun.

He simply sat directly on the ground with his long legs stretched out, and covered his eyes with the palms of Sardin’s anxious expression.

His female prince is still too jerky, whether it is love or enjoying life, she is always tight and tight.

“Don’t be afraid, follow me, take your time,”

Under the support of Song Bai’s arms, Sardin slowly turned and leaned back.

With a muffled sound, he touched the ground and opened his eyes. It was the colorful painting on the ceiling of the restaurant. Only then did Sardin realize that he was resting on the lord’s lap.

He panicked and struggled to remember, but Song Bai covered his eyes again and pressed him back.

“Don’t be afraid.” It was the male insect’s usual tone, gentle and soft, as if the breeze was passing through the bamboo forest, rustling in his ears, and shivering on the tip of his heart.

Soft and warm palms, patient coaxing voices.

Sadin suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and wanted to shrink himself into a ball, preferably to roll into a corner where no insects noticed.

However, it is reluctant.

I miss this tenderness.

The female insect’s long eyes swept across Song Bai’s palm, and after a while, it finally stopped.

Now, it is too difficult to force Sardin to understand all this.

But it doesn’t matter, the future is still very long, and he can teach him everything slowly.

The corners of Song Bai’s lips twitched slightly, and the light draped over his body, giving him a golden gauze-like outline, which was incredibly soft.

The ground was too cold, and he was afraid that it would numb the male master’s legs. After all, Sardin didn’t dare to lie down for too long and stood up after a while.

The tenderness slowly dissipated, and the usual worry came to my mind again.

What exactly makes him comfortable? If he can’t feel comfortable all the time, is it because the hero can’t be happy? But if the hero can’t be happy, he can’t be more comfortable, so it will become an endless cycle.

The panic flashed across Sardin’s face.

Song Bai didn’t stop him this time, and calmly extended his hand to the overwhelmed Sardin, “Come on, pull me up.”

The male’s appearance seemed to be back to normal, comfortable and easy-going.

Wu Suo suddenly ran away from Ying’er, and a smile appeared on Sardin’s face.

Hand to hand, Song Bai stood up with the help of Sadin’s pulling force.

But before the hand was loosened, the temperature came through.

Sardin was still a little nervous, his eyes floating around.

Song Bai pulled his hand towards him.

Under the action of pulling force, the unsuspecting Sardin fell into the arms of the hero.

The hand wrapped around Sardin’s back, and the distance between the two insects suddenly narrowed, almost face to face.

The male’s voice was still gentle, but it was deliberately lowered, adding a bit of magnetism and ambiguity that only belonged to males, but he seemed to be casual: “What did you want to say?”

The temperature of the male worm came through, and the incurable heat was so hot that Sardin wanted to escape.

However, there is no way to escape, no way back.

The unfamiliar reaction made him at a loss. Sardin gritted his teeth and did not dare to raise his head. His voice was as low as a mosquito, “Nothing to say…”

His face must be as red as a tomato, ugly to death.

The female worm should not be like the little Asian female, whose emotions are capricious, so how can you be a stable and self-sufficient female monarch.

Song Bai raised his chin with an unconcealed smile in his voice, “It’s cute.”

Obviously such a strong insect, but he was overwhelmed by his shyness.

“Yes, cute?”

The hero said he was cute? !

All of Sardin’s thoughts “dang” and all crashed. If there was a picture, then it must be his last scrapped terminal. With an explosion, sparks rushed up, and another smoke, like a turtle, slowly swallowed. float up.

The whole world seemed to have softened into a bubble, softened in all directions, and turned into a sphere filled with small, large, pink bubbles.

Sadin was dizzy, his brain was completely mushy, and he could only look at the hero subconsciously.

Song Bai didn’t expect his charm to be so great, the female gentleman was soft in his arms, looking over with desire in his eyes.

It is self-evident what you want.

It was just that Song Bai wanted to smoke for the first time ever.

Not one, preferably a whole pack.

And the sooner the better.

Song Bai’s hand around Sardin was trembling slightly. He knew what Sardin wanted, and he knew that he could indeed give it, and he could afford it.

The original body was written by him, Sardin was written by him, and even the world was shaped by him. At this time, he still wants to be Liuxia Hui who is still in his arms? Pretend to be pure!

Anyway, there is a marriage relationship, and after the incident, you can casually say “I know if I can do it?”

No, it is not because he is the creator that he can do whatever he wants, nor is it a special relationship with Sardin, nor is it a matter of dignity and face of a man who proves that he can do it.

Song Bai was thirty years old, and he had already passed the age of fighting for X-ability.

In other words, there was no dispute at all.

When he was a student, Song Bai yawned drowsily in a naive competition among a group of male classmates who boasted about how powerful their second brother was and wanted to take off their pants on the spot to verify. Finally, he left calmly in the shameless voice of a group of male classmates.

After all, he doesn’t care.

He not only cares about the people or things he cares about, but also controls it to the death, and everything can’t escape his palm.

However, now, like a normal person, he wants to use a lot of tobacco to drive away his anxiety.

Unfamiliar, flustered, and complicated, Song Bai almost immediately wanted to walk away and smoke a few cigarettes.

There was an urgent quarrel outside the door, and the two woke up almost at the same time.

It’s just that one is regret and the other is fortunate.

In front of the steps outside the villa, Yushen, who was kneeling, was arguing with Huaiyu.

Huaiyu was dissatisfied: “I’ll let you take the courier first, why are you so loud?”

Yushen took a deep breath: “I’ve said it all, I have nothing to do with this company, what if the courier gave me an worm?”

Huaiyu muttered: “A female worm kneeling in front of the male worm’s door, and said it doesn’t matter, who are you fooling?”

Yushen endured: “I said it twice, why haven’t you heard it yet? I am a dignified You—”

Suddenly stuck.

The dignified president of You Shi, knelt in front of the male worm’s door, and said that he didn’t mean anything in that regard, and You Shen himself didn’t believe it.

However, how can the real reason be told to other males because of a momentary disappointment?

Huaiyu pointed at the dejected You Shenle, “Look, I’m right, you must be the new female attendant, and I will make Song Shao unhappy, and I will punish you for kicking you out. I also feel that the female female servant is too shameful. You won’t be allowed to speak to the outside world. That’s for sure.”

Yushen’s veins are throbbing, how come all the males have this kind of virtue, and all these things are in their minds, even a juvenile male who has not grown all his hair.

Looking at his jubilant Huaiyu, Yushen’s business mind calmed down, he knelt straightly, and said lightly: “The adventure is fast, I remember it.”

Huaiyu was at a loss: “What do you remember?”

You started in business, and is the only one of the four major families in Beijing whose main foundation is entirely in the business world. A considerable part of the basic civilian production industry in the country is mostly from You’s, and express companies large and small have all squeezed their heads in order to compete for cooperation with You.

With this relationship, it is not easy for the high-level executives who want to dismiss a little male courier.

Huaiyu glanced at the priceless watch under his suit, and suddenly realized: “Damn, aren’t you the head of that stingy department store in You Shi?”

Huaiyu used to do promotions in the supermarket directly under Youshi, and the treatment was good, but the staple food in the staff canteen was actually calculated by weight!

Huaiyu dug out and pressed the calculator, and figured out that if he wanted to be full, he would have to hurry to 70% of his daily salary, and the remaining 30% would not be enough for the fare.

I quit after two days of being pregnant, and since then I have been particularly impressed by You Shi’s stinginess!

Yushin couldn’t help it at all: “Enough! There must be a limit to your nonsense, right?”

Said he was the female servant of his friend, the hero, but he endured it! Say that Youshi is a small department store, barely! Speaking of stinginess, Yoshin refused to buckle the hat!

Reputation is the life of a businessman. You have always traded fairly, and he never dared to joke about You’s life.

Huaiyu was about to say something, but saw the door of the Song family swung open.

The handsome male worm seemed to be still a little anxious. Seeing the two worms standing and kneeling, he was stunned and showed a puzzled look.

Huaiyu smiled and said, “Song Shao, don’t tell the class when you accept the new female servant, and the female servant will not be ashamed…”

Yushen’s ears were buzzing, and his heart suddenly came to his throat. Without panic, he hurriedly slammed his forehead to the ground.

“Mr. Song, it’s my fault this time, it’s my malicious speculation, don’t blame Sardin too much, he doesn’t know anything about it.”

Every time he said a word, his heart trembled more and more.

He doesn’t like male insects, but this is completely different from a friend’s nostalgia for the male lord.

It’s been less than a month since the accident, and Sardin didn’t know how much he had suffered before he was fortunate to be favored by God and was not rejected by the hero he loved.

However, he said so heartlessly that the male insects were taboo, and he didn’t know what kind of suffering Sardin would suffer.

He has been blaming himself on the way from the company, but what is the use of blaming himself.

Right now, it is the most important thing to not let the hero of his friends feel disgusted with his friends.

If you want to beat him or scold him, it doesn’t matter if you want to kill him.

At that time, if it wasn’t for Sardin, his life would have been lost long ago.

Once again, Yoshin knocked his head down, and the bright red blood splashed,

“How do you want to deal with it, sir, I will listen to you.”

The next moment, a force suddenly supported him, and Sadin, who was anxiously chasing after Song Bai, was still in tears, “Yushin! What are you doing!”

Huaiyu originally laughed, wanting to see how Song Shao would deal with the female servant, but as a result, why did the plot become more and more wrong?

Song Bai didn’t scold the “female servant”, and he didn’t even care about the reckless female prince. He even caressed the female gentleman’s back quite gently, whispered something in his ear, and even Huaiyu didn’t hear it.

Anyway, relying on the doting and rude female monarch, she picked up the “female servant” and helped her into the house. Instead, the male head of the family landed outside the door.

Huaiyu froze in place, deeply suspicious of insects.

Song Bai glanced at Huaiyu lightly, “Are you busy?”

His tone was too flat, and his appearance was too indifferent, as if everything in the world had been despised by him.

Only then did Huaiyu wake up, “Yes! You have the courier!”

Song Bai quickly signed his name, took it in, and closed the door.

Just turned around and didn’t walk ten meters, the door was banged again.

When she opened it, Huaiyu Yuanyuan’s face was full of pain, and it was scary red, “What kind of candy did you, your maid buy!”

In the living room, Yushen, who was being carefully scrubbed by Sadin, suddenly jumped up and said eagerly, “Second father, the medicine that my second father gave me, the medicine for sex, has been lost!”


The author has something to say:

Sorry for being so late. Comment to send 50 red envelopes + double compensation tomorrow

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for [Landmine]: I will be full of European energy today! , Hei Hei, Zhen Zhen, The Country’s Trickster, W Meow Guest, Jiuqian 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of Tinghuang; 10 bottles of Turandot and Zhenzhen; 8 bottles of piglets; 6 Qiyue Wuyi 9, 41 sugar cubes 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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