Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 64: Quality Awakening

It was warm….soothingly warm like a toasty roast for Darcel.

Familiar warming Darkness accompany his vision for gods knows how long, but Darcel was kept at peace.

He couldn't tell how long it stayed like this, but after an unknown amount of time, it was then specks of sparkling blue flames burst in his Darkness vision.

These specks of blue flames illuminated with soul-stealing alluring in the profound Darkness, being bewitching for anyone to gaze upon.

Slowly the dazzling blue flames specks began to morph into what appeared to be a human-like figure.

Darcel at first guessed it was going to be Vice-Principal Zelle considering she had just experienced that fiery transformation.

But quickly, his guess soon turned out to be wrong.

The alluring blue flames morphed into seemingly a young maiden. Darcel couldn't tell any features about this young girl as the blue flames were just too vague to ascertain.

But, there was one thing he could tell from the dazzling blue flames. This young maiden appears to have extraordinarily long captivating hair.

So long that it surpassed even Aniela's long white hair, going all the way down to the soles of her feet.

This striking blue fire figure of a girl had her back turned at Darcel.

Slowly though, the girl figure began to turn around to show what lay on the other side.

That is until….


Darcel fully snapped his eyes open only to be greeted with a ravishing blue ceiling. Blinking his eyes a couple of times, Darcel knew it was only some sort of weird dream.

And yet….Compared to all of his others, that dream felt far more unique, at least to him.

That figure of a girl, whoever she was or if she existed at all, just held a magnetic attraction.

However, before Darcel's thought could further delve into the dream, he felt a shift of movement close to his right side and his hand being gently squeezed.

Looking over to his right did bring a genuine smile to Darcel's face.

Of course, it was the ever-present cute Aniela who was doing mild stretches to her body. Her eyelashes were quivering, signaling she was about to awaken.

And after giving Darcel's hand one last tight squeeze, Aniela snapped her eyes open.

Aniela's profound black eyes meet with Darcel's deep black ones in a warm exchange. Waking up this way and seeing each other charming faces will never not be pleasant for the duo.

Moreover, they weren't in excruciating pain anymore!

Their multiple crack injured bones, ruptured organs, and excruciating fatigue were all mostly healed up.

If any average cultivator had suffered the same injuries as the duo had, then undoubtedly, the road for their recovery would be much longer than Darcel and Aniela.

The dividing line making the speeding recovery would be Darcel and Aniela's unfathomable bloodline hastening the healing.

There were even small bits of the creature horrid red mist drilled inside the duo. And yet, because of their mighty bloodline, the poison inside their bloodstreams were all nearly gone.

"After all those horrors in that Labyrinth, it's refreshing to wake up to something so pleasant." Darcel warmly told Aniela.

Frankly, ever since their most intense intimate session, Darcel found it much easier to be intuned with his feelings. It just felt right to spill whatever deep emotion he has.

And by going off from Aniela's reaction, Darcel could tell this was the correct path. From the affectionate glistening in her eyes and that sweet cute smile that only seems to grow broader every day.

It all reminded Darcel how satisfying it is that only he can make Aniela like this.

And instead of talking, Aniela got closer to Darcel's face and began to cutely rub her soft nose against Darcel's surprisingly tender one.

"Hehehe~, things like this give me endless fuel of energy on top of my already bright energy!"

"Hmm….your brightness truly never ceases to surprise me, ditzy girl,"

Darcel said, feeling rather funny while Aniela rubbed her delicate nose on him.

It certainly wasn't unpleasant, only….novel in a sense.

Taking a second, Darcel shifted his head a bit to glance around the whole room they rested in.

It wasn't an overly ample room but was quite neat and spacious.

Furthermore, everything was painted in this dazzling, captivating blue paint. The shade of blue here held a more alluring charm that'll suck your eyes right into its hypnotic appeal.

"You know….this room has to be none other than the Vice-Principal room! Everything here is in that same signature blue as her office, plus everything being tidy, neat, and plain just paints her stature." Aniela remarked as her eyes glanced around the room too.

Slowly, Darcel and Aniela sat up, feeling no great force of trauma or pain while doing so.

Darcel had then nodded to Aniela's remark, also saying, "It indeed has to be. No one has this obsession with blue beside her. At least no one we've seen so far."

Although Darcel was casually commenting, there was something in the back of his mind that raised slight thoughts about this blue color.

It just seemed mystical, somewhat akin to the blue flames he witnessed in his dreams.

Yet this little rummaging of thought was interrupted when Darcel felt a tantalizing soft weight press down on to his laps. Looking in front of him, a perverse gleaming smile dawned Darcel's face as he got enchanted by the sight of Aniela's slight blushing beautiful face.

"Hehehe~, I don't think we'll encounter such an odd one like Vice Principal Zelle again. But, Darcy~. I guess I underestimated how much morning energy I really need~." Aniela seductively breathed down Darcel's face.

Darcel immediately felt the flames of lust ignite inside his body like a frantic bomb. Aniela as well experiences the fire of passion fervently stir in her burning loins.

More so now, both Darcel and Aniela were enchanted by each other alluring natural fragrance.

Aniela was akin to sweet spring peaches, spewing out an alluring womanly smell.

While Darcel spouted a strong magnetic scent of a sweet aroma.

Darcel noticed for a split second that previously, neither had they ever exuded this strong of a captivating scent. But he pushed that down for later, thinking it most likely had to with their bloodline development.

"You know, for a rare time, I agree. My mouth is feeling a bit dry this morning." Darcel hotly breathed down Aniela's beautiful tender neck.

Promptly after speaking, Darcel had then passionately captured Aniela's lips.

"Mmnh~! Ahnn~!"

Immediately, Aniela opened up her mouth once, feeling Darcel's hot lips grace her.

Their tongues quickly locked around each other as if they both were desperately dehydrated.

Darcel felt pure bliss sucking on Aniela's delectable tongue. Never can he imagine not enjoying the sweet juicy taste of Aniela's divine liquids and tongue.

Waves of pleasure, warmth, and satisfaction course through the duo's body as they enjoyed their sweet kiss.

And it was then Darcel wanted to feel more of his cute girlfriend.

Quickly, Darcel began kneading Aniela's graciously soft breasts as if it was all for him.


The sweet moan of pleasure that slithered into Darcel's eyes was one of the reasons he loved doing this. That and the fact of how Aniela's modest breast perfectly fit into his hand.

Simultaneously, Aniela wasn't idle at all.

She wrapped her arms around Darcel, pulling him closer to him. While doing so, Aniela began erotically grinding on Darcel's lip, further igniting that burst flames of passion.

The wetness and sexy movement of Aniela on Darcel's lap nearly made him want to burst right there.

But through plenty of experience, Darcel held on and savored this intensely hot moment.

During this moment, Darcel had then caught onto something about Aniela's looks now that he was fully awake.

As he always expected, as time went on and they grew to greater heights, Aniela's looks were not becoming charmingly cute, but instead elegantly beautiful.

That face of hers now even carried a hint of magnetic seductiveness. And her lovely black eyes seemingly became more captivating and soul-stealing to just stare at them like beautifully sculpture paintings.

Darcel also assumed his looks had also received a glow up. Going off from the fervent looks in Aniela's eyes as their tongues passionately danced with each other, he assumed it to be the case.

'Mmmh….beauty, huh?' Honestly, Darcel was now finding a new growing appreciation for Aniela's beauty and women's beauty in general.

There was something so magnetic about them that. His bloodline had also trembled in excitement to explore more deeply into the beauty of women.

"Mnm~....Ahn~Ahn~! So goood~!!" Aniela breathed out in moans as she couldn't get enough of Darcel's tongue.

Hot steamy trails of saliva dribbled down their chins as their kiss became more intense.

Darcel was finding there was just something so fulfilling about merely kissing. The warmth, pleasure, and affection from it certainly did help with that fulfilling feeling.

But compared to massaging Aniela's soft breast or even her grinding on her wet loins on his hardening pole, it all just didn't quite compare to the level of intimacy from kissing.

The intense burning desire Aniela felt for Darcel, he could feel it all the most through their fierce battle of the tongues.

Furthermore, Aniela's mouth had a divine addicting taste that is impossible to let go of.

And Darcel didn't even realize how much addicted Aniela became engrossed with merely kissing.

At an even higher intense passion than Darcel, Aniela felt Darcel's mouth was created by God themselves!

It was like a drug for Aniela that just kept on pumping out unforgettable waves of pleasure and warmth.

Quite literally, she could go on for hours of just kissing Darcel.

But alas, some things aren't meant to go on forever. Darcel's sharp Spirit Sense picked on Vice Principal Zelle casually coming up to this room.

Now it was time for the passionate finish!

To end this session smoothly, Darcel mobilized a bit of his pure Darkness element.

At the tip of his tongue, he sparked a black glow and enriched Aniela's tongue with it.

"AHN~?!" Aniela's eyes had immediately burst open wide at the sudden new wave of pleasure.

Darcel's tongue had just suddenly become a hundred times more pleasurable!

Simultaneously, while Aniela was in pleasure shock, Darcel ignited his hand in Darkness glow.

In perfect sync, Darcel pinched Aniela's hardened nipples and used his tongue to roughly pull Aniela's tongue.


Aniela shrieked in pure heavenly bliss as she experienced a tremendous orgasm that rocked her body to its foundation.

All the energy in her body left her at that moment, making her become warm pudding in Darcel's lap.

"Ahhh~, I love your voice Aniela." Darcel similarly felt a climax of his own that caused his soul to wriggle in joy.

A wave of satisfaction overtook Darcel's mind and body. For some reason, it just felt too good to make Aniela experience a quaking orgasm.

"Haah….haah….amazing….as always~." Aniela panted out as she laid right on Darcel's shoulder.

Seeing how cute she always got during these times, Darcel began tenderly stroking her lushes white hair.

"Alright, let's hurry up and tidy ourselves up now. The Vice Principal is coming pretty soon."

Out of nowhere then, Aniela had quickly regained her energy and shot her head back up to stare into Darcel's face. With an alluring broad smile, she told him,

"Next time, we're doing it more slowly!!"

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