Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 65: Days Passing

Standing right outside her room, Vice Principal Zelle had an inquiring expression.

While coming here, she could've sworn there was this exotic, alluring fragrance that vaguely permeated the halls.

It was strange. Nothing really could ever move Vice-Principal Zelle's mind, but that fragrance though.

Something about it just had this hypnotic magnetic feeling.

Although when Vice Principal Zelle got near her door, that fragrance abruptly went away. Pushing it to the back of her mind, for now, Vice Principal Zelle had then entered her room.

Immediately she was taken by a slight surprise when observing Darcel and Aniela's state.

The mere fact that still wasn't bedridden was shocking enough.

But now they're currently up and about it like they haven't experienced any major injuries at all. The duo was observing the various unique collections of books Vice-Principal Zelle store on her shelves.

Indeed with what Vice Principal Zelle saw of the duo when taking them in, it wasn't questionable that Darcel and Aniela should be out for at least a few more days.

Then again….with everything they perform so far plus the hidden power brewing inside of those two. Vice Principal Zelle chalked all of this up to the duo's fierce perseverance and insane potential of their souls.

When entering her room, the duo seemed to not notice her.

Clearing her throat did get Darcel and Aniela to snap their heads towards her, each supporting their own small charming smile.

"Even when battered and broken from before, there's still never a moment of downtime between you two." As Vice Principal Zelle talked, there was a hint of awe in her voice.

"Heh~! That's just natural for us! Own our blood specifically crafted us to never waste a moment of our time." Aniela proudly stated. And there was some undeniable truth in her words.

Slightly shaking her head a bit, Vice Principal Zelle could vaguely tell if anyone has the qualification to say this, it would be these two.

"In any case, congratulations on making such a good harvest at the Labyrinth. Frankly, you're re-"

"Ah!! Before we continue, Vice Principal, how's Hao Cao doing?"

Aniela didn't hesitate for a second to speak up about her question and cut off Vice-Principal Zelle.

She was truly too swell in concern to care about formalities with this subject.

If any other students acted like this, discipline punishment would've been enacted accordingly to respect. But, Vice Principal Zell only raise her hand to quell Aniela's worrying and told her,

"She's fine and well-rested. Unlike you two kids, Cao naturally is more winded and needs several more days before getting back up. Now then, I mainly came to inform you two that you'll be able to put your full focus on cultivating your resources without the worries of having to do missions."

It was then Darcel's eyes lit up a bit as his minds recalled the most recent events in the Labyrinth. He had then asked, "So….did anyone else encounter that creature again? And for that matter….just what was with that silver orb it held?"

To Darcel's question, Vice Principal Zelle's immediate response was to shake her head in disappointment. She had then begun explaining,

"Unfortunately, no. No one managed to encounter that thing again like it just had up and vanished entirely. You two were out for a couple of days, but the outside world surely wasn't idle. Several sects and organizations, including us, the Quicksilver Roc sect, and the Yoderine institution, sent out their best tracker for that creature. But not a single one of us can find even a trace of it in the Woods."

Darcel and Aniela quirked their eyebrows at this explanation. With the amount of killing spree that creature went on, surely at least one sect should have found some sort of lead on it.

But to just disappear like that?

Even under the mythical figures of Heavenly Transformation cultivators is all far too strange. Although, nothing about that creature was normal in the first place.

Still, Aniela had then asked, "So ominous….then the Core? Any info on that?"

"Sadly, no, none of us are sure on just what was that Core. But I was able to tell that Core directly affected the whole Labyrinth. After our leave, everyone else was essentially forced to escape the wild beast tide of the Labyrinth."

Vice Principal Zelle continues on to explain, having no qualms about telling the duo all of this.

If anything, no matter what unexpected, strange event happens in the future. Vice Principal Zelle could already tell Darcel and Aniela would be crucial in providing help.

Although, Darcel and Aniela weren't all too pristine when hearing all of this news. They instead felt a small brewing forbidding feeling stir in their gut like a sickness.

But, even if they wanted to be more active and also help with tracking that creature, Darcel and Aniela knew they were far too weak to help out.

This thought didn't bum Darcel and Aniela in the slightest. It instead only gave them further fuel to cultivate hard.

"At least, everything is in a calm state for now. No matter what, though, it's time for Darcy and me to experience some major breakthrough after all that excruciating work!" The bright smile of Aniela broadened mainly due to the aspect of spending quality cultivating time with Darcel.

Right then, Vice Principal Zelle's mouth twitched into a smirk, recalling several vital lessons. She had then said, "Come with me now, for the Nascent Core realm, I have some….lessons to reinforce on to you."


Time never stops for anyone, and soon numerous days passed since the Black Dungeon Labyrinth expedition. Cultivators alike were settling quite nicely with what they had gained in the Labyrinth.

And the roaring chaotic news of that insidious poisonous creature had died down a bit. Mainly because it was becoming quite apparent that it's literally impossible to find in the extensive Necropolis Woods.

Although while this news was dying down some, the Necropolis Woods still had a lot of action going on it.

On this specific day, an extraordinary group of three youths traversed deep into the woods.

The team of three consisted of one handsome young man who was the apparent leader there. His face held a distinct tender charming quality that exuded a ladies man vibe.

Out of everything, the most striking thing about the boy was the high bright purple luxurious uniform that perfectly fit his lean body.

One look and you can tell it would be highly unwise to go against him.

This was Zakira Academy's fourth rank high-level student, Lukil! And to his right side was another good looking boy.

He similarly wore the bright purple uniforms like Lukil. However, unlike him, he wasn't in the high rankings of high-level students.

This was one of Lukil's closest friends, Nathan. And to the right of Lukil was another one of his closest friends, this time a beautiful girl named Bely.

She, too, wore Zakira Academy's high-level bright purple uniform. Though, just like Nathan, she wasn't too high in students' ranking.

These three held no fear of the woods, merrily chatting along until they arrived at their mission.

"Seriously, I wonder how much more ridiculous these Woods can get in a few more days. First, the crazed rave about some red hue creature, and now out of nowhere, these Spirit Monsters are acting more brazenly? Just what did that Labyrinth do to everyone!" Nathan was mirthful in his tone, being one of the many who didn't get a chance to enter in the Labyrinth expedition.

"Hmmm….what if the Spirit Monsters acts are just an excuse these other sects and organizations are making up for their pitiful losses of not finding that creature. Certainly wouldn't surprise me." Bely remarked, amused by all these new stories.

Lukil, however, was a slight bit queer about this subject.

He had firsthand experienced the sudden change in the Labyrinth, though he had never encountered any strange, dangerous killing creature.

"In any case, whatever is going around here, I just hope this mission won't be a waste of our time," Lukil said, pushing down any foreign or strange thoughts for now.

Right when Lukil finished talking, a bright piercing green flash refracted into Lukil's group eyes.

Swiftly the trio stopped walking, and their eyes snapped to wherever that green flash came from.

"Ah? Hey, it's over there."

Nathan had whispered to the other as his eyes first came upon that green flash. What appeared in his, Lukil, and Bely vision was a notable big Spirit Monster fox.

The fox trekked through the Woods at a moderate place with something shiny held up in its mouth.

With the trio True Soul Core eyes, they could tell it was a green crystal orb!

Nathan's eyes immediately lit up in greed since that type of crystal orb is one of the most valuable items in their Academy. Moreover, the fox was merely at the peak level of the Nascent Core realm.

Nathan didn't sense any risks there, only a walking profit for their group.

"Let's get this small fox and make some cash, right guys?" Though Nathan asked, he already poured Spirit Qi into his legs while talking.

Without waiting for a response, Nathan swiftly blasted off in the fox direction.

Lukil and Bely only exchanged a single glance with each other. With a roll of their eyes, the two gave chase to the fox as well.

They only wish Nathan wouldn't be such haste most of the time.

The fox itself already took off with immense speeds once Nathan aura crazily blasted up to it. A tremendous impending sense of doom swelled in the furry Monster as it could tell Nathan could kill itself in seconds.

A trio group of True Soul Core youths rushed down on a peak Nascent Core Spirit Monster Fox, and after a minute of chasing, the trio of teens was a slight bit shocked.

Somehow, this damned beast managed to stay at a slight position ahead of all three of them!

Granted, none of Lukil's group was nowhere near their maximum speed, but the trio honestly didn't think they would need it.

"Tch, enough of this,"

Nathan grunted in annoyance and was beginning to increase his speed to overtake this little fox.

But right then, just from beside him, Lukil's eyebrows furrowed.


Without any warnings, Lukil blasted out his tremendous aura and formed a dazzling purple water shield around his group.

Snapping his eyes up, Lukil expectantly saw three bright silver lights.


Three short silver swords clashed right against Lukil's water barrier, causing torrents of Spirit Qi to crazily spew out in the woods. Although this unexpected ambush couldn't pierce into Lukil's water barrier.

"Heh! How cowardly you Quicksilver rats got! Resorting to mere sneak attacks now?" Lukil snorted in disdain as he dropped his purple water barrier once the short silver swords backed off from them.

"Oh, great! Some three gnats really got me to lose our scores!"Nathan cursed in annoyance as he turned to where the Quicksilver Roc youths appeared.

Only Bely had an inquisitive expression as the Quicksilver Roc youths appeared.

It was three good looking young boys, all wearing their signature dark orange robes with the mythical design of a Roc on it.

These three didn't cause any sense of threat for Lukil, Nathan, and Bely since they were only at the True Soul Core realm's sixth layer link.

And yet, Bely noticed there was something off about these boys.

Their expression was all precisely the same, spouting this creepy, eerie smile that was a bit unnerving to gaze upon.

And in their eyes, they held this ominous blue glow that was far too distinct to ignore.

But neither, Lukil, Nathan, nor Bely wasn't going to back down just from strange looks. After all, all three of them massively outclass these Quicksilver Roc boys put together.

Despite Lukil's group being assured of their own prowess, none of the Quicksilver Roc boys showed any signs of weariness, fear, or hesitation.

In fact, the boy in the middle of their group boldly stepped forwards as his short silver sword blared in the darkness of the Woods.

"Ohh, sorry about the rude introduction. But it's really so great that you three came!"

While the middle boy talked, all three of the Quicksilver Roc boys blared out their sixth layer link True Soul Core aura without a hint of fear.

It only caused Lukil, Nathan, and Bely to slightly crease their eyebrows, however.

Still, no matter how to outclass they were, the Quicksilver Roc boy on the left quickly picked up saying,

"Truly so great so that we all can dance!"

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