Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 63: Massive Shifts

Instantaneously, the creature's claw shimmered with a hair-rising dark red hue mixed with a piercing silverish white glow.

In no time at all, the creature thrust its claw forward and blasted out a chilling dark red hue Qi claw at Vice Principal Zelle!

The dark red hue Qi claw carried an unfathomable aura that caused even Vice-Principal Zelle to crease her eyebrows.

Hastily she had to let go of her earlier plan to attack. Right when the dark red hue Qi claw neared her, Vice Principal Zelle still managed to react and swiftly swung her blue flaming spiral sword down at breakneck speeds.

But right at last split second, Vice Principal Zelle failed to notice the dark red hue Qi claw stopping altogether. Unaware of this oddity, Vice Principal Zelle continued her spiral sword descent on the dark red hue Qi claw.


In a sudden twist of events, the dark red hue Qi claw exploded on contact! The explosion force knocked Vice-Principal Zelle back a few steps, and she was forced to drop on her knees.

Immense pain wracked her body, but it wasn't because of the explosion of the attack.

No, when she had struck the Qi claw, multiple putrid dark red fluids sprayed on to her!

"Shi-shit…." Vice Principal Zelle leaked a small curse of pain as she tried to deal with the overwhelming crushing energy running amok in her body.

Furthermore, there was also the scorching sensation burning her bloodstreams.

Although, in a rather unexpected surprise, Vice Principal Zelle still tanked the creature's putrid fluids better than all other victims.

And this is even when it's far more massively powerful thanks to that mysterious core. Still, though, the situation was looking grim for Vice Principal Zelle.

"Shit! This thing also got Vice-Principal!" Aniela cursed out once seeing Vice-Principal Zelle collapse to her knees. She, Darcel, and Hao Cao can tell now the situation would only worsen from here on out.

Vice Principal Zelle's blue fire illusion clone had already melted under the creature's putrid red fluids. Though it was a perfect replica, it seemed more for diversion tactics and being a glass cannon.

Now, Darcel's team only had the illusion barrier to rely on.

And to think just a little bit before, Vice Principal Zelle had this thing on the robes!

In this rapidly declining situation, Darcel suddenly realized they had very little hope of surviving.

It was either experiencing an excruciating death at the hands of this human-like creature or getting brutally mauled by feral Spirit Monsters Bears.

Though everything was looking hopeless, this hopeless was what got Darcel to click with something vital in his memories.

The beautiful enhancing image of their Principal flashed in his mind like a guardian angel. And Darcel had then remembered the unique life-saving talisman she gave him.

Rays of hopeful light burst into Darcel's eyes then. Hastily he ignited his purple spatial ring to fish out that specific talisman, praying in his mind whatever this was would work here.

However, right when the shine of his purple spatial ring refracted into Darcel's vision, a chilling bright red hue pierced into his, Aniela, and Hao Cao's eyes.

The trio only had a split second to see a darker bright red hue claw barreling straight at them.

Despair filled their faces as their only choice right now was to hope this illusion barrier can last against this Qi claw.

But right at the nanosecond when the Qi claw was going to strike them, Darcel hurriedly grabbed Aniela's arm. She couldn't even register Darcel's hand as the dark red hue Qi claw ferociously clashed against their illusion barrier!


Like millions of glass shattering, the illusion barrier was ruthlessly demolished by the dark red hue Qi claw.

Amazingly though, nearly all of the Qi claw power was absorbed by the barrier, but there was still the Qi claw aftershocks.

The aftershocks was still far too powerful for any one of the trio to deal with, causing Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao to be flung like ragdolls to the nearest wall.

The trio all puked blood as they violently crashed into the wall, just barely hanging on to consciousness by a single thread.

Although while crashing into the wall, Darcel didn't allow himself any breathing room.

In one hand, he tightly held on to Aniela's arm like their life depended on it. And in his other hand, Darcel managed to fish out the Principal talisman while they got flung like ants!

Every joint in his body screams in immense pain, yet Darcel grit past the pain, gnashing his teeth so hard that more blood pours from his mouth.

Darcel began frantically pouring tremendous surges of his bloodline power into the talisman, and simultaneously he shouted,


Darcel quickly thrust the Principal talisman to Aniela's face. And when he had shouted her name, Aniela instantly got the message. She, too, had recalled what the Principal told them, which inspired her with a little hope.

Aniela hastily threw her hand over Darcel's, immediately pouring massive surges of her bloodline power into the talisman.

Excruciating pain was roaring at her to stop, but there wasn't a chance in hell Aniela would let herself and everyone here cruelly die.

The Principal talisman itself, however, was showing no immediate outward changes. But surrounding Darcel and Aniela's hand was a unique exotic power they couldn't quite sense at this time.

Moreover, they felt an odd warming tingle sensation in their bloodline, which was rather pleasant among their immense pain.

All the while the duo attempted this, the creature lazily glanced over to Darcel's team. Hao Cao struggled to stay on her knees while Darcel and Aniela were weirdly holding hands as if they wished for something.

The creature didn't notice Darcel taking the Principal talisman while they was sent flying since it thought that those kids would be out for the count.

But nevertheless, it was apparent to the creature that he'll need to personally finish these roaches off.

The creature only took one small step, ready to carve out Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao's hearts personally with his own claws.

Yet, suddenly then, the creature immediately became still like a statue.

Its danger senses continuously ranged in its mind like a thunderous storm coming to swallow him whole.

And it was then, the creature felt it, an unfathomable power source that burned throughout the whole space!

Admittedly, when the creature had brought Vice-Principal Zelle to her knees in one attack, a massive confidence boost enhanced its mind.

Genuinely, the creature didn't think Darcel's team had nothing left after trying to escape from their second encounter.

Alas, he got sorely proven wrong now. Hurriedly, the creature's head then snapped over Vice-Principal Zelle, who made its eyes enlarge in colossal shock.

That tremendous source of power had promptly drilled right into Vice Principal Zelle's body as if she was a beacon of light.

Instantly, massive changes happen to Principal Zelle's body.

Vice Principal Zelle couldn't tell what was going on. In one minute, she was suffering through excruciating burning pain, but out of nowhere, incredible surges of power imbued into her body!

Her bloodstreams that were continually suppressed by the creature's putrid red fluids suddenly erupted with colossal power! It was like something deep in her bloodline was awakening all at once now.

The raging red fluids in her body couldn't continue to wreak havoc. A bright flash of a dazzling blue light enriched the whole inside of her body and managed to completely destroy the putrid red fluids.

On the outside Vice Principal, Zelle's appearance was rapidly changing.

A long majestic blue fire aura cloak covered her whole body. This blue fire aura cloak also provided Vice-Principal Zelle with a long blue fire tail that extended from her back.

"Kraa!!" Vice Principal Zelle stood tall and unleashed a ferocious roar that blasted burning blue flames straight through the dark red ceiling.

Tremendous swirls of Vice-Principal Zelle's power made their little space violently tremble, akin to a mini earthquake.

Around Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao, the Principal talisman managed to protect them from Vice Principal Zelle's berserk power.

Although Hao Cao was knocked out on the ground and Darcel and Aniela were laid out on the ground, nearly on the verge of passing out as well.

But in this state, they were still awed by Vice Principal Zelle's new appearance. What especially got the duo was Vice-Principal Zelle's bewitching all blue eyes.

Moreover, the duo also felt their bloodline bring about additional tingling soothing warmth.

The only one who was experiencing a bout of dread was the human-like creature now. This crazed frenzy power of Vice-Principal Zelle caused numerous worries for the creature.

Currently, the creature couldn't even say it was the beginning process of using this mysterious core power.

Even if this mysterious core can overpower this new state of Vice-Principal Zelle, the creature has no time to call upon that power.


Vice Principal Zelle's shrieked at the creature, forcing even more pressure on it.

Before the creature could attempt to do anything, Vice Principal Zelle instantly ammas her frantic power and unleashed a raging blue stream of fire from her mouth!

Vice Principal Zelle's radiant blue fire stream shimmered brighter than the creature's own silverish white glow. Moreover, the power exuded from this attack wasn't anything the creature could easily tear through.

The blue fire stream was near-instantaneous, forcing the creature to hastily use its small portion of the mysterious core power.

It had set up a dark red hue misty wall though it was still overshadowed by Vice Principal Zelle's ferocious blue flames.


Amazingly enough, Vice Principal Zelle's blue fire stream was savagely burning right through the dark red hue misty wall!

The creature's pupils dilated to needles as it felt its arm getting profoundly scorched.

It was then the creature swiftly made up its mind. Indeed, there was very little reason to try to continue this troublesome fight. A flash of information crossed into the creature's mind for its preparation to leave.

The creature mobilized the mysterious core power in a specific way only it could know about.

A bright silverish white glow had suddenly illuminated the whole space!


Appearing right next to the creature was a silverish white portal. The portal was massively unstable and risky to go through from the creature's senses, but it was good enough for it.

The creature only took one single glance back over to Vice Principal Zelle before going into the portal. All he was welcome with was a haunting killing gaze that bore into its very soul.

And yet, Vice Principal Zelle didn't continue to attack the creature.

Not caring why, the creature hastily jumped into the portal, completely disappearing from the Labyrinth.

Vice Principal Zelle's recalled her stream of blue flames back into her mouth. From her senses, Vice Principal Zelle picked up on numerous Spirit Monsters rushing to their spot.

Glancing over to the portal, Vice Principal Zelle knew this was their best shot.

Going off from how unstable the portal was, Vice Principal Zelle also knew she and the kids would be randomly teleported outside the Labyrinth in a far different location than that creature.

But it was better than risking running out of steam in the middle of life and death battles.

Vice Principal Zelle shot her hair towards Darcel's team, tightly wrapping them all up. When bringing them over to her, Vice Principal Zelle noticed how all three of them had passed out now.

Quickly, Vice Principal Zelle dashed into the silverish white portal, finally escaping this hellish place once and for all.

And once going in, the makeshift portal vanished without a trace….


Unknown to Vice Principal Zelle's group and that creature, their battle had set off tremendous rapid shifts in development for everyone else here.

Spirit Monsters became far more ferocious and wild; traps were becoming perilous. The non-existent danger from before had now become unprecedentedly deadly.

One such group of many examples experiencing this sudden change was Joyce Ashless's group.

She was one of the strongest youths coming to Black Dungeon Labyrinth, having an incredibly smooth time traversing here.

Until a violent tremor hit the whole Labyrinth. After that, the Spirit Monster became more savage, wild, and powerful. Although it wasn't anything Joyce and her group couldn't deal with.

That was until a second more intense violent tremor quake the Labyrinth to its very foundation.

Quickly after the second shift, Joyce and her group were forced to the very edge.

Currently around herself and her group was a large crack purple ashes barrier.

This barrier that would once stand sturdy against many early level Innate Core blows was now near close to shattering thanks to the ferocious Spirit Monster bats.

These bats seemingly were coordinating their attack and had erupted with tremendous strength that caught Joyce's group off guard.

They had gotten ambushed by these monsters, and only a few minutes into their battle Joyce knew they were in a losing battle.

No matter what Martial Skill or special talisman her group tried, these bats had counter every attacked everything they threw at them.

It all built up to this current situation where Joyce had set up her powerful defensive Martial Skill, but even then, her defense wouldn't hold out for long.

The most unusual of all about this sudden dramatic turn was in the depths of these bats' eyes; Joyce could swear there was a faint blue light in them.

Unwillingness filled Joyce's face as she didn't know what to do against these new transform bats.

That is until a beautiful girl right next to Joyce said, "Screw it! No matter what talisman or skill we use, these bats are impossible to kill! We already gained a lot; let's just get out of here!"

This girl was Elyes, one of Joyce's partners in the disciplinary squad. Weariness filled Elyes' face as well as she abandoned any hope of leaving this entrapment.

"Haah….and to think we were just having an easy time. Just what could have changed...." Joyce quietly said to herself while fishing out her escaping talisman.

Swiftly she crushed the talisman and had wrapped their whole group in purple magical energy.

Unlike Darcel's group, Joyce's group had no problem in using the talisman.

And with one bright purple flash, she and many others hastily escape out of the now wild Black Dungeon Labyrinth...

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