Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 969 - Three thousand

Holy calendar 1500 years.

The earth has become the territory of mankind. Mankind has never been stronger and more prosperous than ever.

Will left the Iron Throne for a long time, and came to the beach.

He stood on the sea, looking at the vast blue sea and the choppy waves, with emotion in his heart.

“I have been in this world for 1500 years.”

“Full 1500 years!”

It was only a short time in the early thousand years. It sounded so short, but actually it was so long.

In this thousand years, he has gone through too much.

He remembered that some comprehension novels of his previous life would remain closed for thousands of thousands of years, if he were closed now for thousands of years …

It ’s not that he ca n’t do it, but what will the world look like when he goes out?

The people he knows are probably dead?

With some emotion in his heart, he squatted down, his hands like a child playing with water, his arms gently stirred in the sea water.

A black “color” tadpole swimed out of his hand, swimming continuously beside him.

“Wei 001, Wei 002, … Wei 055, Wei 056 … Wei 2999, Wei 3000.” He gave each tadpole a name.

“My lovely children.”

Feeling the attachment and love of the tadpoles to him, Will smiled happily.

These three thousand tadpoles are the life he created, but it is not too much for his children.

However, although they are the “children” of this fourth-level wizard, these tadpoles are poorly weak. What is more powerful than ordinary tadpoles, but their strength is limited, and the single combat power is not as good as a grass shrimp.

Will stood up and pointed his hand at the sea. “Go, my children, enjoy swimming in the sea.”

Three thousand tadpoles reluctantly swam beside Will after a few laps, and swarmed towards the sea.

The sorrow that left his father has been covering the tadpoles.

But this sorrow did not last long before swimming in the sea for a while, the tadpoles completely forgot the sorrow, and all looked at the ocean excitedly.

“We don’t never see my father again.”

“Yes, yes, as long as we become stronger in the future, can we go back and meet my father?”

“Let’s get stronger soon.”

Three thousand tadpoles gathered together, constantly swimming, constantly discussing ways to become stronger.

Do not look at their appearance as ordinary tadpoles, in fact, the IQ is not low.

What do I need to become stronger?


The best way to gain energy is of course hunting.

But they are still too weak to catch prey that are too powerful.

But it doesn’t matter, there are too many creatures weaker than them in the sea.

What’s more, they have three thousand siblings, have wisdom beyond ordinary people, and have extraordinary talents. It is not easy to want to hunt and become stronger?

At first, they stared at the seaweed.

In the sea, the amount of seaweed is very large, and many sea creatures live on seaweed.

“Kaka Kaka …”

After eating the seaweed for a minute and getting enough energy, each tadpole has become very large. The original size is similar to that of ordinary tadpoles, and now they have big fists.

Not only has the body size changed, but strength, speed, and physique have also been greatly strengthened.

Every tadpole now has a power of nearly one hundred kilograms.

Although this power is still very weak, it is much stronger than before!

“Knock …”

Suddenly there was a crisp sound in Wei 086’s mouth, and Wei 086’s body suddenly froze.

“What happened to Wei 086?” Wei 055 asked.

“Did you eat the toxin?” Wei 994 worried.

“Spit it out!” Wei shouted in 1990.

“No, I just accidentally ate an oyster.” Wei 086 said.

“This is it?”

“I thought what happened, fuss.”

“It turned out that I just ate an oyster, don’t scare us.”

“It’s just an oyster, why are you like this?”

Wei 086 explained: “I eat oysters, after absorbing the genes of oysters, I think we can use the genes of oysters to become stronger.”



“How to become stronger?”

“It seems to be!”

In the attention of many tadpoles, Wei 086’s body has changed, and his body has grown a thick carapace.

“So it turns out!”

All tadpoles understood instantly.

So they searched for oysters to eat, and not just oysters. They also innovated, engulfed the weaker marine creatures such as sea prawns, crabs, and sea snakes, and absorbed the excellent genes of marine creatures on themselves.

In less than an hour, three thousand tadpoles changed their appearance.

Each one becomes the size of a watermelon, and each one is strangely shaped, but each one becomes extremely powerful.

“Let’s go hunting.”

“Let’s gobble up more creatures, get more genes, and become more powerful.”

“I heard that whales are the largest marine life. I want to absorb the genes of whales, and my body becomes bigger than whales.”

“Cut, what is a whale? With dozens of tentacles, each tentacle is several kilometers long, and the sea monster is powerful. I want to be the most powerful sea monster in the sea.”

“I heard that the murloc clan is the ruler of the sea? If I devour the murloc, I get the genes and power of the murloc …”

No matter how powerful they look, they want to be stronger without exception!

Since you want to become stronger, then gobble up!

A twenty-meter-long whale wailed and died, and its flesh was swallowed by a group of strange creatures.

After that group of creatures devoured the whale, the body gradually grew larger and turned into a whale.

The tortoise, who had been three hundred meters long, suddenly opened his eyes.

As the king of this sea area, it possesses millions of kilograms of power. Under the breath of its natural exudation, there is no fish in a thousand kilometers.

Unexpectedly, now a group of strange creatures broke into its territory?


The turtle king opened his giant mouth and sprayed a supersonic water column toward the front.


With a scream.

“Wei 779, don’t die!”

“Wei 886, why did you leave?”

“You dare to kill Wei 007–“

They have been born for three hours. In these three hours, they play in the sea, engulfing one after another marine life, and become powerful again and again.

Now each of them has at least tens of thousands of kilograms of power, and thinks that the three thousand are gathered together, which is almost invincible.

I didn’t expect that a big turtle I met by accident killed a dozen of their siblings at once?


“go to hell–“

They roared towards the King Turtle.

King Turtle is indeed very strong, but the strength of each of them is not fictitious, especially because they have various abilities.

Poison “liquid”, lightning, infrasound …

They don’t know how many toxic marine creatures have been swallowed, and just toxic “liquid” they have deployed thousands of species.

So, under their siege, after paying the lives of thousands of siblings, they finally killed the turtle king.

Although they won, they were not very happy.

Because the price paid is too great!

And they did not expect that they have gathered the advantages of thousands of species of marine life, and become a nearly perfect killing machine for the body structure. It is so difficult to kill a slightly larger turtle?

“You bastard!”

“I swear, I must kill all turtles in the sea!”

“Different turtles, dare to–“

After they engulfed the turtle king, their body actually changed wonderfully.

They only feel that a powerful force is emerging in their bodies, not a toxic “liquid”, a thunderbolt made using special organs, or a fangs carapace …

It is a special energy that is difficult to describe in words.

They did not know that this energy is called-magic!

But that’s okay!

They just need to know that this energy has caused a qualitative change in their strength.

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