Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 970 - The third day

“What is this power about? Is this the reason why the King Eight is so powerful?”

“It’s awesome, I feel that power is constantly pouring out.”

“It has nothing to do with body structure, it is not a toxin, it is not a carapace, it is not a special organ, it is not … just a special energy that can strengthen everything.”

At this moment, they finally called why that turtle was so powerful.


“This force belongs to us from now on!”

“Originally, the structure of the body has been optimized to the extreme, and it can no longer be strengthened. I never expected that there is such a powerful energy in the world.”

“I feel that there are many creatures with this energy in the depths of the ocean.”

“Really? Then let’s gobble them up.”

Each of them was excited, and they seemed to see their more powerful future.

However, after this lesson, they are now a lot more careful and dare not be as arrogant as before.

Just because of the tortoise, they have died thousands of siblings, what if they are in danger again?

“We need to add companions.”

Thinking so, they began to devour the substance and began to split production.

They have the ability to absorb all living things on top of it.

It’s natural to breed offspring everywhere, and multiply very fast!

Three thousand? Five thousand? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? million?

But in an hour, their number actually increased from one thousand to one million!

And each individual’s ability is the same, and the owner has the ability to constantly absorb the genetic modification of other organisms.

“The quantity is enough.”

“Let’s go, let us devour more and make us stronger!”

“We must conquer this ocean, and we must make our father take a look at us!”

Along the way, one after another magical marine creatures entered their mouths, and they became stronger and stronger.

But in a day’s time, each of them possessed the fighting power comparable to legendary apprentices.

the next day.

Black crushed, millions of strange creatures whose strength is comparable to legendary apprentices came to the bottom of the sea.


A roar suddenly sounded from a seabed mountain peak, a 100-meter-long, eel-like Warcraft rushed out of the cave.

This is a level one World of Warcraft!

This powerful electric eel, whose owner is comparable to the first-class combat power, looked at the group of uninvited guests who suddenly broke into the ground. His eyes were cold, and hundreds of millions of volts of lightning burst from it.

It was just a blow, and the strange creatures in the air in the air were dead tens of thousands.


“What monster is this? How could it be so powerful?”

“Damn! It’s so much stronger than us!”

In the face of the “liquid” electric eel Warcraft, the legendary apprentice level of Warcraft is so weak.

Want to escape?

It’s too late now, so I can only bite my teeth!

“It uses electricity to quickly strengthen the genes and body structure in the direction of electricity, increasing the resistance to electric shock.”

“Damn, I don’t have the” electricity “gene!”

“I give you!”

However, even if the combat power is comparable to “liquid”, the powerful eel Warcraft is defeated in front of millions of weird creatures with different abilities and urgently increased lightning resistance.

“Haha, this guy is too strong, right?”

“Is it really a creature? An eel that is not too big to use electricity can be so powerful?”

“That is to say, I originally thought that our strength has reached the extreme.”

“Genes don’t seem to be much stronger than us?”

They suddenly moved.

“Everyone, I have absorbed its mental fragments and read its memory. It looks like it is what a level of Warcraft looks like.”

“What level of Warcraft? Hurry up to upload the memory data and share it.”

auzw.com “… So it is, is it like this? This powerful energy is called magic?”

“We are so powerful, it’s only third-class Warcraft? Are there first, second, third and fourth levels above us?”

“Is this an advanced method?”

“Why is it so difficult? Even if I want to be a first-class Warcraft, it takes six hours!”

“Six hours! From our birth till now, it’s only 27 hours passed. It’s just that we have to retreat for six hours to become a first-class Warcraft? Horror!

Although it is too long to retreat and practice for six hours, in order to become a very powerful first-class Warcraft, they decided to be patient.

In another six hours, their tens of millions of brothers and sisters can become a very powerful first-class Warcraft.

However, this world does not make them wish.

The loud noise caused by their battle with the first-class Warcraft attracted the master of this area.

Two scales covered with crimson “color”, with two tails, and monsters with dragon horns on their heads swam over-the two-tailed dragon!

Two first-level twin-tailed ichthyosaurs looked at this strange creature in shock.

“What’s the matter with them?”

“So there will be so many third-class Warcraft? Still get together? Also kill a first-class Warcraft?”

“What are these creatures? Why haven’t you seen them before?”

The two twin-tailed ichthyosaurs glanced at each other and immediately decided to resolve these scourges.

Although these two double-tailed ichthyosaurs are also “liquid” level, but because they are monsters, they have a perfect power system, a variety of cultivation techniques, and have weapons and skills suitable for them. Above the eel.

Even if there are millions of combat powers comparable to the existence of legendary apprentices, they are so weak in front of them.

Originally overwhelming, millions of invincible beings were killed by two double-tailed dragons.

After thinking that the enemies were almost killed, the two twin-tailed dragons left happily.

They don’t know how terrifying it is.

“It’s dead, everyone is dead …”

“Impossible, why is that? Everyone was still discussing how this became a first-class Warcraft.”

“The two demons! I must destroy them!”

Although they hated the double-tailed ichthyosaur, they did not lose their minds.

The opponent’s strength is too strong!

To get revenge, you must first become stronger!

Therefore, they began to practice according to the advanced methods obtained from the first-class electric eel spirit.

Six hours blinked.


“This is power! Now I am invincible!”

“Let’s get revenge!”

“Go, kill their nests and avenge the blood debt six hours ago.”

Tens of thousands of creatures with a strength comparable to “Liquid” Warcraft surged along the breath left by the two-tailed dragon.

In a large ditch, the monster two-tailed ichthyosaurs looked at the sudden tens of thousands of first-class strongmen.

How can there be so many first-class strongmen in this world?

Will they even unite against them?

“Guests, I don’t know if you are looking for our twin-tailed ichthyosaur …”

“Go to hell!”

Without even finishing a sentence, the two sides immediately fought together.

The double-tailed ichthyosaur is indeed very powerful, with two strong men who can achieve crystallization.

But the number of opponents is too much!

Ten thousand first-level Warcraft!

And in the battle, after the opponent swallowed the defeated Scorpionfish, actually learned the tricks of the Scorpionfish?

One side is getting weaker and the other side is getting stronger in battle.

The ending is already doomed.

After defeating the Twin Tailed Dragon, they got more information and they became stronger.

After digesting the acquired knowledge and genes, and becoming more powerful, a group of beings with a strength of crystallization level swim deeper into the deep sea.

This is the third day after their birth.

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