Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 968 - Return of the Goddess of War

She solves the world tree by herself?

Do not make jokes!

Now that the war situation is on the verge, the World Tree may shoot at any time. Even if it is possible to start the war immediately tomorrow, she simply cannot have enough time to grow.

“Sir father, please don’t joke.” Lilina looked at Will nervously.

“Of course I will support you behind my back.”

“Support?” Lilina frowned.

When Will’s hand stretched out, a white “color” light ball appeared in his palm, “This is the third-level Pandora armament I got from it after I defeated the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.”

“This one……”

There was a sentence in Lilian’s heart that didn’t know whether to say it or not.

Just a Class III weapon? Just a Pandora armed? So I want to let her a guy who has just entered the third level of the first stage to fight against the world tree?

Is she too worthy of her?

Still too worthy of Pandora armed?

Still underestimating the world tree?

“Don’t panic, I have upgraded Pandora’s armed forces, and now it is much more powerful than ordinary third-level armed forces.”

“Even if it is …” Lilina is still not optimistic.

“After I upgraded, the Pandora Armor III has lost the effect that it can be transformed into countless weapons before, but it has a more powerful function.”

“More powerful?” Lilina was interested.

“After activation, it can draw you and the enemy into a space called the virtual world, in which you can fight as much as you like, without worrying about the damage caused by the aftermath of the battle.”

“Ah? That’s it?”

“Don’t be disappointed so quickly.” Will smiled. “In the virtual world, because it is illusory, there is no point in winning or losing. You can fight hundreds of millions of times, and you can fight forever. “

“What’s the use?” Lilina frowned.

“The virtual world has another function, which is to choose one of the results to make it a reality.”

“Don’t say …” Lilina’s eyes widened in shock.

“Yes, as you think.”

Will’s hand flicked, and the light ball called the virtual world flew towards Lilina. After Lilina took the light ball, she merged it into the soul of faith.

Already got the virtual world, but Lilina still seems not satisfied, “Master Father, are you really not going to shoot?”

“Did I not give you enough help?”

“… enough.”

Lilina sighed, her expression looked so sad.

She realized the deep meaning behind Will, so she was so distressed.

Even though she had been opposed to Will before, the concept is very different from Will, but she still regards Will as her favorite father.

Until this moment …

In the end, she gave three heavy blows to Will, “I will not let you down, Master Saint.”

The expansion of war is inevitable.

In the war between humans and night elves, various first-, second-, and third-level strongmen came to an end one after another.

The night elves were losing ground, and even the third-level elves of the night elves were jointly injured by multiple three-sense wizards such as Luna and Gerrard.

At the time when the World Tree could not help but was about to take the shot, Lilina already took the first step.

Once the world tree is shot, even just a moment, it will cause great casualties.

Unlike that, for example, to start first is strong.

Cairo Empire.

King capital.

At the moment when Lilina pulled the world tree into the virtual world, Will, sitting on the throne of steel, looked up in the direction of the Western Continent.

The virtual world is created by Will using the ability of the fourth-level wizard and can be used by the third-level realm to pull the enemy into the illusion world.

Once in the virtual world, the existence in the virtual world is illusory, like the fire-breathing dragon in the garage.

In the virtual world, only the strong level 4 can observe and can interfere.

In the absence of a strong fourth-level shot, the two in the virtual world can fight endlessly and fight forever, theoretically they can fight until the universe is destroyed.

“Is Lilina impossible to win?” Phoenix said.

“She can’t beat the world tree.” Will nodded.

Lilina has only three levels of initial combat power, which is comparable to ordinary devil.

This combat power is many times weaker than the ants in front of the owner’s third-level pinnacle cultivation and the third-level Pandora armed world tree!

Such a weak Lilina, even if she is given unlimited time and opportunity, it is impossible to win once in the battle.

Even Will, with his infinite computing power, could not calculate the possibility of Lilina winning.

In this case, even if Will is on his own, it is absolutely impossible to win!

The virtual world is indeed very powerful, but unfortunately it is not strong enough to subvert the absolute strength gap.

Will, who gave the virtual world to Lilina, knew this, as did Lilina, who used the virtual world.

However, Will still insists on doing so, because-Lilina is too troublesome to exist! He wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Lilina!

After all, Lilina was his daughter, and he personally shot and killed his daughter and felt sorry for him.


Since you ca n’t do it yourself, what about using the power of others?

“In the virtual world, everything is illusory, but the problem is that the essence of the soul of faith is also illusory, so the soul of faith is not affected by the void, that is to say …”

“If she has suffered too many battles and too many failures in the virtual world, and her beliefs have been greatly hit and collapsed, she will dissipate the spirit of faith like the previous nine-tailed demon fox.

“She who fell from the third level will become unable to maintain the virtual world.”

“That’s fine. From now on, she can never threaten me again, never lead my humans astray, and no one will ever disobey my will.”

No matter who it is, even his own daughter, as long as he is blocking his way, he will kill without hesitation!

This time it was borrowed from the world tree, next time …

No next time.

Even if a miracle really happened this time, she passed the difficulty.

If she continues to look like this, Will doesn’t mind shooting in person, erasing the existence named Lilina forever.

Lilina and World Tree are trapped in the virtual realm, and I don’t know when they will be able to win or lose.


A family of night elves without a world tree?

Although there is a third-level night elf sitting in town, this night elf is only a little more powerful than the third-level first-level devil, and there is no third-level Pandora armed.

As a result, the night elves were defeated.

Westland won!

Mankind won!

From now on, the east and west continents are all human territory!

From now on, mankind has really stepped on the top of the earth!

Holy calendar 1200 years.

Numerous glows suddenly appeared over the western continent.


Lilina suddenly appeared in the air, with her green hair flying in the sky, and behind her were two huge wings full of vitality composed of branches.

The goddess of war Lilina is back!

She actually defeated the world tree with the third-level peak and armed with the third-level Pandora with the strength of the third-level first-level!

This is something that even Will would dare not imagine, even Will felt impossible!

Is this a miracle?

Is this destiny?

Is it far above Will, the fourth-level strongman, that the power called fate shelters Lilina?

“After 14 million battles, I finally won once.” Lilina’s eyes were so calm that she didn’t see the excitement of winning.

And from the perspective of her changing appearance and body, she not only defeated the world tree, but also gained the power of the world tree.

For Lilina who appeared suddenly, everyone’s reaction was extremely intense.

Because in their cognition, the reason why humans can defeat the night elves is because Lilina pulled the world tree into an enchantment unknown to the world.

Who will win?

Did they all die together, or did they?

People have been waiting every day from the day Lilina disappeared, praying and eager for the return of Lilina.

Today, after nearly two hundred years, most of the experiencers of that year have died, but people in this world will never forget the goddess of war, Lilina!

Almost at the moment Lilina returned, nearly ten billion people on the earth cheered.

“Congratulations on the return of the goddess!”

“Long live Lord Goddess Lina!”

“Goddess of war is immortal!”

People above the earth cheered at Lilina, leaping for Lilina’s return, jumping with joy and crying.

In the hearts of many people, Lilina’s existence is already above the Holy Emperor!

Because in the two race wars that can affect humans on the East and West Continents, Will, as the emperor, rarely shot. It was the goddess of war, Lilena, who led the human race to defeat the aliens, defeated the orcs, and defeated the night elves. of.

Perhaps, the strength of the goddess of war Lilena is already above the Holy Emperor?

This is also no way to do things, because Will is too low-key, have not shown much strength.

Not to mention the masses of ordinary people, even the second-level wizards such as Luna have such thoughts in their hearts.

After all, in their perception, Will was just a third-level wizard who had just advanced to the ranks and made the Cairo Empire pay a huge price to barely defeat the nine-tailed demon fox Karen.

And Lilina?

Lilina’s progress is too fast!

Even Will was left behind by Lilina!

And Lilina also defeated the world tree with a strength far above the nine-tailed demon fox Karen, and her record is much better than Will.

In the face of these irrefutable facts, it is not for granted that Lilina is more powerful than Will.

Ordinary people just cheered Lilina’s return.

But in the hearts of many strong men and many high-level leaders, it has set off a storm.

Looking at the people on the ground, Lilina Gujing Wubo’s face “exposed” a smile, she smiled softly: “I’m back.”

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