Chapter 80: The Demon Mask Strikes

Harmony had just handled the sudden ambush finishing off the last members of the Cult. Tempo threw the last lot to the ground wiping his hands as he began to return to his standard size. "Bah, suck weaklings. Their fighting style had no rhythm, too sloppy."

Melody crouched down reading through the chat smirking. "Seems the fan loved it though. We've shot up with followers. Seem this plan worked out Harmony."

"Of course, it did, I came up with the plan."

Vivace adjusted the bows in her hair, applying the last of her makeup. "I wonder if those Rhapsody members are alright?"

"The way they act is so unfocused and random. It will be their downfall." Melody input.

"I suppose it fits the name they chose though."

As the fog began to thicken Tempo stood up looking further in. "Someone is coming?" The others looked towards the fog although alerted; they were relaxed ready for anything. From the fog, Emil came running panting looking around lost. "Speak of the devil. Here is another Rhapsody boy."

Emil turned around coughing. "Where the hell am I now? I was just with Alton. Gemini attacked us!"

Vivace scoffed closing her mirror. "Sounds like to me all of you members of Rhapsody are unfocused swine don't they."

"Now, Vivace no need to be so mean in front of our guest. We were just about to finish off our picnic if you want to join us?"

Emil tilted his head confused. "You guys brought a picnic to a raid? That's awesome!" He plopped himself down, rolling up his sleeves. "Wow, there's so much."

Tempo laughed patting Emil on the back. "I like this one; he's much more understanding than that Percy boy. They all need to loosen up. Here, pork sandwich makes you strong like me."

Emil took the sandwich biting a large bite. "So, none of you guys have seen my team?"

"No, the little boy was taken by the Cult leader and thug went after them. We took care of the rest and decided to finish our food."

Emil chuckled nodding. "I like that. Everyone in team Rhapsody is so action, man, go, go, go. Sometimes it's nice just to take a break, you know?"

"Aren't you worried about your friend Alton?" Vivace asked.

"Alton? Please, that motherfucker is a beast. A real MVP. Out of all the noobs on my team, I'd be more worried about the Cult if Alton is their enemy."

"He's the real deal then?" Harmony questioned.

"I'll say, he's giving the Montagues and the Dawn family a run for their money. He was able to stay toe to toe with Vanguard in a one on one fight as well as take me down. So yeah he's the real deal."

The group began to laugh as Harmony looked confused, turning to Melody who looked troubled. "Melody are you alright?"

Melody gagged choking as she was lifted in the air clawing at her throat. She kept fighting for air before her neck was snapped. Tossed to the side, a figure in the demon mask stood their hand illumining a green glow. "Melody!" Vivace screamed. "You bastard! I'll make you pay for that!" She stood up, bouncing left and right to a beat, as the beat increased, she sped up before flying around at supersonic speed. The Demon masked figure stood still not moving. As the beat stopped, Vivace raced forward striking. The villain held their hand up, stopping Vivace on the spot. A snapping sound was heard as she was slammed to the ground serval times before thrown to the side.

Emil looked paranoid as he gulped. "I know you. You're the villain who's been causing a racket in the Dawn family. The villain who killed the Phantom Streamer. You're a member of the Syndicate family."

The demon mask clapped their hands speaking in a robotic voice changer. "You've done your research, Montague. Although I'm sure, all of that was because of your leader's interest. Someone like you will never be a true member of Team Rhapsody."

Tempo stood up tending to Vivace who was in bad shape with a broken spine. He began to grow in strength and size. "You've picked the wrong fight, my little demonic friend. Tempo will show no mercy to barbaric monsters like yourself.

The demon mask looked up at Tempo giggling like a schoolgirl. "What fun this could be. I've been so cooped up playing the role of a good girl that I really want to let loose. Let's have a little dance. I'll even let you be my partner."

Tempo howled laughing uncontrollably. "You are a cocky one, aren't you little one." Tempo swung his arm around, cupping the villain around spinning her around, throwing her into the wall. The Demon mask flipped around, holding her hands up performing a perfect stance. "Think you are the real shit, are you?"

The Demon mask began spinning around like a ballerina on her tippytoes. "I do admit I find all of this one big game. Toying with my prey like this is just so orgasmic." She flips over another attack going into the splits pulling herself back up. She began running her hands over her mask panting. "This rush I feel, knowing my life could be over any second. Two lives in the balance are just too much!"

Tempo began prancing around smashing into walls with a slow and clumsy yet rhythmic pattern. "Shouldn't we help him?" Emil questions.

Harmony was looking after Vivace shaking her head. "It's best to leave Tempo be. Getting in the way will only mess up his attacks. He's one crazy son of bitch. He'll defeat that crazy bitch without a doubt."

The Demon Mask began hopping around elegantly all while laughing with an insane tone easily keeping ahead of Tempo. "Again, try hitting me again, come on, you've almost got me!"

As she landed back on her feet, the ground crumbled around her as the Demon Mask tripped turning to see Tempo towering over her with a foreboding aura around him. Tempo curled his fist, backbiting his lip. "Your movements are so random, and all over the place, it works against you. Your rhythm doesn't work. That will be your downfall."

Throwing one mighty punch, the Demon Mask returned it by swinging her arm up. The two attacks connected as Tempo's arm was ripped clean off. "You could say I'm a real Rhapsody." She caught it, smacking him back into the wall. "Ooh, homerun!"

Harmony looked on devasted shaking at the boots as the Demon Mask threw Tempo's arm in the air staring directly at her. She got up to fight only for Emil to hold his arm out. "Don't. I've got this."

"Oh, am I seeing this right? A member of Team Rhapsody is going to fight me? I felt like I've won the bingo! Never did I think I would get to fight one of you so early even if it is just a third-rate member."

"You sure act like you know us all very well. Done your research as well?"

"You have no idea beefcakes." Emil took out serval items including bombs and other small weapons. Before they could reach the wall, the Demon Mask stopped each one, bringing them close to her. "You think I would have fallen for that? I'm well aware of your little magic trick."

"I was counting on that." He chuckled. The Demon Mask looked down, seeing the pin on the grenade gone. Before she could react, the bomb exploded in her face sending her in the air. Emil used this chance collapsing into the floor before propelling himself up, pulling off an uppercut on the villain right in the face dealing a heavy blow as well as tearing the mask off. Emil landed back seeing the mask on the floor chipped.

The Demon Mask landed on the floor, holding her face as she snarled speaking in a violent tone. "Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to hit a girl?!" Emil was flown back gagging as he hit the wall. This was met serval more times as he was flung around the room like a piñata. Crashing to the ground, Emil began twitching unable to move as he started coughing up rubble. The girl put her cracked mask back on showing a demonic red glow coming from the eye portion of the mask. "Usually I would kill someone like that for pissing me off. Son, you've really pissed me off. But I think Team Rhapsody has had enough losses today to have another on their doorstep. You're lucky I'm letting you live. Or not, it does mean living another day on this damned planet. Do you want my word of advice Emil? Get out of town while you can before it's too late."

"What does that mean? Answer me!"

She chuckled, holding her hand up charging an attack up before whispering. "Victoria aut mors."

A barrage of attacks poured in from above as she looked up teleporting away from the attack. Scarlett flew in landing on her knees panting. She looked around snapping. "Damn it! The bitch got away again."


"Emil. Thank goodness you are alright. Sorry, it took me so long to show up if I knew a member of the Syndicate family was here, I would have shown sooner." She admitted.

"Scarlett Dawn, an honour for you to show yourself. I was wondering when the Dawn and Syndicate family would clash. I would love to stay and fight, but I still got the real reason for being here. I'll see this little duel as a warmup. Until next time." The Demon Mask howled from out of sight before fading away.

"That was the Syndicate family? They seemed to know a lot about us."

"Probably because I'm apart of the team now. What a bother this has become, first Alton goes berserk and almost kills everyone, then Percy has to play the hero and sacrifice himself and now this."

"Wait, Percy is dead?! Shit, man I always knew that kid was a real problem charger. Always rushing into the fight but fuck, he didn't deserve that. Is everyone else, alright?"

"They are. Alton is badly injured but will live. Zinnia is fine as well. You should stay here."

Emil stood up gasping. "No way, I'm going with you. Team Rhapsody needs all the help we can get."

"I'm… honoured by the request Emil, but right now you are nothing more than a third-rate member with those wounds. Right now, it's best to help the people in need."

Emil stopped seeing Harmony holding her dead and beaten allies near crying. "I understand. I'll get them out of here."

"Good, we don't want that Syndicate member ambushing you again. I'll meet up with the others and take care of P4R4D0X and Bones." Scarlett informed walking off.

Emil watched speaking. "Scarlett, I don't know how you found us, but thanks. For saving us."

She shook her head, laughing. "No need. I didn't do anything after all."

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