Chapter 81: Dead End Part 1

"So, this is where it ends, huh? What a pity, I honestly thought so highly of you Aoi. It appears my trust in lower lifeforms was a mistake." Bargaining taunted staring down at P4R4D0X with a smug look. "You're a failure Aoi." He went to walk away only to stop seeing P4R4D0X gripping onto his leg like a lost puppy. "Give it up. You've failed."

"I can. Still fight."

"Oh, can you now? I see something completely different, where I'm standing, I see nothing more than someone unworthy of the Garden's gift. Look at me; I had to sacrifice so much for this gift of mine. I fought for this place, no mercy. Nothing like that, so tell me then Gemini, what are you willing to do for power?"

P4R4D0X lowered her head whispering. "Anything, I'll do anything."

Bargaining sighed, rolling his eyes. "How many times have I heard that before? I came to you Gemini when you were at your lowest. I gave you endless possibilities. Power for the taking yet you couldn't even pass the first hurdle. All you've shown me is a disappointment."

Bargaining watched as P4R4D0X pulled herself off the ground shaking uncontrollably struggling stay standing. Watching with amusement P4R4D0X spoke up. "I have nothing left apart from this. I need this for my sister and myself. You came to me promising me a possibility to become something more. I intend to reach out and take that future for myself! I will become better than all of us. I am Aoi Fujisaki!"

"No, you are nothing more than a cheap imitation of your dead sister. You will never be on her level, give it up Gemini. This is all finished."

P4R4D0X shook her head. "No, give me another chance."

"She wants another chance? Cannot she seriously not accept her fate. The age of P4R4D0X will never happen." Acceptance chuckled appearing in a faded silhouette with the features hard to see. "This is one of the pawns you've pulled together Bargaining? I can't help but say I'm disappointed."

"There's no need to be too harsh on her Acceptance. There is still a chance of her coming out on top." A little girl whimpered hiding behind a cloak as her black hair covered half of her face. She was trembling turning to the others. "I believe in her."

"Well, that's your problem Denial. You never go anywhere hoping the outcomes will always be in your favour." Another girl hissed standing behind P4R4D0X. She placed her hand on her shoulder, staring directly in her eyes. "You hold so much anger deep inside. Not because of others. You feel rage and anger against yourself for not being better. How pathetic." The girl walked past in a neglected and broken armour set which was missing serval pieces. "What do you think, my dear Bargaining?"

"What else is there to feel?"

"It's alright to be a failure. It doesn't matter. We all lose eventually." A boy sighed lying on the ground in a dirty sweatshirt which had flowers growing on them.

P4R4D0X looked petrified as she gulped. "Just who the hell are you guys?"

"You made a deal with us, no? You were stuck in a stage of denial."

"A stage of anger."

"A stage of bargaining."

"A stage of depression."

"A stage of Acceptance." She looked on, feeling dread take her as Bargaining stared her down. "You are standing in front of the five stages of grief. Try and show some respect."

Denial looked around smiling to herself. "The world hasn't changed much since we were last here, it's a shame we can't stay longer. I can already feel the garden's pull on us."

"It is not our time to take this world back," Depression grumbled. "How is it? How is this world Bargaining?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Bargaining scoffed. "Rotten. It seems the idea of heroes has been cast aside. Instead, they have a new generation called streamers. Foul primitive creatures who save people for nothing more than fame and fortune."

"They are a greedy bunch, aren't they? I don't want this to be too easy." Anger chuckled.

Acceptance crossed his arms, looking down on Anger. "You won't have to worry about that my dear Anger, there are a fair few primitive who might just entertain you."

"Oh, oh, oh. Do you mean the child of the Garden? How exciting. Knowing one of them are out there gets me more rowed up to play the game." Anger cheered spinning around before stopping tightening her bandages which covered her entire face apart from her mouth.

"While this might be fun for you guys to all catch up after 400 years, why have you summoned us Bargaining? All of this is very tiring to keep my form here."

Bargaining began grinning mischievously chuckling. "Well, I thought I had to tell you all right away. After 400 years, I finally found her. Our dearly beloved sixth stage. Salvation."

Acceptance snapped too looking shocked. "You found Salvation? Where is she?"

"Safe enough, although she has no memories of being Salvation. Well, this form of her has never been Salvation yet. But oh, saviour of mine, she will set us all free."

P4R4D0X lifted her head, screaming. "Listen to me!"

"It seems the human still has some fight in her." Denial spoke.

P4R4D0X looked at each of them panting. "I want. I demand you to help me."

"Oh yeah and why should we do that for?" Acceptance scoffed. "You are one to talk if you think you can make demands from the stages of grief."

"My name is Gemini Fujisaki. I lost my sister eight years ago. Ever since then, I've always hated Gemini. She is weak and useless. I refuse to be that girl. Aoi was so much stronger and braver than me. She is the reason I'm still here today. I would take anything to change that."

"You want your sister back?" Depression whispered.

"No." She snapped. "I am well past that. I want what she had. I want her dreams. Her positives and negatives. I'm nothing more than a useless shell. But as Aoi, if I were to become her. I could accept myself and take the world by storm as we planned on doing all those years ago."

Bargaining began to clap, looking impressed. "Now that is the fire, I saw in you for the first time. When we first made a contract, when I leeched to your mind, I could see in vision this. A girl so hellbent on taking her sister's dream forward that she would cast herself away to become that girl. You've gone through five stages of grief, and now all that lies in front of you is Salvation. Perhaps evaluating our deal is long overdue."

"Give it to me. I want it all."

The other stages nodded as they all held their hand out to P4R4D0X. "Whenever you're ready Aoi. We will grant you untapped power that people have dreamed of having. It is yours all that we ask is one thing. Kill the Legendary heroes and set us free."

Aoi collapsed to the ground as her wounds began to heal. She clawed at her face feeling unnatural. Her eyes began to burn as she couldn't breathe. Bargaining turned, smiling. "It appears we have company."

Alice smashed through the wall her crimson red eyes glowing through the smoke. "It really is her. I can't believe it."

"I told you."

Alice walked in with a childish look on her face as she looked at everyone. "It really is you. The five stages of grief. It's been so long."

"Salvation. A pleasure to see you once more." Acceptance bowed.

"Would have been nice if she helped us during the game 400 years ago," Depression grumbled lying on his back yawning. "Not that I really care."

Alice skipped in walking around the stages. "How are you here? Wait these are just projection. What a pity, I was hoping to have the chance to play with you all again."

"If play you mean kill us all?"

"Isn't that the same thing?" She giggled. Turning to Aoi, she stopped looking a little bit off. "What have you done here?"

"Made a bargain. You know how it is. She will set us free."

"While I would love for that to happen. She hurt my sister. So, I'm going to kill her."

"Hmm, seems you're still fighting for that body. Alice or Salvation. Who will win? I would love to, but Rodger and I have places to be. With that the stages, you are rescinded."

The four stages vanished as Bargaining began walking off as Goro walked in panting. "Do you think I'm going to let you get away Bargaining?"

Bargaining tilted his head moaning. "Well, no, not really. But I'm pretty sure you have bigger problems right now."

He walked off as Alice turned to Aoi, who was still lying on the floor. "Gemini!" Goro yelled.

Alice pulled him back shaking her head. "That isn't who you think it is anymore. The garden has corrupted her. She isn't even human anymore."

Aoi stood up the hair covering her face being pushed aside, showing her bare pale face. Her lips cracked with serval scars. Her eyes were now two different colours. One green the other pure black. The room began to shake as she began to hover in the air, holding her face. "I feel it—the power. Our dream is coming to a reality. This is it. Aoi Fujisaki will become the greatest streamer of all time!"

Goro flinched looking devasted. "Gemini you didn't…"

"Do not say that name! There is only Aoi. With the powers gifted to me, I shall be the only streamer needed to save everyone." Fierce lightning began crackling as the ground began to shake. The two streamers jumped back as a giant vine grew from the ground wrapping around Aoi. "No one is worthy. I will purge this world of all streamers. Prepare for death is here!"

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