Chapter 79: The Number Two Streamer

Gemini stared at her hands; her vision blurry as she struggled to keep with her reality. She was finding it harder and harder to keep together, to keep her mind at bay. Holding her hair, she began aggressively whispering to herself trembling on the spot. "Hold it together Aoi, no! Gemini. My name is Gemini Fujisaki. I am Gemini!"

"Seems like your mind is falling apart. Having both yours and your sister's powers is too much to handle." Iris mocks standing a far distance from Gemini. "Don't you think it's time to stop this?"

Gemini glanced at Iris through her craggy hair breathing heavily. "I cannot stop. Only the worthy can stream. It can only be me. You are not worthy Iris Hawthorne!"

Casting an electrical blast at Iris, it was stopped by a portal as the attack came back harming Gemini. "The Alice disagrees. The only unworthy streamer we see here is you P4R4D0X."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She roars, holding her head in pain. "It's me. It always has been, no one else can do this. I will be the next generation of streamers. Never stopping, never dying. Always there to save the day. A perfect Paradox."

"By killing other streamers? Working with an insane Cult and causing mayhem across Rhinefield. How is that the next generation?"

Gemini raised her head, looking to the sky. "They don't understand Gemini. No one ever understands us, do they? It's always against the world. This messed up distorted world. Streamers don't care about what happens. If someone lives or die, but I do, I'll save them all; no one will have to feel the pain of their loved ones being stolen from them. I will judge the masses and disposes of all those who are not worthy. Can't you understand that?"

Iris spins the cube around her finger tutting. "While I admit streamers aren't all good. Many of them are just in it for fame and fortune. I can't speak for heroes; we're in it for more or less the same reason. But who in the hell gave you the right to choose who lives and dies? No one should have that choice!"

"I didn't expect a feeble unworthy mind like yourself to understand. I'm going to save this world whether you like it or not." She claims as serval electrical wires spread around her sparking like crazy. The security cameras and monitors all shut down, powering up Gemini. "If making this world a better place means I build it on the corpses of the unworthy so be it. I Aoi Fujisaki will make our dream come true."

Iris grits her teeth blinded by the sparks. "She's lost her mind. She actually believes she's her dead sister. How messed up is that. We'll take her down here, Alice!" Iris jolted into motion fighting off P4R4D0X, Alice joined in only to stop at the last moment. Her father's voice echoed in her head to not fight. She felt conflicted but eventually let her father's orders take control. Iris has to be tested even if that means to the death.

Iris was propelled into the air by her cube as she began running mid-air using her cubes as stepping stones to avoid the electrified ground below. Making loops around P4R4D0X, she punched her fist forward as serval spears struck the villain. Each was propelled back by the wires protecting Gemini. Flipping over the counter, she bounced off the wall, continuing her stepping stone flurry. This was a battle of wits. Neither one of them could get close in the chance their attacks could end the battle in one hit. Both had to go through ranged attacks in hopes one of them would break. Although Iris had the clear advantage one wrong move and she would be fried by the electricity down below. Spinning around, she cast serval cubes which expanded keeping her out of sight. Gemini looked around blind to an upcoming attack. "I must admit, your powers are awe-inspiring. Taking down Vanguard is no easy feat." She smirked as the electrical wires connecting into the monitors giving away Iris' position. "But unlike him, I won't go easy on the unworthy!"

Iris flinched turning as an electrical wire stabbed into her back, frying her with jolts of electricity. Letting out a scream of pain, she couldn't move to try to control her cube. Controlling a single attack, the cube expanded blasting P4R4D0X back into the monitor smashing it electrocuting her instead. Iris was starting blacking out as she fell to the floor. Stopping herself from being electrocuted once again, she created a platform to protect her. Lying on the floor panting, she glanced, overseeing her sister idly standing there doing nothing. That made her snap as she slowly rolled over, casting two more cubes crushing Gemini before serval spikes stabbed into the prison. The cube was flung around the room, smashing into walls before exploding. Iris flinched finding P4R4D0X wasn't even in the cube the entire time. She turned seeing the girl emerge from another monitor with serval wires snapping away. Before Iris had the chance to block a wire slashed across her face cutting deeply. The platform broke as she fell to the floor, being electrocuted more before passing out.

This is what made Alice snap out of her delusion, seeing her sister defeated. She panicked, casting a portal saving her. The portal laid Iris down as Alice kneeled down, checking for a pulse. She was still alive if barley. Gemini hovered over the two sister's electricity snapping and sparking. "Her might wasn't worthy. Anyone who isn't worthy will fall to me."

Alice brushed her hand over her sister's head with her blank expression. She began to twitch slightly feeling a sharp pain ripple through her head. One hand fell to the floor as P4R4D0X stood over them both. Many people close to Alice, especially Iris, gave her the nickname the unfeeling Alice. Nothing phased her in the slightest. She showed no emotions, nor does she feel anything from sorrow to overwhelming joy apart from the far few circumstances. There is a reason, however, for this. Alice, for her whole life, has pushed away from her emotions, digging them deep down to keep her demons at bay. Until now. A swelling feeling of pain and rage began building up inside of Alice, one she hasn't felt in years. She tried keeping it at bay, holding it back no matter what. But this time it was of little use resisting. Her multi-coloured eyes of yellow and red started to change as the red took over her other eye.

"A sister who doesn't protect her sibling isn't worthy of living."

P4R4D0X went in for the final blow as the attack connected it simply just disappeared like it never happened. She looked shocked as Alice raised her hand, pointing towards P4R4D0X. Alice raised her head towards Gemini as her entire aura and personification were different. It was like she was a different person entirely. "Out of my sight weakling." A straight beam shot through P4R4D0X as her arm was eradicated into nothing. P4R4D0X turned in horror before she could do anything her entire body was blown away as she broke through the wall to the next room crashing into the rubble bleeding out by a single attack. She couldn't feel anything losing all senses in her body.

"That is what I'm talking about." Bargaining howled with excitement watching from the sidelines throwing popcorn in his mouth. "You are most certainly the one I've been looking for. I must give props to the old man he really outdid himself this time. I was right to make a bargain with that Hawthorne."

Alice stood up, staring at Bargaining with her hand to her chin as she gave an innocent smile. "I know you, don't I?" She said in a distorted voice which was muffled and broken.

"Oh, Treasure of mine, you have no idea. While it is fun watching you defeat that girl in a single attack, I think that's boring for both of us. Don't you want a challenge?" He laughed, throwing the box of popcorn away. "I'm going to borrow Aoi for a little bit. Have her all ready for your big battle. Don't you worry we'll have her ready for the number two streamer? I'll see you soon, oh, murderer of mine."

Bargaining stepped back into the shadows before stepping out, appearing beside a half-dead P4R4D0X. He picked her up, stepping back into the darkness and vanishing. Alice giggled to herself. "This is getting so much fun now." Alice turned, seeing Iris waking up. She kneeled down, kissing her on the head. "You stay just here now Iris ok? Alice is going to go and play now."

Alice skipped off as Iris held her hand out, looking around with a distort look in her pale eyes. "Alice? Are you there? Alice?! Where did you go?" She began to sob, feeling her face breaking down. "I can't see it. I can't see anything…"

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