Twisted Realm

Chapter 458 - help

In pure white space.

Eggers was sitting cross-legged in the center of the pure white space, his long hair that had not been trimmed for many years fell straight to the ground, covering his front and back.

blah blah blah! !

The sound of slow footsteps came from the entrance to the original hall behind Eggers, and Meng Xuan’s figure slowly walked into the pure white space along the stairs that flickered with white light.

He looked ordinary, like an ordinary person, and the surface of his body was not covered with the dazzling white flames when he first entered.

When his body completely stepped into the pure white space, the crack in the pure white space leading to the original palace healed automatically.

“It seems that you have made a choice.”

Eggers looked at Meng Xuan with his long hair covering his suspected face, as if he was looking at him, and then let out a chuckle.

“I have no choice, do I?”

Meng Xuan said calmly.

“If your words are heard by those supreme beings, I’m afraid it won’t be as simple as breaking your head.”

Eggers said jokingly.

“You should have already received the next revelation. If you don’t mind, can you tell me what this poor, innocent poor gatekeeper is about? If you have any doubts about me, then forget it.”

Eggers said with a shrug.

“It’s not a secret, it’s okay to tell you.”

Meng Xuan doesn’t care about this. This is not a conspiracy in itself, but an upright conspiracy, and with Eggers’ identity and experience, and his understanding of the original palace and the main god, he may have guessed the specific content.

“Let the flower of reason bloom in the black abyss.”

Meng Xuan said.

“Is that so? Let reason dispel madness, let light expel darkness, and the conditions for opening it are the whole world.”

Hearing Meng Xuan’s words, Eggers showed such an expression as he expected.

“You already guessed it.”

Meng Xuan looked as expected.

“Of course, the essence of power in the key you obtained has long revealed this fact. One more question, what are you going to do next?”

Eggers asked.


Meng Xuan’s answer was very brief, but he knew that Eggers would definitely understand what he meant.

“Civilization? This is indeed the right path. The essence of Heiyuan is this world, as well as the accumulation of madness and chaos in the deep subconscious of all creatures and existences in this world from ancient times to the present. When the light of reason shines on reality In the two worlds, when the flower of reason blooms in civilization, the power of Heiyuan will be suppressed to the extreme.”

“Throughout the ages, there are many people who want to do this, but the human heart is too complicated. Human beings will hold different opinions on those who are half a step higher, and will only be sublime and convinced of the untouchable.”

“But to become sublime, to master the power beyond people’s reach, and to have to touch the distortion, and then be caused by chaos and madness, and gradually fall into the endless cycle of dragon slayers becoming dragons. This is the sadness of this world, and it is also a kind of Great ridicule, countless people have fallen on this road, and I am one of them.”

“Only you have the ability and essence to change all this. This is not only a task, but also your responsibility.”

“However, there is not much time left for you. You broke the barrier of the zero realm and affected the origin of the seventy-two king pillars. The seal between the two realms can no longer be sustained. When the two realms overlap, the virtual and the real merge. One, the day when the secret world reappears is also the time when those supreme beings return, with your power, it is far from being able to compete.”

“This time may be two years, maybe three years, in short, it will not be too long. This period of time is insignificant in the short life of human beings, let alone in the history of the entire civilization. You can change How much? How far can you prepare?”

Eggers nodded and agreed with Meng Xuan’s idea, but also raised doubts and questions.

“Other than that, there may be no better way. The return of the supreme existence takes time. This time is the key. When that time comes, I will stand in front of the entire civilization and face those supreme existences.”

Meng Xuan said slowly.

“I can help you.”

Eggers said.

“How to help? You may have been strong in the past, but now you are dependent on the power of the original palace to survive, like a reflection. Without the original palace, you may be able to hold back a supreme existence? But that’s just a drop in the bucket. “

Meng Xuan shook his head.

“You underestimate me too much. As the top existence of the last civilization, I haven’t been weak to that point. I have my preparations.”

“The ruins when you came here, the holy land that once created the seal of the two worlds, although it has not completed its final mission, it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product, but after I was resurrected, most of the time and power were released. On that, even if you don’t have the kind of mighty power you had back then, you can still achieve some miracles.”

Eggers said lightly, his long hair covered his face, making it impossible to see his expression at this moment.

“Even if it’s just to prolong the time for the return of the two worlds to overlap, it’s already a great miracle. Last time, with the help of the original palace, this time, it’s entirely up to you, the seventy-two king pillars, countless supreme beings, What price will you pay?”

Meng Xuan asked with a frown.

“That’s my business.”

Eggers’ voice remained calm.

“Why do you want to do this? According to what you said, you should hate the original temple and the man behind you who manipulated you. In theory, even if your life is connected to the original temple, it will not affect your life. Will and decision, why did you give it all.”

Meng Xuan asked in confusion.

“Precisely because it never affects my sanity, but only gives me choices one by one, that’s why I make such choices now.”

“Having experienced the first memories of my life, you should know what I was like at that time, dull, sluggish, weak, I lacked courage, and even lacked the ability to think rationally. It was the original that changed me, it gave me cognition. Self, the ability to think rationally, let me really begin to understand the world and transcend ordinary life.”

“Even the system that disgusts me, and maybe the main **** who always laughs behind the system, the tasks released to me are often all kinds of choices, I can choose not to do it, as long as I accept the punishment, You can choose to do it, and you will be rewarded, whether you do it or not, it’s all up to me, even if sometimes it’s because I’m afraid of punishment, but who’s to blame for my cowardice?”

“It can be said that it changed me, made me, and gave me everything. By now, I have nothing, I have lost my lover, my family, my family, my friends…even the whole civilization, I am like a lost dog, it is this This place has endured forever and has given me a home.”

Eggers said calmly, but Meng Xuan felt a deep sadness from his words.

As Eggers said, in the final analysis, he is a loser. In his rough life, he has lost too many things. Along this journey, the only thing that has always accompanied him is this eternal palace. The once youthful emotions have long since disappeared. Under the baptism of the years, in the loneliness of being alone, that palace may have long since become the real pure land in his heart.

“Besides, I also want to see the truth of the secrets contained in this palace, where exactly this palace came from, and what kind of scene it is on the other side of the unknown.”

“Don’t pay attention to me, do what you should do yourself, my life has long been connected to the palace, and even if I die, I can be resurrected in this pure land.”

Eggers slowly stood up from the ground.

Meng Xuan was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then said, “I wish you good luck.”

Hearing this sentence, Eggers suddenly chuckled and said, “I wish you good luck too.”

Meng Xuan nodded, his figure gradually faded, and he left this pure white space.

Eggers watched Meng Xuan leave, and the long-term monotony and loneliness returned to the pure white space, just like Eggers’ heart at this moment.

After a while, the long hair on his end suddenly began to fall out naturally, revealing his face.

“Get ready, it’s time to officially visit those old friends, I hope they are all well.”

In the real world, the vision over the eastern hemisphere lasted for about an hour before gradually shrinking and disappearing, but many people stayed up all night, and the voices of prayers and praises came one after another without stopping.

In Shahe City, the senior members of the True Society are quietly looking at the sky, as if waiting for something.

In the second half of the night, suddenly, the sanctuary body in the infinite heights in the sky sent a message to the high-level members of the True Self Society, and then a light of reception descended from the sky.

Everyone’s expressions were shocked, and their expressions were quite excited.

The Apostle of the Zero Realm, this is already the existence standing at the top of the virtual and real worlds, with “divine nature”, second only to those who have integrated into the origin.

Even when addressing this existence, the honorific title “He” should be used.

With such an existence, a person is a small world, and a person is like a kingdom.

With such an existence, the real world and the true self will have hope.

Everyone stepped into the light of reception, and after a flash of light, they entered the sanctuary.

And the Sanctuary at this moment is very different than any time they have seen before.

Plains, mountains, deserts, swamps… all kinds of terrain environments, the entire sanctuary has expanded dozens of times.

Rivers, streams, waterfalls, volcanoes, hot springs… all kinds of active natural things are also available.

What shocked them the most were the various lives walking in this world.

They have different shapes, and many of them, people can’t even name them, don’t seem to come from this civilization and have long since become extinct. Moreover, these beings do not give them the feeling of pulling puppets, but come alive, that kind of The strong breath of life and the signals originating from the source of life make them so real that they cannot be more real.

These alien beasts and extraordinary beings are the civilization that Meng Xuan had seen before, as well as the life that once existed in the civilization where Eggers lived.

To change the world and create life is almost a means possessed by the creator.

The original Sanctuary, although powerful and full of a sense of holiness, seemed very monotonous and deadly.

That’s because the kingdom of God at that time was not complete enough to penetrate the level of world consciousness. Even if life was fabricated, it was just a pile of rotten flesh with power condensed.

Now, Meng Xuan has become an apostle of the Zero Realm. The power of the kingdom of God has penetrated into the level of consciousness, and he has the ability to truly create the will of life. Even if these alien beasts leave the kingdom of God, as long as they can replenish their own energy, they will last for a long time. exist.

However, there are still limits to this kind of creation. The lives created by Meng Xuan today are rigid. They only have simple instincts and brain circuits, and they do not think for themselves.

More importantly, the moment their life forms are created, the upper limit is determined by the amount of power injected, and there is no possibility of re-evolution.

Although lifelike, they are still essentially “tools”.

On the contrary, Meng Xuan’s sanctuary became a lot more lively because of their existence.

While looking curiously at the sanctuary that had undergone earth-shaking changes, everyone rushed towards the holy mountain in the center of the The change in the holy mountain was not small, and its size was more than ten times the original. In addition, there are many more majestic-looking alien beast guards above the Holy One, and it seems that each of them will not be weaker than the Holy Envoy level.

However, these alien beast guards did not stop them, and they quickly climbed to the top of the holy mountain along the white jade stairs.

Meng Xuan stood in front of the huge temple, quietly waiting for them.

“Great, you succeeded.”

In the end, it was confirmed that the person was indeed Meng Xuan, and Lolita breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that the dove would occupy the magpie’s nest.

“You succeeded, does it mean that the barrier between the two realms will also be broken? The virtual realm and twisted power will come to this world?”

Dorogu clearly cares more.

“It can be said that, however, someone will temporarily block us, at least in a short period of time, we still have a certain amount of time to prepare.”

Meng Xuan nodded and said.

“Someone is blocking us?! Who is it?”

Cang Yao said in surprise, he can’t think of anyone who can do such a thing, the two worlds are approaching is the general trend, there are many supreme beings and the guidance of the seventy-two king pillars, who has the ability to withstand the pressure of these people Prevent the two worlds from approaching?

“This is not what you need to care about. You just need to know that he is a loner, his ability may be limited, and it is uncertain how long he can withstand it. Therefore, we must do our own thing as soon as possible.”

Meng Xuan said.

“Next, what should we do?”

Lin Ya asked. From her eyes, she could see the eagerness to try, and others couldn’t help but listen.

Meng Xuan’s face was calm, and he slowly spit out four words:

“Changing civilization.”

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