Twisted Realm

Chapter 459 - see you again

“Changing civilization?”

Hearing Meng Xuan’s words, everyone’s expressions froze. At this moment, they all understood what Meng Xuan meant.

At the beginning, the original king acquired knowledge from the void and gradually developed a civilization system that was once incomparably powerful. At the peak of Nelson, seventy-two king pillars were born, each of them standing at the peak of the world. Even with the distorted supreme existence, it can temporarily compete, but because it has not yet integrated into the essence of the world, it cannot break through the final boundary.

The reason why they can achieve such achievements is not only because of the original king, but also because of the wisdom and strength of the entire Nelson civilization. That splendid civilization has developed the ritual to the extreme, rigorous and complicated. Aesthetics is beyond the reach of one’s wisdom. The birth of the Seventy-two King Pillars is a miracle created step by step in the tens of thousands of years of civilization history of the entire Nelson civilization.

It’s a pity that after obtaining a stronger essence, it was affected by distortion, which made them ignore this fact.

The improvement of the entire civilization will indeed lead to an increase in the power of the entire world, and the gathering of sparks will eventually become a prairie prairie.

“The overall improvement of civilization, gathering the wisdom and strength of all living beings, this is indeed a feasible method, and the essence of power you master can also make the entire civilization different from the past and more vitality. However, leave it to us I’m afraid there is not enough time.”

Dorogu shook his head and said.

“Yes, it took at least 30,000 years for the Nelson civilization to develop from its initial stage to its peak, and now the civilization in the real world has basically been finalized. Although it has experienced devastating disasters, it has become a civilization in the midst of destruction. It is more malleable, but the transformation of civilization may not be completed in one or two generations, and it requires at least a hundred years of accumulation.”

“It may have been just a moment before this, but now that the seal of the two realms has basically collapsed, who can resist the twist of a hundred years?”

Cang Yao said with a sigh.

Meng Xuan agrees with what Duoluogu and Cangyao said. He knows that the change of civilization is not an overnight event. Human beings are a creature with a very short life but a very long memory, with countless generations of memory, culture and history. The stacking of everything, etc., finally formed the prototype of civilization. If you want to change, it is easier said than done.

But some things, although difficult, have to be done. He does not think that in Eggers’ state, he can really prevent the two worlds from uniting for a long time.

Moreover, he is not reshaping civilization, but just needs to make some changes in civilization, does not need it to grow into a towering tree, but just needs to plant a seed.

“I know all this, but there is really not much time left for us. Even if it is encouraged by the seedlings, some things have to be done. Now it is a wartime state, and it is a battle of life and death. If we do not make changes quickly, then We will be greeted with failure.”

“Ten years is the highest period. After completing the basic transformation of this civilization, I will lead all this.”

“All you have to do is to follow my orders.”

Meng Xuan said calmly.



Just when Meng Xuan began to prepare intensively, the virtual world and the zero world were already surging.

The barrier of the Zero Realm is broken, the cage of the real world has been broken free, and the seventy-two king pillars have temporarily lost control of the seal of the two realms due to the shaking of their origin. It can be said that this is the time when the seal of the two realms was the weakest in the past six thousand years.

Whether it is the Seventy-two Halls or the Twisting Power, such an opportunity will not be missed.

Deep in the zero world, in the black abyss, endless distorted black mist is surging frantically. These distorted black fog crossed the boundary seal of the middle layer of the zero world and began to spread towards the upper layer of the zero world.

In the twisted black fog full of chaos, killing and madness, there seemed to be a pair of evil eyes watching everything silently.

Those supreme beings sleeping in the depths of the black abyss are awakening, and their terrifying power that has been forgotten by the world is spreading wildly.

The seventy-two king pillars fell into chaos, the seal between the two realms was weakened to the extreme, and no one could stop them from pulling the two realms closer.

Twisted False Gods, their source of power actually comes from the secret world, and they are the highest status achieved in the unity of virtual and real. Back then, Eggers forcibly separated the two worlds. If their power is weakened to the extreme, let him They lost the ability to “manifest” in the physical level of reality and were trapped in the black abyss.

Only when the two worlds overlap again and the secret world reappears, can they re-create a terrifying effect on the real world.

Six thousand years ago, during the Nelson civilization period, as the distance between the two realms narrowed, their power had recovered somewhat, but after the seventy-two king pillars merged with their twisted origins, they straddled the real and virtual realms, the black abyss and the zero realm. In the middle of the shallow layer, they blocked the way of their recovery, and they have been stalemate for these long years when the power could not completely escape from the black abyss.

Now, the opportunity has finally come again.

Just as the black abyss was tumbling, there was also a huge change in the virtual world.

All the twisted beings are like crazy, all the twisted legions came out in full force, and launched a frantic attack on all the forces belonging to the Serio Federation at all costs, blood and fighting became the main theme above the virtual world, the sky The blood moon that hangs high in the middle like eyes is very strange.

In many twisted and controlled places, those low-level, ignorant twisted aliens are even frantically killing each other. They swallow, gnaw, destroy, and destroy everything, and howl with excitement.

It’s like an alternative carnival, bathed in blood and chaos, playing music with wailing.

Shadow Arm Morgoda.

In the plain shrouded in thick fog, all kinds of strange fighting and howling sounds came out one after another, extremely harsh.

And as the Dark Archon, Dean Tenatilios, in accordance with the oracle, held a huge ceremony at the top of the Shadow Arm.

He knelt down on the ground with his scepter on his knees, raised his head in the direction of the blood moon in the sky, raised his hands high, and seemed to want to hold the blood moon in his palms.

There seemed to be countless worms squirming under his black robe, his facial expressions were strange and distorted, and he uttered terrifying ravings in hoarse and overlapping voices:

“Great is supreme…”

“You are the source of the world, you are the essence of everything.”

“You preach with fear and purify the world with killing.”

“Your humble servants, offer you the chaos and madness that pervades the world.”

“May you regain control of the earth after you return!!”

Under the sacrifice of the Dark Archon, under the deliberately created chaos of the entire imaginary world, death, killing, pain and madness, all these factors are adding strength to the dark abyss that is deep in the will of the world.

The thick black mist surging in the black abyss became more intense, and the madness and chaos of the twisted legion in the virtual world made the power of the supreme beings even more intense.

In the thick black mist, there are terrifying forms that slowly condense with the help of huge negative forces.

The first person to emerge from the thick fog of Heiyuan was a terrifying woman in a white classical dress, with long black hair fluttering, her pupils all black, and the corners of her mouth cracked to her ears.

The origin of everything, the original god-killer, and the first person to become a new god. His name used to be Aina, the supreme saint of the Ring of Fate tribe, the leading genius of the ancient Aoin civilization, and the “white sage”. Eggers is one of the twin stars, and now, he is the mother of fear and the king in white, from which he draws his strength.

The second one that emerged from the black fog was a tall human-shaped shadow. This tall shadow had slender and twisted limbs. Above his body, there were countless dense star points, flickering brightly and dimly. A wicked light.

He is the original nucleus of calamity, the master of the stars. He draws power from disasters, uses the power of evil stars to control doom, and plays with fate to applaud. He takes misfortune as food and is the natural enemy of good luck. Once, his name was Su. Fenrir, a world-famous praying wizard, is considered to be able to play with fate and control heaven’s secrets. Today, he is called the Lord of Chaos Stars.

The third one that emerged from the black mist was a huge black horn. On its **** shell, a large number of deformed attachments grew. Wherever he passed, the space gave birth to carrion, growing in the carrion. Out of the tumor, a white brain flower bloomed in the tumor. He is the origin of all fallen life, and holds the secret of the proliferation and mutation of life. Once, He was called Isaisis, the leader of the barbarian tribe, master of flesh and blood The great witch doctor of witchcraft and healing magic, and now, he is the secret womb of multiplication, giving birth to black horns.

The fourth one that emerged from the black fog was a huge black-red light group, with countless spike-like tentacles extending from his body, making him look like a group of sea urchins, but he saw There is a huge horror hidden in the seemingly comical body.

The strong **** smell accompanied by the mad killing aura permeates every inch of space. The amazing murderous aura will freeze even the space, and any creature in front of him will fall into riotous killing, kill the enemy, and finally kill himself. .

He is the incarnation of slaughter and a symbol of blood. Once his name was Erdock, he was the strongest of the Heavenly Blood Tribe, a powerful warrior who mastered both the power of witchcraft and the power of qi and blood, and possessed the most powerful body and With the most exquisite skills, he cut off the arm of the False God, and now, he is called the Scarlet Slaughter, the Fallen Black Light.

The fifth one that emerged from the black mist was a blood-red full moon. He was like an evil eye growing in the sky, quietly watching the world, casting down chaotic rays of light to confuse the will of life. Let them lose their minds, go mad, and dance with the red moon in the chaos.

Once, his name was Artemis. He was the saint of the White Moon Tribe. He was considered to have a more beautiful face than the saint Aina, the Ring of Life. Silence, reason and wisdom are given to every being, and now, he is called the chaotic dawn, the beginning of the red moon.

The sixth one that emerged from the black fog was a huge python with scales all over its body and its belly covered with various human-like hands. In its huge pale yellow vertical eyes, it revealed endless desires. This desire is like an unquenchable flame that spreads from generation to generation.

Once, he was called Botero, a world-famous leader of ascetic monks, advocating the idea of ​​suppressing desires to achieve detachment, possessing powerful control over his own desires, and sublimating powerful powers from this, but now, he It is the serpent of desire, which feeds on desire and indulges in indulgence. The endless desire of all beings is His best prey.

The seventh one that emerged from the black mist was a huge mouth full of sharp teeth without any other organs. He was devouring everything around him inexhaustibly. He was a symbol of greed and demand.

Once, he was called Alwa, the space master of Gu Aoin, who mastered powerful space magic, but now, he is the giant mouth of the black abyss, the king of gluttony.

The last one to emerge from the black fog was a ball made up of countless strangely-shaped mouths and ears connected by various neural networks. Howling in pain.

Once, he was called Duriel, the world-famous great warlock, the president of the world warlock union, the knowledgeable and wise man, but now, he is the wailer and listener, the source of pain.

These eight individuals are all the new gods that have integrated the distorted essence, the most and the individuals with the most personal characteristics of their own, and they are the only ones who can not completely overlap in the two worlds. “miracles” appear.

In the real world, Meng Xuan, who was busy preparing, looked up into the sky. Through the barriers of the world, he seemed to see a phantom of a huge world that was gradually approaching.

The lifeform with a higher spiritual sense also seemed to be looking at the sky at this time, and even the full moon that was suspended in the sky at this time seemed to be stained with a layer of strange bright red.

“The seventy-two king pillars are temporarily unable to resist, and the virtual world is about to come.”

The figures of Cang Yao, Duo Luogu and the others appeared in front of Meng Xuan for the first time, with extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

On the contrary, Meng Xuan looked at the sky with a very calm expression, and said to others, “What should I do, someone will stop this.”

“Who is that? Can he have such an ability?”

Dorogu asked with a frown.

“A lonely and lonely old man.”



In the black abyss, a large number of black mist spread wildly, and the eight terrifying existences of the Holy Manifestation followed the black mist slowly, promoting the reunification of the world, which was unstoppable.

The seventy-two king pillars are powerless to resist, and no one in this world can stop them.

However, a white light suddenly flashed out from the sky in the distance. Eggers in a white robe appeared before the black fog in the shrouded light. The violent white light suppressed the spreading black fog and stopped it.

Looking at the eight terrifying monsters in front of him, a happy smile appeared on Eggers’ handsome face, as if he had seen an old friend whom he had not seen for many years, he said:

“Everyone, I haven’t seen you for many years, and the style is as unique as before.”

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