Twisted Realm

Chapter 457 - revelation

Meng Xuan slowly walked to the gate of the ancient and clumsy palace and stretched out his palm.

despair! !

His palm rested on the gate of the hall, and there was a very ordinary stone touch.

The power of the bite device was slowly mobilized, and his arm started to push the stone gate in front of him.

All the secrets, all the answers, are in this hall, as long as you open the door in front of you, you can know everything…

However, as his strength increased, the stone gate in front of him only swayed slightly, and then there was no response, and the tight gap never cracked.

He increased the output of pure will, and embodied the body of the bite device, but he still couldn’t push the portal to open.

what happened?

Meng Xuan frowned and turned to look at Eggers with a question in his eyes.

And he also clearly saw some kind of disappointment in Eggers’ eyes, and it seemed that he himself was very much looking forward to the opening of the portal.

“It seems that it is not yet time, and the growth of the ‘key’ is not enough to open the original palace.”

Eggers said with a sigh.

“Didn’t you say that I will only appear in front of you when the time is right?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“Of course, the time is ripe, it is not exactly the same as the maturity of the ‘key’, now is indeed the time of maturity, the Zero Realm Apostle, is a special stage, equivalent to the stage of our civilization, the ‘Holy Spirit’ in the secret world, will The imprint is sustenance and the void, mastering the divinity, ruling the kingdom of God, and possessing extremely strong authority and power, as long as the imprint of oneself is not broken, no matter how many times he dies, he can always return from the void and be resurrected in the kingdom of God.”

“The Apostles of the Zero Realm are existences that are beyond the concept of life and death, and beyond the concept of mortals. However, they also have a very obvious weakness, that is, their ‘mark’.”

“This kind of mark is the core formed by gathering their spirit, will, emotion, etc. series of will information, which is similar to the core of the will you are cultivating at this time. This mark is also the core of the kingdom of God. It needs to be rooted in the will of the world to provide the host with endless power, find the location of these marks, and then break them, then even the apostles of the zero world will fall.”

“And now, the essence of your power has been completely exposed. Whether it is the aspect of the distorted False God or the seventy-two king pillars, your power can no longer be hidden. These two powers are the current rule of the black abyss and the middle-level of the zero world. You have a strong control over these two areas, if you plant a mark in the zero world at this time, then there is a high possibility that the other party will find it, and at that time, the trouble is not a little bit.”

“You can only be absolutely safe by imprinting your own imprint here, because whether it is the Supreme Being or the Seventy-two King Pillars, this is a place they can’t reach.”

Eggers said slowly.

“Plant the core imprint here?”

Meng Xuan frowned.

“Of course, in this world, I’m afraid there is no safer place than here. As a gatekeeper and guide, most of my tasks have been completed by now. What should you do next? After imprinting on this pure land, maybe you can get the answer.”

“I’m going back. If you’re done, you can come down and find me.”

Eggers said, then he turned around, walked along the white stairs, and walked towards the pure white space when he came from below, and the figure gradually disappeared from Meng Xuan’s eyes.

Looking at the disappearing back of Eggers, Meng Xuan was in this pure land, looking up at the quaint ancestral hall not far away, and fell into a brief silence.

“Planting a mark?”

Meng Xuan sat cross-legged in front of the gate of the original palace and slowly closed his eyes.

In the sea of ​​​​minds, he appeared in front of the core of will that has now appeared to be very large.

He turned his attention to the stone mask inlaid on the surface of the core of will. This time, he easily removed the mask from the surface of the core of will, as if the mask had completed some of its missions.

Confirming that there are no other impurities in the core of will, he began to manipulate the core of will.

Countless colorful silk threads clinging to the boundary wall of the sea of ​​​​mind like roots became active, and they were intertwined to form a dense pipe-like thing. Under Meng Xuan’s operation, they pierced the pure white in the core of the will.

Almost endless will, almost endless power, along the colorful silk thread, through the magic net that covered the whole world, was injected into the core of the will.

“My everything······”

Meng Xuan’s expression was calm, and he watched all his powers continue to converge towards the core of will, becoming a part of the core of will.

All originates from “one”, all will be attributed to “one”, and this “one” is the original self.

The core of his will was shrouded in dazzling white light, and in the dark, Meng Xuan seemed to understand something.

When the white light around the core of the will reaches the extreme, all the rays of light begin to be restrained and compressed, and the entire core of the will becomes smaller and smaller, and finally compressed into a light spot shining with dazzling pure white light.

This is the seed, the seed of everything about Meng Xuan, memory, will, strength, the kingdom of God… To a certain extent, this is the origin of Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan stretched out his hand and grasped the spot of light, his figure flashed, and he had left the sea of ​​his own mind and reappeared in the pure land.

He opened his palm and let the white light spot in his palm float like a dandelion.

In the dark, there seems to be some kind of guidance. This seed floated to the center of the closed gate of the original palace, and was rooted in the gap of the stone gate.

The seed glowed slightly, and it seemed that a bud had emerged from the gap in the door. Maybe it would grow a little longer and it would be able to hold the door open.

The inexhaustible power began to pour into Meng Xuan’s body frantically. He felt that his life essence was being sublimated to the utmost, his life source information was collapsing, and then reorganized into a new form.

During this process, pain and comfort alternated, pushing him to a new peak in the constant repeated tempering.

Seeing the seeds planted in the crack of the gate of the original palace, Meng Xuan’s heart rose with a sense of enlightenment.

in the real world.


In the infinite height of the sky, in the eastern hemisphere, a bright light pierced the night sky, covering the light of the moon and becoming the only one in the sky.

That ray of light expanded rapidly and gradually spread over the entire eastern hemisphere sky.

The night became as bright as the day, and the rhythm of day and night was reversed by this mighty power.

Countless people, both in the Eastern Hemisphere and in the Western Hemisphere, raised their heads and looked up at the wonders in the sky that had not been seen for thousands of years.

The white light continued to shine, and gradually, something appeared in the white light.

Plains, mountains, green grass, sacred trees, as well as all kinds of strange beings with different appearances walk among the mountains and plains.

There are giant apes like mountains, there are deer with three heads, and there are big golden birds with eight pairs of wings…

The sky of that world was a pale golden color, and the clouds fluttered, kneaded by the wind into all sorts of elusive shapes.


In the center of this world is a giant mountain that looks like the center of the world. A long white staircase extends from the peak of the giant mountain hidden into the clouds. At the end of the white staircase, pure white light shines. From the gaps in the clouds, one could vaguely glimpse a huge and magnificent palace full of purity, reason and sacredness.

A different world, which seems to only appear in myths and legends, is now above everyone’s heads. It seems far away, but it is actually within reach.

All the magic nets in the eastern hemisphere are shaking violently, and all those who belong to the True Self Society and are connected with the magic nets have a strange and noble feeling in their hearts.

In the next moment, it seemed as if an endless amount of power was transmitted from the world manifested in the white light, following the magic network that spread throughout the Eastern Hemisphere, according to the access level of the members, the power was transmitted to varying degrees.

A white, orderly and rational light rose from every person in the Eastern Hemisphere. They felt a warm aura from the bottom of their hearts, and their whole body was filled with a sense of strength.

And this is not the greatest gift given to them by the world in the sky. The greatest gift is not in the strength of the body, but in the spirit.

Under the illumination of the white light, everyone felt that their restless hearts were calmed down, and they were more or less affected by the distorted nature of the world. Suppressed, the conscious part of order and reason is enhanced.

For a time, their minds seemed to have never been so clear. They had never felt that they could think rationally as they did now, instead of being in a hurry, following the trend of the world, and following the expectations and missions that others had given them.

Until this moment, they feel that they are a complete individual, not a trivial cell with only a specific function in the huge individual named “society”.

They felt the wisdom, they felt the true self, they felt that this world is not only the life of flies and dogs, but also the mission of understanding the essence and truth of the world.

The wisdom of the people has been opened, and the power of the true self pervades every corner of the Eastern Hemisphere.

“Long live me.”

Countless people burst into tears, as if they had just woken up from a long and chaotic dream. They caressed their chests, looked up at the holy mountain standing in the clouds in the world on the other side of the sky, and sincerely praised them. .

This time, there is no more frenzy, no more madness, and some only have calm talk, but the power gathered in this is unimaginable at any time before.

Since ancient times, compared with the madness and fanaticism of ignorance and ignorance, perseverance and reason that know it can’t be done have always been more powerful.

This is not only the rise of the kingdom of God, but also the evolution of civilization, from barbarism to civilization, from madness to reason.

Over Shahe City, the bodies of Cang Yao, Lolita, Lin Ya, Doluogu and others soared into the sky under the wrapping of white light, and the overlapping wings behind them bloomed.

Looking at the shocking Divine Kingdom in the sky and feeling the surging power in their bodies, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief while being shocked.

It seems that it was a success, and it should be called an unprecedented success. This force will not only change them, but also the whole world.

In the western hemisphere, above Elna, Tutanlodia and the other followers of Signety stared at the shocking vision of the eastern hemisphere from a distance, feeling the chaotic starry sky that was high above and now seemed dead and empty. , a complex light flashed in his eyes.

“The one who succeeded, how about you? You promised me that you would definitely come back. Don’t lie, because I will be serious.”

Tutanlodia said softly.

In front of the original hall, Meng Xuan’s life information has been completely reorganized, and since then, he has truly possessed the divine nature.

Even if he encounters a life-and-death crisis, as long as the seed imprint rooted in the original temple is not destroyed, then he will never truly die.

And it is almost impossible to find the original palace, even if Eggers has not been recognized by the original palace, and has not mastered the key to open everything, he can only stop outside the pure land, only Can exist as a gatekeeper and guide.

In a sense, in this world, there are countless existences that are stronger in power and essence than him, but none of them can really kill him.

No matter how many times, he will return from this pure land.

However, this does not mean that he has no fear, letting a being die, not only killing the other party forever, but suppressing and sealing endless years is also equivalent to death.

“Unfortunately, without opening the gate of the palace, it is impossible to truly mobilize the power of this palace. Perhaps, the former owner of the palace just didn’t want to borrow this power? What is the purpose of all this?”

Meng Xuan couldn’t help thinking.

When all the transformations were completed, all the fluctuations were calm, and suddenly, a message seemed to come from the hall, and passed into his mind through his imprint.

His expression was shocked. Is there a living body or a will body in the hall? !

The discovery made him feel like an enemy, but he soon regained his composure.

Because he can clearly feel that the source of this piece of information is not a living body or a volitional body, but more like some kind of automatic trigger mechanism.

It is like a letter left by someone, not forcibly instilled, but waiting for him to open.

He has the right to choose whether to open or not to open.

This is the freedom of those who receive information, and it is also the respect of those who transmit information.

Meng Xuan thought for a moment and chose to open this message.

Then he got a brief revelation:

“When the flower of reason blooms in Heiyuan, it is the time when the palace opens.”

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