Twisted Realm

Chapter 456 - face

“that is······”

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Meng Xuan asked in a low voice.

“Yeah, that’s what you want.”

Eggers said with a smile.

“It’s a bit incredible to put it in front of you so easily. No matter how many years those supreme beings have been looking for, they haven’t found anything.”

Meng Xuan gradually calmed down and said.

“Hehe, there are some things that are far in the sky and in front of you. They don’t belong to them. They can’t get them with all they have. What belongs to you will be delivered to your eyes without having to take it. This is fate.”

Eggers said.

“Fate? Is this fate good or bad? If I really used to be the main god, why did I do all this? Why do I have to go to great lengths to make these arrangements, and finally keep myself in the dark? Tell me directly Isn’t everything the best choice for you?”

Meng Xuan said calmly.

“The intention of the Lord God, I can’t understand, or, as a creature in this world, I can’t understand the logic beyond this world, all speculation based on this is just in vain, the same is true for you, for this beyond understanding, Answers can only be obtained after direct contact.”

“As for whether the answer is good or bad, we don’t actually need to worry about it. If something is beyond our cognition, if it is malicious to us, I’m afraid we just need to stretch our necks.”

Eggers shrugged and said, stepped forward, and started to climb along the radiant white stairs, followed by Meng Xuan.

On both sides of the stairs are boundless twisted darkness. There seems to be some terrifying existence hidden in these darkness, peeping and coveting everything that exudes light.

Like madness and evil greedily watching the holy and the hope in the dark.

“What the **** is this place?”

Meng Xuan couldn’t help but ask.

“Do you know how mysterious human consciousness is?”

Eggers suddenly answered the question.

“What’s the meaning?”

Meng Xuan asked with a frown.

“Human consciousness consists of subconscious and conscious. The subconscious is often fragmented, chaotic, and crazy. What we can control throughout our lives is only a small part of human consciousness, that is, the conscious part. Species consciousness is orderly, normal, and rational, but they are like icebergs floating on the sea. The sublime and majestic things you can see are just a part of the huge individual. Under the sea, Hidden is an endless huge dark body, which is the relationship between the subconscious and the conscious, and you can also understand it as the relationship between reason and distortion.”

“If we understand the world as an individual, then what we can actually perceive is the orderly and bright side that represents the conscious mind. This side is also called existence.”

“And what is hidden under the real world of perception, whether it is the zero world or the secret world, represents the part of the subconscious. You have seen the secret world, that kind of chaos and hazy state that requires a change of perception to see, zero You also understand the world. The shallowest layer is the physical information layer that constitutes and affects the material world. This layer has a tendency to conceptualize. Further down, it is the world consciousness layer. All kinds of bizarre, out of touch with the real world, floating islands, figurative consciousness, hard to figure out, hard to guess.”

“Further down, it’s Heiyuan. You should know what it means.”

Eggers said.

“I understand, just like the subconscious, the deeper you go, the more chaotic it becomes. At the level of the black abyss, it is probably equivalent to the level of instinct and desire in the subconscious. These things are the most primitive brand of consciousness of the living body, and they are vast and boundless. , influences our actions and thoughts invisibly, if we do not control and suppress, let our instincts and desires control us, we will be alienated into beasts.”

Meng Xuan said.

“Yes, Heiyuan represents this level, so we will say that the essence of this world is distorted and chaotic, just like humans, no matter how much you put on the coat of reason, those imprinted in the depths of the subconscious. The devil is still real, and once it erupts, man can’t be called man, man is upright demon and beast.”

“So, Heiyuan is infinitely deep. It is the source of the power of the distorted False God. Most of the distorted False Gods don’t know where the end of the Black Abyss is. Only the most original horror False God can walk through the bottom of the Black Abyss. , and the location of this palace, it is both in the black abyss and outside the black abyss.”

Eggers said.

“Beyond Heiyuan? Are there other levels outside of Heiyuan?”

Meng Xuan was surprised.

“That’s why I guess that the Primordial Palace is not a product of this world, because it is a paradox in itself. You know, what is the way to find the Primordial Palace?”

“In the deepest part of the black abyss, find the pure land in your heart.”

Eggers’ mouth cracked into a playful smile.

“It’s impossible.”

Meng Xuan said that if you want to reach the bottom of Heiyuan, you must have extremely strong strength and essence to fight the erosion of Heiyuan. Even if there is a supreme existence, there is no way to bring any creatures into here, because any creatures will be tainted by that terrifying distortion.

The only way to get close to this place is to grasp the essence of this world, and the deeper the exploration of the essence of this world, just as human beings are completely assimilated with their own subconscious, they will eventually fall into terrifying madness.

At that time, their hearts have long been filled with desires and instincts, so how can there be a “pure land” at all?

Therefore, for those supreme beings, this is a paradox of chicken or egg. If you want to go deep into the black abyss, you must accept the distortion. If you accept the distortion, you will fall into madness, and the pure land in your heart will be wiped out.

“So, this is a huge irony for those who are thinking about it, how can they find the pure land of the original temple, who have long since lost the pure land? Therefore, I guess that the original temple does not belong to the original temple. This world, because it itself violates the logic of this world, is a product beyond logic, not only it, but also the power it produces, you should feel it.”

Eggers said.

“However, the guy who is the king of the first is a talent. He seems to have seen through this last step, so he is reluctant to give up the combination of reason and distortion, give him more time, and rely on that connection of strength, maybe he can really find the original palace. exist.”

Eggers said.

“Then why am I able to find this place so easily? What is the existence of that ruin?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“Don’t you have the key? They are going to sneak in through the crack of the window. You open the door and swagger in. Isn’t this a normal thing?”

Eggers asked in confusion.

It makes sense…is this what it feels like to hang up…

Meng Xuan was speechless.

“As for the relic, it was built by me with the help of the main **** and the system. It was used to separate the two worlds. All the one hundred and eight stone pillars were sealed with the original life of the ancient world. Now They are the source of most of the extraordinary life in the world. They are some kind of coordinates that define matter and spirit. However, they were not fully completed in the end, otherwise the two worlds would not be like this now. The original goal was to combine matter and spirit. It is a pity that the spiritual essence is separated, and then the zero world is returned to the material world, which completely weakens the power of the distorted False God.”

“At the last moment, I hid this relic, which is in the buffer zone between the original palace and the black abyss. Later, according to the requirements of the ‘system’, I spent a little effort to build an imitation version, which was hidden in a stone In the mask, throw it into the trend of Zero Realm, and under a certain attraction, that thing will naturally meet you.

When the time is right, after you enter the middle layer of the zero world, the imitation will lead you here, and you will know about you later. You came to me briefly through the imitation, and then in At that time, I gave you the ‘key’. “

“By the way, that thing is in the deep layer of your consciousness, you can find it through the memory consciousness layer of the floating island, it is suppressed in the deep layer of your consciousness, and there is another advantage, that is, it can be found in the ‘key’ ‘Before you grow to a certain level, there will be a certain cover for you, so that you will not be watched by those supreme beings.”

Eggers said.

Hearing Eggers’ explanation, Meng Xuan was a little stunned. No wonder Dalodier, the tree of deception, was able to enter the unknown ruins, and it seemed that he had obtained some secrets from it. The source of this guy’s blood can be traced back to those stone pillars. The origin of the seal is related to the extraordinary life, and some inheritance and inspiration have been obtained from those ancient existences.

And his own ability has long shown a special essence, not being watched by those supreme beings who are in the essence of the world and control the will and history of the world, but even the seventy-seven who have a strong control over the real world. The Erwangzhu actually didn’t notice his abnormality, even if they were in a state of self-banning, this was a very strange thing.

But now, all this is clear, Eggers, or the existence behind it, is really thoughtful, and everything about himself seems to be being manipulated.

This can’t help but give him a very complicated feeling.

“Don’t think too much, this world is very realistic, those supreme beings occupy the essence of the world, they are high above, they can control everything, and they exist as long as this world, without some help, how can you be in this short period of time? Do you have the right to understand them and contend with them within time?”

“The world has always been fair. If you want to get something, you have to pay for it. Do you think it’s an easy thing to challenge a world in just a few years? Besides these arrangements, we haven’t treated you well. Your will has exerted any influence, and all your actions are done under your ego, isn’t that enough?”

Eggers said lightly.

Meng Xuan was silent, and after a while he said, “Why didn’t you tell me the truth directly at that time?”

He was referring to the first meeting, when the other party gave him the key.

“This is not our obligation, we have done enough, and the ‘system’ has never given instructions in this regard, and, from another point of view, if you are really the ‘master god’, or Said to be someone who is important to the Lord God, watching you struggling in the ordinary, with a confused look on your face, knowing the truth and having never seen the world, it is really refreshing. After all, that person was in me back then. Behind the scenes, is it the same kind of mentality of looking at a monkey? This time I finally changed my experience. If you hadn’t come here, I would have told you the truth? You are too naive.”

A wicked smile appeared on Eggers’ face.

Meng Xuan’s face jumped when he heard it. If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t beat this guy at the moment, he would probably have to rub Eggers on the ground.

Following the conversation between the two, the incomparably long white staircase also reached the end at this time, and the ancient and clumsy ancestral hall Meng Xuan had seen in Eggers’ fantasy appeared in front of him.

It looked so unremarkable, with a stone white body, the door was closed, and it looked like some old building that was about to be demolished.

However, the breath it revealed was something that no one could ignore. UU Reading

Sublime, ancient, majestic, great…

A sense of paradox between reality and reality, between existence and nothingness.

It seems to contain all the mysteries between reality and reality in this world, and it seems to contain all the knowledge in the world.

It is the beginning of everything and the end of everything.

It is the ten thousand and one, and it is the origin of all things.

All things are born of it, and nature is made of it.

It looks so like the core of all things and is extremely deceptive. Even those supreme beings who are fused with distortion believe that this is the ultimate source and truth they are looking for, but Eggers said that this temple Not of this world.

So what exactly is it? Where did it come from?


At the boundary of the area shrouded in pure white light of the original palace, Eggers suddenly stopped.

“Next, go over by yourself. Since that night sacrifice, I have no access to this pure land. After all, I am just a gatekeeper.”

Eggers said lightly, looking rather lonely, he stretched out his hand and touched the place covered by the white light, and the white light sent out a gentle force, pushing him away.

Meng Xuan also stretched out his hand and touched the barrier made of white light.

The white light seemed to be nothing, and his palm penetrated easily.

“Sure enough…”

Eggers shook his head helplessly, watching Meng Xuan step out, and easily stepped into the pure land shrouded in white light.

The warm and soft light soothed his heart, suppressing all the throbbing and emotions in his heart, leaving only extreme rationality.

He slowly walked to the gate of the building and slowly stretched out his hand.

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