The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 62: Tricking A Nascent Soul Expert

"I guess I didn't misjudge in the end." Min Rou gazed at Min Su who stood behind her with an aura of strong conviction, utter devotion and loyal servitude.

"Master, Since the day you redeemed me from the claws of those lecherous beasts, I have sworn to live my life by your word. If you tell me to slay a thousand kings, I would gladly do it or die trying…"

"Then after that, you treated me more than I truly deserve to be treated. Thus, if my death today can ensure your safety, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to lose it." Min Su fell on one knee as she declared with conviction.

"Min Hong!" The Royal Guard, Lu Chen looked towards Min Hong. "Throughout the entire Soaring Cloud Village…even in the vast Tiandou Kingdom, your natural talent has never been seen or even heard of before…"

"Why do you want to waste your life here with the Min Family? Why not come with me to the Royal Palace and join the Royal Di Clan? With your natural talent, I'm very sure the Di Clan would be willing to adopt you?"

"Venerable Royal Guard!" Lu Chen's statement caused the Leader of the Ironwood tribe; Mu De, to become gloomy as he hurriedly stuttered "V…venerable Elder Chen, Min Hong can't be allowed to leave here alive! He will surely become a great calam…"

"Shut up!" How could the Lu Chen not know what Mu De was thinking, as he snapped back and interrupted him before he could foil his schemes.

This outburst caused Mu De's face to flush red as his expression gradually turned gloomier and sullener.

"Min Hong!" Mu De stared at Min Hong in hatred, he had initially thought that, once the Min Family was wiped out, his Ironwood Tribe would be able to forcefully unite the Southern Region of the Soaring Cloud Village and become its overlord.

Then after that, they can join the Soaring Cloud Alliance as an overlord, making their status and influence skyrocket in the process. But now, this Lu Chen actually wanted to recruit the potential source of calamity; Min Hong.

What would be their fate, when he becomes an entity at the top of the power chain and decides to return in the future to reclaim the Southern Region and regenerate his Min Family?

That was even including all their past evil deeds like; Levying taxes on smaller tribes, killing the younger generation members of the Min Family and most importantly, the killing attempt that Piper made on Min Hong. (See Chapter 36).

But even though he was unwilling now, he had no other choice. Clearly, his worth is a far cry from Min Hong's, especially when weighing potentials.

"Min Hong your genius is unprecedented, and your achievements in the future can't be measured with normal reasoning… we believe you're wise and know what to do…"

"As long as you leave your Min Family today and join our Soaring Cloud Alliance, we will make sure to invest our best resources on you." Wang Family Head, Tong wasn't willing to lose out on the opportunity.

"It's just as Family Head Tong has said, if you agree to join us, you'll have everything you want… we believe that in time, with your monstrous talent, you will ultimately become the strongest expert in the whole of the East Wind Empire…" Alliance Head Ma also added.

Even if they were blind, they had already heard of his accomplishment from the spies they sent to the Min Family coming-of-age ceremony. He cultivated to the 5 Star King and Qi Sea stage in just five years.

Furthermore, he had achieved 'One with Dao' level in three techniques and used that strength to crush everyone in his part during the competition. Additionally, he was currently the strongest amongst the Min Family younger generation, at the age of eleven.

If he were to be given another four to five years, he would surely become the strongest younger generation member in the entire Tiandou Kingdom, and possible the whole East Wind Empire.

The three experts threw an olive branch towards Min Hong at the same time.

For a moment, the gazes of everyone present landed on Min Hong. They knew that given enough time; Min Hong's future was going to be very glorious.

Min Hong stood there, unmoved by the recruitment of these experts. He had a carefree expression plastered on his face as if all they had said and offered wasn't worth sh*t in his face.

After a brief moment that seemed like years to these experts, Min Hong finally spoke.

"I can join the Soaring Cloud Alliance… but all of you have to agree to one condition of mine!" Min Hong said with a sigh, his words caused many members of the Min Family to show a pained expression.

"What is it?" It was the Royal Guard, Lu Chen who spoke this time around.

"I will join only if your Soaring Cloud Alliance, if you all agree to withdraw from the Min Family Castle and promise me you will not invade the Min Family in the future…" Min Hong bellowed as he stressed every single word.

Min Hong's conditions was like a huge stone thrown into a calm well causing many waves.

Firstly, when Min Hong had said he was willing to join the Soaring Cloud Alliance, although the loyal Min Family members didn't say anything, they were all disappointed in their hearts.

Then, when he mentioned his condition, all the disappointments vanished like a puff of smoke. They started to feel a sense of deep respect towards him.

"Impossible!" these experts all shook their heads simultaneously in refusal.

"Min Hong, we are trying to recruit you into our Soaring Cloud Alliance because your talents are highly favourable to us…However despite this undeniable fact, it doesn't mean we can make such a huge concession…"

"We have already decided unanimously that the Min Family must be wiped of the map today!" Family Head Wang Tong bellowed as a trace of anger flashed across his face. "You can swap it for another condition or just die alongside your Min Family!"

The rest of these regional Heads nodded in agreement.

"Change it for another condition?!" Min Hong frowned.

He had been put in a very difficult position. At this moment his heart was in deep chaos.

"Min Hong, our patience is limited, have you finished deliberating?" this time, it was the angry Ironwood tribe leader who spoke. He was trying to put Min Hong in a tight spot.

Min Hong frowned in displeasure when he saw the person who just spoke. "Then I will change my condition…" He suddenly raised his head and looked at the Ironwood tribe leader who just spoke.

"My condition is…I want these people from the Ironwood tribe to die! They have already slaughtered many members of my Min Family. Thus, I really detest their presence here!"

"If you can do that, then I am willing to join the Soaring Cloud Alliance." The moment Min Hong finished hi statement, the atmosphere went eerily silent to the extent that one could hear a pin drop from a thousand mile away.

His condition left everyone, including the Min Family members speechless, as everyone suddenly shifted their gazes towards the Ironwood tribe members who had shockingly become the centre of attention.

"Venerable masters, don't believe him…seriously don't believe him!" Mu De noticed Lu Chen turn around to look at him briefly and his scalp tingled intensely as he hurriedly said.

"That's true…don't believe him, don't believe him!" The two elders that came along with Mu De noticed that the way the experts of the Soaring Cloud Alliance looked at them had drastically changed, and they also became extremely flustered.

"so, you're willing to join our Soaring Cloud Alliance as long as they are dead?" Wang Tong asked Min Hong as if he wanted to truly confirm it.

"Affirmative!" Min Hong nodded, he then gazed at the Ironwood tribe elders and Leader with ridicule.

"You!" Mu De's anger burst through the roof as his face completely flushed red. Then he saw Lu Chen look at him with eyes filled with murderous intent and his heart nearly leapt through his throat. "Venerable leaders…no…Don't…no…"

In that instance, Lu Chan pointed a finger at Mu De and the earth trembled and two giant rocky palms erupted from the ground and clapped aggressively with Mu De in the middle.

Massive amount of blood and gore burst out of these clasped hands as they were stained red with the blood of the Ironwood tribe leader, Mu De.

"Flames to dust, dust to sand…" Wang Tong murmured as he waved his sleeves and immediately powerful flames surged out to engulfed the two elders of the Ironwood tribe. Then just like his statement, they turned into ashes and their ashes descended to the ground.

The people from the Ironwood tribe were killed in less than two breaths. This overbearing show of strength really stumped the members of the Min Family. After all, Mu De and the elders were all in the One Star Nascent Soul and Peak Dan Formation stages respectively.

In next to no time, every members of the Soaring Cloud Alliance gazed at Min Hong.

"Min Hong, we have completed your request… From today onwards, you, Min Hong, are a member of our Soaring Cloud Alliance! Welcome." Wang Tong revealed a pleasant and satisfied smile.

"Welcome!" The Zhou Family Head, Zhou Long and the Merchant Alliance Head, Jia Ma looked at Min Hong and gave him a nod.

At this moment, even the gazes of the elders of the Soaring Cloud Alliance descended onto Min Hong.

They have long ago heard of Min Hong's feats. They knew he was a peerless genius in the cultivation world of the entire Soaring Cloud Village, and his monstrous talent for cultivation is unmatched.

Besides Min Lei and his family who had darkened expressions on their faces, the rest of the Min Family elders had a slightly pained but gratified expressions on their faces.

After all, they knew Min Hong had to at least look after himself. Moreover, his first condition showed how valuable the Min Family was to him.

But in the next moment, Min Hong looked at the three regional leaders and Lu Chen and gave a cunning smile. "Elders, I am really thankful for the kindness you've all shown me… but I've received greater kindness from my Grandpa, I'm afraid I'm unable to leave with all of you." His voice was clear and full of resolution to live and die with the Min Family.

Min Hong's statement dumbfounded every single being present even the Guardian Beasts were all dumbstruck including every Min Family member.

"What? Are you trying to go back on your word!" The expressions of these regional leaders and even Lu Chen sank, and their bellies boiled with pure and intense anger that was extremely difficult to contain.

"Repugnant! You've gone back on your word!" Lu Chen was truly enraged at this. He had been truly played for a fool by a boy he was five times his age.

"Regional leaders, I am seriously sorry… but I was only joking earlier. I never truly expected you to kill one of your own for my sake. I really can't repay this overwhelming favour you have shown me" Min Hong rubbed his nose as his face took a reddish hue.

"Pfft!" Min Qing who saw Min Hong's behaviour and slightly embarrassed demeanour in this very tense atmosphere couldn't help but let out a stifled

But, to the rest of the Soaring Cloud Alliance members the flames of their rage were set ablaze and it truly burned hotter than magma.

"Min Hong, now that you're clearly unwilling to join our Soaring Cloud Alliance, then you can join your Min Family on the journey to the underworld!" Lu Chen was the first to erupt in indignation.

His Qi erupted into the clouds as he leapt off the Demon Devouring Crow, descending towards Min Hong like a heat-seeking missile. After all, for the sake of recruiting Min Hong, he had ended up killing an ally.


Lu Chen drew a white line with his descent, then he slapped out with his palm, and a giant palm made up of rock exploded out of the ground and dashed towards Min Hong looking to swat him like a fly.

But, the moment Lu Chen attacked, Min Tian had already vanished from the spot as a thunderous sound erupted.


Then Min Tian waved his sleeves as three fireballs appeared around him, then they morphed into three long swords made of searing flames that dashed towards the rock palm at a swifter speed. Then the two attacks collided…

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