The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 63: A Genocide Ensues

The moment Min Hong saw a similar type of the rocky palm that had just killed a Nascent Soul expert just a few moments ago, his face became white in fright as it lost all its colours.

Chaotic Shadow Steps!

He executed his swiftest speed with all his might, but what kind of expert was attacking him? The speed of a Nascent Soul expert's attack is not something any mere Peak Dan Formation expert could match up to. Not to talk of Min Hong whose entire strength didn't even match the middle of Dan Formation stage.

The moment the attack was initiated, it was like the palm vanished and appeared in front of him at the same time. He didn't even have the time to look at the three most important people in his life before the attack arrived.

It was at the same moment the rocky palm arrived that Min Hong heard a whooshing sound and it sped past him leaving a blazing trail before colliding with the rocky palm.


The fire swords released by Min Tian completely blew Lu Chen's rocky palm into dust.

"Family Head Tian, I really never expected you to have comprehended the seventh plane [Intent] of the Fire Law. Furthermore, you have also achieved the seventh plane [Intent] of the Sword Law."

"Then to actually be good enough to merge these two intents, I have to say… you're probably the strongest known expert in the entire Soaring Cloud Village… but unfortunately, I am not from Soaring Cloud Village… let me show you the gap between a royal clan and a backwater village…"

Lu Chen grasped the air as the earth erupted once again and a spear made entirely out of earth appeared but this time it hard an aura of extra solidity and sharpness to it.

"What! He can already fuse three intents into one?" Min Hong blanched in worry when he sensed the intents of Earth, Metal and Spear Law radiating from Lu Chen's spear.

Unlike Min Tian who had comprehended the intent of the sword law, Lu Chen had comprehended that of the spear instead. Extremely few cultivators dared to use the spear, but those who do possessed extreme confidence in themselves.

In the next instant, the gazes of everyone descended onto Min Tian who was Lu Chen's opponent. But Min Tian just stood there, his robes fluttering under the influence of a non-existent wind.

The same fiery sword once again made an entrance, but this time, there was several lightning snakes flickering all over it as its aura took a more violent intensity and look.

"Huoyi's beards! He can also fuse two elemental laws and one special law!" this time it was Zhou Long of the Zhou family that was stumped when he saw Min Tian fuse the intents of Fire, Lightning and Sword Law together.

Seeing this, the pride within Lu Chen nose-dived. This was because every element Min Tian was currently displaying was very much stronger than his own. Min Tian's three intents are extremely violent and only serve one purpose. 'Unstoppable Attack!'

"Family Head Tian, I have to concede, I am no match for you in a duel…but unfortunately, this is not a battle amongst the two of us alone, rather it is a battle between the Soaring Cloud Sect and Min Family."

"Furthermore, I have already told them that since I am a royal guard, I will only be here as a witness…forgive me for my hot-headedness. I was just angry at being fooled by a kid and there's no elder who wouldn't feel the same." Lu Chen wisely withdrew himself and took a passive stance in the situation.

"Lu Chen, since you're from the royal palace, I would at least give the Royal Clan face just this one time. So, please do stay out of this matter!" Min Tian spoke calmly.

He couldn't afford to push the matter any longer. After all, they were already outmanned and if Lu Chen was to join in, the it would only make this battle one-sided. But now, that he had stepped down, Min Tian would only be unwise if he decided to pursue the matter.

Seeing this, Wang Tong, the Wang Family head had an extremely unsightly expression. "I already knew this bastard was going to cower in front of this Min Tian… However, this changes nothing…" as he thought this to himself, he raised his hand up and held his fists.

Then Wang Tong dropped his fist and bellowed. "Slaughter them all and leave none alive."

The moment his words rang through the area, all the members and elders of the Soaring Cloud Alliance were like stampeding buffalos trying to cross a croc-infested river, as they charged towards the loyal members of the Min Family.

Of course, these members of the Min Family would give their necks to be slaughtered for free, they all responded with sky shattering resistance and battle intent.

All these people were all top echelon experts of the Soaring Cloud Village, different kinds of Qi concepts and intents raged into the sky as the entire atmosphere of the Min Family Castle became tense and stifling.

Here, just outside the Min Family Castle, a complete genocide was about to happen.

Several battle cries echoed into Min Hong's ears and by that time, he had also entered the fray.

"Eagle's Eye!"

The first thing he did was to activate the eye technique, then he brought out a bow, it was a Low-grade Royal Rank weapon and he had just obtained two days ago from the main library were the Min Family had stored all their resources.

After that, a quiver with about one hundred arrows appeared on his back, it was a couple with the bow. Then, his full body and Qi cultivation base erupted as his aura rose to match that of a 3 Star Dan Formation expert.

He nocked four arrows in between his five fingers and pulled the arrow really taut. He did not even bother to aim as the Soaring Cloud Alliance members were just too many. Then…

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

These arrows tore through the air like messengers of death sent to reap souls, and indeed they really reaped the souls of the Soaring Cloud Alliance members…

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

With the amount of force Min Hong put behind these arrows, it pierced through their initial target at different fatal spots before continuing to kill any unlucky expert behind them.

Not wanting to lose out to Min Hong, Min Qing also jumped into the massive number of human heads as she unleashed her bewitching aura.

The black seal within her forehead erupted with massive amounts of Yin Qi than normal as all Soaring Cloud Alliance experts within an area of about twenty-metre radius abruptly jolted to a stop momentarily.

But, in a battle amongst cultivation experts, just that single moment could make an enormous difference as Min Qing capitalized on this.

Her second plane [Concept] of the Water Law was unleashed followed by the [Chaotic Shadow Steps] in full mode. Then, enormous amounts of water vapours accumulated into a thick mist that covered this twenty-metre radius.

Blinded by the mists and mentally affected by the bewitching aura, the about sixty Soaring Cloud Alliance experts that found themselves within Min Qing's domain became sitting ducks as several vicious and Yin-filled palm attacks descended on them.

Within the space of ten breaths, all sixty experts were already on the ground with black blood trickling down the corners of their mouths. Min Qing put away the domain and gazed at the Min Hong who was looking at the scene with slack jaws.

Min Hong analysed that Min Qing's abilities were extremely suitable for these sorts of battles. All one needs to do is just to throw her into the midst of several unlucky experts and they will all meet their tragic ends.

Min Qing winked before she continued on to visit several other unlucky Soaring Cloud Alliance members. The moment Min Hong saw this, a strange competitive aura ignited within his heart, as he nocked four arrows for the second time.

But this moment, he added the 'second seal' of the [Art of Myriad Seals] into the mix as the 70 golden dragon tattoos within him gave a challenging roar. Immediately, the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' accepted the challenge as several golden Qi flooded Min Hong's meridians.

All of a sudden Min Hong���s aura burst through the roof as it soared into the 4 Star Dan Formation stage. A unique aura surged from within the golden Qi as his aura climbed once more to stand at the 5 Star Dan Formation stage.

A powerful and unique aura rippled through the entire battlefield and no one noticed it except for Min Tian and Min Rou.

"What! That's the 'First seal' of the [Art of Myriad Universe] ... No, this is way stronger… could it be?" Min Rou looked towards Min Tian but the feeling didn't come from his direction.

Confirming from Min Tian that the aura wasn't emanating from him, they both looked at the source of the sensation and they found Min Hong at the centre. Both of them were very well stumped by this realization.

"Wonderful!" Min Tian thought to himself as a slight smile crept into his lips as he resumed his battle.

"This brat! How many more secrets is he keeping!" Min Rou also smiled as her morale surged through the roof.


After the complete release of his arsenal, Min Hong nocked another set of four arrows and fired once again.

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

Then… Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

Once again, the arrows hit their targets. But this time around, his arrows passed through the second expert before impaling the necks of the third experts behind his initial target.

Seeing this, six elders of the Soaring Cloud Alliance simultaneously bolted towards Min Qing like they had previously rehearsed the move. These elders all majored in soul techniques and possessed stronger soul and mental powers, so her bewitching aura was completely useless against them.

Seeing the approaching elders had almost reached her, Min Qing became slightly scared. "Am I going to die at the start of the battle?" she thought to herself as a bitter smile stained her spotless face.

These elders were all in the 7 Star Dan Formation stage and there was no way she could take them on. Even a peak Dan Formation stage expert would be utterly defeated by six 7 Star Dan Formation experts, not to talk of her who had a max power in the 5 Star range.

Seeing the helpless expression on Min Qing's face, these elders became elated as they rushed in for the kill.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Four blurs whistled past Min Qing's eyes as four of these elders fell to the ground with blood spraying from the necks of two of them and the eyes of the other two.

Witnessing this terror, the remaining two elders hurriedly retreated as they gazed towards the source of these soul reaping arrows.

Min Qing also looked back and saw Min Hong who responded with a 'I got your back' wink. With just a single nock of a bow, more than half of the elders of the Soaring Cloud Alliance who were about to kill Min Qing were killed instead.

Seeing this, Min Qing was initially happy but when she looked towards other areas of the battle her face paled in fright. Min Hong also followed her eyesight and his expression also darkened completely.

In that specific area, a significant amount of the Min Family members had lost their lives to the Soaring Cloud Alliance members. Moreover, all this happened within the short few minutes from the start of the battle.

Blood had already flooded these grounds and were practically streaming across the area. Min Hong's heart shook violently at this sight. He felt very fragile and minute at this point, like his life was worth nothing in the presence of real power.

"Haaa!" Min Hong was completely pissed as his eyes took a scarlet hue and he nocked several arrows and fired repeatedly like a gattling gun. Several Soaring Cloud Alliance members went down with these arrows as they lost their souls.

He wanted to nock another set of arrows, only to find out that his quiver was empty. He had used up the hundred arrows and couldn't eve count how many Soaring Cloud Alliance members had fallen from them.

Seeing this, he stowed away his bow into his storage ring as two short swords appeared I his hands. Carrying all these feelings and aggression, Min Hong dashed into the middle of the battle.

His descent was like the second coming of the god of death. Unleashing the [Chaotic Shadow Steps] he became a blur, tearing to the mass of human heads. Instantly a 70-foot path was carved on the battlefield as blood spurted from several necks painting the path red.

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