The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 61: Monkeys Scatter When the Tree Falls

"Hu!..Tian, you know cultivation for us magic beasts, is more than fifty times slower compared to humans…not to talk of a beast of my bloodline purity…" The eagle responded with a deepfelt sigh.

"It's alright…you're here now…that's all that matters…" Min Tian added as he looked towards a certain direction within the castle before he muttered to himself. "She should appear anytime soon…"

Woo! Woo! Woo! …

The moment he ended that statement, a strong wind kicked up within the castle and before long it picked up speed as it spun violently before spinning towards the tense atmosphere outside the Min Family Castle.

When it reached the spot behind Min Tian which was coincidentally beside the hovering eagle, the wind dispersed as a very lithe and graceful figure was revealed. The figure was wearing a blue robe which accentuated her sexy curves without revealing too much.

The figure silently descended behind Min Tian and everyone could sense a very profound aura of the wind around her. To the Min Family members, it felt like a cool and calm breeze in a hot summer afternoon.

But to the others, most of them felt like they were standing in front of a raging storm that was looking to sweep them up and shred them to pieces.

"Straight to the fifth plane unh?" Min Tian asked the gentle lady behind him with his back turned to her.

"Yes Father." The lady answer respectfully.

"It's Wind! Mother has comprehended Wind Intent! Just a little bit more time and she can fully control the element of wind." Min Hong was shocked silly.

If his mother; Min Rou, had comprehended Wind Intent, then that only means she had broken through into the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Congratulations Elder Rou!"

Sensing the aura of the current Min Rou, especially her level of comprehension of the Wind Law, several voices joined together as they congratulated her on her full recovery. Some of them knew how hard it had been for her. So, they were very happy for her.

"So, it's true…it's really the Void Soul Eagle…a magic beast for that matter." Lu Chen stared at the Min Family Guardian Beast as he continued to mumble to himself.

"If I can capture this beast and present it to the Royal Family, they would be willing to overlook any issues today's matter might stir up." At this point, Lu Chen smiled to himself, no one other than himself knew what he was thinking.

"Hmph! Since my Min Family Head and brothers have already come to receive you, don't you think it is insulting not to show yourselves." Elder Shin snorted coldly as he spoke before sharp aura burst forth from his body.

He waved his sleeves towards the sky, as Water and Wind Law mixed with each other creating a sword of ice. Then the sharp aura wrapped around this huge ice sword, making the natural Qi within the area flee in fear of the sharpness radiating from this ice sword.

The ice sword vanished from the spot and reappeared just underneath the clouds about ten metres behind the alliance. Majority of the people here including Min Hong were shocked by Elder Tian's statement and action.


An ear-splitting explosion occurred as the entire cloud was swept away by its shockwave revealing a big brown shield which was 70 percent covered in ice.

Then two middle aged men and one old man was revealed standing on another flying beast behind the big brown shield. As the old man's voice boomed across the area.

"Min Shin. It seems you have made significant improvements since the last time we met. Three elementals and one special, all in the fourth plane [the Intent Realm]. Back then, you had only comprehended the Sword Law to the intent level."

"You were only behind Min Tian who had comprehended two elemental and one special Law with two of them being in the [Intent Level]. This is what made the Min Family capable of controlling the entire southern region."

"My Ironwood tribe only wanted to be independent and possess an area of land we can solely call our own, yet you treat us like we are rebels. Now that you have hit a snag, you can fully experience how we felt back then!" the old man spoke without any interruption.

"Hmm! Isn't that the Tribe Leader of the Ironwood Tribe; Mu De? I heard he was also a One Star Nascent Soul stage expert!" One of the elders gasped in shock.

"That's the Wang Family Guardian Beast, the one-eyed 'Ghost Hawk'… it was rumored that it had a Peak Dan Formation stage cultivation!" Another elder managed to speak despite the shock he was currently experiencing.

On the side of the three regions, the total number of experts that were now present including their respective Guardian Beasts were two experts in the 3 Star Nascent Soul stage.

Two were in the 2 Star Nascent Soul stage, ten experts in the 1 Star Nascent Soul stage, seven experts in the Peak Dan Formation stage and finally, the demon beast from the Merchant Alliance which was in the 7 Star Dan Formation stage.

On the side of the Min Family, they had Min Tian and Elder Shin in the 3 Star Nascent Soul stage, Elder Shui and Elder Shan were in the 2 Star Nascent Soul Stage.

All ten elders which included Min Tian's five children, Min Bai's parents, the commander of the Death Guards and Min Family army, then the Guardian Beast were all in the 1 Star Nascent Soul stage.

Then the expert who saved Min Hong from Piper (See Chapter 37) and the tribe leaders of the tribes who refused to leave were all in the Peak Dan Formation stage and they numbered about six.

The three region leaders only brought their three supreme elders and Guardian Beasts plus the Royal Guard and with just this line up, the Min Family were already short on two experts already.

"If it were only the Wang Clan that came over, even with the help of Lu Chen and his spirit beast, then we wouldn't need to fear them. But now, these three have already joined forces, this is a serious calamity for us." Min Rou analyzed with an awful expression.

"These three regions probably had the intention of wiping out our Min Family…as for the forming of an alliance, that's probably a ruse." Min Hong's mused when he saw this scene.

The atmosphere in front of the Min Family Castle suddenly became extremely strange and ominous as the confrontation between these three regions and the Min Family could be triggered at any moment.

Practically all the experts of the Min Family were gathered at this area, but contrary to expectations everything was abnormally silent, leaving only the rhythmic inhalation and exhalation of the tense members of the Min Family.

"Family Head Tong, Family Head Tian had said it wasn't possible… Do you feel the same?" the Royal Guard; Lu Chen stared at Min Tian with a burning gaze as an evil ridiculing smile hung on one corner of his lips.

The moment he finished his statement, every single being present in the area including the Guardian Beasts shot a glance at Min Tian.

Seeing this, Min Tian stepped forward and replied. "If the Min Family lives, then I, Min Tian, am alive…If the Min Family perishes, then I, Min Tian, am dead even if I still breathe!" Min Tian clarified his stance with a single statement.

Min Tian's voice was like a lit matchstick within a room full of fuel and gas, completely setting the entire atmosphere ablaze.

Most of the Min Family members present felt their blood boil and their eyes redden as waves of potent battle intent surged from their bodies into the sky looking to sunder a path into the heavens.

These members of the Min Family obviously supported Min Tian's stance. Certainly, there were other members whose faces went pale in fright as they swallowed a huge gulp of air.

That… except for Min Lei, his wife and children who only had complicated expressions on their faces

"Haha Haha!" Lu Chen burst into a wicked and hearty laughter that reverberated all over.

"Family Head Tian, could it be that you really want to waste the lives of your descendants and these innocent tribes that came under your rulership for the sake of a name that isn't associated with them or some ancestors they know nothing about?"

"Do you want them to follow in the footsteps of the Chu Family?" Lu Chen bellowed.

The moment he said this, the expressions of Min Tian and the three supreme elders went bitter instantly.

The Chu Family?

"What have you guys done?!" Min Tian trembled as he howled at the figures in front of him.

"It is exactly as you have thought. The Chu Family has faced the repercussions of their actions not too long ago. Moreover, they weren't the only ones every other family and tribe except from the ones who were ready to join our cause have all joined them." This time, it was the Zhou Family Head that responded.

The Chu Family were the ones in control of the Merchant Alliance, their Family Head was a middle-aged lady, Chu Yao. She was also the Head of the Merchant Alliance and were in really good terms with the Min Family.

But now, when they heard that the Chu Family which was led by the fairy-like Chu Yan had been massacred, the elders of the Min Family could help but release a deep and painful sigh.

"They must have been betrayed by this despicable Vice Head of the Merchant Alliance; Jia Ma…" Min Bolin forced out a statement with a belly full of fury.

"The Chu Family… they were indirectly the strongest Family in the Western Region of the Soaring Cloud Village for them to have been awarded the position of the Head of the Merchant Alliance. Still, they have now been slaughtered." Min Qing who was standing right beside Min Hong lowly spoke.

"Little Qing, there's definitely going to be a bloodbath here today, and perhaps ours is going to be part of it…" Min Hong whispered in worry.

"Don't say that…We will surely be able to survive." Min Qing tried to console but her quaking voice gave her away.

Min Hong only shook his head and smiled when he heard Min Qing's naïve statement and didn't respond. He really didn't have any form of optimism towards their current crisis.

No one amongst the Min Family members would probably be lucky enough to escape under the wicked gazes of the experts from the three regions and Lu Chen.

But, right at that moment…

Shrap! Shrap! Shrap! Shrap! Shrap!

It sounded like a massive earthquake was approaching the Min Family Castle as countless footsteps marched into the scene.

"It's the members of the Wang Family!"

"Asides them the members of the Merchant Alliance are also here!"

"Look again, the members of the Zhou Family have also joined in!"

Several members of the Min Family let out shocked exclamations. The entire area in front of the Min Family Castle was filled to the brim by a sea of heads. These people were elders and soldiers of the three regions.

Evidently, the three regions had come prepared with the thoughts of annihilating the entire Min Family, then there would be nothing standing in their way of forming an alliance and controlling all the regions of the Soaring Cloud Village…

By then, even the big clans and other major tribes of the Tiandou Kingdom would be forced to pay serious attention to the deterrent force of the Soaring Cloud Alliance.

"I am willing to join the Soaring Cloud Alliance!" One of the tribe leaders under the Min Family who chose to stay behind, looked at the malicious gazes of the members of the three regions and hurriedly declared in terror.

"Tribes and members of the Min Family that wishes to join the Soaring Cloud Alliance should step out now and stand at the back of our troops…If you even think of fleeing, you will be the first to stain these grounds with your blood." Family Head Long bellowed at the Min Family line-up.

His voice was so audible and forceful that it instantly began to erode the mentality and loyalty of some of the tribes and members of the Min Family.

"I wish to join the Soaring Cloud Alliance!"

"I'm also willing to join the Soaring Cloud Alliance!"

Before the direct members of the Min Family could recover from the earlier shock the first tribe gave them, several outer members and tribes who did not have a true sense of kinship with the Min Family, began to defer to the Alliance one after another.

"You all deserve to burn for this!" Min Shan was the first person to respond to this act of betrayal. His face went icy cold as he directly killed some of them before any member of the Min Family could step in.

Others who wanted to defer to the Soaring Cloud Alliance saw this scene and their faces paled in terror, and none of them had the courage to make any more moves.

"Family Head Min Tian, is your rule so dictatorial that you won't even let the innocent tribes and members of your region to find a more secured and resourceful source of survival?" Alliance Head Ma looked down at Min Tian from atop his beast and sneered.

"It's alright…" Min Tian gulped this disguised insult as he seemed to have aged an additional decade. "Let anybody who wants to join the Soaring Cloud Alliance leave…Members who are willing to sacrifice for the Min Family, do not attack your former peers!"

Before anyone could bat an eyelid, more than 60 percent of the members on the Min Family side have defected to the Soaring Cloud Village.

Min Hong sighed bitterly at this sight. This was truly the case of 'Monkeys flee when the tree falls' but he couldn't blame them either. After all, these people couldn't be compared to the Castle members of the Min Family since they never received too much assistance from the Min Family.

The Min Family only gave them an identity and a sense of kinship to the Min Family in addition to the protection that identity grants.

"I never doubted you people for even one second!" Min Tian gazed at the other members and Tribes that were left standing, most especially the 'Death Guards' which none of them defected.

Yes! Out of a thousand Death Guards, not a single one of them deferred to the Soaring Cloud Alliance and this truly moved Min Tian to tears.

It was only with sheer willpower that he held back his tears…It was truly a moving sight…

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