The Fat God System

Chapter 181: Revolution


"The Devil is coming!"

People ran amok in the streets as pandemonium reigned amok the weak. Houses and buildings on fire, the streets detailed with bloodshed.

It was chaos. People scrambled to save their own lives, but they could do nothing as the Devil ran through them like butter.

"You puny humans," said a figure floating about the town.

The man's face was full of red and black lines that detailed his features. His cheekbones were as sharp as a blade.

His hair was red and black. However, there was still a strand of golden yellow hair hidden at the back of his head.

This was Luci.

He was completely consumed by his anger and vengeance. His hatred for humanity only became larger as he conquered city from city in an attempt to unify every single land.

Although his goal might seem justifiable, his path was paved with the blood of innocent people. For him, all people were the same.

People cannot be reasoned with. The only thing that can make them submissive was to show them true fear.

Luci already tried to reason with the humans back when he was a child. Nothing good came out of it. In the end, his parents were killed because the people were stupid and evil.

The dead people in the ground started to twitch as Luci raised his hands in the air. The dead bodies seemed to have been revived in a zombified state where they would follow Luci's command.

There was no one left to stop him.


Suddenly, there was a projectile coming towards him at fast speeds. When Luci looked ahead, he saw a missile coming right towards him.

"Hahaha…useless," Luci said as the missile hit his body and a large explosion occurred.


The army of men at the bottom rejoiced as they saw their missile hit the Devil. They had finally hit the evil conqueror of this land.

However, what they saw next retired the light sour of them.

Luci was standing still in the air. His clothes were not burned at all, and there was not a scratch on his body. He was as good as ever as if the missile had not hit him.

Instead, the red lines all over his body seemed to have gained energy as they lit up like a bright light.

Luci took a deep breath. Thanks to the missile, he had regained his energy just like that. They did not know that destruction is his way of recharging his energy.

It had been years and years since he started to conquer the whole world. However, the humans still found a way to try and fight him.

However, Luci would always prevail. There was a vast difference between him and mortals that they could never cross in a million years.

Luci raised his arm and a black ball full of black lightning suddenly appeared. He had gotten bored of the playing, and now he intended to finish the human army.

However, as he looked down, he saw something that shocked him deep to his core.

It made him hesitate, which had not happened in over thirty years of his mission to conquer the whole world.

It was his parents, Hugh and Serena.

Their faces had an uncanny similarity to his parents. However, that was impossible since he saw them die right in front of his eyes.

He even buried them in a hill near their house. How? How could they appear here?

Luci's mind was in disarray as he looked at them.

Serena and Hugh both had anxious and nervous eyes. They seemed to be afraid, a common description for any human at this time.

Then, they saw Luci come down towards them. Luci saw deep fear in their eyes. What's more, they did not recognize him.

Just as Luci floated down, the human army used this opportunity to bombard him with missiles.

However, Luci ignored all of them as missiles started to explode in his body. Nothing worked as Luci continues his journey down.

Hugh and Serena held each other in fear. Luci realized his mistake. He should have shown them his real face, his human face.

Then, the black and red lines in his face started to disappear. Even his black and red hair started to be replaced by a beautiful golden yellow color.

His face was practically the same as when they had died. Luci hoped that they would recognize him.

Even after thirty years, Luci still had longed for his parents.

However, Hugh and Serena still looked at Luci with wariness. However, as they saw his real face, their faces lightened.

For some reason, they felt at peace or comforted by Luci's face.

However, Luci saw something in their eyes. They could not recognize him.

Luci frowned as he raised his hand and reached deep into their deep psyche. What he saw surprised him.

They had no recollection of Luci. Impossible! How could that happen?

"Mama! Papa!" a little voice suddenly shouted.

Then, Luci saw a little girl about ten years old approach Hugh and Serena.

"Gabriella!" Hugh and Serena were both rejoiced as they saw their only daughter.

Luci was speechless and confused at the scene. They seemed to have completely different memories from what he had seen.

Then, it hit him. These were not his parents, but their reincarnation.

The revelation hit Luci like a truck. He started to back away from Hugh and Serena.

No wonder they did not recognize him. Luci was confused, and his feelings were in disarray.

Since they had no relation to him, Luci reasoned that they were just normal humans. They were just an obstacle to his mission to conquer the world.

However, he could not bring himself to kill them. They looked exactly like his parents.

Now, they had a new child, Gabriella. She looked very similar to Luci, and people would have believed that they were siblings.

Gabriella and Luci looked at each other. Even though she was little, she put herself forward in front of her parents to try and protect them.

She reminded him of himself when he was a child. It gave him nostalgia and pain as he remembered those times.

"Get him!" the human army continued to bombard Luci with missiles. They did not care that there was an innocent family near Luci.

Luci frowned as he raised his hand and crushed the missiles coming towards him.

"Come with me," Luci said towards Serena and Hugh.

However, they flinched away from him. In their eyes were despair and fear. They hated him for destroying their home.

Luci's eyes were pained. He expected this to happen, but it was not easy to hear.

Luci decided to let them be as he retreated away from them. The human army rejoiced as they saw Luci go into hiding.


The world had not seen the Devil in ten years. However, they could not bring themselves to forget the misery and destruction he had caused.

The humans prepared a counterattack in the Devil's castle, but they were quickly repelled by his zombie army.

The humans needed something else. Thankfully for them, a new breed of humans seemed to have been born.

New humans could summon fire, water, earth, and all kinds of supernatural phenomena.

Some of them could fly, some had super strength and other magnificent abilities.

This new revolution in humans was all thanks to a certain person.


She was the one who was the progenitor of the new breed of humans. She could bestow upon humans unlimited power.

She could tap into a human's latent ability and supercharge it.

She was the leading charge to gather heroes and defeat the Demon Lord Devil once and for all. It was her destiny.


The heroes fought a hard battle towards the Devil's castle. They had killed millions of demon spawn and zombies as they reached the main castle.

Luci sat on his throne in the dark. He waited for the heroes without doing anything.

As he saw Gabriella leading the charge, he did not feel angry nor resentful. For some reason, he felt proud.

She seemed to be the leader of this mission, which meant that she had gotten the approval of the humans.

She did not have to endure the pain and suffering he had to.

Gabriella walked towards Luci with determination on her face. She raised her sword in the air and gave Luci one final look.

Luci was the one who had destroyed her hometown and killed millions of lives. Her actions were justified.

However, why does she feel sad seeing his lonely expression?

She steeled her heart. She gripped her sword hard and stabbed it directly in the Devil's heart.

The Devil smiled, finally relieved of the pain in this world. Maybe in his next life, he could live a normal life with his parents.

His eyes watered as he saw Gabriella. She also looked a little sad.

However, Luci suddenly saw a sword pierce through Gabriella's stomach.

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