The Fat God System

Chapter 180: Wrath

Hugh opened the door, and he saw his dearest people in the whole world.

"Hey!" Hugh said as he put down the groceries near the door to greet his wife and child.

Serena saw her husband, and she could not be happier. She smiled at him with her big eyes and beautiful cheeks.

"How's my little boy?" Hugh said as he picked up a Luci from her mother.

Hugh raised Luci in the air and asked him face to face. From what he could see, Luci was in a bad mood.

"What's wrong?" Hugh asked.

However, Luci just stayed quiet and moved his head away from him.

Confused, Hugh looked at Serena if she knew what was going on. He had only been away for a few hours, so not much should have happened.

"I found him rifling through the kitchen again. Thankfully, I hid away your k-n-I-v-e-s." Serena said with a small voice so that Luci would not know they were talking about him.

"Hmm…maybe he just wanted to play with it?" Hugh said as he gave weird faces towards Luci in an attempt to make him laugh.

"You saw what happened back then," Serena said as she crossed her arms together with concern painted across her face.

Hugh was silent at that. He could not deny what had happened back then.

Sometime near spring, they saw Luci holding a knife in his hands as he was about to kill a chicken with his own hands.

Thankfully, Serena and Hugh were there to stop him before any harm was done to Luci or the chicken.

They did not know if Luci knew what he was doing, but if he did, then it was a serious behavior that they needed to keep an eye on.

"UWAAH! UWAAH!" Luci cried as he was held by Hugh.

Hugh tried to pat his back and cradle him, but nothing worked. He still would not stop crying.

Another weird behavior they found with Luci was that he still would not speak. They knew that he could speak, but Luci only chooses not to.

"UWAAH!" Luci continued to cry with Hugh handing him off to Serena.

Just as Hugh was handing him over to Serena, they suddenly felt a searing hot pain in their hands.

When they looked over at Luci, they suddenly saw him enveloped with great wild reddish fire. They were flabbergasted by this phenomenon.

The first thing they thought of was panic. They quickly scrambled through the kitchen to find a bucket of water and extinguish the fire.

Thankfully, Hugh saw a bucket of water they were going to use for the stew. Right when he turned around, he stopped in his tracks.

"What are you doing, throw it!" Serena shouted out as panic set into her mind.

However, what she saw next also made her freeze in place.

Luci was still enveloped in a wildfire, however, he was now floating in the air. He was still crying, but the fire got wilder as he cried.

Hugh and Serena both looked at what was happening. They did not know what was going on.

Luci's body seemed impervious to fire. It was as if his body was the one who had started the fire in the first place.

However, that was impossible.

If others saw this, they would label Luci as a descendent of the devil. The wolf quickly outcasts him or even worse, kills him outright.

After releasing all of his anger on the fire, Luci seemed to have calmed down.

As he stopped crying, he slowly descended from the air and his fire soon became extinguished.

Hugh and Serena were left with Luci sitting on the floor as if nothing had happened. They both looked at each other, clueless as to what they were going to do.


"Hey! Look who it is! It's the freak, Luci!" a voice berated Luci.

Luci was walking away from the school on his way back home. He had heard other worse stuff from his classmates, so he did not mind it all that much.

"You should just leave here, will you?" the voice said as metal can be thrown towards Luci.


Luci was hit directly in the head. His bullies laughed as hard as they could when they saw that.

Luci was beyond angry as he tried to restrain himself from lashing out with these kids. His hands started to be enveloped by a wildfire, but he convinced himself that it was not worth it.

'Do not ever show your powers to anybody, alright?'

Those were the words of his parents. They discovered that he had powers when he was a kid, and they were afraid of others finding out.

From then on, their family lived in anxiousness as at any moment, Luci could be found out.

As he returned home, he quickly went to his room without greeting anyone.

"Luci, come eat your dinner!" Hugh shouted from the kitchen.

However, Luci ignored him and went straight to his room. He wanted to be alone right now.

Luci remembered the humiliation and embarrassment he felt from those kids back at school.

It was ironic and funny to think about what happened to him. Due to trying to fit in, Luci was labeled as an outcast and treated without respect.

Their whole family could not go outside without whispers going around the neighborhood.

Luci opened the window from his room as he went outside. Then, he went out the roof and looked down.

Then, he jumped.

However, he did not fall to the ground. Soon he soared through the skies like a bird with wings. This was the only time he had ever felt alive.

Touching the clouds, seeing the stars and moon up close, was the best feeling ever to decompress.

His parents had told him not to use his powers, but Luci would sneak out now and then to practice his powers.

He never understood why he had to hide his powers from anybody. It was a wonderful thing, this power that he had. Was it so bad?

Luci decided. If those bullies came to harass him once again, then he would show them his true powers.


"Get out!"

"Leave this neighborhood!"

"You're a freak! The son of the devil!"

"Their whole family should be burned at the stake!"

All kinds of shouts could be heard outside their house. Hugh and Serena made sure to lock all doors and windows so that no one could come in.

"It's okay, Luci. They just don't appreciate your gifts," Hugh said as he rubbed Luci's hair.

"That's right. Don't mind them," Serena said as she smiled at him.

Serena and Hugh knew that this day would be inevitable. They had already prepared for this, but it was still a surprise to witness.


A large explosion suddenly occurred and blasted Hugh, Serena, and Luci away from each other.

The whole neighborhood had gotten too far. They used an explosive to get inside the house and storm the house.

Luci was the first time to wake up. He coughed as he looked around. He was still disoriented, but his adrenaline kept him focused.

Then, he saw Hugh and Serena lying in a pool of their blood. Seeing what had happened to his parents, something inside Luci broke.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Luci shouted with all his might.

The ground shook, and the whole village was alerted. When they all looked inside, they saw Luci staring back at them with a fierce glare.

They were scared to their wits. However, they still wanted Luci to die.

"Hey! What are you looking at! This is your fault for being born!"


"Get out of here before we kill you, freak!"

Luci laughed.


The villagers were confused at Luci's weird behavior. They were more creeped out by him.

"Hahaha…yeah. If I am a freak, then I should act like one!"

Luci's whole body was then enveloped by this strange black and red veins that traveled all around his body. Then, Luci started to float in the air.

The villagers did not know what they were dealing with. In their fear and confusion, they had angered Luci and made him accept who he truly was.

They awakened something that should have stayed dormant.

A large blue fire appeared in Luci's hand. Then, he pointed the fire towards the town. Then, he launched it without hesitation.

The blue fire traveled through the air and got bigger and bigger as it went towards the town. The villagers watched as the blue fire consumed their whole town in a second.


Their whole town decimated within a second. With just that one show of skill, the villagers knew they screwed up.

However, Luci was neither forgiving nor benevolent. He raised his fist in the air, and the ground underneath the villagers quaked.

Soon, they all saw themselves falling through a big hole that Luci had made. Once they were deep enough, Luci closed the hole and left them all to rot down there.

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