The Fat God System

Chapter 182: Solution

Luci saw the look of betrayal in Gabriella's eyes. Her face showed confusion and fear, and ultimately, regret. She kept this sad face as she lost all color of life in her face.

The person behind her, the person who had stuck a blade in her stomach, stood still as if he had done his job properly.

"Gabriella, you are a traitor to the nation, the world, and humanity itself," the man said with a smile on his face.

"The president doesn't like a person much powerful than him, so he had you killed," the man continued, and the other heroes were not surprised.

It looked like everyone that came with them was in on the plan. Only Gabriella and Luci were out of the project.

"Don't worry, your parents will be safe, I think, actually maybe they died already. Nobody could survive fifty nights in a dungeon without food. We will even have a commemorative day for you," the man said as he cleaned the blood off his sword.

"You just won't be able to see it," he said with a chuckle.

Gabriella tried her hardest to stand up, but the pain was too strong. She couple barely open her eyes.

"You…you…," Gabriella said with a frustrated face.

After all the sacrifices she made for the country, the country ultimately betrayed her. She has thought she was protecting a rightful country, it turned out she was wrong.

"Hahaha…," Luci chuckled.

The rest of the heroes were alerted of Luci's laugh. They had thought that he had died, but it seemed that he was at it his last legs still.

"You're not dead yet?" the man said as he raised his sword in the air.

"Nothing changed," Luci uttered. "Humanity will still be as stupid as it was before."

The man seemed very offended by Luci's words. He scowled at Luci.

"Humanity is the one who killed you!" the man yelled as he slashed his sword towards Luci.

However, his sword stopped in the air. No matter how hard he tried to push his sword deeper, it could not move.

The rest of the heroes held their weapons by their sides s they looked at Luci. They were prepared to kill him at all costs.

"I thought that my death will give humanity its peace," Luci said as he raised his hand and hovered it over his wound.

Then, a red light filled his hands and made his wounds disappear in an instant. The man and the rest of the heroes were alarmed.

"I was willing to die by her hands," Luci said. "Then, she could live her life without worries,"

Then, Luci stood up. The rest of the heroes flinched away from Luci as they felt the pressure increase around their bodies.

"It's ironic. You killed the person who would have saved you," Luci said as he raised his hand and pointed it to the man who killed Gabriella.

Then, the man felt an excruciating amount of pain in his neck. It was as if something was squeezing it and preventing him from breathing.

Then, Luci closed his hand and the man's throat was crushed as well. The man fell to the ground with his lifeless body.

The rest of the heroes looked on at the man with fear in their eyes. They thought that Luci was weak, but they thought wrong.

"AAAHHH!!" they all screamed as they scrambled out of the room.

However, Luci would not let that happen. Their deaths were secured as soon as they betrayed Gabriella. It was their fate to die, and Luci's fate to kill them.

Countless monsters started to appear from the floor. They all had vicious canine mouths and teeth that could kill an entire person with one bite.

Soon enough, the heroes were hunted down looked like rats on a sewer. They tried to run as fast as they could, but they were not faster than Luci's monsters.

Some tried to fight back, but they could not handle an army of monsters in Luci's beck and call.

Luci donned his black cape as he floated to the atmosphere. Then, he looked at the horizon of human cities in his sight.

They all looked peaceful. However, they were all just a bunch of savages who would kill anyone if it meant that they could have their greed.

He had stopped his conquest so many years ago, but this time, he would go into the end. He would make humanity extinct, no matter what it took.

Then, he raised his hands and reigned his terror onto humanity. No building, house, or human was safe. They were all massacred.

Humanity tried to fight back again. They had advanced in their technology, but not even a nuclear bomb was enough to stop Luci.

Some heroes tried to fight back, but they all quickly lost. These were not the best heroes that humanity offered.

The best heroes were already dead in Luci's castle.

From every edge of the world, Luci walked with his eyes set on the horizon. He did not stop, he continued to lay waste on humanity.

The days and the hours blended into Luci's mind. He was not thinking of anything, just killing everything.

At the very end when all was left was the remnants of civilization, Luci looked up.

He had done it. He had conquered the world and killed off humanity. His job was done.

However, he felt empty. With nothing else to do, Luci was left all alone in a desolate world. He could not have anything more, as he had erased everything.

Luci closed his eyes as he transcended from mortal being, into the god of this universe. He could do anything.

He could create, destroy, and he could live a million years, but he could not die. That was the one thing he could not do.

Eons after eons, Luci had become bored. He did not want to stay stagnant in a stagnant world.

Luci suddenly remembered the happy memories from when he was a kid. He had no powers, no worries, and no burdens.

He remembered the comfortable wooden bed, the creaky doors, and the leaky pipes of the sink. However, despite its flaws, it was home.

If he did not have powers back then, what would have happened to him. Would he have a normal life?

Luci was feeling nostalgic, and he decided something that would change the world.

Luci raised his hand and created a vertical line in reality. He spread it open, and he could see the small wooden house in the hills.

This was his house, his home.

Then, he stepped foot in it.


Hugh and Serena both woke up from their deep sleep. When they looked up, they saw that they were sitting in a field full of students.

They knew where they were. They were at their graduation. However, they had this weird dream about their future lives.

Their son had the destiny of becoming a devil overlord that would destroy humanity as it is.

Hugh and Serena both looked at each other, and they both realized that they both dreamt of the same thing.

"WOOO!!!!" the students cheered as they threw their graduation caps in the air.

Hugh and Serena locked eyes with each other as a slew of caps rained down upon them.

"Did you…," Hugh asked.

"Yes. We…," Serena replied.

The dream did not seem like a dream at all. It seemed more like reality than a dream. They had not felt like this before.

"We should…," Hugh said as he turned around and started to run away from Serena.

"Wait!" Serena shouted as she caught Hugh by his sleeves.

Hugh was confused. "Didn't you see what would happen? Humanity will die!"

Serena was silent. However, she did not release her grip from Hugh's sleeves.

"But…he's our son," Serena said as her eyes watered.

Hugh was speechless. He could understand what Serena felt, as he also felt the same way. However, if their dream was true, then they would spawn a demon lord.

What should they do? Should they separate from each other and escape that future? Or should they get together and try to change their son's future?

Those were the questions posed on both Hugh and Serena.



Hugh and Serena both opened their eyes. When they came to their senses, they saw the same old dark room they were in before.

They were Hugh and Serena, students that came into this dungeon on a field trip.

However, they still remembered that alternate life where they had a son.

"So, what are your answers?" a voice suddenly asked.

Hugh and Serena were both alerted by the voice. They quickly raised their guard and looked warily among their surroundings.

Then, they both looked up. They saw the devilish face that kept following them.

Then, they noticed the designs of the devil's face. For some reason, they looked similar to the Devil form of Luci, their son from an alternate life.

"What is the answer to the solution?" the voice asked.

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