The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 74: The Party in Kyoroch 1

"Hoo," Bolic let out an impressed sigh, "Can't say I'm surprised you noticed them," Bolic snapped his finger, signalling the owners of the four sets of eyes to drop from the ceiling rafters.

Parc aswell as the Jaegers shifted their attention to the area besides Bolic where four forms now stood. One, the largest of the group stood with arms crossed and a thick black beared running down to just below his shoulderblades. The top of his head was bald apart from several spikes of braided hair. Even from here, Parc could see the mans near pure yellow eyes.

Just to the mans right was a pale skinned woman with a messy bun of black hair, a frill of it hanging down either side of her face which itself held a single scar across her nose. Parc's eyes wandered over the woman choice of attire, a loose fitting kimono top that revealed her chest, of which one breast was covered with a single breast guard which would protect exactly zero percent of her body from any physical damage.

The standing across from her was a tan skinned, blonde haired girl with two pig tails. Her choice of attire more to the liken of the drugged up courtesans than what he correctly assumed was one of the ministers elite soldiers. Her top was left hanging off her body, showing off her bikini top and long leggings that tucked into her boots.

Lastly, infront of them all was likely the one he predicted as their leader a skinsuit wearing man with jagged features and numerous stitchlike markings across his head. His eyes a demonic pitch of black, tattoos running down his cheeks and over his body wrapping around his body.

'What's with this world and all its musclemen?' Parc was coming to the realization that for some inexplicable reason, this world had a fascination with big, buff men who like to show off their muscles at every single moment, Bols, Bulat, Bolic now these two.

"The Empire loaned me these few to control the church. The four Kouken temple Rakshasa Demons. The very picture of violence, wouldn't you say?"

Hearing that, Parc could only snort. 'Violence? Seriously? Does he know who he's talking to?' Parc's head lowered, a smirk raising to his lips while he shook his head.

Across from him, the four rakshasa demons seemed to lock in on him. Eyes narrowing at him. "Is something funny to you?" The big one spoke up.

Parc raised his head up, looking to the titan of a man, "course there is. Bolic's little 'very picture of violence' line has me cracking up." It was Bolic's turn to frown.

"And who are you then? I don't believe I've ever heard of you." Bolic gripped one of the girls heads and used it as an arm rest to lean forwards.

Parc's eyes shot to Esdeath for a second, seeing her unresponsive and unlikely to say anything for him.

"Eh," Parc shrugged, "Parc Evans, Night Raid." Five sets of eyes sharpened at his admission. A tinge of excitement raising to the rakshasa demon's lips while Bolic's frown grew deeper.

"Parc… Evans? Is it? Ah yes," Bolic leaned back into his seat, "now I remember, Parc. Evans. You were quite the proficient killer before the General captured you. Going so far as to kill the three beasts yourself."

"Two, I killed two of them. Bulat killed the other one," he quickly corrected. "Daidarra and Nyau were stupidly easy to kill. I had more troubles with Zank."

"Hoo, even the beheader himself? You must be quite strong, no?" Bolic grew a deep, tooth grin, stroking through the hair of one of the girls while another clambered onto his lap, beginning to suck and lick on his chest.

"Compared to most people, yeah, guess you could say that." Parc crossed his arms, "what does it have to do with you?"

"Nothing, nothing," Bolic lowered his other hand to the girl butt, beginning to grope it. Besides Parc he could hear numerous disgusted tsk's. "just wondering how deep your loyalties to Night Raid go."

"Pretty deep," he answered with a bob of his head.

Bolic smirked turning to look to the demons, "recently I've been wanting to add another guard to my entourage, tell me, Evans. What would it take to buy your loyalties." Bolic tapped the head of the girl whose hair he was stroking through.

The girl seeming to understand what he wanted pulled away from Bolic and began to crawl towards Parc on all fours, "Money? Women? Perhaps a position of power."

Parc could feel a radiating iciness exuding from Esdeath as the woman got closer to him, her eyes following the woman with a deathly look that screamed back away or die. But the woman did not seem to notice it in the slightest.

"Parc Evans is not someone you can just hire!" Seryu stepped forwards and screamed, "he is a criminal! He is more likely to stab you in the back the moment you show it to him!" she argued.

"And?" Bolic gave her a disinterested grunt, "the demons are just the same. They could very well slaughter me in seconds. Yet they don't."

"That's different! Their operatives of the Empire while he is an evildoer aiming to destroy us!"

Bolic rolled his eyes just as his courtesan arrived at Parc's feet, prostrating herself before him, kissing his shoes with the veil of that hid her face pulled up so she could let her tongue come out leaving trails of glossy slobber over his boots before climbing up his legs, gripping the fabric of his pants and turned up to him with her blank, drug addled eyes and drool running down her cheek.

"How so?" Bolic gripped the girl on his laps ass tighter, causing her to let out a small moan, "are we not also aiming to destroy everyone else?" That shut Seryu right up. "You're naïve girl. I'm not here to keep a simple watch over this idiotic religion. I'm here to utterly destroy it. And these demons here are the very people who will be doing it for me." Bolic laid his eyes on Seryu, seeing her still determined expression but noting a hint of apprehension hidden within it.

"I see, tell me, girl. What do you think will happen when the time comes to put this religion down?" Before Seryu could say anything, he continued, "Each and every person within it will be slaughtered until not one is left to propagate this nonsense." Seryu's face grew pale.

"You can't be serious!" it wasn't Seryu who spoke, but Tatsumi who rushed before her, "You're just going to kill all of them!? What about the innocents!? The children!?"

"Acceptable casualties." Bolic was as blunt as they came.

Seryu's mind halted, he was going to kill innocents? But why? They were supposed to be protecting them. Not killing them.

"The Minister ordered the destruction of the Path of Peace. And that is just what I will do. A few innocents is nothing but cow shit under my boots. Now would you two silence yourselves, I have no interest in speaking with you." He returned his eyes to Parc while Tatsumi ground his teeth and clenched his fist. Just behind him Seryu was staring down at the ground arms hanging limply, disillusion with the empire rapidly growing in her mind.

"That one is new here. I found her just last week during a proselytising mission to some ocean side village," by now the brunette haired girl had gripped the hem of Parc's pants, lingering just a few small centimetres away from his crotch, panting as her eyes caught sight of his hanging left hand which she reached out for and pulled closer to her.

Parc just silently watching her as she began to lick and kiss his hand. Soon separating her lips at the tips of his fingers and slowly began to push his finger deeper into her mouth while he tongue went to work sucking on it until his nail finally began to scratch at the back of her throat.

Not far away, wave caught sight of the girl, a squint taking to him soon followed by a slight blush at her actions. 'she looks familiar…' he thought.

"She was found shipwrecked on the beach surrounded by wreckage as well as being severely dehydrated. When she awoke days later I began her training to become one of my courtesans. Perhaps you would be interested in having her? Of course, that is only should you come to work for me."

Parc could just sense how much Esdeath was holding herself back from icing this girl. Even if a bit of it failed not to leak out and leave a small circles of frozen earth around each of her feet.

"I was tempted to have her for myself actually. I am not one to normally leave my whores virgin for long. But this one just so happens to be untainted by another man. So, tell me Evans. What do you say? I can offer you more than just her if that is what you seek. Money? Power? You name it and I can grant it to you."

Parc didn't respond, casting his own pitying look down to the girl sucking on his fingers like they were candy with an utterly entranced expression. Lifting his free, undirtied hand, Parc stroked the woman's hair over her ear. The woman leaning into his hand and pulling his fingers free to nestle her lips against his palm.

"You seem to think I'm lacking in those departments," Parc gripped the bottom of the woman's veil, slowly pulling it over her head to get a proper look at her face which held just a few speckles of freckles across her cheeks and nose.

"Hmm, perhaps. Then what about freedom? You are a prisoner are you not? I can provide you with some form of freedom to do as you will. With exceptions of course."

When Parc pulled the veil off of the woman's face, Wave's eyes burst open in horror, just blankly staring at the woman. "Ai-Aina?" the only person to hear him being Run while Bols was doing his best to fend off a small crowd of woman fawning over his muscular body beneath his suit.

Run's eyes dilated shooting to the woman in Parc's hands, "are you sure its her?" he whispered as the only one to know Wave's story with Aina.

"Y-yes. There- that's-that's Aina." Wave's hand lifted to cover his mouth as if he were going to be sick.

Parc whistled a bit in admiration. Not at the offer, but at the sheer size of Bolic's balls to even so much as suggest poaching him from Esdeath, even if it seemed he was too stupid to take the increasingly cold room as an indication that perhaps, just maybe, Esdeath wasn't too pleased with the idea.

"Freedom. That would be lovely." Parc pulled his hand away from the woman, her seeming to take it as the go ahead to begin fiddling with his belt. But repeatedly failing to unlatch it with how shaky her hands were.

Parc converted his bracelet into its gauntleted form, the sight of which cause silence to over come the hall as he pointed the palm right at the woman's head, sending a chain to burrow down and wrap around her arm. Beginning to transfer golden energy into her. "Sleep." He said as half the energy entered her, causing her body to go limp and for her to keel over to the side, only to be caught by Parc who swiftly retracted the energy in her body back into his Teigu after knocking her out.

"But freedom's something I'll be having in spades soon enough. So, Bolic, I'll be refusing your little offer." Parc turned his eyes to Wave, while he hadn't heard much of what he and Run had been saying, he had heard enough to know this girl was someone Wave knew. "You coming to pick her up or not?"

Wave did not compute for a few seconds before Run final had to punch his shoulder to wake him up and get him rushing to the girl. Gulping as he looked down at her scantily clad form. Worry soon taking over as the realization that it truly was Aina before him.

Kneeling down, Wave pulled Aina into his arms, giving Parc a small grateful look.

"She's going to need your help from now on. Bolic's been drugging her with something so she's going to be going through withdrawal."

"I see. Pitiable. I'll be taking the girl back then." Bolic said as Parc pushed himself to his feet, placing his gauntleted hand over his neck, pushing his head until a raucous of cracks and pops came from it.

"Yeah, how abou-"

Within seconds two figures had rushed Parc, one rushing behind his back, the other towards Wave who had just come to stand carrying Aina in his arms. Both extending their hands to place them against both Parc and Wave's necks. Their fingernails looking more along the lines of claws.

"She does not belong to you." The pressumed leader of the demons said, pressing his nails against Waves neck.

While Parc just turned his head back, brows risen to show a slight hint of amusement at the scar faced woman who was giving him a surprisingly soft smile for someone just inches away from tearing his neck in half if whatever the strange pressure she was releasing meant.



#1: AKG Best girl.

#2: Should I add these girls to the RWBY harem?

I've added Saphron Cotta-arc and Terra Cotta-arc to the poll.

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