The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 75: The Party in Kyoroch 2

"Nice nails," Parc glanced to the near five inch long nails sitting just centimetres away from his neck, "Freddy lend you his?" he snorted lifting a hand up to poke the tip of the woman's nails, finding it easily pierce through his skin drawing a small droplet of blood from him.

"Who?" she asked her smile never fading from her lips.

"you wouldn't know him." Lifted his left hand up, "though his were more like these," he wriggled his metal claws for her, "but longer."

"Aww, and mine aren't?"

"Not really, no."

She smirked, bringing her nails directly against his neck, slowly cutting into his neck bringing about a dull sting of pain along with it. "What about now?"

"Meh," Parc shrugged, a bright smile taking to his face as his form flickered into a puff of dark feathers. Reappearing besides a table not far away where he plucked a knife from the table, flickering once again to appear behind the woman. His newfound dagger held in a reverse hold in his right hand, as he stood behind her, the edge of the knife pressed against her throat. "I honestly find, uh," Parc took a good look of what he had in his hand, "butter knives… more intimidating? Huh, was hoping it'd be a steak knife at least." He mumbled the last part.

The eyes of the Rakshasa sharpened the second after Parc reappeared, his initial squall of feathers still wafting through the air onto the ground.

"Hmm, butter knives can be plenty exciting tools, you just need to put in the effort to get through the skin." Parc's new hostage calmly said licking her lips and lowering her hand down nails growing shorter by the second.

"Though the wounds aren't very clean." She wriggled, cheeks growing redder as Parc pressed the blunt knife deeper into her neck. "Aaahn," she hugged herself, "mnn, just imagining it is getting me wet."

"…" Parc gave the woman a look as if to say 'what the fuck.'

To his side, the stich headed man kept his hand pointed to Wave's neck, but his focus taken by Parc and his sudden disappearance and reappearance behind his comrade.

"As much as I'd like to keep this going, could you let Wave go? M'kay? I really don't feel like bisecting a lady. Especially not with a butter knife, the thing'd break before I got through the spine."

The man snorted and the woman just smirked. Her hand rocketing up to Parc's arm and gripped it, her body arching forward pulling Parc onto her back where he could feel something sharp raising off the woman's back and press into his stomach. With narrowed eyes, Parc kicked off of the ground and flipped over the womans back, forcefully tearing his arm from her grasp before landing on the ground, watching as five spikes retracted back into the womans body. Each having risen in a single line along her spine.

"Huh, freaky. You wouldn't happen to know Krave would you? Fucker does something very similar."

The woman chuckled, "I've heard, creepy guy, giant. Has a really weird laugh?"

"That's him."

"Yeah, he's a cheap knockoff. We were raised to do that. He just got gifted it by some cheap teigu."

"Oh, not scared of teigu, are you?" Parc asked, placing his gauntleted hand on his hip. Turning his head back to see the giant and the tan skinned woman still standing atop the stage with grins on their faces like they were confident nothing would happen.

"Course not, we've already killed what was it, five teigu users already with our bare hands. No need for some petty gimmick."

Parc gasped exaggeratedly, placing a hand on his chest, "petty gimmick, well now that's just rude. My teigu is anything but a gimmick. Isn't that right stigmata," Parc turned to the stitch headed, black eyed man who just gave him a confused look. "Foot, look at your foot."

And so he did, his head slowly tilted down until it fell upon his leg, dravelling down his pants until he saw a single chain burrowing through the ground and wrapped around his ankle.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" he said, his leg practically loosing any bones within it as it lost its rigidness, letting the man pull his leg free from Parc's chains.

"No, but what if I told you to eat your fingers?"

The man grunted annoyed at Parc's idiotic question. Not seeming to realize that his hand was lifting to his face, pushing his pinky into his mouth. And by then his eyes widened just as his jaw clamped down right above his knuckle, his teeth grinding left and right as gurgled screams escaped him. Soon followed by a horrid crunch as bone snapped and his finger came loose and was swiftly swallowed by him. Leaving him bloody handed and lipped all while missing a single digit.

"IBARA!" The big one shouted while the other, tanned one looked surprised at the fact her leader was now chewing through his ring finger.

Wave having gotten the opportunity quickly backed away, running to get behind Bols and Run who stood to defend him. Kurome and Esdeath were silent, the later having a twinge of pride in her eyes while the former looked completely nonplussed about the man cannibalizing himself. In fact she gave a light huff and smiled like it was just what he deserved for daring to stand against them. Now if only he had done it to that woman. Then she'd be even happier.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" The titan charged Parc.

Parc turned to face the man just as a fist rushed towards him. "Tear his hand off for me, will you?" Parc rushed backwards, letting the mans fist sail past his head. Only to be caught by the twice digitless Ibara who lifted his unchewed hand up and sliced down, severing the titans hand right by its wrist.

"GRAAAH!" the titan cried collapsing onto the ground holding his stump of a bleeding hand.

Parc looked between the two girl left, hesitating when he landed on the scarface one who was chewing her nails and grinding her thighs together with an enraptured expression after watching Ibara chew off his fingers.

'Jesus Christ that is not a masochist. That is something more,' Parc took a single large step in the opposite direction of the woman whose hands were gravitating much to close to her genitals

"Yeah, how about no? Ibara would kill me." The one on the stage answered. "I'm going to sit this one out."

"your teigu, I presume?" Bolic voiced. The interest of the Jaegers apart from Kurome and Esdeath drawn to him as they themselves barely knew anything of what Parc's teigu did. Yet Parc did not answer, just curled his lips up into a smile, doing his utmost to avoid the heated expression the scar face girl was giving him.

"Fascinating. Tell you what. I can not right forgive you for damaging my personal guards. If you kneel down now and work for me. I will not have you put to death for your crimes."

With a roll of his eyes, Parc heard Esdeath finally speak up, "that is not something you can decide, Bolic. Parc belongs to me, and only. Me."

A helpless smile took to Parcs expression 'yeah, we'll see who belongs to who soon enough.'

"And as per my agreement with the prime minister. His life is in my hands. Only I may choose to have him killed or released from his crimes."

Bolic cackled loudly, "yes, I heard about your little deal, General. But it has been a month he has been in your hands and he has yet to convert to the Empires whims. You are failing spectacularly at such a menial task."

Esdeath sighed and shook her head, "are you dull in the head Bolic? Or is the fact that I am allowing Parc to walk freely besides me not evidence enough that Parc has not begun at least the initial stages of conversion?"

'Yeah, no. Far from converting actually. More like soon to do the converting.' He snorted to himself. Flinching as he felt a presence approaching him, causing his head to mechanically turn to his side to see the black-haired woman waddling closer to him, with a look that just conveyed how horny she currently was. 'Oh god. What the fuck.'

Bolic narrowed his eyes, turning them onto Parc to see him scooting away from the rakshasa, while the rakshasa kept following him with hunger to her eyes. "I do suppose I see it… but either way. My soldiers have been injured by your prisoner none the less. How are you to reimburse me for this?" He ignored the stock still Ibara and the hunched over, bleeding titan.

"By keeping you alive Bolic. As we were tasked to," Esdeath turned on a dime, her dress swishing just a little, "if you have complaints about it, you can take it up with the minister. Wave." She locked onto the boy knelt on the ground with a woman held in his arm, "is she coming with you?"

"If-if possible, Ma'am," Wave stuttered, his arms shivering as he held Aina. A mixture of anger and worry coursing through his body.

"Hmm…" she hummed, thinking it curious how many of them now had potential romantic tagalongs with them. "Ensure she does not hamper your abilities and I will permis it."

"She-she won't."

"Leave the girl. I invested much into her training." Bolic grunted.

Esdeath threw her hand back, a dozen metre long spears of ice forming in the air around her, each rocketing to the space around Bolic and his courtesans. Narrowly missing them and causing most of the courtesans enough fear as they whizzed past their bodies that they became inconstinent and wetted the floor. The one atop Bolic doing much the same to Bolic himself.

"As I said. If you have complaints. Take them up with the minister."

With that Esdeath marched through the hall, Parc following swiftly behind her casting a look to the waddling rakshasa who only stopped following him when the blonde haired tan one called out to her when suddenly Parc crashed into Esdeath's back.

"Remove your control over Ibara." She ordered him with a dangerous intonation.

It took Parc all of a few seconds to sigh and raise his left hand up in Ibara's direction. Firing of his chain to wrap around his ankle and remove the mark before returning to Parc. 'So much for killing Bolic easily.' He thought.

Seeing the task done, Esdeath nodded and continued her march alongside the Jaegers and their three onhangers.

Leaving awestruck and fearful individuals behind.



Big thanks to GodXHandsome for the donation!


So, one thing I do is I collect a bunch of the fanart/R34 of the girls Parc adds to his Harem and post them all in a channel on my discord. But in looking for the RWBY girls i've come to learn that holy fuck is there a lot of futa made for RWBY.


#1: AKG Best girl.

#2: Should I add these girls to the RWBY harem?

*Added Pyrrha's mom and Robyn Hill

*Removed Carmine Esclados and Ilia Amitola. Reason. Added to Harem list.

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