The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 73: Bolic

"Everyone ready?" Najenda asked to her surrounding assassins.

A raucous of nods, readies and yes's came from each of the six Night Raiders around her.

"Great, Mine, your position is on the opposite cliff, Susanoo, ready yourself in that," she nodded to the scarecrow laying on the ground behind her. Its chest pulled open revealing a large cavity big enough for Susanoo to fit inside.

"Got it." Mine responded.

"Understood," Susanoo turned, making large steps towards the scarecrow's before stepping into the hollow cavity of its chest. His legs bending his arms, pushing them into the hollow arms leaving only his head left uncovered in the place where the scarecrows head was. "Lubbock. Please seal me inside and bring me the sack.

Lubbock gave a noncommittal shrug, quickly getting to sealing the cavity and pulling the sack with a crudely drawn face on it over Susanoo's head.

"Akame, Sheele, Leone. We're going to be waiting in a small cave at the entrance of the valley. Lubbock will join us after setting up Susanoo in the road.

"This will work right?" Mine crossed her arms, foot tapping rapidly against the floor. Her worry and

Najenda frowned, grinding her teeth together just a little, "can't say. It might, it might not. We have the upper hand in terms of information unless Parc gave them any vital information on us."

"He didn't." Sheele was quick to add, "he wouldn't."

"I agree," Najenda huffed through her nose, "but we have to be prepared for anything. Be ready to make an escape if they seem too powerful for us to deal with."

"And Esdeath? What do we do if she doesn't take the bait and takes this route?"

"Then we scatter. Esdeath isn't someone we can fight head on. Not when she's surrounded by her lackeys. We'll meet up back at the rendezvous at midnight after loosing any trailers we may have."

Leone's head bobbed in a nod, "I'm still confused as to why they brought Parc with them. Are they trying to use him as bait"

"I don't know. It's highly likely and in line with something Esdeath would do. But I have a feeling there's more to it than just bait."

"And what is that then?"

"I don't. Know." Najenda grumbled, "no more questions. We need to get into positions." They were about to nod and dart off to their zones when they heard Lubbock call out with a scarecrowified Susanoo over his shoulder.

"Uh… guys. We've got a visitor!" he shouted standing over the ledge looking down at a white clad figure and a small smudge walking in front of it.

All eyes dilated, Mine tore Pumpkin around and looked through the scope down at the figure. Her eyes squinting when she caught sight of a black haired man with a white fringe swept over the left side of his face. Bloody stains around the collar of his neck.

"What? How?" Mine mumbled recognizing the figure as Dr. Stylish.

"Who is it? A Jaeger?" Najende knelt besides Mine, her mechanical hand held over her head staring down into the distance but unable to get a proper look from so far away.

"Its… It's Dr. Stylish." She stated, catching a glimpse of small furred object walking infront of the Jaeger. When Pumpkin's scope locked in on the furred object, Mine had a sudden urge to press down the trigger and turn the kitten to a splatter on the valley floor. But she held herself back. Unfortunately.

"And Chelsea," she hissed, displeased at seeing 'her' again.

Najenda frowned, puffing out a cloud of smoke from her mouth as she pulled her cigarette out of her mouth. "Akame, Leone, with me. We're going to great our guest. Mine, you see anything else? Anyone following them?"

Mine swiveled to look into the distance where Stylish and the catified Chelsea came from but noting nothing of particular interest. "No. Nothing."

"How's he still alive? I thought Parc killed him." Leone decided to speak up on behalf of the others who all had the same question.

Najenda grumbled something to herself before saying, "I don't think he is."


Kyoroch, home to the Path of Peace and their headquarters. And now where Parc and the Jaegers found themselves along with an added Tatsumi.

"How do I look?" Esdeath doing a small pirouette as she pulled on a black headband, dressed no within a golden skirted dress with black waist band and black fur running over her shoulders.

Parc hummed as he watched the skirt raise just enough for him to see the bottom of her ass and the V form of her panties at her crotch. "Looks good on you. Gonna be even better taking it off." Parc honestly answered as he fiddle with the buttons of his own suit jacket.

Esdeath hummed a response, turning to focus exclusively on him, "I have come to the realization that you are quite the deviant."

Parc snorted, "say's the woman I had cumming for hours straight in front of her 'pets' as you call them."

It had been several days now since he'd turned Esdeath into a quivering sack of lust. Most spent on horseback as they travelled across the forest and through a mountain pass. Which Parc had no doubts Najenda and the others were planning to use to get a one up on the Jaegers and get him out.

Though, they hadn't appeared at all which Parc could only be grateful for as it meant that, Chelsea, the girl he'd come to learn was the kitten from Kurome—had indeed gotten his message through to them. Which went along the lines of him telling them what Dr. Stylish was going to be doing for them as well as that he would return to them when the time was right.

He also predicted that this Chelsea may know a certain bit of information about the little being growing inside Esdeath. Imagining them all with mouths agape screaming some form of 'WHAT!?' at this Chelsea girl.

That was going to be an interesting conversation he'd be having with them when he eventually got back to them.

Esdeath squinted, giving Parc a glare that he just ignored, instead opting to undue the topmost button beneath his tie.

"Yes, I remember," she hissed, clearly still displeased with her failure to resist his caresses and the fact that just recalling the powerful sensations was enough to cause her legs to shiver and a dull ache to rise in her loins.

"Come, we are to meet with Bolic soon."

Bolic, Parc knew little of the man apart from what he'd overheard during Esdeath's briefing of the man. A simple spy the Prime Minister had invade the Path of Peace and who's mansion they were currently housed within and more than likely Night Raids target, meaning that he was also Parc's target.

Standing, Parc followed behind Esdeath as they walked through the hallways of the mansion. Passing by several men and woman all dressed in elegant formal wear and accessories. Many of the men turning to find their eyes locked on Esdeath. The few who knew her quickly diverting their gazes while those who didn't grew lascivious grins.

Something Parc too was getting from several of the more feminine ladies. A few of which he could see had flaring nostrils sucking in bits of his aroma and being drawn to him. Though they seemed to be quickly intimidated by Esdeath's glares.

"Captain!" a tired Seryu caught up with them, followed shortly by the rest of the Jaegers… and Tatsumi who looked so out of place with the group it wasn't funny. Apparently over the few days since their reunion and subsequent argument, Tatsumi had been attempting to get closer to Seryu. Which was looking to be a slow going process considering Seryu could barely even look at him let alone speak to him. It was a miracle she was even willing to be near him.

"Seryu. You look tired. I do hope you have been getting some rest."

Seryu clenched her fist and gave a light pump, "I am awake Captain! I have never felt better," this was of course followed by Seryu's face contorting as she forced her lips shut while still looking as if she was yawning.

The lie was perfectly obvious, and easily provable. But Esdeath opted to let Seryu experience her failures if something did indeed happen this evening.

The creaking of doors from across the hall drew everyone's attention to it where they saw a crowd of over a dozen scantily clad women in Persian belly dancers outfits that could barely be considered 'clothing' as it was all practically underwear with a few sheer pieces of fabric around the arms, faces and hips.

Following just behind this crowd was a tall, broad shouldered and heavily muscled man. His muscles visible beneath his regal robes, lacking any form of shirt beneath them.

'Bolic I presume.' Parc accurately assessed.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Bolic stepped up to the edge of his podium, right before a throne in a mockery of that of the Emperors. "I welcome you all to my manor this fine night. I won't take much of your time. I'll just hand out a few small words now and a warm welcome to General Esdeath and her Jaegers who have gratiously come to keep this city in safe hands."

A cacophony of claps filled the room. The Jaegers themselves stood unfazed, keeping their eyes on Bolic while only Tatsumi seemed particularly unnerved by the attention.

"Now then." One of the scantily clad women brought Bolic a crystal class filled with cherry red wine which he rose to the sky, "enjoy the night away! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" the audience screamed in unison raising their own glasses.

With the cheers done, they walked towards Bolic, stopping just shy of the step up onto his platform where Bolic had gone to sit. Various girls around him, fawning over him.

'Their eyes…' Parc noted as one of them stared directly at him, glazed and aloof. They had the sheen of life, but lacked the expression of anything but pure ecstasy. 'Drugs.' Of course Bolic like drugging girls, who from the Capital didn't. Just this was enough to put Bolic on his 'soon to be killed' list. "I

"To think, I ask for some assistance from the minister and he sends me Esdeath herself. I truly feel reassured, really, I do." Bolic held a wide, toothy grin, crossing his legs while two girls clambered onto his chest, another quite literally kissing the bottom of his boots.

"Feel free to enjoy yourselves. Everyone at this party is loyal to me."

Esdeath took centre stage before the Jaegers, Parc just a little behind and to the side of her with Kurome just besides him. "We're to be guarding you, Bolic. We'll be borrowing a few of your rooms."

"Go right ahead," Bolic, raised one of the drugged-up girls heads to look him in the eyes. Her own shivering as he did so. "I have plenty of room not being used. But for now, enjoy yourselves. There's plenty here to keep you entertained." He dropped the girls head, waving his arm out to the horde of his subordinates. A not small number of which were already getting into groping, kissing and from what Parc could see from the ones far off against the wall, foreplay.

"I have no interest in those…"

'Liar, you'll have plenty interest when I've got you bent over crying my name.' Parc snorted to himself.

"But, I would quite like to meet whoever it is you have spying on us." The Jaeger's turned their attention to the ceiling where there were four sets of eyes were staring down at them.






So, I'm pretty confident I'll be taking this to RWBY next (Don't hold me to that) And just from a rudimentary run through of the wikia I can tell you this is going to be a particularly full world (possibly 20+ girls not including any crossover girls I may add in, of which I currently have two in mind.) And because of that and my liking of flushing out relationships between Parc and girls, (lets ignore Leone cause that was for the most part because she liked his smell/sex with him.) it's most likely going to be a good bit longer than the AKG world just to get some plot and relations between him and the girls in.

I'm also coming to a realization that eventually theres going to be repeats of how Parc and some girls interact and how its going to feel like i'm just forgetting the girls as I go on to the other worlds. But hey, what can I do when this is literally meant to make a multiworld harem. and its going to be a big one.


Now, I've got a few polls for you all.

#1: AKG Best girl.

I feel like I already know who's going to win...

#2: Should I add these girls to the RWBY harem?

(I should have them added to the comments if I haven't forgotten.)

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