The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 72: The Cat Clad Assassin

'…Sincerely, your guy on the inside.' Kurome scribbled down the last portion of Parc's letter. Adding a small dull stop at the end before reading through the letter to ensure each and every word was written as per Parc's words.

Seeing that they were all correct, Kurome tore the paper from her notebook, neatly folding it in half twice. Turning towards the blank staring Dr. Stylish with a bright red stain running down the collar of his jacket where a small hole shaped to the dimensions of Yatsufusa was bored.

Holding the letter out to the puppet, Kurome said, "follow the cat to Night Raid and hand this letter to general Najenda. Once you have done this. You are to craft an artificial arm for General Najenda and an artificial leg for Sayo." The orders were short and uncomplicated. "After finishing them, you are to return to the closet."

Kurome squinted, sensing something large sudden appear from nowhere behind her. Her hand shot down to Yatsufusa, pulling the blade from its sheath. Her body lowering under a silver sliver of light that shot through the air where her head had just been.

A small plume of dirt flying into the air as she dug her foot into the ground and shot off towards her assailant. A pink, almost red haired and eyed girl in a checker patterned red skirt, a white long sleeve shirt and a black vest. On her head headphones with a butterfly shape on either faces of the headphones.

Just as Kurome was about to slash through the intruders neck she heard her say, "I'm with Night Raid." Her blade stopping just centimetres away from the girls neck. "New member, Parc doesn't know me."

Kurome frowned, keeping Yatsufusa's edge close to the girls neck. Her eyes wandering over the miniature clearing for the kitten finding it missing. "You… were the cat?"

"Yea-yup. I make a cute pussy-cat, don't I? took me a week to get the purring on par, but see," the girl closed her mouth and brought her hand to her throat, pushing her fingers against her vocal cords, beginning to purr, "got it down amazingly over the years. Don't even need to be cat anymore to make it work right."

Kurome eyes turned to slits, staring at the girl, wondering if she should just take her head now and not risk the possibility of her lying.

"Sheesh! No need to look so grave," the pink haired girl placed a hand on her hip, shaking her head with an exasperated sigh. "I really am a member of Night Raid. And while you may not be an official member, your still technically working for us-"

"I do not work for Night Raid." Kurome swiftly corrected her, "I only work for master. For Parc."

She snorted, "yeah, right. That's what he's ordered you to say."

"No. Master has been kind to me. He has shown me his love."

"Ohhh," the girls eyes widened as if realizing something, "so he likes forcing himself on hypnotized girls. Nice to know. Akame's Going to looove that little titbit of information."

"Master has not forced himself on me." Kurome pulled Yatsufusa away from the girls neck, "regrettably… Who are you?"

"I told you. A member of Night Raid," the girl jiggled the case she was holding in her hand, "buuuut, if you mean 'what's my name,' its Chelsea."

"Chelsea…?" Kurome tried to recall if she had ever heard of anyone going by the name of Chelsea only to come up with nothing. "then that's your teigu then?" Kurome stepped away from the girl, pointing Yatsufusa at the case.

"Gaea Foundation," Chelse knelt down, placing the case on the ground and opening up one of the two flaps to pullout a lollipop, holding it to Kurome. "You want one?"

Kurome's expression sharpened seeing Chelsea kneeling down, but soon softened seeing the blue wrapped lolli being held out to her. Casting Chelsea a cautious glance, Kurome moved just close enough to pry the wrapped sweet from her hand before quickly back peddling to a safe distance.

"Sheesh, your really jumpy, aint'cha?"

"I don't like being snuck up on." Kurome swiftly undid the wrapper on the lollipop with one hand, throwing her eyes down to see the milky pink colouration of the candy. Soon bringing it into her mouth while Chelsea did the same with her own Lollipop.

"Well, I wasn't exactly trying to be sneaky. I was a cat, and you brought me with."

"You disguised yourself as a cat. That is sneaking."

"Eh, doesn't matter," Chelsea shrugged closing Gaea foundation and pushed herself to her feet. Locking eyes onto the form of Dr. Stylish behind Kurome. "I'm impressed all things considered. You, a Jaeger and elite assassin, betrayed the empire and killed your colleague."

"He took my collar off. His death was deserved. He's lucky I even considered turning him into Yatsufusa's puppet." She reasoned, even if she hadn't fully accepted her position back then.

Chelsea bobbed her head to the side giving Kurome a raised brow at the collar comment. Eye soon finding themselves atop the red leather strap around her neck where a whistle soon escaped her, "oh wow, I thought it was just a fashion statement, but a dog collar? Parc really knows how to choose them." She chortled, "to think, the puppet Assassin would become her enemies bitch. Ironic much? Dog of the empire to the bitch of the enemy."

"Bi…tch?" Kurome twisted Yatsufusa in sync with the tilt of her head. Thinking the word over for moments on end, "yes. I suppose I am masters bitch. Then are you masters pussy, or his molly?"

Chelsea, lips fell open, nearly letting her lolli fall out. Nearly.

A hearty laugh soon escaped Chelsea as she threw her headback, "ha-hahahahaaa. Oh that's precious. Why would I ever become Parc's 'molly?'" Chelsea chuckled, "I'd rather not get myself mixed up in his little harem scheme."

"Hmm," Kurome hummed, returning Yatsufusa to its sheath. "Master will bend you over soon enough."

"Ha! He's free to try. I'm not going to be that easy to get."

"You will be easier than Esdeath. Master will be victorious."

Chelsea gaped, lifting a finger up to retort but dropped it a second later, "right, point. If he can turn Esdeath into that mess—Which, by the way is going to be fun explaining to the others—I hold no hope… Shit, how'd I miss that?" Chelsea scratched the back of her head.

"Eh," she soon shrugged, "guess I'll just have fun messing with him for a bit. Before THAT happens." For some reason whatever disappointment Chelsea seemed to exude, Kurome could tell it was all falsified.

"You… enjoy being masters cat?"

With a raised brow, Chelsea saw Kurome with her hand still atop the pommel of Yatsufusa. "To a degree, yeah. Not having to worry about doing anything myself, getting fed. Not having to work. It's great."

"You like masters scratches." She turned from question to statement.

"Won't deny, he's pretty good and knows just where to scratch." With her hand on her hip, Chelsea frowned, "if your trying to probe my fetishes, don't bother. I ain't telling you crap."

"You don't have to," Kurome began to walk towards Chelsea, her head down and eyes shut just barely as she passed her by, "master will discover them soon enough." Saying nothing more, Kurome walked back in the direction of the camp, leaving Chelsea frowning alone with the puppet of Stylish.

"Ain't that easy," she rolled the lollipop in her mouth, looking to Stylish's body. It not even responding to her as she got closer to it, "I have to be a cat for you to follow me. Don't I?" no response.

"Great," she groaned, "stuck as a cat for a week, stuck as a cat for life. Purr-fect." Chelsea's eye twitch, her hand shooting up to palm her face, "I hate myself."






Pretty tired writing this, so not a very long chapter.

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