The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 66: Horsing Around 2

Without many more words, Parc pressed the tips of his fingers deeper into Esdeath's pussy. Her showing little reaction to the stimulation as she had already shut off her reactions to that part of her body.

Still, Parc just enjoyed the feeling of Esdeath's coiling moistness coiling around his fingers as if they were his penis. Her walls clenching and unclenching ever few seconds while he pressed his fingers up to the knuckle inside her before pulling them out with a wet sloshing noise muffled only by the clopping of twenty-four horse hooves clapping against the ground.

Up her body, around her chest, Parc was still clenching and unclenching his hand, roughly massaging her sensitive breasts. Soon shifting his attention to focus on her nipple. Pinching it and twisting drawing a slight grunt from Esdeath's lips only for her to shut it away by chewing on her lip.

"You don't have to pretend your feeling nothing, Esdeath. It's natural to feel something when your body is so sensitive."

"My body. Is not. Sensitive." She growled, "your little gimmicks do not last long." She shook her upper body forcing Parc to release her nipple and pull his hand from her shirt.

Indeed, even Parc was guessing that his orders were quickly deteriorating from how her reaction were growing weaker after the last twenty minutes. Whatever it was, be it her Teigu that coursed through her veins or her own will that was blocking him from full control. It seemed to even be filtering her of his foreign words.

Esdeath rose her hand to her chest where her nipple was pushed out of her shirt. Pinching it to bring her breast back into it.

"Perhaps, but just because they don't last long doesn't mean I can't still make you feel something. Like, for example. Every time I pump my fingers into your pussy, your mind will go blank." That was just the perfect time for him to ram his fingers as deep as possible, until his knuckles themselves were nearly buried in her snatch. But not drawing out a desired climax.

That was quickly remedied when he whispered, "and when I scratch your walls, you will feel a jolt of pleasure as powerful as anything before at once." Parc's fingers curled and he slowly unsheathed his fingers from inside her, scratching his nails against her fleshy inner walls.

Esdeath's hips bucked back a little, knocking against Parc's erect penis. But the feeling of it pressing into the crack of her ass going unnoticed as Parc once again rammed his finger into her, and scratched her walls on the way out until finally from Esdeath's throat came a muffled, "Mmgh," of her resisting the urge to truly moan while her body shivered.

"Three." Keeping tally was quickly becoming one of Parc favourite parts about this, just below the part where Esdeath wasn't attempting to stop him through her usual frigid mannerisms.

As the trembles in Esdeath's body slowed to a stop, she held her eyes shut, clearing her mind in preparation for what Parc was inevitably going to attempt next. This time though, she would be prepared to resist it before it could go to far. Just having herself climax thrice was embarrassing enough for her a fourth, let alone fifth, sixth and seventh would just be humiliating.

When Esdeath's chest rose with breath, Parc muttered, "when you breath out, your body will be wracked with orgasmic bliss."

Of all the thing, OF ALL THE THINGS he could use against her, turning her own breathing against her was just ridiculous. And yet it still earnt him climactic convulsions as Esdeath turned bug-eyed for just a second. Her body hunching forward while her cheek twitched. That made four in just a single hour.

She had to give it to him, he was certainly creative. Esdeath hissed to herself while Parc continued having his way with her nethers. The creative opponents were always the annoying ones to fight but they were also some of the strongest and most enjoyable fights she had ever had the pleasure of ending.

Esdeath's lips curled up, her tongue snaking out to lick her lips before retracting to let her chew on her lower lip. She would be hard pressed to ever admit she was enjoying this strange scenario she had found herself in.

'I need to keep myself calm,' she thought with smaller softer breaths, 'they will think me unbecoming a leader if they saw me in this state.' Her mind raced to the five Jaegers trotting along behind them. All likely glaring at Parc's back watching him for any hostile movements.

They might even be seeing his arms moving around as he caressed her body. Watching her by proxy.

She gulped, 'It is a strangely alluring feeling this," her eyes swivelled across the forests and mountains in the distance. Who knew how many eyes could be hidden in the bushes watching them from the canopy or even far in the distance wearing binoculars. Watching as the Empires Devil in Ice was groped and forced to orgasm time and time again.

Just what would they report to their superiors? That they watched the monster they feared melt in a man's hands?

What could they even do with that information? Attempt to lure Parc onto their side and use him to kill her?

Idiotic. Utterly idiotic. They so much as attempted to use her Darling for such a thing she would be more than happy to introduce their heads to a new horn of ice that would be growing through their skull into their brain and out the other side.

Not to mention Parc was already on their side so attempting to lure him was a moot point either way.

Feeling her breaths returning to normal, Esdeath quickly sucked in and blew out through her nose. Not giving Parc any chance to even utter another word that he could use against her.

"Tell me, how are the butterflies in your stomach doing?" Parc cruelly asked with his finger pulling free from her crotch to connect with the fingers of his other forming an O on Esdeaths stomach where her gem was.

Esdeath flinched, now that he mentioned them, her stomach was a flutter with activity that made her feel just a teensy bit giddy. Annoyingly giddy.

"They must be pressing against all your G-spots, aren't they?"

They were, they struck against her nerves like fire crackling wood sending embers surging through her ice-cold body.

'No.' A growl escaped her lips as she forced the embers to die and the butterflies to fly away.

'Finally resisting,' Parc smirked when he found his psychopathic toy not reacting how he wished. "There's only so much you can resist, Esdeath. Just let yourself go for a few hours. Let your inner woman come out and let me break you down into a quivering mess." Sometimes, being cruel felt just… glorious.

Pressing his hand back into Esdeath's panties he returned to his finger fucking of her body.

"You. Will never. Break me." Her words separated by sharp and swift breaths.

That confidence, she sounded so sure.

It excited him to catch even the smallest glimpse of that confidence breaking down until she was just putty in his hands.

"Really?" his question laced more with amusement than genuine curiosity, "didn't I already break you four times now? I broke down your little glacier and made you lose your cool." He lifted his left hand up to her chest, poking his finger against the protruding bit of white fabric that covered her nipple.

"Doesn't that prove something? That you can be broken? That you can lose control of yourself with just. One…" his left rose in front of Esdeath's face letting her see him close his hand into a fist apart from his thumb and middle finger which he pressed together, "…orgasmic. Snap of my fingers."

With a single soft snap, Esdeath jolted feeling her loins tighten around Parc's fingers and her eyes roll into the back of her head. "Nnn…" she attempted to mute her womanly moan by shutting her lips as tight as they could feasibly go. Yet Parc could still hear them, the thralls of her fifth resonating through her body.

In just this hour and a half he was discovering just how strange his control was being able to extrude context from actions and words. It wasn't some preprogramed control, but truly a parasite that ate and became one with the mind. Coming to assimilate Parc's wants no matter how cryptic he can make them into a true action.

"I am not… so weak as to let you break me."

"I never said you were weak." Parc peppered a kiss on her shoulder blade, "You are extraordinarily strong, the strongest in this world if I had to guess. Except, you are only strong as a soldier, a warrior, a general. But as a woman, as the very being you were born as, you are weak. Far from the weakest, but you are."

Esdeath felt an unnatural shiver take to her body as Parc continued speaking.

"You can try to act that you aren't, that your womanly instincts aren't screaming at you to just bend over and accept your position beneath me. All you are doing is delaying the inevitable. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even this week, month or year." His hand lifted to her neck, wrapping and squeezing down around it. "But one day Esdeath. That little block of ice you've built up around your heart will thaw and fracture and when it does, I will be there seeping through all the cracks, turning those walls into powder and I will chain up that heart of yours until all you can see is me."

It was odd how those words made her heart pulsate a beat faster, how they made her loins ache and squirm.

"You are free to try," her face morphed, breaking from her confidence. Growing sharper and more astute. Her words a hoarse bait barely able to escape from her squeezed throat all in an attempt to draw him in. If he yearned to wrap her around his finger, he was free to try and solidify these unusual feelings sprouting in her body.

Parc grinned and whispered, his hand that locked around her neck releasing only to raise and squeeze her cheeks together. Forcing her head to tilt to the side as if presenting her neck and shoulder to him. "It's not trying if its an inevitability."

His lips flared revealing his gums, "sometimes, you need a little pain to feel some pleasure."

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