The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 67: The Walls Break Down

The orange haze of dusk was quickly coming to bare across the Empire. Pelting the land with its radiant waves bringing the many villages and the capital itself into a calming rest.

But it was here, far outside the walls of the Capital and miles away from and village or city that six horses were trotting along, tiredness in their eyes from the many hours of restless walking they had undergone.

Their riders, not six, but seven in total, five of which had come to grow just as tired as their steeds. Not from any exercise or strenuous effort. But through their own restlessness, the constant bounce as the horses walked, the clopping of their hooves against the ground even the odd rustle of bushes from some form of wildlife kept them on edge for just the possibility of it being some high-graded danger beast.

"Nine," one of riders, a particularly awake one muttered to the woman he held tightly in his arms as she laid back into his embrace. Her body trembling and twitching uncontrollably. Her pale lips hung just open enough for a trail of her drool to trickle down over her sweat laced body.

In her eyes there was a sharp glint buried far beneath a milky haze of extasy.

These of course were Parc and Esdeath. The later having suffered through hours of a backwards torture that drew not pain, but pleasure. It was an irony to her, for all her enjoyment of being the torturer bringing about terror into her victims eyes.

But when came her time to suffer at the hands of another she felt something far from true terror or fear. What she felt was agony. Agony at how she was brought again and again to this aggravating blankness no matter how much she pushed down those horrid feelings of not being in control.

"One more Esdeath, just one more and I get you for a whole week."

She couldn't let that happen; he was hers to dominate. He was HER lover. He was to follow her and be the planks beneath her feet. Not the other way around. She was to be the strongest of the two and yet when it came to the matters of pleasure all she could do was twist and squirm in his arms that seemed to grow larger with each clench of her loins suffocating her with just how they strangled her sanity from her body.

Esdeath grit her teeth saying nothing but clenching her hands tighter around her reigns, shaking out that faint haze that filled her mind. She needed to prepare for what was to come, Parc's final assault on her body. Just what would he use against her this time?

Her breasts?

Her pussy?

Her very own heartbeat?

Perhaps her breathing once again?

Would he leave another mark atop her shoulders?

Or would he force his fingers into her mouth and caress her tongue?

So much of her body had been turned against her for just enough time that she had been unable to stop it. And just when she had been able to push down one feeling, a new one would erupt within just seconds of words leaving Parc's lips.

It was a constant affair, his fingers never stopping their assault of her body meaning that even when she was able to sunder his suggestions she would always have to quickly return part of her focus to both her breasts and her crotch. All while keeping an even larger part of her mind ready to react to anything Parc may send her way.

All of which would fail miserably. He would say one thing and let her resist it but just as the soft twitches that lead to her climax would dissipate he would speak words so fast it was a struggle for her in her lust addled mind to properly hear them. Not that it mattered, for all she knew Parc could mumble his words and her body would cave into whatever demand he made of it.

Esdeath's tiring eyes lifted gazing into the horizon where the mountains were rapidly growing closer by the hour. Her eye locking in on the sun just above the treeline. 'one hour… then I will be free of this despicable mark.'

Of all the fights she had taken part in, of the battles she had won. This had proven to be one of the most challenging and exhaustive. And there was no bloodshed. No corpses left amidst a frozen wasteland. No soldiers roaring to the heavens chanting her name at her victory. All that filled the ground was her nectar that trickled down the side of her horses chest and fell in small droplets one after another forming a line of dark spots behind them.

A sight luckily hidden due to their size and the rising darkness.

"Just one more to go, Esdeath," the demon she called her lover whispered in her ear.

She had wanted someone weaker than her to become her lover, someone pure with an innocent smile that she could dominate and would hunt beasts besides her.

How wrong she was.

"You've been so strong lasting this long." Esdeath shivered as Parc nibbled on her earlobe, "but isn't it tiring having to be so strong? Never a day rest always sent out on missions whether you like it or not. Don't you think it's about time you just laid down and had some rest? To just forget about things like strong and weak and just let yourself go for a week."

His words held a strangely alluring prospect to them. It was true, she had been forced to be strong since she was a child tossed to the northern wilds after her tribe had been decimated by another. But that's just it, they were weak, they died, her father died. She didn't. She was strong. She would never give it up. Not for a day. Power was her birth right. She was not going to throw it to the wayside for some petty pleasure.

"No…" she panted profusely, "never… I will never forget the way of the world…" she ground her teeth together. Her eyes struggling to force determination into them. Her mind may resist his words but her body, it found solace in his manipulative words. 'No. This is my body. I have fought off the demons extract. I can fight off a mans touch.'

Hollow words she knew meant little to the situation. The demons extract, the blood she had drunk so many years ago was the equivalent of a tantruming child. Screaming and screeching think it held all the cards only for it to silence itself the moment someone louder and bigger than it appeared.

While Parc, he in comparison was like a demon whispering sweet nothing in her ear. Cracking her resolve chunk by chunk, slowly but surely scratching away at the surface of her resolve until all she would be left with is a softly beating heart he held within his hands just seconds away from crushing it.

It was a fearsome prospect, she, a General—a leader of an army—melded into some carnal being. Left as a woman stuck ravished by a mans hands.

And it was exciting.

The strength he showed, not as a soldier, not even as a fighter. But as a man, a pure-blooded man.

He had told her; her body was that of a woman's. That it was an inevitability that she would find herself beneath him one day.

'Perhaps he deserves it,' the thought flew across her mind. None had been able to so much as harm her let alone come to touch her in such an intimate manner. What he had done to her was deemed an impossibility by many others. And yet he was able to do what others said none could and tamed her body.

'No. Not yet.' She let the breath she'd been holding, out while Parc's caresses grew slower. 'He has yet to earn it.' He still had one more to go. And she would not make it easy for him.

At least, that's what she hoped.

"Are there any words you love, Esdeath?"

She quinted, whenever he asked these redundant questions he would often follow them up with one of his orders using whatever it was he questioned her about to make her cum.

"Come on, it's a real question."

Esdeath frowned, she knew he was planning something. 'When I speak?' was the first thing that came to mind. She tilted to look at him expecting him to be focusing largely on her lips so that when she opened them and tried to speak he would abruptly order something of her emotions. Yet here he was, focused entirely on her eye, never separating them after even a minute. 'Or when he speaks?'

"Words of submission. I yearn to hear you say them." She broke her gaze from him focusing again on the road before them.

"I too would love to hear them. Just those two words of 'I submit' coming from you."

"You will not hear them."

"I don't have to." Parc chuckled, "words are nice and all, but I love action just as much. Seeing you knelt down on all fours bowing to me."

Esdeath snorted, as if she would bow to him just yet.

"Buuuut, I digress," he watched the half sun slowly sinking below the treeline. He was pushing it close. "You already have experience with my words like, CUM. For instance."

Esdeath's body jittered ready to cum had she not swiftly caught and snuffed out that flame.

"Pity. It was fun watching you CLIMAX so many times."

Her body twitched as another climactic high began to rise in her, soon to be pushed down.

"But now, now all you do is resist your ORGASM."

Before she could push it down another wave crashed against her mind. 'such an insidious tactic,' she thought, 'have you run out of creativity, that you now resort to brute force? Disappointing.'

"if you just CUM, one more time this would all be over."

Three times the pleasure crashed against the barriers she was forming within her mindscape, stopping those words from reaching their very target of her mind where they would travel to her body and bring her to her final satisfaction.

"Just let it go and CUM, Esdeath. One time, that's all I ask," Throughout this fins fingers had been working, one massaging her breast the other burrowed deep between her thighs, having swapped his left for his right nearly two hours earlier to give his cramping muscles some evidence of rest.

Esdeath's eyes rolled, "Is-is that it?" she grunted barely able to keep her head straight.

"No, this is," Parc pried his hands off her chest, lifting it to her chin and turned her to face him, meeting him eye to eye. A suspicious glint in her eyes.

"What… what are you plan-!?" she said through panted breaths with her chewed-on lips a bright red gloss before Parc could interrupt her.

"I love you, Esdeath. Now cum as hard as you can." In just a single second her pressed his lips against hers. Her eyes flying open in surprise while feeling her lips pressed open by something slimy and warm forcing its way between her teeth and into her mouth. Twisting and twirling her tongue with his own.

Her surprise soon gave way to uncontrollable pleasure. Her mind had halted on the words of 'I love you, Esdeath,' for so long that only now, long after a gap had been left open in her walls did she realize the meaning of his last few.

And by then it was already too late. Her eyes fluttered, eyes rolling into her skull while her hips bucked forwards, back arching into Parc's chest while his fingers that abused her pussy spread her labia to let the thick tide of her musky lust to burst free.

Her mind went blank, those walls she built up against him shattering to bits before melting back into the glacial waters her heart had been drowned in for so long. And while she came, Parc continued twisting her tongue and caressing her lips with a gentility he had never shown her body once before now.

It was an addictive feeling so powerful that it could be likened to those drugs the Prime Minister administers to the assassin corps. It was neither overly weak, nor overbearingly strong. It was like the water that encompassed the oceans and lakes, gentle at once and yet forceful at another.

Her haze filled eyes were barely able to catch a glance at the dully gleaming red orbs Parc held. 'Soft…' she thought as her eyes began to flutter shut.

Finally, this torturous evening had ended.

For now at least.




Big thanks to Albert Da Silva for the generous donation!

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