The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 65: Horsing around 1

Frustration was one thing Parc had grown frustrated with. Ironic, he knew. But when his most memorable moments of the past month were being captured by his psycho wannabe wife through being frozen solid. Said wife forcing herself to carry his child, once again through freezing him.

Turning Kurome into his new puppy—a fact he knew was terrible considering what he'd done to her was literally the definition of Stockholm's syndrome.

Making a deal with the near literal devil which lead to him BEING FROZEN TO THE FLOOR while she rode him till sunrise only for days later to have his lower half frozen and himself turned into a human chair for her amusement.

Then now, or well, three days ago when he had been frozen on horseback because Esdeath has control issues and didn't want to so as remotely allow him the possibility of escaping.

That makes six notable events not including his new third eye which currently remained halfway buried into the fur of the kittens neck that Kurome was carrying with one arm while the other held the reigns of the horse she was riding, staring enviously at Parc's back as he curled his unfrozen arms around Esdeath's waist.

Yes, you heard that correctly, unfrozen. For once Esdeath had grown a semblance of humanity and listened to Parc and gave him a small freedom to move himself around.

Even though he could just see the want of her turning him into a Parc shaped Ice sculpture whenever they stopped for a break to give both themselves a short rest as well as let the horses recuperate after their hours long over day journey.

It was actually quite surprising, Parc knew she had a domination fetish, like, to the point it was insane… oh wait. She was just that. But still, her letting him have this small freedom was a step towards a decent path that didn't end with Esdeath in a straightjacket herself.

Looking to his surroundings, Parc saw the same forest and mountains in the distance as he had seen in the horizon just yesterday. He could smell the faint, woody scent and mildew sweetness coming from around him.

Turning his head back to look at the five Jaegers behind him, most of which took his turning to mean him thinking up a plan to escape and went on guard, none more so than Seryu who was still struggling with the thought of bringing Parc with them.

Of them only Run and Kurome seemed to show no concern for him, Kurome he could understand completely, she was his puppy and would never show him anything but her utmost loving side, even if she had to keep it hidden around the others… for now at least.

But Run? Run he could somewhat get, he always seemed to be one of the more closed off of the Jaegers, never really showing what he was thinking until he did something. So Parc doubted he truly wasn't on guard but was just skilled in keeping his guard hidden.

"If you loosen your arm any more I will return you to your coffin." Esdeath said.

True, his hand had shifted a little off her stomach to allow him the ability to turn back to the Jaegers.

Giving Kurome a quick once over and a quick wink that caused her lips to wriggle and her cheeks to flush just slightly, he turned back to looking over Esdeath's shoulder and pressing his hand back into her stomach. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Was just checking on the entourage," he said.

"Don't. They are capable enough that you need not worry, nor care for them."

Not care for them, that was a funny joke. How was he supposed to not care for his wardens? Especially when they were between him and the free outdoors, not that he had any plans to go anywhere just yet. That'd come sometime in the future when he finally got Esdeath under his heel.

"Eh," Parc shrugged, "I could take em," he could feel the crunch of Seryu's teeth behind him as she ground her teeth together.

Esdeath's lips curled up amusedly, "I can prepare a one against five match just for you if that is what you wish."

"Good fucking lord no. One on one, maybe two on one. I'm not stupid enough to challenge the entourage alone."

Esdeath snorted, "you believe yourself strong enough to take them? After a month of atrophy?"

'Is she mocking me? She's mocking me isn't she?'

"Considering I can say one word like, "Moan.'"

"Ahhh~" Esdeath moaned seductively but clamped her mouth shut not a second later with an added grunt.

"And you moan. I think I can take the menagerie down a peg."

A frown marred Esdeath's lips. Parc's little mind controlling Teigu had proven a minor annoyance to her since their deal had first begun. It controlled part of her mind, but it failed to control most of her mind. For whatever reason she was unaware of. But the part that he controlled was a particularly annoying portion.

Her sensitivities and to a degree, emotions.

He could not control her thoughts or body as it turned out, a fact Parc was still coming to terms with. From what he could learn, Esdeath was just too domineering to allow anyone else to dominate her. Even if what was attempting to do it was a Teigu, one of the most powerful weapons in the entire world that specialized specifically in mind control.

But, even with him lacking full control of her. The part he did was certainly a particularly fun one.

And one that he would exploit as long as he could until Esdeath finally broke down and stopped resisting.

"Hey Esdeath," Parc whispered with his hands riding lower on her stomach, a finger coming to roll over the hollow heart shaped gem beneath her shirt.

"Yes Darling?"

"Increase sensitivity by twice," even from behind her he could just imagine a frown forming and her eyes turning to slits.

It didn't take her long to realize what he had done. Every bump of the horse trotting along would send a jolt up her spine, not a powerful one, but a jolt, nonetheless. "What are you intending?" she questioned with a creased brow, the feeling of Parc's finger caressing the gemstone with one hand while also feeling the top of her skirt being pried off her skin with Parc's hand slowly burrowing into it.

"Round three," he whispered to her, forcing his hand into her skirt. His fingers curling and pressing into the soft flesh of her crotch only a thing piece of fabric between him and her slit. Even though her mons was not a particularly sensitive spot, it still sent a wave of pleasure up her body.

"I see," Esdeath frowned pushing whatever emotion Parc was forcing her to have away. "You certainly have no shame attempting this outdoors and in public view." She huffed turning to focus on the road ahead of her.

"I don't believe I ever said I had any shame," Parc chuckled bringing his fingers together, curling them to press into the crevice of her crotch, feeling a hard nub against the underside of his second knuckle. Slowly beginning to stroke her crotch up and down.

If anything, Esdeath was capable of controlling her own body to a near godly level. Pain nor pleasure could drive her truly insane. And if it attempted to her would just bury it deep within herself at a point where it does not affect her.

Yeah, he wasn't going to let that go for long. Not if he had any choice in it. And by golly did he have a Very big choice in it.

Lifting his hand up, Parc pressed into Esdeath's stomach, her supple skin giving way to allow him to push beneath her panties and travel to his first target. Her clit.

At first he pressed his middle against the hooded button. Rubbing in rapid circles already feeling Esdeath's body growing a degree colder from the gentle stimulation.

Gentle was not what Parc was going for. Bringing his index along with his middle to the hooded button, he pressed his tips into the hood, stroking and tugging at the skin until the true nub was unveiled to the confines of her undergarments and Parc fingers.

"You're doing well for two times sensitivity," Parc whispered to her pressing his index and thumb together with her clit in-between them. Pinching the sensitive bundle of nerves with enough force that it may have been painful for anyone who wasn't Esdeath.

But in any case this was Esdeath and all she did was grunt in annoyance, "what are you trying to achieve? All you are doing is making me want to return you to your shackles."

"Hmm," Parc hummed in return beginning to grind his fingers together around her pink button, not expecting her to so much as shiver from this soft stimulation. "How about, if I make you cum say… three times before we stop for a break you let me have full control of our next session?"

"Hoo?" Esdeath snorted, "and if you fail?"

Parc just rose his brow, "what do you want from me? I'm already your prisoner, I literally have nothing more I can offer you."

"Of course, you do," a manic grin formed on Esdeath's lips, "you can remove this brand of yours." She lifted her hand up where a faint golden chain was wrapped around her wrist.

He hadn't thought about that. Either he succeed or he loses possibly the biggest leverage he has on Esdeath, her own mind, or at least a portion of it.

"That is a possibility," He replied squeezing down even tighter on Esdeath's clit but drawing nothing but the sound of her teeth grinding together. "But loosing my only control over you is a big thing, Esdeath. One I'm not sure being on top for one night will be enough for." Parc lifted his other hand, stroking it along her stomach and rubbing over her bountiful chest, pressing into the large unbuttoned V that showed off the top of her breasts to the world. Like his hand in her panties, he forced this one to pull the V open even further to let him burrow in and squeeze one of her breasts as well as causing her shirt to fall enough from her shoulder to give Parc ample room to press his lips onto her shoulder blade.

"Then you can have a week. But in return you have to make me climax ten times before nightfall."

Parc's caressing paused and he pulled his lips away from her shoulder, "a week?"

"Indeed, seven days and seven nights where I will not attempt to take control, nor will I attempt to resist your advances. Whatever they may be."

Either she had utmost confidence Parc would fail, or she knew that even if he did she would not relent and allow herself to submit to him. And by the heavens above did he want to break that little reasoning down to pieces.

"Now that's a perfect offer. Ten times in…" he lifted his head to the sky to see the sun right above his head, letting out a whistle, "…six, seven hours. In return for a week of total control? I don't think I can refuse even if I wanted to."

"Then I advise you to start your futile attempts, Darling," she said in a teasing tone.

"Futile," he snorted, "lets see how futile this is. Esdeath, increase your sensitivity by thirty times," just seconds after saying that Esdeath's eyes burst open as her hips bucked off the horse for a second when both the bounce of the trot and the squeeze of her clit assailed her all at once with a mindboggling amount of pleasure, enough and being so sudden that it caused her to release a tide of her nectar into Parc's hand and subsequently drenching her panties.

"Grrr," she growled as shivers assailed her body, admitting internally that she had underestimated him and his control.

"One." Parc chuckled and released Esdeath's clit from his grasp to press the tips of his fingers into her two lower lips, separating them with a soft squelch only noticeable to them and the horse they were sat atop.

"Don't… don't think you'll be able to use that again, Darling." Her voice came out as a growl while She lowered herself back onto the saddle, now resisting the utter feeling of pleasure radiating out from her sensitive and abused nub and Parc's fingers separating her labia.

Laughter resounded in Esdeath's ear, one that seemed to bring a foreboding feeling to well up in her chest. "I've got plenty of things I can use, Esdeath. But for now, how about… your breasts are twice as sensitive as your pussy is."

Parc squeezed down on Esdeath's breast once again causing Esdeath to grunt and buck her hips sending another tide out her crotch while her nipples grew fully erect, stroking against her shirt. Making her have to chew on her lips to force down this new feeling.

"That makes two."



Can I just say I am truly surprised at how fast this story has been rising through the rankings? Like, really. Every day I see it go down a few numbers. Like, every week I always see it in the top 100 and that goes on for a decent it of the week. Like, wtf. This has barely been up for three months and its shot through the rankings.

All I can say is thank you to everyone. You are all amazing.

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