The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 64: Sayo's mind

Never in the many months with Night Raid had Sayo felt so… out of place? She came to find the word lacking for what she had experienced after hearing about Parc's capture at the hands of Esdeath, the so called most dangerous person in the Empire.

She had come to hear it from Lubbock, the strange green haired boy who had been coming around every now and then to talk with her, Maya and Eris—who seemed to have this hair thin wall between them at all times.

She didn't know what had happened last month after they were supposedly going to get Parc to 'prove' himself to Maya. What she did know was that when she saw Maya staggering through the hallways on her own--a feat she previously thought infeasible with how precious her sister treated—but it wasn't that which had gotten her attention, it was the tearstains running down her cheeks. A sign of emotions she hadn't thought possible for the silent girl.

Not even Sayo's soft words of reassurance were able to pry Maya's lips open to even let her vent just a little. In fact, it seemed her lips remained sealed since she first requested Parc to prove himself. At least, she hadn't heard her soft-spoken voice anymore.

Even Eris's nurturing of her sister had dropped just a smidge. She no longer bothered trying to guide her nor try to feed her or help dry her off when she spilt water over herself.

That wasn't to say she had completely shut out her love for her sister. It just seemed to take a more laid-back approach, letting Maya fend for herself. Something Sayo could plainly see made Eris uncomfortable like it were not her own choice to leave her sister to her own devices.

Returning back to the topic at hand. When Sayo heard of Parc's capture and possible torture, she was heartbroken and scared, almost to the point of collapsing to her knee in tears were she not laid down in her bed reading some book or another that Sheele had offered to lend her.

One she regretted setting eyes upon.

One she screamed at herself for reading.

One she felt terror for all the heinous, vile, lewd things it held within.

One titled, Karma Sutra.

Why Sheele had loaned it to her? She didn't know.

Did she want to know?

No… Yes? Maybe a little?

She was curious about Sheele's intentions giving it to her specifically. Even more so for the various pages that had been highlighted with small tabs and had specific sections all neatly and perfectly circled, many such sections going into inordinate amounts of detail in how to perform those specific feats.

And still Sayo found herself reading through them an inordinate amount of times. Not just once imagining herself acting upon and following some of the guidance's in the books with a certain dark-haired boy.

Just that image of him laying on his back atop a bed while Sayo straddled his hips with her back to him as naked as the day she was born, with his member rubbing itself along her lower body. Just that short image was enough to knock Sayo unconscious for half a day with a nice new red splotch on her pillow where blood had trickled down her cheek from her nose and pooled next to her head.

It took all of ten minutes for her to pick the accursed book back up, read a new section about her being stood up, bent over with her hands on her knees while Parc tugged on her hair all whilst going to town on her body.

And as had previously occurred that day, she awoke at midnight with a scarlet pillow that was once red and a need for new underwear and bedlinen.

Which she would have changed easily… had the fantasies of her having Parc physically inside her not sent her face first to the floor with the sudden and prompt realization that perhaps she'd need legs in the plural sense for those particular fantasies to ever come to fruition. And for getting her sheets changed without having to hobble with reddened cheeks to her next-door neighbours and wake Eris to help her change everything on her bed.

That was a day she wanted to forget. But she couldn't. It was a curse brought about by an accursed book she really should have burned instead of placing it beneath an entirely new pillow that wasn't soaked to the threads in nose blood and would 'secretly' flip through on a near nightly basis to help herself pass out until morning.

But now with Parc all gone and locked up behind a demons bars she felt more fear in those fantasies than anything. She would have them and then realize that they were just that, fantasies about a man she may never see again.

It terrified her, kept her awake night after night just yearning for him to burst through the wooden door to talk with her and nurse her frail and afraid heart. She missed him even more than she did Tatsumi and Ieyasu, more than her family in the village.

It was like her seasons were changing day after day, her leaves once vibrant and green filled with her memories of her friends back home had gone red and yellow, slowly falling hour after hour until all that was left was her bare branches that would weather the snowy winter days. Only to grow fresh, budding leaves filled with images and memories of Parc and her new family of Night Raid.

Her ditzy older sister, Sheele. The second of Night Raid she was closest to apart from Parc himself.

The silent glutton of Akame who always a new dish had knocking around in the back of her head that only she would eat.

Mine, the grouchy pinkette who seemed to be attached at the hip to Sheele

The boisterous and mischievous Leone who always had some comment that would call a embarrassed squeal from Sayo whenever they met.

Lubbock… the strange brother like figure who kept trying to peak in on the girls whenever they were bathing or changing

Then there was Najenda who Sayo had the hardest time placing in this ramshackle family. She fit either as the eldest sister or even the mother always keeping her younger siblings or children in check but guiding them, nonetheless.

Leaving only Maya, Eris. She had spent so much time with them these last months that they were almost true sisters to her, separated only by blood. And a strange sisterhood it was. Whenever Sayo wasn't alone, nine times out of ten she was with them both, just chatting with Eris about some books or playing some type of game Parc had brought them from the Capital.

Even going so far as to chat about said man himself and how it was so strange for them to even be thinking of the idea of joining Parc's little conglomeration of girls alongside Leone, Sheele and Mine.

Eris, for all her sisterly protection of Maya against Parc that lead to her forcing herself into the room alongside her sister over a month ago was not so reluctant about the idea of doing the deed with Parc and growing one of those weird crystals Mine, Sheele and Leone had.

Sayo, she herself played with the idea of having Parc literally mark her body as his and it excited her to the point of her becoming a nervous wreck just waiting for the day he would break down whatever prison held him and charged his way to her and moulded her body to his desires.

'Shut up brain! Stop it!' Sayo screamed internally, slamming her head down on the table causing a light jump from Eris who sat across from her.

"Again?" Eris asked with a curious quirk of her lips and her usual harmonically ringing voice.

"Shut up…" Sayo whined bringing her arms to cross beneath her forehead so she could hid her cherry face in the gap they formed. "I shouldn't be having these thoughts… not when he's in danger…" because having them when he was, was better… apparently.

Eris slowly lowered her book down, casting a small glance to Maya who was sitting across from her, head tilted down with eyes shut and lips just slightly parted. Small 'fuu's' of her breathing coming from her.

"He'll, he'll come back," Eris whispered to Sayo, a slight flare up of red coming to her cheeks. "He always does."

Eris, much like Sayo had been stumped with thoughts of Parc ever since their chat in the forest after her little tantrum after her argument with her sister. She even found herself missing his rosemary scent. Finding just a little comfort in passing by his room to catch even the smallest whiff of it. Had Sheele and Mine not claimed his room as their own she may have very well gone in out of instinct and snatched whatever held the most of his scent and brought it back to her and her sisters room.

"This is different. This Esdeath, she sounds strong. Can… can he even beat her?"

"He has to." Eris answered after a minute of silence, her voice portraying her own uncertainty at the question. "We just have to believe," she lifted her head and smiled weakly at Sayo who took her expression in with a bite of her lower lip. "Just don't think about it. He'll come back to us-" Eris hesitated at having said 'us' it seemed so strange to say even though she wasn't one of Parc's women, and yet, still she found it so fitting with her current mentality around him that only hardened even further now that he was gone for so long.

Sayo too had heard and felt the 'us' comment.

'Us…' Sayo buried her face deeper into her arms, 'us?' she pulled her head out of her arms and looked to Eris who's lips between her reddened cheeks, wriggled. "Do… do you want to become-" Sayo's voice cracked nervously, "o-one of his partners?" They had never truly spoken about it, they didn't have to. They could just sense it in the other.

Eris went a brighter shade of red, "I…"

"She does," Maya, for the first time in a long time spoke up, lifting her faintly glossy near emotionless eyes to look between Sayo and Eris, "Don't try to hide it. You are terrible at hiding things. You imagine him fucking you every night as hard as a rabbit until you can't wa-"

"STOP!" Eris slammed her book down to stop Maya much too late as she had been so surprised at the words spilling forth from her sister- HER YOUNGER SISTERS mouth. Even were it not the first time Maya had so shamelessly proclaimed Eris's masturbatory achievements.


"Why do you keep doing this to me!?" Eris was the second of the three to bury her face in her arms, curling herself into even smaller a steaming ball in comparison to Sayo's who was just a steaming red faced mess herself.

"Because its true." Maya turned her eyes down and shut them, planning to go back to sleep, "and fun."

"FUN!?" Eris burst up from her ball, "you find tormenting me like this fun!?"

Maya didn't respond, instead opting to ignore her sister and go back to sleep.

"Oh you little," her cheek twitched before her lips began to curl up.

Eris rose from her seat and circled around the table to her sister. Placing a hand on her chairs back rest before leaning down to 'whisper' in a voice just loud enough that everyone in the room could hear her. "You can pretend not to care, Eris. You can pretend you're this unemotional wreck. But when I have to change your sheets every day because of the wet spots you make having your own bouts of 'fun,' you lose that privilege. You may not know it yourself, sister of mine. But you moan in your sleep, you shift side to side and flip over beneath your blanket with your hands between your legs having the time of your life. I've watched you please yourself day in and day out. I'm not the only one with naughty thoughts Maya. You're just as much a pervert as I am.

"Don't forget, Maya. I'm your sister. Your OLDER sister. I'm more observant. I know you like pinching your clit. I know you grind your nipples into the bed. I've watched your ass buck against your bed sheets dozens of times. No matter how much you try to hide it beneath this shell of yours, I can see everything, Maya. I know everything and more about you than you do of me.

"I've let you run amok long enough. I promise you, Maya. If you so much as spout out another word of my thoughts to Parc, I will teach him each and every one of your fetishes and make him PROVE himself to you as a man. I will make him into the man who will leave you quivering on your knees gushing at the mere sight of him. So, I advise you to keep your mouth shut from now on. Am I understood, dearest sister of mine?"

Throughout her tirade, Eris's voice grew louder and more harmonic, ringing and reverberating throughout the very room they were in. The glass of the windows trembling and shaking as she hit word after word with her Banshee's voice.

Maya twitched with every sentence Eris made, her head hanging lower and lower until her back began to hunch along with it. Her pale cheeks flushing rapidly.

"Am. I. Under. Stood?"

"Y-yes." Maya squeaked out with a nervous, almost fearful tinge to her voice.

"Good. Because trust me, Maya. I will do it. And I will make you enjoy it. Now. Are you sorry?"

"I-I am," Maya shrunk in on herself under her sisters grating voice.

"You're what?"


"Now without the stutter."


"Good girl. I'll be sure to tell Parc to be gentle when he gets back." Maya straightened her back and patted Eris's, huffing to herself with a smug smirk seeing her sister gone with her usual emotionless face now replaced with one of utmost defeat.

But there in the corner of her eyes was a small figure, her black eyes widend in both shock and embarrassment when her scarlet skin was added in.

Eris's own eyes widened in turn at the sight of Sayo having forgotten all about her.

"Y-you heard all that?"

Sayo's head slowly, almost mechanically nodded. Fearful at Eris's new older sister persona that enjoyed tormenting her sister.


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