The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 262: The Duel 5

Yang could feel her stomach churn as she thrust her fingers down her throat to tickle the back of it, her gags brought spit so thick it glazed her fingers with sloppy lines as she could feel bile, no, that bastards sperm raise up her throat and out into the toilet bowl before her.

She stared down at it, at that thick syrupy ejaculate. She could feel it on her tongue, down the back of her throat. Smell it, it didn't stink like bile, it smelt like him. Sick, sweet, like strawberries, mashed into a fine jam.

Biting her lip she heard a knock behind her, "Yang, are you okay?" Ruby called, her voice worried.

Yang wiped down her lips, glanced over her shoulder then back to the soupy sperm laden toilet water and gulped what more she could then spoke. "I'm good Ruby, prof just got a good hit in and it's all coming up now." She scowled and flushed the toilet.

"Are you sure?"

Standing, Yang spun and pushed open the door outwards causing her sister to step back. Dried sweat coated Yang's brow in a glossy translucence.

"Yes, Ruby," Yang said softly with a teasing smile, "I'm fine." She shut the door behind her and with a pat to her sisters back pushed her in the direction of the lounge where the others were getting ready for breakfast. Ruby looked up to Yang, concerned and doubting whether to believe her sister or not but said nothing else.

They soon pushed into the lounge, Ruby making quick work to land herself by Summer who was cleaning a pot. Blake and Weiss settled around the dining table, dressed up in their usual attire and free of those pyjama's the professor had provided them. They were already eating and from the looks of the half-eaten bowl of porridge, so was Ruby before she came to check on her.

Their partners looked up to Yang, saw her almost dishevelled state with Blake's nose flaring just slightly to notice the stench she could only compare to Parc's smell, just much, much more potent rising off of Yang.

Yang kept as calm as she could as she descended into one of the six seats, the one besides Blake, Ruby taking the one at the head of the table alongside Weiss opposite her.

"Presumably you lost," with her back straight and poised like a queen, Weiss cut through a tomato sauce slathered omelette settled on a bed of toat and cut off one of the last three corners.

Yang twisted her head and laughed, "he's stronger than he looks."

"He's our teacher. I would expect him to be stronger than all of us combined." Huffing, Weiss brought the piece to her mouth and chewed elegantly and silently.

"What was it like? Did he use any weapons? What were they like? Do anything cool?" Ruby battered off, refilling her spoon with her porridge.

An odd, recoiling smile lifted Yang's lips at the end, unsure of what she was to do with her sister's oddities. "No, Ruby. It was just a fistfight. No weapons, just mano e womano." Lifting her fists she gave a light roll of them, implying a fistfight as simple as that.


Instead of saying anything, Blake's lips were sucked to lines as she looked out the corner of her eyes with a squint and flush at Yang. As that was happening a clunk from behind turned everyone's heads. There gliding like a soldier was Esdeath, her chest puffed and eyes sharp demanding everyone's attention, though none bother to stand and give her it.

She passed them by with a scowl and soon found herself sinking into the couch and grabbing the remote from the table. She stared at it intently before pressing the button she remembered Parc had told her turned on the 'television' hanging on the wall opposite them.

"You should go feed Khione!" Summer raised her voice but didn't even so much as look Esdeath's way.

"It will survive."

"That isn't how babies work Esdeath," sighing, Summer pinched her brow and sighed. From the counter, she plucked another bowl of porridge, in it some butter and red fruits that she brought to Esdeath and set down before her on the coffee table. It was steaming, but with a wave of Esdeath's hand, a chilling breath ran over it, sapping it of its scalding until it was merely warm to the touch. "And she isn't an 'it,' Khione is your daughter. Use her name."

"I will use what I will Summer. And as far as I am concerned, you have no business telling me how to tend to my own progeny."

"And as far as I'm concerned, I'm a mother with more experience than you. If anything, when it comes to child-rearing, I am the general, and you are the rookie." An ominous, domineering smile stole Summer's expression that sent cautious chills down team RWBY's collective spines while Esdeath only stared up at her with narrowed eyes, unable to retort. "Now, I'm going to let you eat in peace. But the moment you are done, you are going to go fetch Khione, and feed her, am I understood."

"You are looking for a fight, aren't you?"

"No, I'm looking for you to be a halfway decent mother."

"I am a perfectly decent mother, Summer."

"And yet I'm the one changing her diapers. So stop complaining, and do your job as a mother."

A cold glower came to Esdeath's expression as she chewed her lip white and reluctantly nodded. Summer puffed her chest proudly and turned back to the kitchen, revelling in the following eyes of her daughters and their teammates. For a second she slowed and looked to Yang with a shiver of concern to her brow. She didn't quite know what had happened in Parc's workshop but from the noises of Yang emptying her stomach into the toilet, she could only imagine what he'd made her swallow. She'd tasted it plenty herself after all.

Soft footsteps drew Summer's head up to see Parc entering the lounge, dressed in his usual sub formal attire. He looked down to her, smiling as he met her silent frown before throwing his focus to the girls. He flowed over them one by one, lingering longer on Yang's back, sending cold, hateful shivers down her spine.

Facing Esdeath once more, Summer lowered her voice, "Esdeath, just take it from me. You might act all high and mighty now, but in five, ten years you are going to regret not caring for her."

"Yet I will care for her. I will train her into the perfect soldier." Esdeath filled herself with porridge.

Summer gapped, when her mouth closed her head shook and she sighed. "I'm sure you will Esdeath. But you're not turning her into a heartless shell. I'm going to make sure of that."

Moving back to the dining table, Summer brought out hers and Parc's breakfasts, for her a bowl of porridge and for Parc a simple scrambled egg ensemble of sausages and bacon which he finished swiftly.

Soon they began to talk, questions abound of Yang's and his fight, though their answers were slim and rudimentary, barely acknowledging those loud thumps and crashes that rang for minutes on end. Just that in the end, Yang lost. Summer knew that wasn't all, so did Blake and Weiss, Ruby though was more interested in whatever weapons were used if any, though none actually were.

In the end, it had taken an hour for their conversation to die and for the girls to make their way out of the bunker and back to Beacon proper to ready themselves for whatever free time training they had in store for themselves. Shutting the door behind them, Summer shivered as Parc appeared behind her, his hands wrapped around her, one on her stomach the other descended to her inner thigh as his face burrowed into her neck.

Summer tilted her head in the opposite direction as if offering him to dig in his fangs into her like a vampire. "We just did it," she softly said.

"And?" he responded in kind, his cock pushed through his pants until she could feel it pressing into her lower back. "After I put Yang's tits to use, I'm a little pent up."

Summer gulped, her legs still weak after the previous night. "What about Kurome, she should be back today soon, right? Can't you do it with her?"

"But I have you right here."

"I'm also right here," Esdeath grumbled from the couch, not even bothering to turn her head. "And you are my husband, if anything the one you should be screwing should be me."

Parc looked over his shoulder to her head of silvery-blue hair, "don't you have a baby you should be feeding?"

"It can wait," as if she didn't care for anyone else's choice, Esdeath downed the last of her porridge and stood, her hands moved to her blouse and unbuttoned it one by one. She held it loosely as she turned to Parc, her chest bare and larger than ever before, her nipples erect and overflowing with milk. Yet as she lifted one foot ready to step towards him, did the wail of an infant draw her to a halt. Eyes darted to the doorway, drawn by the hungering calls.

"I think someone needs you." Parc laughed, his right hand lifting to Summer chest, squeezing her breast with little remorse.

Esdeath scowled back at him and with a harsh huff, made her way down to Khione's room, her top tossed to the side, discarded as she'd be removing it either way.

With a smile on his face, Parc pushed Summer forwards, forcing her to bow over, her hands against the wall for stability as he pressed his crotch against her rump, ready to continue what the previous night had entailed.

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