The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 261: The Duel 4*

"Get on your knees and take off your top," Parc ordered.

Yang instantly dropped to her knees between his legs, she stared up at him with glowering spite. Biting her lip as her body moved not by her will, she gripped the bottom hem of her tank top and slowly lifted it over her head, letting her plush, heaving breasts drop, her nipples the reddest of cherries topping those bulbous mounds of joy.

Parc looked down on her with the slightest grin as he shamelessly ogled her tits, engraving their shapeliness into the recesses of his mind. She was easily a D, and she still had time to grow and plumpen even more

She couldn't help but feel sick with the notion. That this man, that this sick bastard would forever know what her breasts looked like, her bare breasts. No one, at least no other man knew. Those babies, they were her tools, her little incentive to get those men swooning into giving her free drinks when she went clubbing. Yet here she was, unable to hold her own body back from willingly releasing her tits for a man.

Watching her, he could see the faintest of flushes rising over her cheeks which only worked to heighten his sardonic grin. A tightness then began to slowly rise in his britches forming a soft tent that took Yang's focus for a second. Unable to hide the grinding swallow, Parc then said.

"Get to work."

Yang bit her lip turning it a shade paler from the pressure. "I'm going to kill you," she hissed. Her hands lifted to his crotch, one hand took the tent and felt beneath the fabric a rigidifying shaft beneath it while the other moved to the elastic waistband of his pyjama's. Having found himself preferring their comfort compared to jeans and the like, especially in the mornings and while he was at home.

"I'm aware." He laughed and Yang's other hand joined the first on the waistband. Her nails scratched roughly his stomach as she dug beneath the elastic and stretched it out before slowly pulling it lower on his body.

It didn't take long before his serpent escaped, Yang's was taken aback by its size, its thickness, even that slight curve she feared would scratch something dangerous if it were to ever enter inside her. She locked on the frenulum, on the grotesque pink tip that overhung like a bell she even began to believe it would pull her stomach out if he tugged his hips back.

"What the hell?" she may not have noticed, but Parc did, she licked her lips and they turned rosy and thick. Down her body, he fell to her breasts, watching almost in fast forward as her tips hardened and erected themselves much like his half-mast.

'This… Summer is having sex with this?' she thought unable to tear her gaze away from it. 'Lucky—no, shit, no! Can't think like that, not of this sick bastard.' Her expression sweetened but just as quickly Yang clamped her eyes shut and forced herself to scowl even harder.

"What, never seen a proper man before?" Parc was plenty aware of how egregious his statement was, didn't change the satisfaction he got when girls and women saw his manhood and seemingly marvelled at it.

"No." Yang dug in her hands beneath her breasts and lifted them, creeping just a bit closer on her knees she couldn't stop herself from lifting her rump off the back of her heels and bringing her breasts either side of Parc veined member.

Unable to even watch as her body moved by Parc's will, she turned away and her hands pressed her breasts together, swallowing Parc's cock whole. Engulfing it in her plush, pillowy mammaries. He didn't say anything, didn't even make a noise but let out a contented shiver as he saw and felt his member disappear.

Able only to wince at its twitch, Yang looked back to it, hung her chin till it was almost touching her neck and gazed down between the crevice her tits created and saw peeking through the top Parc's glans staring back at her. She gulped heavily and smelt this sour scent of man and sex rise off of it. It made sense to her why Blake would go crazy for it, it was almost a drug given an aerosolized form. It ran up her nose, stroked all those receptors in her body that urged her into spreading her legs and moistening her crotch. She was thankful that she could at least hold back that urge. He hadn't ordered her elsewise but she could only pity Blake. How she must be suffering from just how sensitive her nose was.

"Up and down Yang, up and down." She looked up to him, met his brightly smiling grin with her scowl and slowly she began to guide her tits up and down his shaft.

Pushing and pulling on his foreskin, Parc couldn't help but frown at the uncomfortable roughness. 'Really should have tried this with Summer or Esdeath first,' he inwardly muddled and thought back to his days trapped behind his computer watching a wholly unhealthy amount of porn and realized his mistake. 'Need lube,' he looked across his workshop, his satchel was close by but it would stop the fun if he went to grab it now. When he turned his focus to Yang he landed on her lips and the downwards inclination of her head as she stared at his cock repeatedly pushing through her tits, almost hitting her chin with every motion, and knew that he had a lubricant right in front of himself.

"This would feel much better with a bit of lube, wouldn't you say?"

Yang bit her lip knowing exactly what he was implying but as he didn't order it directly, didn't accede to the implication. "How am I supposed to know? I don't go around titfucking every man I see."

His lips descended at the tips, "I've noticed. And I don't go around fucking every set of tits I see. Now, open that little mouth of yours, and lube it up."

Her face turned red, as did her eyes as she rolled her tongue around her mouth urging out a thick conglomeration of spit. When she had enough her jaw opened wide and her tongue snaked out like a little worm and from the tip descended a thick, frothy stream. For a second her motions halted to allow the spit to dribble around his cock, slickening its surface and as she pulled back in her tongue she returned to her motions. Her hands clenched her tits together, strangling his shaft and began to slowly lift and lower them. Initially, it was still rough for Parc but as her tits were glazed with her natural stickiness, it began to coat his meat, smoothening the fucking of her chest.

"Haaa…" Parc sunk deeper into his seat, listening and enjoying the hateful and wet noises rising from Yang. Her actions drew faster, feeling to her like she was oiled up and rolling her chest over a slickened piece of meat while for Parc it felt like a pussy. Colder, though just slightly and certainly not as tight but what Yang's chest lost in tightness she made back in her motions. Whether by instinct or her own will, her hands began to move asymmetrically, when her right breast was down her left would raise then quickly lower letting her right raise and squeeze. When added in with the slight bobbing of her body, it simply blended into an unusual form of fucking. He gulped, swallowing back a groan as he turned down an eye to Yang and said.

"Suck on the tip as well."

Yang paused, mentally that is, her body kept twisting and squeezing his cock, teasing its sensitive tip and every other curved g-spot his shaft may have had. She clutched her eyes shut, not quite fully regretting her choice to fight him. When next she opened them she focused on the glans, on that little slit she knew his cum would come rocketing out of and couldn't help but think about how she was going to deal with that. Was he going to make her take it on her face? On her chest even? Or would he force her to swallow it, to drink it like it was a cocktail. Slowing her titwanking, Yang bowed her head and brought her plump red lips just above his cock, descending even more she lowered her chest enough that she could bring her lips around his glans and latch tight around it.

He felt her lips squeeze and soon came to the vacuuming force drawing blood into his tip, thickening it just a bit more. It was a steady feeling, constant like a literal vacuum. "At this point, you're just trying to spite me." He chuckled and met Yang's upwards turned bloodstones. "Which is stupid because well, I've got my dick between two utterly beautiful tits and in a bitches mouth." Leaning off the back of his seat, Parc loomed almost ominously over Yang. A hand rose and clamped on the back of her head and she could feel his grip tighten just enough as he softly tugged on her head and pulled her lips from his cock. "Yang, just so you know. The more you resist, the more I'm going to enjoy breaking you down."

"Fuck. You. You piece of shit pervert." She growled. "Just you try you bastard. I'm not going to break."

Parc went silent, met her eyes with a frown that just as quickly curled into a mirthful smile. "Esdeath was the same, Yang." Releasing her head he slumped back into his chair, "suck me off and put those tits to use as well. You know-how. Tongue as well." And yang complied, not willingly, but quickly she was squeezing his cock, sucking the tip with her tongue teasing a dancing circle around the tip. Leaning back into his seat he smelt the scent of oil and metal and the faint wetness of a woman. He shut his eyes, enjoyed the feeling as it brought a tightness to his sack and began to slowly urge his seed up his urethra, ready to burst and glaze the girl white. "Esdeath," he spoke with a groan, "you know, she was so confident she could resist me that even as I hung her from the ceiling, as I pressed my dick into her ass that she was confident she could resist it. But you know what ended up happening?" his eye opened just the slightest as he once more gripped the back of her head and made her look him in the eyes. "She broke, and so will you. Now take my seed."

His toes clenched, curling to claws as shivers struck his body. Yang felt his cum knock against the back of her throat sending her eyes bugging out at its potent sourness against her tongue. She wanted to pull away, keep it out of her mouth but she couldn't do it. As it knocked against her the back of her throat and filled her mouth. Her cheeks puffed as she heard, "don't swallow," and she didn't, what had been running down her throat halted and when the last spurt filled her moist cavity, Parc spoke. "Show me, do it like a proper whore."

Her lower lip trembled, her hands fell from her chest releasing his member and she lifted her head. She dug her index and middle into the sides of her mouth and pointing up to him, widened her mouth, letting him gaze at her disenchanted form of glossy skin turned red and a sick amount of swirling semen inside her mouth like an ocean of bubbling foam. Yang held her pose even as her eyes began to water and her nose locked up, unable to swallow breath or she risk downing his seed against his words.

Soon she gurgled for breath and the ocean bubbled, even more, large bubbles formed in the viscous man milk and all she could think about as she looked up at Parc. At how he revelled in her sick appearance was how dangerous this man truly was to women. She may have thought herself the predator, but she knew in her deepest parts that no… to this man, she was nothing more than a prey to be pushed down and conquered.

"Good girl. Now swallow and don't drip."

Yang shut her lips, carefully ensuring that none of his seed dribbled out and while still staring him in the eyes. Swallowed it in two fell gulps. It ran down her throat like glue, sticking to everything it passed by only making it harder for the rest to run down and into her stomach where she could feel it settle and churn.

Parc brought his hand to her face and guided a stray lock of gold over her defensively red-eye and over her ear before commenting. "I'm going to enjoy you, Yang. So do me a favour, and this isn't an order by the way, but don't break easily. I want to enjoy ripping apart your sensibilities one, by, one."

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