The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 263: Cruising along 1

Parc stared up towards the large airship laid out before him. It's hull thick, the glass insulated and it was much longer than any of the others he'd seen before, even his own. It wasn't anything like the air planes from his homeworld either, in place of a long cylindrical form with a tapered tip leading to a point, this airship was more to the degree of a cruise ship in appearance, though not quite as large and with numerous aerofoils descending from the bottom of its hulls where he knew some powerful gravity dust crystals were harboured to allow it to fly. Dozens by his count, possibly even hundreds depending on whether it was a single crystal or a collection of them.

He turned to look over his shoulder and out over the waiting room beyond. There were dozens upon hundreds of people, elderly, young couples, children, all dressed to the nine like the royalty of this world and not a single one a faunus. At least, he couldn't see any animal characteristics from where he was standing.

Scanning the crowd, he searched for that head of illustrious black hair tipped with with a bow shaped like cat ears but found nothing of the such and turned his focus back to the ship, ignoring the various women who would cast him their leering glances as they wandered about what he hid beneath his clothes.

It had been a three weeks since Yang had first lost her challenge, the girl had barrelled on ahead with his aggravation since. Every week like clock work she'd stay put after his lessons, fury to her eyes as she lunged at him throwing her fists about like a tantruming child only to be knocked down again and again. Each time her punishment had ended with her glazed or her mouth filled with his seed.

Parc chuckled and scratched an itch on his elbow. 'I'm going to enjoy messing her up.' Thinking so, he felt something off, like someone was looking for him. Facing the crowd he scanned it once more and saw just entering the waiting room from customs was Blake. She dressed different than usual, in place of her shorts and knee high boots she instead wore a pair of white form hugging pants he had no doubts would give Parc plenty of room to ogle and enjoy the curves of her ass.

Upwards she had on a long sleeved black blouse above which she wore white and gold buttoned under-bust corset. Even from here he could see her breasts were satisfactorily pushed up, plumpening them up more than usual. She glanced across the room, soon falling onto him and letting him chuckle when he saw just beneath her nose the slight gloss of something he could only guess was meant to help her with his unending scent production.

When she saw him, her posture staggered but just as quickly straightened as she pushed through the crowds with low, almost meek pardons. As she walked, Parc could see those old men clearly far past their prime and some even with younger boys, their sons, all trailing after Blake, focusing on her ass, enjoying its shape till their wives respectivly knocked them on the shoulder or even with one launched into a tirade of slurs.

"Good morning Blake." Parc straightened his back, one hand on his hip smelling the stench accrueing in the room from the hundreds inside. "I'm happy that you've come."

Blake licked her lips and nodded, just barely able to control her cheeks enough to stop them from flaring red. "I was thinking I should stay at Beacon for the break." She squirmed with her luggage, setting it between them like it was her barrier stopping him from coming any closer.

"Yet you still came," he beamed, "why?"

Buzzes from the counter blared to life as he could see a steward or two fiddling with the machinery and what not.

Blake didn't respond, she knew for all intents and purposes a trip with Parc was likely to be her downfall, and she knew her body was actively yearning for him, but it was all hormonal. She shouldn't have been so easily swayed, not after everything she'd been through.

She suckled on her lips and hung her head, "I haven't been home in a while, so I just thought-" Just as soon as she spoke, the speakers lit up with noise as a stewards voice blared across the waiting room.

"We will now be opening priority boarding."

A dozen of the others ship farers stood and pushed past the crowds arriving by the ticketing booth where the steward and stewardess checked their passes and marked them down as arrived.

"We can talk inside," he turned to Blake and said. Without giving her room to argue, Parc reached for the handle of her wheeled luggage bag and took it without resistance. His hand scraped hers, sending her reeling back with a start, almost dropping the ticket she was clutching in her other hand.

With head hanging just a shade lower than usual, Blake kept just off of Parc's left side as they crossed the room, drawing envious eyes of both men and women. Parc moved to the male steward, while Blake took the female stewardess with luminous red hair and many cutesy freckles. It took a second for the woman to scan the barcode atop Blake's ticket, having to straighten out a crease formed by Blake's clamping before she was being given a 'thank you for joining us, enjoy your stay,' and were allowed onto the ship.

"That was easy," Parc said casting a slim look to his left. "I thought they'd have checked our ID's." On earth he'd have to hold out his passport at least threetimes before being let onto a plane, here in remnant so long as you showed it off once, you were safe.

Descending steps down an enclosed tunnel, they were soon upon the connected doorway of the cruise liner airship. The door was wide and inside he could smell the most plesant scents of wood and otherwise clean, cool air. Passing by the door way where two more stewardesses were stood with their hands cloaked in white gloves bowing and greeting every person who entered.

It was a lobby they entered, warm and pleasant with colours that pleased the eyes and doorways here and there leading all over. At the back was a desk, a neat little U one with computers and a black haired steward stood behind it, besides him another, a blonde haired one, his expression strained as a couple stood across from him.

The man was tall and burly, his head a shade of heavily greying browns accrued from stress, Parc guessed. Wrinkles coated his face like an old shirt left un-ironed. He was active and clearly annoyed, his voice loud as he slammed his hands down on the counter causing both the steward and the woman behind him to jolt.

"What do you mean we're being moved!?" he bellowed, "I know rightly that I paid for the suite, IN FULL!"

"I, yes sir, and I apologize for informing you of this change so late-"

"Late. Late!?" the mans voice rose higher, "this isn't just late, this is thievery! I purchased that room for nearly seventy thousand lien and you come and tell me that I have no right to it!?"

"Dear, please, you're being too lou-"

The man, spun, looked at her with eyes as sharp as daggers that made her shrink in on herself. "Marigold, please, I am busy rectifying this situation. So please, quiet." The woman swept her soft, platinum gold hair over her ears and sucked her full red painted lips to lines and nodded weakly. "Now, explain to me, how it is, that I am not being granted the room I purchased, almost six months ago."

The stewards throat rolled nervously as his eyes shot down to the computer just behind the upper wall of the desk and trembled at the lacking information he was given. "Sir, I sincerely apologize for this error, If you'll let me contact administration I'm sure we can remedy this swiftly."

In return the aging man narrowed his eyes, straightend had back and flattened his vest before giving a single stoic nod. "Do so."

Approaching the desk, Parc watched the man lightly, oft trailing to the woman to lament her misfortune of being stuck with such a snobbish looking man. She curves were much too high of a league for such a bratty man. All the while Parc couldn't help his lips from raising at the tips and thinking 'this is going to be fun.'

Digging through his pocket, he pulled out a set of thin rimmed sun glasses he'd built for the hell of it and let it hang from his vest pocket. "Good evening and welcome to the Grand Mistralia. If I may have your names and tickets please." Coming to stop by the second steward, Parc handed over his tickets first, Blake following a second later.

"Parc Evans and Blake Belladonna." Glancing to his computer, the steward scrolled down the list of hundred of names before his finger suddenly paused on the scroll wheel, bringing it to a halt. His mouth hung wide as his head lifted and his eyes wandered to the other steward who was just putting down one of the cruises internal-use-only scrolls and told the man and his partner that someone from administration would be there soon. When he looked back to Parc, he met his sly, knowing smile with trepidition, knowing full well what hell would happen in the next coming seconds.

"Uhh," he trembled, bit his lip and helplessly hung his head as he turned to the key drawers behind them, moving to the center most drawer to hesitate over its small ball of a handle before finally pulling it open. Digging out the key from within, the steward stared at it weakly and biting his lip, turned back to Parc and Blake. "We have you situated in the… suite roo…"

"Sorry," Parc's voice turned almost maliciously demonic in that moment, "I couldn't quite hear you. Could you speak little louder." Plucking from his pocket a singular green lien card, he pushed it towards the steward and the steward eyed it cautiously but with a tepmted sparkle to his eyes. He glanced to Blake by Parc's side, saw the young girl sigh and shake her head then to the couple, focusing for the most part on the man and pondered his options.

Ultimately, he clamped tight his eyes and wrinkled his cheeks with crowsfeet and when he opened them, his face filled with serenity as he took the card and hid it beneath the keyboard. "Once more, I would like to welcome you to the Grand Mistralia, we have you seated for the penthouse suite right, if you will hold a moment, I will contact one of our hosts-" Parc narrowed, stilling the steward and correcting his statement, "hostesses," he halted, waiting for Parc's approving nod, "to guide you to your room."

"Brilliant, that will be perfect." Parc tilted his head towards Blake but said nothing, just waited, it didn't take long before he heard him.

"Pardon me there young man."



Right. I'm looking for opinions on 18+ games specifically the more text oriented variety but if you have thoughts on other types toss them out. I just need general thoughts so I can work on things and tweak them. Mainly on what you like dislike, so I can begin working on those while I develop scenes and hopefully the actual systems in the games. This can be anythign from how relationships are portrayed, fetishes, sex scenes, how frequently / how easy it is to get to them, etc. Basically anything that makes such games fun or annoying to play.

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