Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 60: Universal Bank(2)

As a sudden shout, some of them stared at the entrance, because some of them knew that the chief manager had left to settle some matters. By the time the general manager appeared in the hall, Liu Yang managed to see her appearance. She was an old woman of the white-haired human race, wearing white, ordinary-looking clothes.

Most people would think that this old woman was an ordinary, weak person because if someone used the True Vision or Eye of Truth they would see that she was level 1, but Liu Yang was able to see what other people could not with the Phantom Vision, what he saw was the words "Sealed" before the information on the old woman.

Everyone on the spot began to make polite gestures and speak polite words, everyone wanted to please this old lady and get a favor, because to become the chief manager of a branch of the Nine World's largest bank, you had to have a powerful background or be powerful to this, most noticed that she had no power, so she would have a powerful background. Only Liu Yang stood as if nothing had happened, while Yu Lin was quite nervous because she had never met the chief manager before.

The old woman noticed some murderous intentions before, she appeared to try to intervene in this matter, because she did not like this kind of conflict inside the bank. She glanced at Liu Yang who was looking at her as if he were an ordinary person, Yu Lin who was shaking and young master Cao who was reducing his murderous intent.

"What's going on here?"

"Manager ... Chief ... It is that this gentleman wants to talk to you ..." Yu Lin pointed to Liu Yang as she spoke in a shaky voice because of her nervousness, not just because she was talking to the chief manager, if anything wrong, she could lose her job, at that time, young master Cao could use various illicit means to get her body.

The old woman looked at the ordinary appearance of Liu Yang, a strange light appeared in her eyes before hiding quickly.

"Is that somebody VIP?"

"No, he came here to make a Money Card, and asked to talk privately with the chief manager"

The people around were stunned by the words of Yu Lin, an ordinary-looking person came to make a Money Card and wanted to talk to the chief manager, what kind of person would this young man be or what background would he have? That was the question the people in the place had in their minds, for they too were influential people, so they already saw several kinds of people, and knew there were some who were strangers with strange tastes. They wanted to know if Liu Yang would be in this category.

But there was a person who only had a breast and had no brain, it was Lei Ling, she thought that Liu Yang was just anybody and wanted some favor from the manager. Lei Ling wanted to earn some points with young master Cao and the manager.

"Younger sister Yu Lin, you're breaking the rules by bringing someone who is not VIP to this area, you should know that to enter that place, the customers should at least have a few million gold coins deposited with us, but from what I'm seeing him it's just someone who came here for the first time "

Lei Ling's words aroused some thoughts in the people of the place, if the young man was someone influential or with some powerful background, he should have a card at least, but it seemed that he had none, that was unbelievable, even a child of ten years old of some power with influence would have some Money Card, only poor men walked with gold coins in their pockets. Or this young man has just found some extremely valuable treasure and wants to sell it to the bank in exchange for money. That was the thoughts some had.

Some people started looking at Liu Yang with some eyes of greed. The young master Cao seemed to have been activated upon hearing the words of Lei Ling, also spoke a few words to press Yu Lin.

"Miss Yu Lin, it seems that you are making a serious mistake, if you happen to lose your job, you can look for me and I will gladly help you"

Yu Lin's face turned pale at the words of the young master Cao, she looked at Liu Yang and saw that he was looking at her with a confident look, it was as if he were saying "Do not worry," Yu Lin tried to calm down after that.

The old woman was just staring at Liu Yang without speaking as if trying to see through him, she finally spoke.

"I believe that appearances deceive, but in your case, I think you can not deceive"

Listening to the old woman's words, everyone was surprised, they came to the conclusion that Liu Yang was just a poor person with little money. Liu Yang finally opens his mouth to speak.

"I also think that appearances deceive, but in your case, a person arrested can deceive better those who are free"

The people around could not understand the words of Liu Yang, but the old woman could understand perfectly, she was shocked and horrified at what she heard, because only extremely powerful people could see through her, she began to think that Liu Yang could be an extremely powerful person or someone powerful is behind it.

"I apologize if this old woman had a bad vision, can we still talk?"

The manager apologized, everyone was stunned by these words, it was unbelievable, the branch manager of one of the biggest banks of the Nine Worlds really apologized to a strange person. This scene, none of them believed it was happening.

"Of course we can, is there any private room?"

"Follow me"

The old woman waved to Yu Lin before starting to walk, Yu Lin started to get nervous again, but also excited, because the risky decision she made, was worth it. The trio began to walk toward the hall, under the dazed stares of everyone. Lei Ling's face was white, while young Master Cao's face was dark.

The interior of the room was simple, a table, and a chair at the end that was the manager's, two large sofas and a table between them. Liu Yang and Yu Lin sat side by side, the ones were close together that each could smell each other's body. The old woman sat on the couch in front of them.

"Would you like a glass of tea?" The old woman asked in a thin voice.

"Yes, thank you for your kindness"

The old woman waves her hands and a teapot and three glasses appear on the table, after enjoying the tea the old question.

"How much money would you like to keep here in our bank? We can only make a card based on the money saved "

"Do you exchange equipment, items, and other things for money?"

"Yes, but it depends on the quality of the items, would you like to change some?"

"Yes" Liu Yang nods his hands and dozens of shiny equipment appear.

"I would like to exchange these items for gold, take it." Liu Yang put Yu Lin's hands, a small exquisite bracelet made of silver with two jewels on the sides, and a fine gold necklace with a green gem in the middle.

"I apologize sir, but I can not accept this, it's very valuable." Although she did not know how much these two items were worth, Yu Lin knew it was valuable.

"Just accept it, it's a gift for trust, I had said before that you would not regret your decision." Yu Lin felt warm in her heart upon receiving the two items, it was the first gift she received from a man who did not have malicious intentions toward her.

"Wait a minute, let me evaluate these items." The old woman began to evaluate the items, while Liu Yang and Yu Lin talked and drank tea.


"I conclude the assessment, here has a total of twenty million gold coins in items, there is something else to evaluate"

The old lady did not find this value odd, for she had already assessed items worth much more than that, but for Yu Lin who was an ordinary person, she was frightened, for her a hundred thousand gold coins was an absurd wealth, plus twenty million.

"Yes, can you count those coins? I was too lazy to tell "Liu Yang waves his hands and an absurd amount of gold coins appear, there were also some papers with some things written.

"Okay." The old woman started counting the coins, while Yu Lin was nearly fainting at the scene because of the shock.


"These coins total a total of three million and these checks have a total of one million. To sum it all up, the total is twenty-four million gold coins, is there anything else I can do, sir? "

"No, that's all, thanks, you can put twenty million in one card, while the rest I carry in my space ring"

"Okay, wait a few hours, when the card is ready, I'll send it. Take the guest to the restroom "

"Yes, boss manager"

"I hope to know the one behind the shadows someday"

Liu Yang and Yu Lin leave the room, leaving only the old woman.

Seconds later, a shadow appears sitting in the chair, it was as if this shadow was always there, it was not possible to know if it was male or female.

"Watch this person for a while, if in the next few hours the expected occurs, send a message to the Cao clan, if something happens to that girl and is related to them, they will know the consequences." The voice of the shadow was distorted, looked masculine or feminine.

"Yes, master, what about the young man? Should I investigate it? "

"It is not necessary for someone who has seen through you, he or the person accompanying him must be extremely powerful, it is not safe to make enemies like him, it is better to try to tie him with us"

"Are you referring to that young woman?"


"This servant will obey the master's orders"

The old woman begins to walk towards the door, while the shadow begins to disappear gradually, seconds later the room was empty.

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