Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 61: Tracking and Murder Mission - Target: Xillia Wolf

Liu Yang was following Yu Lin through the corridors, the two of them reached an area with several doors, this was the place that sometimes had the sensual voices of women leaving. This place was called a rest area.

Yu Lin took Liu Yang to one of the rooms in the middle of the hall. Liu Yang thought the rooms were small, but when he entered he realized that the room is bigger than he thought, there was a room with double bed, a large sofa with a table in front, a bathroom, and a small kitchen. What Liu Yang did not knew was that this room was one of the biggest and best rooms, the chief manager let Liu Yang and Yu Lin use one of the best rooms because she thought it would be worth bind someone like him. The other rooms had only one double bed and one bathroom.

Liu Yang and Yu Lin sit on the couch, the two sit at each end, leaving a vacant space. Earlier in the corridor, Yu Lin had been ordered to try to "bind" Liu Yang, she knew what that meant, after that order, she started to get nervous and did not know what to do, it was the first time she found herself in a situation like this.

The mood in the room looked strange, Liu Yang understood the intentions of the chief manager, but he did not care about this, as long as the bank did not make any move against him, Liu Yang simply will not do anything against them, but the moment they began to conspire against him, Liu Yang would have no mercy in shredding even if they are the largest bank of the Nine Worlds.

Looking at the beauty at his side, Liu Yang put a mischievous smile on his face and decided to play with her, Yu Lin felt there was something wrong and will come to find Liu Yang looking at her with a strange smile on his face. She was frightened by it and tried to get up, but due to hurry, Yu Lin unbalances falls on Liu Yang who was with open arms.

"Ah ..."

"Careful" Liu Yang approached Yu Lin's ear and spoke slowly, and kissed the ear lump.

Yu Lin was in the arms of Liu Yang and with face in his chest, she was very embarrassed by the situation, her neck began to turn red. Liu Yang just stroked her smooth silky hair.


"Do not call me sir, call me young master"

"Young master ... I ..."

Yu Lin was too embarrassed to speak, keeping her eyes closed and did not have the guts to open, she had never been so intimate with a man before, she was an orphan and was raised in the institution of the Universal Bank, in that place only children orphaned, they were taught to be servants of the great influential forces, boys were taught to fight, the best would be transferred to the military or be the bodyguard of influential powers, girls were taught etiquette, manual services like cooking, crafts and the like, to be servants , and the best and most beautiful were chosen to be bed warmers. Yu Lin was part of this group, but since she did not want to do this sort of thing, she sabotaged herself in the last selection test.

The last hug she had was with her friends at the institution before she started working for the bank, so the warm embrace of Liu Yang made her feel comfortable, it was like she was back to those times of her childhood. She did not have a bad impression of Liu Yang due to the things that happened in those last few hours, she realized that he was not bad, if compared to people like the young master Cao.

"Do not worry, I will not force you to do this if you do not want to do"

Liu Yang remembered that day in the cave with Xiao Xi, Liu Yang knew that it occurred due to some mistake of Xillia Wolf or because of something, Liu Yang thought it was probably his fault that the attack of illusion affected Xiao Xi because, with Xillia Wolf's power level, she would not make a small mistake like that. Because of this mistake, he and Xiao Xi had their first relationship.

Although Xiao Xi did not blame Liu Yang for the occurrence and still say she was satisfied with what happened, Liu Yang felt guilty in some part of his mind, he had made the decision that he would take care of her for life , this was also one of the reasons why he entered the secret location. Although perverted at times, Liu Yang did not want to overrun the limits, he would only take some advantages, if the other party is willing, he would willingly accept.

Xillia Wolf managed to realize this, but did not comment on it, she was happy that Liu Yang decided to take this issue seriously.

Yu Lin gathered courage and looked into the eyes of Liu Yang, getting up and putting her arms around his neck, Yu Lin pressed her lips slowly to Liu Yang's lips.

Being kissed suddenly by the beauty in his arms, Liu Yang was stunned for a few moments, before beginning to return the kiss, the two languages began to interweave for a long time, before separating and looking at each other.

Yu Lin's face was all red, she wanted to dig a hole to hide, she did not believe she did such a daring action with a man. Liu Yang found Yu Lin's current appearance quite fluffy, this time it was Liu Yang's turn to take the initiative to kiss Yu Lin, remembering the moments ago, Yu Lin closed her eyes and took the warm kiss.

Yu Lin began to feel a hard thing began to prick the abdomen, she realized what it was, making her decision, Yu Lin begins to use her hands to slowly remove the clothes of Liu Yang as they kissed. Realizing this, Liu Yang separates his lips from Yu Lin, this scared her, she thought she was doing something wrong that irritated Liu Yang.

"Young master ... I ..." Before he could finish speaking, Liu Yang seals Yu Lin's lips with one finger. Looking at his loose clothes, Liu Yang looks at Yu Lin and gives a perverted smile.

"Ah ..." Liu Yang lifted Yu Lin and began to carry her like a princess toward the bed, Yu Lin realized that Liu Yang did not want to do on the couch, but in bed. The two returned to the kissing section before clothes began to fly around the room. The spring scene begins to occur in the room.


Coming back a few months back, in the Seventh World, inside the Blood Fangs's headquarters of the Black Wolves Groups, inside a mansion, was a secret room whose door was closed for a month, finally opened. Inside the room it was possible to feel the heavy smell of hormone, there was a beautiful woman who had lifeless eyes lying on the floor, she had a thin face, short hair, big eyes, full chest, thin waist, long legs and round buttocks lying on the ground, her body was covered with thick white liquid, in her private areas still leaked some secretions, this woman was Marry, who had been confined and tortured by Clark for a month by his clones.

The sound of footsteps is heard and a big, ferocious man appears, he was naked, behind him were two naked beauties of similar ages, they were Clark, Sylph and Sophi. Clark and the two girls arrive in front of Marry who was lying with her eyes open but lifeless.

"Your punishment is over, get up"

Marry tried to get up, but she did not have the strength, she just stood on her knees because the long session of activities had completely broken, she had not slept or eaten for a whole month. Looking at Marry's pitiful state and talking.

"Open your mouth." Marry followed the command instinctively, but before she knew it, a hot, hard thing had come into her mouth tightly. Sylph and Sophi standing behind Clark found this scene amusing, but they did not dare laugh. Finishing to drop the load on Marry's mouth, Clark turns to the two women and speaks.

"Open your mouth." The two women were suddenly frightened at such an order, but they had to follow because they knew what would happen if they disobeyed.

The moment they opened their mouth, a small bean-sized pill is thrown into their mouths, they swallow in surprise. The two women began to feel warm inside, panic appeared on their faces. They knelt down for forgiveness.

"Master, forgive us, please forgive us whatever we have done !!"

As they begged, the effect of the aphrodisiac began to take effect, it was the same aphrodisiac used in Marry last month. The two women begin to hug, kiss, caress, sensual sounds are made by the two women as they climaxed.

"This is your punishment for laughing at Marry, only I can have fun with her, and not you. Clone of Shadows, you are two, so your punishment will be double Marry "

Two hundred clones identical to Clark appear, they all looked at Sylph and Sophi with lustful eyes, they wanted to move and push the two women quickly, but they were waiting for the order of the original. Clark carries Marry's body on his shoulders like a broken doll. The moment the part of the room closes, sounds of sensual groans and pleading of the two women are heard.

Clark carries Marry to the bathroom and throws her body in the bathtub, taking a pill and throwing it into Marry's mouth, seconds later her face began to regain color and her eyes glittered. Marry recovers her strength, but before he can do anything, Clark gives a command.

"Marry, serve me"

Due to the pill Marry recovered, but Clark's new order frightened her, she knew she had no choice, clenching her teeth and Marry began to serve her master with all will.

A few hours later, Marry is kneeling and naked in front of Clark who is also naked.

"Marry, now that your punishment has officially ended, I have a job for you"

"Yes, master, I am under orders"

"We got a tracking job, we need to find a person, a woman"

"Who would it be?"

"One of the four sworn sisters, from the Group of Girls Travelers, Xillia Wolf"

Marry was frightened by such a request, she heard stories about the Group of Girls Travelers that was made up of four sworn sisters.

"Master this ... Is not that risky? Accept such request "

"Yes, indeed it is risky, after all this woman was a more powerful people of the Nine Worlds, if she had not been ambushed and almost dead, she would have been the strongest. But do not worry, according to the information of the contractors, she is very injured and still carries a child almost dead, is a good opportunity to kill her, the reward is quite generous. If you can complete this mission, you will no longer have to work, just serve me when I order"

Marry hesitated but gritted her teeth before accepting the mission.

"Master, I accept the task"

"As expected from my dear Marry, I'm putting my expectations on you. There is information that those who hired us gave, look for the person who sold the information from the secret location to you, he knows something, tomorrow I will give more details about the mission "

"Yes, master." Marry said one thing, but in her mind, she was thinking of another.

(Dear Marry? Expectations? For you, I'm just a sex toy to relieve your boredom and anger, nothing more than that, if there's a day when you're begging for your life and I'm the one who can save you, you may die) Marry thought only in her mind, she did not dare to speak such thoughts.

"Come, serve me again, your master is still not satisfied"

Marry gritted her teeth before getting up and walking toward the bed because her body was still sore from the previous activity session.

Liu Yang did not know that Xillia Wolf's brother and her love rival began hiring and sending trackers and assassins to find them.

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