Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 59: Universal Bank(1)

In a tree-lined place, the wind blew and the leaves fell, there were many kinds of sounds, people shouting, metal clattering in metal, wild animals running or flying, it was possible to see a great wall of some city in the distance.

A light shines, someone emerges when the light disappears, was a short-haired young man with a 17-19-year-old appearance, a common face, a slim body, wearing ordinary clothes made from some animal's leather. It was Liu Yang, Xillia Wolf used a teleportation skill to Liu Yang leave of the entrance of secret place, before Liu Yang's body could appear, he removed the black cloak he had been wearing before.

"Xillia, where are we?"

Liu Yang knew that Xillia Wolf took him to some place near the civilization due to the number of voices he could hear from a distance.

"We're near City of the Border, find someplace to rest, and then help those two girls, after that, we'll do intensive training for six months and then go to the Second World to visit"


When Liu Yang arrived at the entrance of the City of the Border, the scene was no different from a few months ago, there was a crowd of people entering and leaving the city, occasionally there was discord between some groups.

In the words of Xillia Wolf, Liu Yang should make a Money Card, these cards were the most practical way to carry the gold coins, all the coins were stored inside these cards, there were several ranks of colors, white, blue, purple, silver, gold, and black. With the rise of ranks, the greater the number of gold coins the card would have.

There was a branch of the most famous bank of the Nine Worlds, 99% of people used this bank to do business. The name of the bank was Universal Bank, at the entrance, there was a great flow of people coming and going, the sign was great and the words were written in gold.

Liu Yang stood in line at one of the booths waiting his turn, when Liu Yang entered the cabin a beautiful human attendant of approximately 20 - 23 years with little makeup on the face, she wore tight cloth clothes that accentuated her charm, especially in the area of the chest, the waist, and the buttocks.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you?" The young woman's voice was soft, but she seemed nervous.

"I would like to make a Money Card"

The young woman evaluate Liu Yang, before speaking, she was someone experienced, sometimes outward appearances deceive, she has seen many coworkers lose big business because neglected customers was wearing ordinary clothes.

"Sir, we have several types of cards, each one of them has different benefits, what would be the kind you want?" The young woman showed a paper containing various information about the cards.

"I would like to make a card to save my money so I can use this money whenever I want"

"In this case, the cards that our bank offers depends on the amount of money you want to place, our cards are divided by colors, the white is the lowest supporting up to a thousand gold coins, blue supports up to fifty thousand coins from another, purple supports up to five hundred thousand, silver supports up to five million, and gold supports up to one hundred million, while black is the largest of them bearing up to a billion gold coins. Which color do you wish to acquire? "

Liu Yang looked at the young attendant before speaking.

"Miss, may I know your name?"

"My name is Yu Lin"

"Miss Yu Lin, I would like to talk in a private room, if possible bring a chief manager together"

Yu Lin was stunned by Liu Yang's words, she did not think that this ordinary-looking young man in ordinary clothes would be wanting to speak to the chief manager, only Vips customers had this preference, but her front was not a customer since he came to make a card.

"I apologize sir, but only Vips clients can see the chief manager"

"I understand, but is it possible that Miss Yu Lin can break this rule? You will not regret it in the future "

Yu Lin was hesitant with the words of Liu Yang, she met many clients like Liu Yang, some were rich and influential, others were poor and without influence. Liu Yang's attitudes seemed to be those poor people, because most of the rich and influential people she met were arrogant and rude, only a small group acted humbly, but there was one thing in common between all of them, it was their clothing, each of them wearing high quality clothing and jewelry, this was something that Liu Yang did not have.

Liu Yang just stood there staring at the young woman, he knew what she was thinking, it was like in his previous world, if you had money, you would get almost everything. He was waiting for Yu Lin's response that had a hesitant face.

(Should I take he to see the chief manager or not?) That was the question that was in Yu Lin's mind all the time. Yu Lin looked at Liu Yang and realized that he was looking toward her eyes. After much hesitation, Yu Lin grits her teeth and makes the decision.

"Sir, follow me"

Liu Yang grinned at Yu Lin's decision. Yu Lin opened a door behind her, Liu Yang following. Walking through the wide aisles with dozens of doors along the way, Liu Yang realized that the number of people dwindled dramatically, and some seductive sounds were heard inside the rooms from time to time. Liu Yang noticed that Yu Lin's neck that was in front of him was totally red or hear such sounds.

The two of them went into a large hall that had several chairs, tables of fine wood, people were talking while they were having tea. The arrival of Liu Yang and Yu Lin attracted the attention of some, especially Liu Yang, because they have never seen him around here.

Liu Yang followed Yu Lin into a corridor where there was a door at the end, had some guards protecting the place. But before they could walk down the hall, they were approached by two people.

"What a surprise, little sister Yu Lin is here"

The person who spoke was a demon-possessed woman with a seductive body, on her face there was a lot of makeup, her name was Lei Ling, she was a co-worker of Yu Lin, she had a nickname as a prostitute, because to make a deal with an influential client, she did not mind using her body as a bargaining chip.

"Big sister Lei Ling, what do you want?"

"I want nothing, who wants is the young master Cao"

The young master Cao was a man who seemed to be between 25 - 28 years old, short hair, big eyes, his face was fierce and there was a scar on the side, the aura that emanated from his body made him look like a hidden beast, was belonged the race of demonic beasts, a branch of the race of demons.

Yu Lin knew some stories of this man, he was someone who used the money to attract young virgins like her to sleep with him. The superiors did not mind the method if she could get someone influential to do business with the bank, the manager would be happy with that and give you a little bonus. The amount of women he's played has already passed dozens, she knew he was chasing her now.

"Miss Yu Lin, I have not seen you for a long time, how are you?"

"I'm fine, young Master Cao, you can not talk to the young master right now because I'm busy"

The young master Cao noticed that Liu Yang was following Yu Lin, his eyes began to show a cold glow.

"I think this gentleman can accompany Miss Lei Ling to do his business, right?" Young Master Cao narrowed his eyes when he spoke the last words.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Liu Yang did not even open his mouth or seemed to care about the words of young master Cao. This shocked everyone, although the Cao clan was not of great influence compared to the branches of the main super clans of the first worlds, it still had influence in the City of the Border, wherever the members passed, they were treated with courtesy, now a stranger did not even look at the young master of the Cao clan, it was like a slap in the face of the Cao clan.

The face of the young master Cao began to get dark, he was never so humiliated in his life, but before he could do anything, someone shouted.

"The chief manager arrived !!"

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