Night Ranger

Chapter 725-730

Chapter 725: Elemental Life Mark

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


Indeed, when Marvin saw that rocky figure looking indifferently at the intruders, his first thought was that it was the Earth Sovereign!

Because it looked exactly like what he had seen in the game.

That foot that was able to suppress Tiramisu was using the Earth Essence of the Earth Sovereign.

Surely only the Earth Sovereign could have such pure Earth Essence that could even suppress a Time Dragon!

But what made Marvin somewhat puzzled was that the Earth Sovereign had always been known as being stern, yet kindhearted.

Why would he appear here in the Collapsed Earth, and why would he attack an Eternal Time Dragon without warning?

After all, the Elemental Planes definitely didn’t have any special relationship with the God Realms, so this couldn’t have been done on their behalf!


“Bastard! Quickly release this handsome Dragon!”

Tiramisu was boiling with anger.

His entire body was pressed down by that huge stone foot!

The earth of the Elemental Plane of Earth seemed to have a terrifying restrictive effect that allowed it to suppress even an Eternal Time Dragon! They were in the heart of the Elemental Plane, where the Earth Sovereign could exert the most power!

Coldness flashed in Marvin’s heart.

The Elemental Planes were definitely the strongest force. Fortunately, the four Elemental Sovereigns usually had no desires. They just made sought to maintain balance.

‘What’s going on?’

‘Could it be that even the Elemental Sovereigns can’t restrain their greed? Even these Sovereigns known for having almost no desires are tempted by it?’

Marvin recalled his experience in the Elemental Plane of Water, with the gradually degenerating Water Sovereign. He could also feel something subtly wrong with the aura of the rocky giant before him. Marvin’s heart sank.

The Earth Sovereign ignored Tiramisu’s curses, only looking coldly at Marvin.

“Thing… Hand… Over…”

The words came out very slowly in stilted Common.

Marvin’s heart calmed down.

This was different from the Earth Sovereign that he remembered!

Although the Elemental Sovereigns were cut off from the rest of the world, they were extremely intelligent and could learn things very quickly. None of the Elemental Sovereigns were unable to speak Common.

But this guy before him seemed to have trouble speaking.

And the pronunciation was very weird. If Marvin hadn’t had excellent hearing, he might not have understood what the Elemental had tried to say!

“Thing? You mean the Fate Tablet?” Marvin probed.

The hulking figure nodded and then demanded in a slow and wicked tone, “Hand over… Otherwise… Kill you…”

This sentence made Marvin completely scratch his initial assumption!

This guy couldn’t possibly be the Earth Sovereign!

Although it looked exactly the same, how could an Elemental Sovereign not be able to speak Common?

The previous words were shaky, sounding sort of like a countryside farmer with a very heavy accent. The tone was also rather odd.

Furthermore, if the real Earth Sovereign wanted the Fate Tablet, he wouldn’t speak with Marvin. He would directly make a move!

Plane Guardians were truly powerful!

But Elemental Sovereigns were the peak existences in this Universe. Some even surmised that their strength exceeded that of many Ancient Gods, and that they were second only to the most powerful God, Lance!

Thinking of this, Marvin felt a lot calmer.

He suddenly inspected a few places on the Rock Monster.

Marvin had seen information concerning the Earth Sovereign back in the game, and he truly looked like the Rock Monster in front of him.

But he didn’t feel the pressure that should have accompanied the presence of an Elemental Sovereign.

The pressure of an Elemental Sovereign far exceeded Dragon Might and Divine Pressure. Any lifeform with Essence would be under their rule!

Even if Marvin had the advanced False Divine Vessel, he wouldn’t be completely immune!

So the attacker in front of them couldn’t be the Earth Sovereign!

But it definitely was closely related to the Earth Sovereign in some way. Otherwise, the Eternal Time Dragon wouldn’t be in such a miserable situation!

After all, he had been able to slap the War God three times!

Marvin took a deep breath. It looked like he would have to handle this problem on his own.

He slowly took out Sodom’s Blades.

The Rock Monster angrily boomed, “Kill…”

At this instant, the stone in the surroundings fell down toward Marvin like a meteor shower!

If it was someone else, they might only be able to block.

But after reaching the Plane Guardian level and forming the Night Ring, his Post-Godly Dexterity had become something more!

His silhouette could be seen traveling back and forth, sometimes jumping, sometimes disappearing. This large-scale attack was completely ineffective against Marvin!

Marvin’s movements apparently infuriated the Rock Monster. It bellowed in a deep voice and started chanting in a language that Marvin couldn’t understand, despite having learned all the languages of Feinan.

At this time, Marvin realized something strange.

He looked at the chest area of the Rock Monster and saw that it was letting out a faint black light.

That black light seemed a bit familiar to Marvin.

Along with that black light, black circles surrounded the Elemental.

‘This is… its Elemental Life Mark?’

‘I can see its Elemental Life Mark?’

Marvin was shocked.

Elemental Life Marks were specific to Elemental lifeforms.

Usually, the most effective way to kill an Elemental was to cut the Elemental Life Mark.

But the Elemental Life Marks were usually hidden.

In the game, the Elemental’s mark would only appear when it had 5% HP remaining.

It was at that time that the rogues would join the battle one after another.

Because striking hard and fast at a single point was the job of Assassins and Rangers!

But now, Marvin didn’t have to do anything to his opponent to have its Elemental Life Mark be faintly discernible.

‘What’s going on?’

Marvin was confused.

But he knew that this was an opportunity. And Marvin had always been good at grasping opportunities!

He suddenly disappeared!

Night Boundary!


His body suddenly rushed forward, almost hitting the Rock Monster!

In that split second, he felt a powerful force that tried to repel him!

But Marvin still slashed down!

The spatial slash of Sodom’s Blades landed on the Elemental Life Mark!

Something seemed to break.

Marvin looked over. Out of the original 9 Elemental Life Marks, only 8 now remained!

The attack was effective!

The chanting Rock Monster was frightened by Marvin’s dash and was injured by his attack!

It bellowed, shaking the entirety of the Collapsed Earth.

Sand flew everywhere, sticking to its body, seemingly forming a layer of protection.

“Turns out you are that weak…”

“Or did you use up all your power to suppress Tiramisu because you thought that I was an easy target?”

Indeed, the monster seemed to instinctively realize that it couldn’t afford to let the Eternal Time Dragon get free.

Marvin laughed, killing intent flashing in his eyes.

The next second, Sodom’s Blades burst out once more!

The crimson blades broke through the sand!

They cut through another Elemental Life Mark.

Even at that time, Marvin suddenly saw the source of that black light.

“Book of Nalu?!”

Chapter 726: Beast

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


The 10th page of the Book of Nalu, Beast.

When he cut through the second Elemental Life Mark, Marvin immediately felt it.

His soul was already somewhat linked to the Book of Nalu, and thus, when the core of the Rock Monster was slightly exposed and then emitted the aura of the Book of Nalu, he felt it.

But because of the special structure of the Elemental body, the Elemental Life Mark had the effect of blocking the aura, which was why he hadn’t noticed it right away.

And now that he had cut down the 2nd Elemental Life Mark, the truth came to light.

‘The Collapsed Earth…’

‘Could this the part of the Elemental Plane of Earth have been corrupted by the Book of Nalu? Was this Rock Monster that looked like the Earth Sovereign the fiercest lifeform that had been here?’

‘But how could this explain its Earth Essence?’

Amidst the falling rocks, Marvin couldn’t help glancing at the young Dragon still being held down by a huge rock.

This was the first time he’d ever seen the Eternal Time Dragon in such a difficult situation. At least he’d had some room to move around in his old cage.

A powerful existence that could even face the War God was being flattened on the ground, unable to move.

From Tiramisu’s howls, Marvin could feel that he was really using all his might to try to escape!

But the weight of Earth Essence, combined with the power of the Book of Nalu, wasn’t something that the young Dragon could fight off.

An adult Eternal Time Dragon might have been able to resist the force. But to Tiramisu, who was much better with magic and time manipulation than physical feats, it was incredibly hard to overcome.

Fortunately, Marvin had found the secret of the Rock Monster. Tiramisu’s struggles were certainly having some effect. Either it would have to release the Eternal Time Dragon, or Marvin would cut it down.

It was harvest time!

The first two clashes had ended in Marvin completely suppressing it, proving once again how strong he had become.

At the same time, he had also figured out his opponent.

This Rock Monster definitely wasn’t the Earth Sovereign. With the strength of the Earth Sovereign, Marvin definitely wouldn’t have been able to cut two Elemental Life Marks!

The foe’s magic was very frightening. Each spell was overwhelming and had a large area of effect with a high lethality.

Usually, this kind of attack would be the bane of rogues, since an attack that blanketed a large area would leave little room to dodge away and escape.

But Marvin was different.

Marvin already exceeded the what could be described as just a rogue. The Night Ring on his hand was proof of it. He was the Universe’s most powerful rogue!

Only his silhouette could be seen flickering, ripping through the atmosphere!

Sodom’s Blades were cheering with excitement!

3rd slash! 3rd Elemental Life Mark shattered!

4th slash! 5th Slash! All the way to the 9th slash!

Despite the Rock Monster constantly raining rocks and spells down at Marvin, as well as using attacks that came from the ground, the 9th Elemental Life Mark was slashed apart.

The Rock Monster finally stopped showing resistance.

Its huge body shattered and quickly disintegrated into powder that then fell down from the sky.

Only a page was left, floating down with a dark aura.

The 10th page of the Book of Nalu, [Beast]!

Marvin solemnly extended his hands, opening the Wisdom Chapter and his Book of Nalu.

The black page seemed to want to resist, but because of the powerful suppression of the Wisdom Chapter, it was unable to move.

Marvin took a step forward, moving to capture it!

Under the pull of the other pages, the relatively powerful page became assimilated into the steadily growing Book of Nalu.

Marvin had now gathered 8 pages of the Book of Nalu!

Only three pages left before he could reform the item that had been left behind by the God of Deception, which was also possibly something that had been left behind by the Wisdom God to open the 4th Fate Tablet!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help feeling excited.

“Hey, I finally crawled out of there…”

Tiramisu came over with a sullen expression. “I didn’t expect that Rock Monster to actually have some skill and be able to suppress me.”

Marvin looked at Tiramisu and couldn’t help being startled. “The Earth Essence?”

As if he felt that it was obvious, the Dragon pointed out, “After you killed that guy, that stuff naturally flew away!”

“You sure it didn’t disappear?” Marvin asked, feeling startled. “It flew away?”

Tiramisu reasserted, “100% certain, I can still feel it, that strange thing is still in this plane.”

“Let’s go!” Marvin suddenly had a bad premonition.

But the next second, a few silhouettes appeared in the surroundings of the Collapsed Earth!

The completely surrounded Marvin and the Dragon.

The War God!

The Dawn and Protection God!

The Moon Goddess!

The Truth Goddess!

Besides these four top-level Gods, there were an extra ten Mid Gods and High Gods!

“The Astral Sea really thinks highly of us,” Marvin joked with a smile.

A formation made of two Ancient Gods, two Great Gods, and many other Gods, even if the Night Monarch were alive and well, he might find it difficult to fight against such a formation.

His only hope was that Tiramisu could still whisk them away from there.

But then, a quiet voice echoed in his heart. “Stall for time! This handsome Dragon suffered from that attack earlier! It left suppressive aftereffects, and I also might have used too much effort trying to break free.”

“I’ll need at least half an hour to recover and be able to properly use my time-related abilities.”

Marvin smiled bitterly!

‘Half an hour!’

‘Is this a joke?’

‘Stalling so many Gods for that long?’

It wasn’t like Marvin could just take out a deck of cards and invite the Gods to sit down and play, hoping to persuade them that they could resume the fight after half an hour?

It seemed that Tiramisu also felt that the suggestion was too unreasonable, and he lowered his head, mulling over something.

“Marvin, I have to admit that you gave us a lot of surprises.” Anuba Grant sighed somewhat before continuing, “But you brought too many troubles to the God Realms. Three innocent Gods fell because of you. You are the holder of Sodom’s Blades, we can’t let you go out of control.”

“I thought that the Valkyrie made a mistake, but now it seems that you might really be the prophesied Destroyer.”

“Only a true Destroyer would have such thick killing intent.”

Marvin couldn’t help laughing when he heard such hypocrisy. “Oh, Great Grant~” he sarcastically jeered, “anyone that killed a lot is a Destroyer? I inherited the will of the Night Monarch. As the Guardian of Feinan, the Night Monarch killed millions of outsiders that came to invade the lands. Why aren’t you saying that he was a Destroyer?”

Grant shook his head, not saying anything in response.

It was actually the War God who sneered, “Grant is always trying to take the moral high ground as he spouts a bunch of nonsense. I’ll be blunt with you.”

“Marvin, if you hand over the Fate Tablet and give me that young Dragon, I’ll guarantee your life. No one will dare to harm you here!”

These words shocked quite a few Gods.

They had never thought that the War God would ever say something like this in front of all the others!

Some chaos appeared within the forces of the Gods.

Marvin felt some hope.

Chapter 727: Banished

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


It seemed that there was no harmony between the Gods.

Well, it was true that every one of them seemed to want to get the Fate Tablet and possess the powerful force that it contained.

For Marvin, the hostility between the Gods seemed to be something he could use.

The situation was very difficult, after all. If there really was a fight, he wouldn’t be able to win. And even escaping seemed like a luxury.

But before he said anything, a gentle voice echoed across the plane. “This land has not seen so many gathered together for a long time.”

“Grant, Anubis, Faniya… Molly… Long time no see.”

When they heard this voice, the Gods were shocked!

‘Who was it?’

‘Someone dared to call the most powerful Gods by their names!

But what shocked them the most was that the Great Gods and Ancient Gods didn’t become angry. They actually forced themselves to smile.

“Great Earth Elemental Lord, the God Realms pay their highest respect.” Anuba Grant put a palm on his chest in a salute as he bowed respectfully!

In the sky, a shadow quickly took form.

It shaped into what was a seemingly very ordinary middle-aged man.

Everyone could see that it was just an avatar.

But just this Avatar was awe-inspiring enough.

The Gods weren’t total fools. There was only one entity that the God of Dawn and Protection would bow his head to in this plane, and it was that one lord.

All the Gods saluted one after the other.

The Elemental Plane Sovereigns were the pillars of the entire Universe, they were the existences worthy of the highest respect.

Only Faniya and Molly just nodded.

These two Ancient Gods had befriended the Earth Sovereign a long time ago. They were acquaintances, so there was no need to be too courteous.

Marvin and Tiramisu glanced at each other, and each saw the look in the other’s eyes.

This was getting more interesting.

Not only had the Gods gathered in the Collapsed Earth, but the Earth Sovereign had also come to join in on the fun!

This guy was part of the very foundation of the Universe.

The War God was very troublesome, but he was far from being comparable to the Earth Sovereign, let alone now that he was here, in the Earth Sovereign’s home!

Even if the four top Gods joined hands, they might only be able to hold the Earth Sovereign to a standstill. The others wouldn’t affect a fight of that scale in the slightest.

Thus, even the arrogant Gods chose to bow their heads.

They were acting like mortals here.

But at this time, Marvin wasn’t feeling burdened.

The more that came, the better.

The more troublesome things got, the better.

This was all that he felt about the situation.

He really had too many enemies. He would have a much better opportunity to find a way out amidst the chaos, and it could also help stall for time to let the Eternal Time Dragon recover.

If Tiramisu recovered, then there would be few people in this Universe that could stop them without the element of surprise! But the Earth Sovereign was certainly one of them!

After the Earth Sovereign’s avatar descended, the situation became more complicated.

Marvin was calmly waiting for something big to happen.

No one expected that as the Sovereign’s gaze swept over everyone, it would stop on Marvin!

His expression softened, looking much gentler. “You are Marvin.”

“Seems like you met some trouble.”

Marvin was startled. Earlier, he had thought that the Earth Sovereign had come for the Fate Tablet, but what about his tone now? What was going on?

As for the Gods of the Astral Sea, they were all shocked.

Especially Grant and Anubis. They both had rather agitated expressions.

The greeting of the Earth Sovereign made them think of some unpleasant possibilities.

Sure enough, the Earth Sovereign’s next words to Marvin sounded very polite. “You helped me deal with quite a problem. I owe you one.”

“Thus, you can rest assured that in this plane, no one will dare to harm you.”

Marvin was extremely shocked. When had he helped the Earth Sovereign?

Among the Gods, one of them couldn’t take it and entreated, “Respected Earth Elemental Sovereign, Marvin has…”


That person disappeared from the Elemental Plane of Earth.

The Earth Sovereign calmly asked, “Ladies and gentlemen, do I have to see you out myself?”

Marvin and Tiramisu were dumbstruck!

What was tyrannical?

This was so domineering.

Without the slightest movement, he banished a God and threatened the God Realms!

And even four of the most powerful Gods were standing in front of him.

But the Earth Sovereign didn’t seem to care why they were here.

He only invited them to leave.

Anubis clenched his fists, while Grant shook his head.

“Since that is the case, we will excuse ourselves.” Grant remained respectful enough, and after saluting again, he left without a trace.

He knew how frightening the Earth Sovereign was. Even if the Gods somehow beat him in his home realm, they would most likely end up crippled!

The Gods looked at each other in dismay, not having expected Grant to withdraw so quickly without any protest.

The War God coldly snorted and left too.

The other Gods also left one after the other, up until only Faniya and Molly were still left behind.

“Is there anything that the two of you need to say?” The Earth Sovereign’s voice felt like a spring wind.

“Nothing really. I am only curious,” Faniya said. “Protecting a mortal does not sound like you.”

The Earth Sovereign calmly responded, “Since the birth of this world, my duty has always been to protect mortals.”

Faniya chuckled and shook her head before leaving too. She was originally motivated by the fact that Marvin had killed three Gods, leading to the foundations of the God Realms to almost crumble.

But since the Earth Sovereign had appeared in his defense, she had no need to reason to stay.

The Truth Goddess, the last one left, gave Marvin a glance and softly said, “It seems that I don’t have to make a move this time.”

“You are very lucky.”

She then also disappeared from the Elemental Plane of Earth.

After a few seconds, the originally crowded Collapsed Earth was deserted, leaving Marvin feeling a bit uncomfortable!

“It seems that even if I didn’t appear personally, Molly wouldn’t have let you come to harm by their hands,” the Earth Sovereign mused while looking at Marvin. “You actually have some good relationships.”

Marvin felt embarrassed.

Good relationships? His enemies spanned the entire Universe.

If he hadn’t been worried about a disaster befalling White River Valley, he wouldn’t have needed to leave his Sanctuary, entrusting the place to others.

The words of the Earth Sovereign felt like banter.

“Respected Earth Lord. Thank you for helping me. I’m very curious, we haven’t met before, have we?”

Marvin was still curious about why the Earth Sovereign personally sent the Gods packing.

The old man laughed, “That is true.”

“But you still helped me without knowing it.”

“That [Beast] page in your hands almost destroyed me.”

Chapter 728: Confirmation!

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

The Earth Sovereign’s words made Marvin curious.

The lifeform with nine Elemental Life Marks that he had just killed definitely was related in some way to the Earth Sovereign.

Since Tiramisu needed 30 minutes to recover, the Earth Sovereign took advantage of this opportunity to explain everything.

When the Book of Nalu exploded, many pages spread throughout the Universe. Some landed in Feinan, some flew away into the sky.

Many people were frightened by the terrifying book after that God died from it, so they didn’t look for it.

There was only one exception back then.

That was the Earth Sovereign.

He personally saw the explosion of that God Realm, and the chaos that reigned in the God Realms afterwards.

Thus, when that page of the Book of Nalu flew over his world, he subconsciously stopped its path.

He hadn’t thought that this would nearly create a huge disaster!

That page was called Beast.

There was a beast in each person’s heart. But everyone was subconsciously using a cage to keep it sealed. But that page could release the beast locked inside the heart of anyone that came into contact with it!

Originally, the hearts of the Elemental Sovereigns were pure and free of desire. The Earth Sovereign was the same, and he would rarely find himself losing control.

He had a lot of confidence in himself and he believed that since it was just a page of the Book of Nalu and not the whole book, it could never harm him.

What’s more, the Ancient God who wrote the Book of Nalu was at most on the same level as him. In term of pure power, the Earth Sovereign would definitely be stronger.

Thinking like this, he hid the page away.

Over a few hundred years, he occasionally looked through it. He didn’t notice anything wrong at the start, as nothing seemed to happen. But gradually, he started feeling that something was off.

The Elemental Sovereign’s heart started becoming chaotic.

He didn’t know when it began, but at some point, a shadow had appeared in his heart!

And that shadow looked just like him.

Over hundreds of years, the [Beast] finally found an opportunity and corrupted a part of the Earth Sovereign’s heart.

He started becoming moody, and even the entire Elemental Plane of Earth started becoming unstable.

Fortunately, he found out about it before it was too late and promptly used a method to isolate the problem.

He peeled away that evil beast and trapped it in this unstable land!

This was also the origin of the Collapsed Earth!

“And that was it,” the Earth Sovereign concluded. “I asked the Water Sovereign to help me peel off the evil within me and then I locked it in the Collapsed Earth.”

“As it was an Elemental lifeform, neither I nor the Water Sovereign could kill it, so we could only imprison it, leaving the matter somewhat unresolved. I never thought that you would be the one to fix my troubles.”

“Now that I’ve been freed and the evil part of me has been destroyed, I have to sincerely thank you, Marvin.”

Marvin nodded thoughtfully. “That’s why you didn’t hesitate to go against the God Realms?”

The Earth Sovereign nodded and gently said, “The God Realms never entered my eyes. Especially here, in my own domain. This is a very safe place for you to stay.”

Marvin’s heart calmed down, but he also heard the implied meaning.

The Elemental Plane of Earth was very safe, but other places wouldn’t be safe.

The Gods had retreated, but they definitely wouldn’t leave it at that.

This time, Marvin took Tiramisu to the God Realms and slapped the faces of the Gods. And there was still the precious Fate Tablet! How could they easily let him go?

As if he could sense Marvin’s thoughts, the Earth Sovereign waved his hand and a scene appeared in front of them.

Outside the Elemental Plane of Earth, the Gods were waiting calmly, apparently ready for a fight. They didn’t think that Marvin would stay long in the Elemental Plane of Earth.

“They are really unwilling to give up on the Fate Tablet.” The Earth Sovereign sighed with sorrow. “Since they already chose to believe in the legend of the Destroyer, then why are they not following the established path?”

“Maybe this is wishful thinking, maybe each of them believes that they are different.”

Marvin suddenly asked, “The legend of the Destroyer?”

The Earth Sovereign smiled. “Yes, the legend of the Destroyer. When Lance left, it spread through the God Realms.”

“From the current situation, the person who fits the signs of the prophecy is you, Marvin.”

Marvin frowned.

There actually was something like that?

No wonder Eve had wanted to kill him.

If Lance really wanted to destroy this world, then why did he have Marvin transmigrate?

“Could it be that he wanted to destroy this world through my hands?”

Marvin’s heart sank.

“In fact, the matter of the Destroyer was originally nothing at all.” The Earth Sovereign didn’t seem to believe this version, and instead soothed him.

In any case, Tiramisu still needed some time to recover, so Marvin decided to rest in the Elemental Plane of Earth for now.

Since they were here, he asked about some questions that had been puzzling him for a long time.

In his eyes, the Earth Sovereign, as one of the oldest beings in the world, should know about these things.

“The game between Lance and the Plane Will? There is indeed such a thing.”

“But I don’t know too much about it. I have to stay in the Elemental Plane of Earth. Lance and many other Gods faded away, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.”

“In my position, I can only pay attention to the stability of the Universe. After Lance disappeared, I tried contacting him, but I failed. This worried me.”

“The only thing I can tell you right now is that the Book of Nalu is the key to stopping all this. It was written by an old friend of mine.”

The Earth Sovereign’s next word confirmed something that Marvin had suspected at one point. “Many people know him as the God of Deception, but he is in fact the God of Wisdom.”

The God of Deception really was the God of Wisdom!

Marvin’s heart shook!

He got confirmation about this from the Earth Sovereign!

“I believe that Lance and the Wisdom God want to do something, while also hiding it from certain people,” the Earth Sovereign continued, “and thus, as the one holding the 4th Fate Tablet and the Book of Nalu, you are the one he chose. You should be clear about what you have to do.”

Marvin nodded in silence and proceeded with clarifying his thoughts.

Time ticked away, and soon, half an hour passed.

Tiramisu recovered his abilities and the energy that had been depleted somewhat while he was struggling against the pressure of the Earth Essence.

“Let’s go! Let’s tease the Gods!” The Dragon said in high spirits. “I’ll get you to Evil Street!”

Marvin nodded.

Evil Street. Located in the depths of the Abyss, where the next page of the Book of Nalu was waiting!

Chapter 729: Evil Street

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

In fact, it wasn’t difficult to depart for Evil Street.

Of all the places where the remaining pages of the Book of Nalu were scattered, the Abyss was actually the easiest to locate.

Especially since he had a travelling partner that was an Eternal Time Dragon that could travel through space-time, Marvin could easily reach the bottom of the Abyss.

But the problem now was that there were a lot of enemies surrounding the Elemental Plane of Earth.

Although they had failed to catch Marvin a few times, their strength still couldn’t be ignored.

Once they left the Elemental Plane of Earth, their situation would be very dangerous.

“I didn’t expect the Time Maze to only trap Grant for so long.”

Tiramisu was worried. “The War God is no problem, and the others can’t keep up with my speed, but Grant…”

“I’ll help you stop Grant,” the Earth Sovereign interrupted with a smile. “I can still use a bit of strength in the surroundings of the Elemental Plane of Earth.”

Marvin was very grateful for the help. “You really aren’t afraid that I might be the Destroyer?” he asked.

“It might be possible for Lance, but not for you,” the Earth Sovereign firmly answered. “I can feel your heart, and you don’t have any destructive intent. On the contrary, your willpower lets me know that you only want to protect that which you hold dear.”

Marvin was silent.

The Elemental lifeforms had high spiritual power.

Everything he did was only to protect what he cherished, to protect the people at his side.

So what if people disagreed about whether he was the destroyer? If it wasn’t related to him, he wouldn’t bother to care about it.

Since the Earth Sovereign was willing to take care of Grant, it would be a lot easier for Tiramisu to bring Marvin out of the Gods’ siege.

The Dragon opened a passage out of the Elemental Plane of Earth, and it led straight to Ghost Town, which was the location of the Abyss’ Evil Street!

The moment the passage was created, all the Gods got ready.

They were waiting for the commands from the two Great Gods.

The Eternal Time Dragon’s passage couldn’t be destroyed by anyone else. Only Grant and Anubis could take care of it.

But these two Gods didn’t have the chance to do anything.

The Earth Sovereign appeared and restrained Grant while Tiramisu coiled around the War God.

During this time, Marvin jumped into the passage alone, and the passage disappeared in an instant!

The Eternal Time Dragon couldn’t follow him directly, so he would have to deal with the rest on his own!

According to their plan, Tiramisu’s Time Passage should have altered some Time Law and allowed him to arrive at Evil Street half a day earlier!

That would give him have half a day to find the page of the Book of Nalu that was hidden in Evil Street.

The Abyss had no daylight, only a faint bloody light coming from the east.

Evil Street was located in Ghost Town, which was situated under a mountain and seemingly quite desolate.

But when Marvin rushed over and arrived near Ghost Town, a rather familiar Greater Demon was standing outside.

And behind him was an army of Demons!

Demon Lord Balkh!

“You look terrible. I heard you spent a lot of energy in the God Realms. That is something that I definitely do appreciate.”

The Demon Lord glared coldly at Marvin. “If it wasn’t for that matter before, we might have been able to cooperate.”

He was, of course, referring to the matter of Marvin killing his son, Balkh, in the Crimson Wasteland when he destroyed the Abyssal Pond.

Marvin frowned.

He hadn’t thought that the Demons who had never been interested in the Fate Tablet would suddenly interfere.

But when he saw Balkh’s awe-inspiring appearance, he was actually relieved.

He truly had encountered a lot of disasters due to the Fate Tablet, but the one in front of him now was due to a personal vendetta.

By this point, and in fact since long before, Marvin had been considered a famous figure in the whole Universe. Fighting the battle over the Fate Tablet and then wreaking havoc in the God Realms… This caused each and every one of his moves to be scrutinized by everyone.

Like what the Demon Lord Balkh had done, it wasn’t difficult to prepare some surprise for Marvin.

But, despite Balkh’s awe-inspiring display outside the God Realms, Marvin also wasn’t ready to retreat!

Such a joke!

He was now at the Plane Guardian level!

The Dream God, the Black Dragon God, the Queen of Spiders, those three Gods had been together, but they were still easily killed by him!

If he activated Eternal Night Kingdom, a Demon Lord wouldn’t be Marvin’s opponent.

Thus, he only casually said, “Move aside or die, I’m in a hurry.”

Balkh was extremely angry, but he wasn’t a fool. After making sure that the Dragon that had shamed the Gods wasn’t there, he calmed down somewhat.

He believed that the reason Marvin had dared to run wild in the God Realms was the presence of that Dragon.

Now that he was alone, how frightening could he be?

But he was only half right.

If it was Marvin before his trip to the God Realms, he definitely couldn’t have been Balkh’s opponent.

But now…

Marvin narrowed his eyes, preparing to activate his Eternal Night Kingdom.

However, just at this time, a large Planar Teleportation Door appeared!

The ground around the Teleportation Door was immediately burnt yellow, with some raging flames spreading across it!

The Demons immediately bellowed!

Because they felt the traces of the Devils that they despised so much!

Marvin froze, and he could suddenly feel that the Imprint from Diross was burning.

“Long time no see, Little Marvin.”

A young man slowly stepped out of the Teleportation Door. He had come to the Abyss alone!

“Diross! You dare to only send an avatar?”

Balkh seemed humiliated.

Who didn’t know of the enmity between Devils and Demons? Diross actually only sent a mere avatar! He was completely looking down on them!

But Diross didn’t even give him a glance!

He only gave Marvin a very warm and gentle look. “Your growth is faster than I had imagined.”

The current Marvin was already on the level of Plane Guardians.

He had very high Perception.

But what surprised Marvin the most was that Diross’ avatar actually had the same strength as him!

Sensing Marvin’s shock, Diross smiled faintly at him. “There are still two layers left in the Nine Hells.”

Others might not have been able to understand the meaning behind this, but Marvin instantly realized what it meant!

When the Scorched Hell first made a move on the Molten Hell, Marvin had gotten an inkling as to Diross’ plans.

But he hadn’t expected Diross’ pace and strength to be so excessive!

Only two layers of the Nine Hells remained.

This was bound to happen!

Since the establishment of the Nine Hells, there had never been one Devil that could unify the Nine Hells!

Could this long-established rule be broken by Diross?

Marvin had very complicated feelings toward Diross.

On one hand, he was his grandfather, and they were blood-related!

On the other hand, from what the former Duke of Lavis had said, his grandfather’s spirit had already been swallowed by the Archdevil. And after that, he had never visited his most loved one.

Why would he have goodwill towards him?

Marvin felt that the most mysterious person in this world was in front of him now.

He had so many questions. For example, what was he doing here now?

“We don’t have much time,” Diross slowly said. “Those fools from the God Realms are still not looking at the heart of the problem.”

“They are actually attempting to replace you… Hehe, in the end, this bet is still our win.”

Marvin was a bit at a loss, while Balkh was gradually becoming more and more enraged as he was ignored. He personally advanced with his Demon Army in tow.

Marvin wanted to grab his daggers, but he was suddenly stopped by Diross. “You hurry and gather the pages of the Book of Nalu, you will understand then.”

“As for these stupid Demons… leave them to me.”

As his voice stopped, a shadow descended from the Scorched Hell and swallowed Balkh and his army!

Marvin no longer hesitated and directly used Endless Path to rush into Ghost Town!

Regardless of what Diross was thinking, he was stopping Balkh for him.

He was right, Marvin truly didn’t have time.

Half a day might not necessarily be enough to find the page of the Book of Nalu in Ghost Town.

If time ran out, those Gods might once again come to stop him.

Marvin sped up as he thought of that.

He soon rushed into that chilly and unfamiliar town.

Chapter 730: Revelation

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

Ghost Town was a rather famous place.

Even in the bottomless Abyss, this location was considered a nightmarish place for many Demons. Even the powerful Demon Lords might be scared away by the frightening aura of this place.

People said that a True Demon was living in this place.

But the current Marvin already knew that it wasn’t actually a frightening Demon that was hidden there, but rather a page of the Book of Nalu with its own consciousness!

It was said that all those who approached this town would be attracted by a strange power and ultimately arrive at a frightening place.

And that was the Evil Street.

No proper description of the Evil Street existed, because no one was able to come out alive.

Marvin was hit by a chill wind when he entered Ghost Town. It felt as if he was in the Extreme Cold Hell.

The town was completely deserted.

Some howling sounds would come out from the depths of the small town from time to time!

Marvin noticed that many of his abilities were restricted, including Endless Path.

His perception was also restricted to about a hundred meters.

He followed the howling sounds and eventually found a Demon after turning at the corner of a street!

He was crazily tearing apart his own stomach!

Marvin looked at him and noticed a face wickedly laughing.

And that face looked exactly like the Demon’s!

“An illusion?” Marvin frowned. Even though he had lost the system and couldn’t have accurate information, with his Wisdom Ability, False Divine Vessel, and Night Ring, he had long since gained the ability to process information like a computer.

This didn’t seem to be an illusion.

This Demon seemed to have been attracted into here recently. He apparently had lost his awareness and could only struggle crazily.

And as a result of his struggle, he finally killed himself.

Before dying, that Demon apparently noticed Marvin and gave him a loathsome glare.

At this instant, Marvin felt like something had entered his body.

He couldn’t help but lower his gaze, only to see a face exactly like his own on his stomach, and it was grinning at him!

“Useless trick,” Marvin sneered. His willpower had reached a high level a long time ago, and a confusion of this level had no effect on him!

Not to mention that this was caused by the Book of Nalu!

The Wisdom Chapter in his body automatically activated and that face sharply yelled as it burst into silvery white light and was then automatically digested by the Wisdom Chapter.

Actually, rather than to say digest, it would be better to say fused.

After Marvin got confirmation from the Earth Sovereign that the Wisdom God and the God of Deception were one and the same, he became more careful about the relation between the Wisdom Chapter and the Book of Nalu.

He was able to notice that the power of these two things came from the same source.

But, why did the Wisdom God need to do that?

What was reflected in the Book of Nalu proved that the God of Wisdom was standing on Lance’s side.

This made Marvin feel a headache coming on.

The God of Deception and the God of Wisdom, and one of them was just a persona.

Which one should he believe in?

As he kept going deeper into Ghost Town, Marvin saw many more Demons.

There was no lack of creatures that had been called here to become cannon fodder, and most of them were stuck in illusions.

All those here were fighting with themselves, many had killed themselves, and many more were fighting lifeforms that looked exactly like themselves. None survived.

Their souls were contained here, repeating the same movements continuously, creating a very macabre scene.

Despite Marvin being very knowledgeable, he was also overwhelmed with horror when he saw so many Demons facing such torments.

The Book of Nalu was worthy of being one of the most mysterious things in this world. It was hard to think that this ill-reputed Artifact actually came from the kindhearted God of Wisdom.

With the Wisdom Chapter protecting him, this page of the Book of Nalu couldn’t do anything to him.

At last, he saw a shadow at the center of the small town, which was the end of the Evil Street.

This shadow stood out, it wasn’t Demon, it actually looked Human.

It also had the breath of life.

From what Marvin could tell, this shadow was the only existence with any aura of life in this town. Those Demons were basically nothing but puppets controlled by some dark power.

That shadow was in the town’s square.

It was a figure of a man, and he had a cross in front of him and was kneeling in front of it, holding a page in his hand and chanting something.

Marvin slowly walked over.

He was indeed a Human, and quite handsome too.

From his clothing, he seemed to be a Priest, or at least someone of faith.

“I didn’t expect anyone to be able to walk through the Evil Street with their own willpower.”

That man stopped chanting and raised his head to look at Marvin. “Can you help me leave?”

Marvin warily asked, “Who are you? Why are you here?”

“This is a nightmarish place, and only the firmest of believers can survive here,” the man respectfully answered. “I am carrying out my God’s mission, but I became trapped here due to my carelessness. Fortunately, this page of Revelations accompanied me all this time, or I might have also ended up like these Demons, under the control of some unclear power.”

“Revelations?” Marvin asked as he furrowed his brows.

The man nodded. “I come from the Norvik Plane to save the souls of these Demons on behalf of my God. Unfortunately, a disaster happened many years ago and turned this town into an evil place. And because of my insufficient power, I cannot escape from this trap. This page of Revelations had been granted to me by my God, so I am sorry, but I can’t let you have a detailed look at it.”

“You were able to come here on your own, and you weren’t controlled by that evil spirit. This proof enough that you are powerful. Can you help me?”

“I can return the favor to the best of my abilities.”

That man sounded very sincere.

Marvin took one step forward.

He then unsheathed his dagger, and beheaded that man with his blade!

No blood spurted, and only a thin page floated down.

Marvin extended his hands, and both the Book of Nalu and the Wisdom Chapter appeared!

That person’s corpse was immediately absorbed inside!

In that instant, the strange power in the surroundings immediately disappeared!

Marvin gently touched the new page appearing in the Book of Nalu with a faint smile.

“I didn’t think its spirituality would reach this level…”

“Unfortunately, there were many holes in your story. At the very least, you shouldn’t have been using the word Revelations.”

“After all, I know the name of the 4th page of the Book of Nalu.”

Looking at the Book of Nalu, which was now missing only two pages, Marvin could see the 4th page already in its place.


On it was drawn a man who was kneeling under a cross, looking very lifelike.

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