Night Ranger

Chapter 717-724

Chapter 717: Dragon Thief (2)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


At the top of the world, the God Realms were definitely the focus of the whole Universe.

There would always be many eyes watching the happenings at the peak of the World Tree.

Regardless of whether it was Hell, the Abyss, or the Negative Energy Plane.

Whenever there was a small disturbance in the God Realms, these powers would quickly get all the information that they could so that they would be able to react. In the end, it was because the strength of the God Realms was too great.

Although Lance had already disappeared for a long time, he left methods and Artifacts behind that were enough for the New Gods to suppress the rest of the Universe.

For example, in the first Assembly of Gods, the Gods decided to attack the Universe Magic Pool; Hell and the Abyss were able to obtain the information in advance.

But this time, the information coming from the God Realms shocked every Demon Lord and Lord of Hell!

Dragon Thief?

God Slayer Marvin?

These two mavericks went for the God Realms?

When all the great forces obtained that information, they weren’t sure whether there was a mistake. It might have been a smokescreen kicked up by Marvin to attract attention, so they requested confirmation.

But when the information was irrefutably confirmed through further investigation, they could only fall silent.

That young Dragon had slapped the War God three times and instilled fear in the minds of the Gods… and he was now acting like a thief. As for that Marvin, was he even clear about his own situation?!

He was now being targeted by all the powerhouses of the Universe.

The Fate Tablet was in his body and everyone was coveting it.

Under these circumstances, he should be trying to disguise himself with another identity, hiding in a distant corner of the Universe in hopes of avoiding everyone that was after him… shouldn’t he?

This script was so wrong!

While all the forces from across the Universe, including the powerhouses from the God Realms, were searching for Marvin in the places that they thought would be most likely, that guy was actually plundering the God Realms.

How did he even get in? This was the first question.

What was he doing in there? There was no need to ask this question, as he hadn’t bothered hiding his actions, which explained everything.

God Slayer Marvin and his companion, the Dragon Thief, were tyrannizing the God Realms, recklessly plundering the Divine Source and Artifacts of the Low Gods!

Everyone found this information practically unbelievable.

But it involved Marvin.

That wondrous guy, the shocking Marvin.

They all had no choice but to believe it!

Especially after what happened at the Sky Tower. Marvin had already shown that he had the strength to resist the World Ending Twin Snakes to some extent, though admittedly they had been weakened from being sealed for so long. It still bumped up the overall evaluation of his strength.

And some believed that Marvin was Feinan’s number 1 expert.

In any case, this news was certainly embarrassing for those that had been busy looking for Marvin.

Hell’s forces were looking for Marvin, Tidomas was looking for Marvin… But how could they go look for him now?

Could they truly form a group like the Plundering Duo and enter the God Realms?

Those were the God Realms!!!

The Nine Hells had repeatedly raised the banner of war but had never been able to break into the God Realms!

In other places, Demons and Devils might not be afraid of the Gods, but in their home ground, it was a completely different matter.

Right now, the only thing that they could do was to pray that Marvin had some special plan to get away.

Otherwise, the Fourth Fate Tablet would end up in the hands of the Gods, and getting it back would be nearly impossible, especially after they managed to utilize its power.

But they weren’t very optimistic about Marvin’s chances.

Although they didn’t know what method Marvin had used to sneak into the God Realms, it seemed that the three Great Gods already used the World Tree Imprint to seal the God Realms in response.

Now, no one could enter or exit the God Realms. There should be no way for Marvin or that Dragon Thief to escape.

Extreme Evil Hell.

The flames from the Scorched Earth burnt every corner of the Evil Hell. Although they were also Devils, under the blessing of a more powerful Hell Lord, the Devils of the Scorched Hell were clearly braver than usual.

The Extreme Evil Hell was slowly getting nibbled away.

Everything happened silently, just like how the Scorched Hell swallowed the Molten Hell.

Only this time, Diross’ target was the Extreme Evil Hell.

The flames were surging like the tide, forcing the Devils of the Evil Hell to retreat.

Corpses were everywhere and wails echoed.

High above, a young man was coldly looking down at this land.

“Truly interesting… He actually went to the God Realms. Worthy of my grandson.”

Diross finished listening to his subordinate’s report and showed a broad grin, “Don’t die there. The seeds I planted with great difficulty are waiting for you to take root.”

“Milord, the Extreme Evil Lord already escaped,” a Greater Devil quickly reported.

“Don’t chase, I don’t feel like it. This group of wastes has been occupying these thrones for so many years. It’s time to get these old guys to fuck off.”

Diross laughed, a light suddenly flashing from his hand.

Three similar metallic thrones were rotating in his hand, seemingly containing an immense power.

“After sweeping away the Extreme Evil Hell, the next target is Tark.”

Diross gently looked at the sky and mumbled, “Speaking of which, our plans down here are going so smoothly thanks to my grandson.”

“Marvin… I’m really looking forward to our next meeting. How far will you have grown then?”

“When I’ve unified the Nine Hells, what choice will you make?”

God Realms.

Marvin and Tiramisu’s actions had been exposed. Their reckless stealing was met with an unprecedented blockade.

But the two of them didn’t care.

Because before the Three Great Gods used the World Tree Imprint to seal the God Realms, Marvin had already swallowed enough Divine Source!

His advanced False Divine Vessel was almost saturated!

He needed a place, a safe place to digest this frightening energy.

Despite the fact that the pursuers, led by the three Great Gods, were searching thoroughly for them, with the Eternal Time Dragon’s cheat-like ability to manipulate time, they could always elude their enemies.

But this wasn’t a method that would work indefinitely.

Marvin’s False Divine Vessel was on the verge of breaking apart. If he didn’t carefully digest the energy, who knew what could happen?

The Dragon Thief could only helplessly say, “They used the World Tree Imprint, even I can’t leave the God Realms for the next day and a half!”

‘God Realms, God Realms…’ The words echoed in Marvin’s mind.

His Wisdom Ability suddenly kicked in.

Marvin’s eyes shone as he muttered, “Who says we need to leave the Astral Sea!”

“I know a safe place, and they would never think to look there.”

“Where?” the Dragon asked in curiosity.

“The Ancient Nature God’s God Realm!”

Chapter 718: False Ascension

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

There were many mysterious places in the God Realms, and also many dark places.

But there was one place that had been forgotten by everyone for a long time.

That was the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm.

Marvin chose this place for three reasons:

First, from the event of the Shadow Prince stealing Nature Power, the Ancient Nature God must have been slumbering for a long time and couldn’t even notice someone stealing his power. To some degree it could be considered that he was dead.

Second, even if it was so, the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm still existed because it not only relied on the power of the Ancient Nature God, but also on the World Tree. The World Tree connected all the planes of the Universe, and even if the Imprint of the World Tree was in the hands of the three Great Gods, and through it, the God Realms could be sealed, there was still a path out of the God Realms through the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm.

Third, the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm wasn’t a place other Gods could enter. And with Tiramisu, besides the cage left by Bacon, there wasn’t a place in the entire Universe Marvin couldn’t enter!

The Plundering Duo felt that this was a good plan and immediately set out for the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm.

Tiramisu originally had a childish temperament, he had a good relationship with Marvin, and seeing the Fate Tablet and False Divine Vessel in Marvin’s body, even thought it looked like he was helping himself in this plundering trip and plundered many treasures, he was even more focused on helping Marvin’s gaining power.

But he didn’t point it out.

After all, he also knew that the Wormhole Pearl was a very precious thing.

Marvin most likely used something precious to get it.

The Dragon wasn’t someone that couldn’t differentiate between good and bad, on the contrary, because of his long term isolation, Tiramisu treasured every friend he could get. If his friend was in trouble, he would naturally help out.

Along with the fact that Tiramisu feared nothing, the Eternal Time Dragon was the peak lifeform in the entire Universe, even if he was a young one, there was nothing to be afraid of!

God Realms? So what!

He grabbed Marvin and after finding out the direction of the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm through trailing the aura of Nature with his innate abilities, they took advantage of the Gods having yet to react to go in.


Nature God Realm.

Unlike what Marvin imagined, this place was overgrown and littered with dead leaves and stones, it had a very desolate appearance.

‘What kind of disaster did the Ancient Nature God met for his God Realm to look like this? No wonder the World Tree was also affected.’

Seeing this scene, Marvin was considerably shocked.

But he knew that he had no time to lose, even if he was certain that the three Great Gods shouldn’t be able to open the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm even when joining hands, but it would be likely that they would ask the Moon Goddess Faniya and others who had deep friendship with the Ancient Nature God, what would happen then was uncertain.

After all, in some story in Feinan, the Moon Goddess Faniya had an ambiguous relationship with the Ancient Nature God. It was also normal for her to have the key to enter his God Realm.

Tiramisu naturally didn’t wander aimlessly.

This time, Marvin told him to not touch anything, even if he found something good.

This was the place of the Ancient Nature God.

Marvin was still respectful when facing this Ancient God, he was different from those New Gods. The Ancient Nature God was a God who really contributed to Feinan.

He didn’t want to ruin the peace of the resting Ancient God.

After the Dragon left, Marvin found a safe place to sit down.

It was an area filled with parasol trees. When the wind came, the trees would lose leaves, leaving an extremely desolate scene.

But Marvin’s mood surged up!

Because the Divine Source in his body had already reached a frightening level!

After all, with all that plundering he did with Tiramisu, Marvin was simply too lucky.

The advanced False Divine Vessel’s absorption of the Divine Source to upgrade itself was too fierce, but how much Divine Source could Marvin absorb in this Universe?

There was only the God Realms.

But even in the God Realms, without the Eternal Time Dragon’s control of time, Marvin would be unable to do this on his own.

Now, he was full of happiness and gratitude.

The advanced False Divine Vessel had already transformed into a translucent sphere. Rotating inside was the 4th Fate Tablet, a cube full of Runes and Laws.

A great amount of Divine Source was covering the False Divine Vessel, it felt was if it was overflowing.

Marvin focused and tried to concentrate this power through his Ruler of the Night’s techniques to support himself.

This process wasn’t difficult.

Soon, as part of Marvin’s body, the False Divine Vessel began to share its power.

Large amount of Divine Source transformed into Essences.

These Essences nourished Marvin’s body, making his attributes rise up at a visible speed!

At the same time, the False Divine Vessel itself also began to reconstruct itself and evolve.

God Realms. The four powerful Gods left together and swept through most parts of the God Realms, but they didn’t find any trace of Marvin and that Dragon Thief.

“Why do I have a feeling that we have been chasing them all this time, but that we will never catch up?” Anuba Grant mumbled, “This is the God Realms, we have the World Tree Imprint, it’s our home, how could such a strange thing happen?”

The War God was still carrying his helmet, no one could see his expression, but it could be assumed that it wasn’t very good.

“If it really as you said, then there is only one lifeform in this Universe that can accomplish that.”

Faniya frowned, “But that lifeform should have already left this Universe.”

“That’s a young Dragon.” The War God stiffly said.

The Truth Goddess smiled, “Eternal Time Dragon.”

“Don’t look for it, it’s meaningless.”

“If it’s really an Eternal Time Dragon, we will only shame ourselves with the World Tree Imprint, we won’t find them.”

The other Gods looked at each other in dismay.

The name Eternal Time Dragon was an unfamiliar name to many New Gods, but it was very familiar to the Ancient Gods.

It had an even more recognizable name: Bacon.

That was Lance’s best partner which had the control over Time in the entire Universe.

It was also the reason why there was no God among the 3rd Era’s New Gods that ruled over Time.

If it really was an Eternal Time Dragon, they had no chance of success.

Suddenly, in the depths of the God Realms, a terrifying feeling spread out!

“Someone is ascending!”

“What? There is someone ascending in the God Realms? Who?”

“It’s not an Ascension!”

Faniya said with shock as she looked in the distance, “That’s… A False Ascension?”

Chapter 719: Night Ring

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: Shiraishi

Nature God Realm.

The overgrown part around Marvin completely disappeared.

Those already withered parasol trees recovered their foliage.

His location was full of vitality.

It was due to Marvin being unable to control the overflow of Divine Source he absorbed.

In the digestion process, it was hard to avoid Divine Source leaking.

That Divine Source nourished a part of the Nature God Realm while also taking some pressure off Marvin’s shoulders.

If the system was still there, he would have been able to see his six Attributes crazily jump up and obtain precise numbers.

But now that he didn’t have the system, he could only rely on feeling.

The Divine Source was slowly dwindling.

Ultimately, that translucent sphere became calm once again.

There was a brand new black ring on Marvin’s finger.

That ring was purely condensed out of Divine Source, it was called [Night Ring].

The advanced False Divine Vessel was originally the product of an ancient powerhouse’s research in order to surpass Gods.

With that item, mortals could break through the shackles of their bodies and become existences that could surpass Gods.

But no one managed to reach that level before Marvin.

After all, only two Eternal Time Dragon appeared in this Universe.

In the Night Ring was condensed all the abilities of the Ruler of the Night. It was part of Marvin, and also the symbol of Marvin’s strength.

The advanced False Divine Vessel already completely transformed, and from Marvin’s estimation, his current False Divine Vessel was already on the level of High Gods!

And with its special nature, even a Great God might not be able to suppress him through his Divine Vessel.

The most frightening part was that Marvin’s body had already reached a terrifying level.

From Tiramisu’s estimation, Marvin’s physical strength should surpass most Gods!

The energy of the advanced False Divine Vessel was frantically increasing the level of Marvin’s Ruler of the Night class up till its limit!

Although this kind of improvement through external force couldn’t let Marvin obtain new skills, even if in reality it might have been due to the loss of the system, Marvin’s body was still tempered to a fierce extent.

And with what happened in the fight with the Molten Archdevil’s Avatar, his body being tempered by the Hell Magic Spawn’s flames, led to a rogue having the fiercest body in the Universe!

If the increase of attributes wasn’t the expected goal, then the upgrades of Marvin’s Ruler of the Night’s skills was what he was anticipating.

After all, Tiramisu already said that the False Divine Vessel was refining the Divine Source into Essence to level up his Legend class and increase the strength of his Legend Skills.

For example, his True Shadow was upgraded and could now last 60 minutes from the original 30 minutes.

The most frightening was that the True Shadow now had 120% of his strength, which was even stronger than Marvin himself!

This will definitely have the effect of catching Gods’ off guard in the future.

For an Avatar to be stronger than a God was a very rare thing.

“Just like this. Not using a treasure like the advanced False Divine Vessel was such a waste.”

Tiramisu looked at the reborn Marvin and criticized, “Your current strength is barely enough to be called my lil’ bro.”

Marvin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he simply thanked Tiramisu.

After all, without the help of the Eternal Time Dragon, without the inheritance and knowledge from his bloodline, he also wouldn’t be able to quickly reach this level so quickly!

Plane Guardian!

Marvin finally reached that level!

Because of his special growth, even among powerhouses at the Plane Guardian level, Marvin was among the best!

Moreover, he still had the Eternal Night Kingdom and the Sodom Blades Artifacts in hand!

And with the help of the Eternal Time Dragon, gathering the Book of Nalu wouldn’t be that impossible!

When Marvin recovered, he shared his own situation with Tiramisu.

During this plundering, Tiramisu stole many Artifacts from several Gods, and was thus in a good mood.

Hearing Marvin’s story, he immediately guaranteed, “No problem! It’s just collecting a few pages of an old book. If you know the location, I’ll help you.”

“In any case, I didn’t have any reaction from my wretched father’s aura. And I found out that the outside was quite boring, go go go, let’s go to that place.”

Marvin laughed involuntarily, that guy was so impetuous.

But with the help of the Eternal Time Dragon, Marvin’s outlook on his journey brightened!

He immediately started looking for the door of the World Tree in the Nature God Realm.

Outside the Nature God Realm, a group of Gods had a complicated expression.

“Turns out they are hiding here.” A trace of anger could be heard in the War God’s voice.

Anuba Grant was actually a lot gentler, “That kid Marvin truly cannot be underestimated. In my previous Divination, he simply couldn’t change the overall situation. I didn’t expect him to be able to accomplish this. Even the destined inheritor, that young girl called Eve, was killed by him. Now he has an Eternal Time Dragon as a helper. It seems that fighting him upfront isn’t the best idea.”

“Could it be that you still want to look for them?” The War God coldly said, “Grant, don’t think that I don’t know what you are scheming. Whoever get the Fate Tablet can reach Lance’s level. Others might not know, but the few of us clearly know that this Fate Tablet wasn’t created by God Lance, but rather, it is something left behind by a powerhouse of another ancient world!”

Grant helplessly shrugged, “But we can’t go in.”

The Nature God Realm had already been sealed for many years and even the Great God couldn’t get in without permission.

After all, none of them were as proficient in the Time Domain to rival the Eternal Time Dragon and pierce a hole in.

“Do you want to let them go?” Some of the Gods complained, “These two thieves plundered our Divine Source, they are more vicious than Demons and Devils.”

“Do you want the Astral Sea to be a laughing stock because of this incident?”

“The Astral Sea won’t become a laughing stock.” The Truth Goddess coldly said, “It’s just a few Gods, they would only sneer at those unable to protect their God Realms.”

“I’m leaving. With the Eternal Time Dragon here, you won’t be able to catch him.”

After saying this, she turned and left, leaving Anubis, Grant, and the others shamed.

After a while, some Gods came forward and asked, “God of Dawn and Protection… What should we do?”

Anuba Grant bitterly smiled and ultimately ordered, “Activate the World Tree Imprint, seal the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm.”

“I don’t believe the Eternal Time Dragon can really break through all seals.”

“It’s only a small Dragon after all.”

Chapter 720: Collapsed Earth

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


In the Nature God’s Realm, Marvin finally found the World Tree’s entrance.

This was as he had expected.

Even if the Gods blocked the exits of the God Realms, the World Tree ran through the Universe, so it was the best way to leave.

But there was one thing that was beyond his expectations.

The three Great Gods’ ability to control the World Tree was better than he had thought!

The entrance of the World Tree was actually sealed.

This was normally should have been impossible.

But the fact was that it did happen.

This meant that as long as the three Great Gods didn’t lift the World Tree Imprint, Marvin and Tiramisu wouldn’t be able to get into the World Tree.

Clearly, if only the New Gods were there, they wouldn’t have been able to do this.

Marvin estimated that either the Truth Goddess or the Moon Goddess had participated in this matter in some way.

Without some sort of help from one of the Ancient Gods, they wouldn’t have been able to maintain such deep control over the World Tree Imprint, and they definitely wouldn’t have been able to use it in the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm.

But now that matters had reached this stage, Marvin could only try to find some way to deal with this thorny problem, or else they would remain trapped in the God Realms, never able to leave.

“Do you have a way to crack the seal of the World Tree Imprint?” Marvin softly asked.

He had dared to come cause trouble in the God Realms because of the fact that he was backed by Tiramisu. Not taking advantage of the abilities of the Eternal Time Dragon would be a waste.

And Tiramisu hadn’t disappointed him. He had been able to bypass or get rid of the defenses of all the Gods.

He was even able to bring Marvin into the Ancient Nature God’s God Realm.

But this time, the Dragon shook his head for the first time.

Tiramisu muttered with a grave expression, “This is the World Tree Imprint, it was said to have been made from the first decaying roots of the World Tree, and it can seal the entrances and exits of the entirety of the God Realms.”

“The World Tree Imprint’s most important characteristic here is the fact that it isn’t bound by Time Laws. In other words, my control over the Time Laws is useless against it.”

“I can’t break it open on my own.”

“But as long as their World Tree’s seal slightly moves, or they have to transfer a bit more power to another location, I should be able to deal with it.”

After hearing this, Marvin pondered for a short moment before having an idea.

The Gods were still waiting outside the Nature God’s Realm.

But as they waited, the mood was inevitably becoming more irritable and anxious.

Gods left one after the other, and many of them had awkward expressions.

Waiting there doing nothing and hoping for a random chance felt quite foolish.

Who knew how thoroughly Marvin might have prepared his supplies? And who knew how long they would just wait inside?

Maybe that Eternal Time Dragon had even slipped out of the Gods Realms with Marvin already.

If it was the former, it wouldn’t be that bad. But the Gods were very busy. they were busy with the construction of their own Secondary Planes, expanding their God Realm, as well as making preparations for Feinan. Standing there was a waste of time. It really wasn’t a good method.

And if it was the latter, that would be much worse. If the news spread out, even if it was an Eternal Time Dragon, the Gods would truly become laughingstocks.

The Gods gradually left, but a few Gods still followed the three Great Gods and stood outside the Ancient God Realm, watching the area outside.

After some time, the God of Dawn and Protection said, “In fact, we don’t have to all focus on Marvin.”

“This is our home, and if Marvin and that Dragon dare come out, we will need a Great God to make a move and suppress them.”

“We can take turns to watch over it.”

After bringing this up, he turned his gaze to focus on the War God.

“Taking turns?” Anubis sneered. “Grant, you plan on waiting alone for Marvin to come out so that you can monopolize the Fate Tablet?”

“In any case, I won’t leave! Before I peel off that Dragon’s skin, I definitely won’t leave!”

Those three slaps earlier really had left a huge psychological trauma for Anubis.

He was famous as the War God. He had never suffered such shame before!

He wouldn’t ever be able to forget that matter.

Hearing these words, the always calm Anuba Grant became a bit angry. He coldly snorted, and then he created an avatar to help stand guard before leaving.

A portion of the Gods following Anuba Grant also left.

That avatar was expressionlessly continuing to watch the same place.

“An opportunity!”

The duo using Time Boundary to watch what was going on outside the Nature God’s Realm became energized!

It would almost certainly be too risky to make a move against two Great Gods at the same time here.

Tiramisu had been able to slap the War God back in the depths of the Universe, but now they were in the God Realms!

Even though he was an Eternal Time Dragon, given the World Tree Imprint’s ability to suppress the Time Domain under the suppression of the World Tree, he might really be tortured to death by the War God!

This was the home of Gods, they had to be careful.

But the opportunity that Marvin had been hoping for had now come. One of the Gods had decided to leave!

And among these Gods, Anuba Grant was the only one who knew about Marvin’s True Shadow skill.

The others might have known that Marvin had an avatar, but they didn’t know that it was as strong as his main body.

“Help me check the avatar that the God of Dawn and Protection left behind,” Marvin said in a low voice.

The Dragon snorted and used his innate ability to make a move.

Outside the Nature God’s Realm, the remaining Gods were feeling ever more bored.

But at that time, the War God suddenly snorted, “Finally can’t bear it anymore?”

The avatar of the God of Dawn and Protection didn’t react, because at that time, Marvin had appeared in the back of the God Realm on the other side!

It was at a very crafty angle specially chosen by Marvin!

The War God could see there, but Anuba Grant’s avatar had his limitations and wasn’t able to notice him.

Before he could do anything, the War God already angrily grumbled and used the World Tree Imprint to impose pressure in his direction.

“Hold on!” Anuba Grant’s avatar shouted. The Gods nearby turned and looked as the World Tree Imprint condensed into amber and swallowed Marvin inside!

But the next instant, that Marvin that was in the amber dissipated into mist!

“How could this be?” The War God was quite startled. He had been certain that this was Marvin because he could sense the power of a Plane Guardian coming from him!

This definitely wasn’t just an avatar!

“What’s going on?” the War God roared in surprise.

As he caught up, Anuba Grant’s avatar coldly explained, “Marvin has an Avatar that is as strong as he himself is. It’s all over now.”

“They already left!”

He waved the World Tree Imprint back and could see the situation inside the World Tree.

Marvin and Tiramisu had gotten into the World Tree the moment that the War God directed the power of the Imprint at Marvin’s avatar, and they were quickly rushing toward a yellow leaf!

“Where are they going?” The Gods were puzzled.

Grant’s Avatar mumbled, “The Elemental Plane of Earth.”

“Collapsed Earth.”

Chapter 721: Plane Guardian’s Strength! (2)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

“From my Divination, the only way for Marvin to solve his dilemma is to gather the pages of the Book of Nalu.”

“Book of Nalu?”

“That cursed thing?”

The Gods were surprised by Anuba Grant’s words.

Grant continued, “From what I’ve seen, the locations of the remaining pages are in the Collapsed Earth, Evil Spirit, Fallen Star Field and the Evil Spirit Sea.

Grant quickly said, “Marvin definitely won’t dare to go to the Evil Spirit Sea first, it’s too dangerous and even we don’t know what’s there.”

“Evil Street is also not that easy to approach. I heard Balkh’s people already blocked that place. As for the mysterious Fallen Star Field, it can only be reached through the Green Sea Paradise and they are clearly not on the path of the Green Sea Paradise. Only the Elemental Plane of Earth’s Collapsed Earth is left.”

“They have the Time Dragon and have the lead, we have to get on the move.”

“The Earth Sovereign might not care about the matters of the secular world, we have to move fast.”

After those words, Grant and Anubis chose a few elites Gods and left for the Elemental Plane of Earth.

After all, they couldn’t all barge into the Elemental Plane of Earth, the Four Elemental Planes weren’t easily bullied, if they triggered the Elemental Sovereigns, the ones running out of luck would be the God Realms!

The sky was filled with sand flying in all direction.

A careless breathing would lead to swallowing a handful of sand.

This world was formed by a large amount of stone and sand. It felt like a monotonous law containing an old eternal aura.

This was the Elemental Plane of Earth.

Fifteen minutes earlier, Marvin and Tiramisu used the World Tree to escape the God Realms and reached the Elemental Plane of Earth.

Like the God of Dawn and Protection said, Marvin’s goal was to gather the pages of the Book of Nalu.

Only then could he truly stand tall in this Universe.

As for the four remaining pages, the one in the Elemental Plane of Earth was the easiest to get.

The Earth Sovereign didn’t care about worldly matter, there had been no news of him for a millennium.

The last time the Earth Sovereign was mentioned in Feinan’s history was during the era of the Night Monarch, as a friend fighting alongside him, repelling the outsiders.

Despite so, no one dare to underestimate the Elemental Sovereigns.

The four Elemental Sovereigns’ lives were said to be longer lasting than God Lance.

They formed the core of this World’s Order, as long as there was no chaos in the Four Elemental Planes, the whole Universe would have hope in the chaos.

Respectively, if there was a problem with the Four Elemental Planes, the entire Universe would be faced with a disaster.

This was also why the God Realms attached such importance to the Elemental Planes.

However, a lead of fifteen minutes wouldn’t allow Marvin to have his way.

In order to avoid the perception of the Gods and the Elemental Sovereign, he even put on the cloak gifted to him by the Vampire Primogenitor!

But the Elemental Plane of Earth was too big.

Lorie had narrowed down the range by using her Wisdom Ability to search, pointing to a depression in the western part of the plane, but Marvin didn’t think that when he arrived, he would shockingly find out that this depression was no smaller than Feinan’s Jewel Bay!

Although Tiramisu had powerful Time abilities, but predictions and calculations would be better left to Marvin.

He also could only patiently follow Marvin, using his perception all round to search for something different in the surroundings.

Marvin himself wasn’t clear about what the meaning behind the so-called Collapsed Earth was. This was because the Elemental Plane of Earth was too mysterious.

When he visited Pearl Tower, he checked some information, but unfortunately, everything pointed to the Collapsed Earth being the ground the Earth Sovereign used to imprison convicts.

Who knew what they would encounter next

The flying sand blocked their line of sight, but Marvin still pushed forward.

But at that time, Tiramisu solemnly said, “They arrived!”

Marvin shivered, “That fast?”

The Dragon conscientiously nodded, “Two Great Gods came, fortunately, no Ancient Gods came.”

Marvin bitterly shook his head.

“They” naturally referred to the Gods.

These New Gods attached too much importance to the Fate Tablet. If Marvin stayed in Feinan, they would only be able to watch helplessly. But outside Feinan, they would be unable to sit and watch.

This was a unique treasure after all.

“I’m honored to have two Great Gods move for me.” Marvin laughed before asking, “Is there a way to avoid their perception? As far as I know, my cloak…”

“Useless.” The Dragon suddenly said, “They apparently know the location of the Collapsed Earth, they are in a certain place, waiting for an opportunity.”

Marvin remained silent.

This was troublesome.

His target was too clear, giving his enemies a chance.

He couldn’t do anything about it, it was hard to conceal the information about the Book of Nalu after he got a hold of the Fate Tablet.

It wasn’t that Marvin wasn’t able to keep it secret, but rather, the Three Great Gods’ Divination abilities were too fierce.

Moreover, at that time, Lorie left some traces behind when she looked for the locations of the pages of the Book of Nalu due to being surprised by someone when using her ability.

As long as they followed these traces, the Gods most proficient in Divination would be able to locate the Book of Nalu as accurately than Marvin.

This was a bad news, and Marvin couldn’t avoid it.

“How many people do they have?”

Since they couldn’t escape, then they would find a way to deal with it. He wasn’t fighting alone after all.

To be able to fight alongside an Eternal Time Dragon, the only other one able of such a feat in the entire Universe should be God Lance. To Marvin, it was also a privilege.

“Two Great Gods. One High God, Two Mid Gods.” Tiramisu quickly said, “I can stall those two Great Gods… But that’s only stalling, and it won’t be for long.”

Marvin frowned, still thinking, but Tiramisu suddenly said, “What are you thinking about? I can stall the two Great Gods, as my Lil’ Bro, could it be that you can’t handle three small Gods?”

Marvin was suddenly roused up!

He was still thinking with the attitude of someone weaker.


Things have changed.

The transformation of the False Divine Vessel, the Night Ring condensation, these were the marks that Marvin already accomplished what many of his predecessors were unable to reach with the advanced False Divine Vessel!

He now had the strength of a Plane Guardian!

A High God and two Mid Gods weren’t opponents he couldn’t fight anymore!


“Let’s go!”

“Let’s make these Gods taste the power of a mortal…”

“Taste the power of Feinan’s Plane Guardian powerhouses!”

At the entrance of the Collapsed Earth, the two Great Gods were suddenly surrounding was a whirlpool and disappeared.

The remaining three Gods immediately paled.

At that time, a shadow they hated to the bones appeared in front of them.


He was alone, holding daggers in both hands. Sodom Blades.

“You still dare to appear?”

One of the Gods sneered, “If I were you, I would have hid in the sewers like a rat for the rest of my life!”

Marvin’s expression changed, “Turns out it’s you.”

It was an old acquaintance.

It couldn’t be better.

Marvin suddenly raised his blades and the bloody shadows of the Sodom Blades were fully displayed!

Chapter 722: Plane Guardian’s Strength! (2)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


When they reached the Collapsed Earth, Marvin hadn’t thought that among the three Gods following the two Great Gods, there were some who had special enmity with him.

They were clearly coming to avenge themselves this time.

And considering that they came with their main bodies, they must have been confident.

This was the Elemental Plane of Earth. Although the Laws here limited Divine Spells, this fact didn’t impose too many restrictions on their strength.

The grievances of those Divine Servants and Apostles who died at Marvin’s hands could finally be quenched.

And there was still the Fate Tablet.

Thus, when the two Great Gods chose the Gods who would accompany them, these few used all their methods to be part of the team, and they finally got their chance to meet Marvin at the entrance of the Collapsed Earth.

Dream God!

Ever since Marvin refused the olive branch tossed out by Ambella, he had always been at odds with Marvin! Especially after the First Divine Servant that he was so proud of died. This enmity was great, and among those three Gods, the Dream God was the most frightening!

He was a High God, and even among them, he was considered among the top, second only to the Great Gods.

As for the remaining two Mid Gods, they were also familiar with Marvin.

Black Dragon God, Queen of Spiders.

The former already had an unquenchable blood feud with Marvin!

It first started when the Black Dragon God’s Apostle was killed by Marvin as they led the Underdark’s army to attack Rocky Mountain. That was followed by the only remaining Black Dragons remaining in Feinan being massacred by Marvin. After all, the Black Dragon God himself was an extremely lucky Black Dragon from the 3rd Era. He didn’t believe in Dragon God Hartson or Evil Dragon Tidomas. He instead chose to stand on his own as a God after ascending. These past years, he had been working hard to gather the power of the Black Dragons in Feinan, but before this power could even take shape, it was ended by the Dragon Slaying Spear!

In the battle at the Deep River, he even dispatched a precious Martyr, one of the few things he had that almost no other God did, in order to finish off Marvin. But he hadn’t expected that Marvin would counterattack with a Crypt Monster and destroy his Secondary Plane!

The Black Dragon God suffered such huge losses that he almost fell to become a Low God!

He was the one with the biggest grudges among the three.

As for the last, the Queen of Spiders, Marvin actually rarely came into contact with her in his previous life. However, he knew that this Goddess was very treacherous. She was the one who plotted with the Twin Goddess to attack the Three Fate Sisters. Marvin’s performance in the Eternal Frozen Spring definitely harmed the Queen of Spiders’ interests.

These three Gods came together, and even if the two Great Gods were kept busy by the Eternal Time Dragon, they had faith that they could stop Marvin!

He was just a mortal, what False Ascension!? The esteemed Truth Goddess and Moon Goddess were unreliable. In their eyes, as long as he didn’t truly ascend, Marvin couldn’t be their opponent!

Marvin wasn’t sure what gave them the confidence that they would be able to beat him. Perhaps one side was estimating the other, or they were blinded by hatred.

They’d forgotten how powerful Feinan’s Plane Guardians were!

They also didn’t realize that Marvin daring to appear alone in front of them had a lot of implications.

They were even secretly delighted!

With the two Great Gods away, they could reap all the profits!

After killing Marvin, they could think of a way to collect the 4th Fate Tablet, combine their efforts to find the Book of Nalu, and enjoy the power of the Fate Tablet on their own before the Gods of the Astral Sea figured out. Perhaps one they could even betray their partners to claim the Fate Tablet alone!

After all, they attacked the Universe Magic Pool partially for the 4th Fate Tablet, and this thing that they had worked so hard for was in Marvin’s body.

Thus, they looked at Marvin while full of greed.

It was like three hungry beasts were looking at a fresh piece of meat.

At that time, they lost their dignity as Gods. Their appearance was clear to Marvin, filled with infinite greed and viciousness.

‘The God Realms… have they degenerated this much?’ Marvin thought to himself, but his movements didn’t relax at all.


At that instant, he pierced through the Black Dragon God’s body!

The Black Dragon God didn’t have time to react before the Sodom Blades cold edges already stabbed him!

The other two Gods paled.

Marvin’s speed was really too great!

This wasn’t in what could be referred to as the Post-Godly Dexterity range anymore. They had already seen the Shadow Prince bursting with lightning speed, but Marvin’s move pressured them much more!

Their Divine Laws couldn’t suppress him at all!

Faced with Marvin’s might, they suddenly were like plain mortals.

Under the edges of Sodom’s Blades, they were no different from Divine Servants!

The Black Dragon God’s body quickly started reshaping, and at the same time, the Queen of Spiders and Dream God also began channeling their Divine Power to muster a response!

But the next second, they found out that their spells simply couldn’t properly target Marvin!

“How could this be? His location is actually blurred!”

“Why can’t my Divine Power lock onto him!”

The two became scared. This was something that they’d never experienced before!

They put up their Divine Power Shields in a rush, and the Dream God even took out some golden armor!

This golden armor was clearly an Artifact. Presumably it would be able to do something to reduce the damage of Sodom’s Blades.

There was nothing they could do about it, although the three Gods could resurrect, each resurrection used up a lot of Divine Source, and they would also be vulnerable for the duration.

The threat of the Sodom Blades to the Gods was truly too high, regardless of whether it was from its fame, or from its practical effects, it was all the same.

Moreover, when Marvin plundered the God Realms, he didn’t visit the homes of these three Gods. It could be said that he was showing consideration.

Among them, the Black Dragon God was the most miserable. After losing his Secondary Plane, he didn’t have a stable source of Faith, so he couldn’t let his Divine Source properly recover.

Marvin’s move severed his hope for survival!

Tiramisu’s words helped Marvin realize how powerful he was!

He was even stronger than the ascended Ruler of the Night from the game in his previous life!

No one had successfully ascended through a False Divine Vessel in Feinan’s history!

Incredible amounts of Divine Source had been transformed into Essence, strengthening Marvin’s body beyond the limits!

He wanted to let the God Realms see the power of a Plane Guardian from Feinan!

“Don’t you want to kill me?”

“I’m very sorry, I can’t let you do as you wish.”

“This is my time.”

Marvin’s slash was lightning fast as it cut the reforming body of the Black Dragon God into pieces!

An anguished howl echoed.

What frightened the other two Gods wasn’t the Black Dragon God’s mournful howl, but rather what happened to the surroundings…


Complete and impenetrable darkness!

Chapter 723: Plane Guardian’s Strength! (3)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

Darkness, this meant that Marvin’s strength would increase even further!

Eternal Night!

This Night Walker ability became especially scary after the upgrade.

The most frightening part was that the two Gods suddenly realized that they couldn’t locate Marvin at all…

Without knowing it, they had already left the Collapsed Earth of the Elemental Plane of Earth.

They were in a pitch-black room.

“Welcome to the Eternal Night Kingdom.”

Marvin’s voice was just like a nightmare descending, and his presence seemed to be coming from all directions!

Now that he had used the Night Monarch’s Artifact here, Marvin didn’t plan to let these three Gods escape!

He was going for the kill.

Since these three Gods wanted to capture him and take his Fate Tablet, they would inevitably have to pay the price for it!

Eternal Night Kingdom was a very powerful Artifact, and few could contend with it. And this Artifact not only could be used to escape, but it could also be used to restrict someone’s movements!

In an instant, darkness descended and swallowed everything.

The Black Dragon God’s howl could still be heard shrieking out!

The Dream God and the Queen of Spider were thoroughly spooked as they saw that a blood-red imprint had appeared in the Black Dragon God’s Divine Source!

Whenever he was attacked, this imprint would grow one more layer!

This was the most frightening power of the Sodom’s Blades against Gods!

[Slaughterer Imprint]!

Whenever Sodom’s Blades hit a Divine being, it would add a Slaughterer Imprint onto his Divine Source!

Each Slaughterer Imprint would effectively halve the number of resurrections of that God by increasing Divine Source expenditure for all recovery abilities by two-fold!


This was a terrifying effect!

The Black Dragon God could originally resurrect some twenty times!

But with the weakening effects of the Slaughterer Imprint, he wouldn’t have so many chances.

As they realized all this, the Dream God and the Queen of Spiders felt terrified!

“We have to go!”

“We have to flee this place! This is the Eternal Night Kingdom of the Night Monarch! I truly never thought that he’d have inherited the will of the Night Monarch and gained the ability to control this Artifact. We can’t beat him here,” the Dream God said in a hurry.

He tried using a Divine Spell to break the seal around the Eternal Night Kingdom.

But it was all in vain!

Marvin simply didn’t pay any attention to their actions!

He only repeatedly brandished Sodom’s Blades and slashed down!

In a short thirty seconds, the Eternal Night Kingdom was filled with the cries of the Black Dragon God!

The Black Dragon God, who only had his last life left, unveiled his true Divine Body!

He was a Black Dragon that wasn’t any smaller than White River Valley!

Marvin looked like an ant in front of it!

But that huge monster was filled with fear while looking at Marvin.

An evil sound like grinding teeth came out of Sodom’s Blades!

That was the sounds of the blades’ spirit letting out an excited cheer!

This was a true weapon of murder. To the Gods, its birth was just a nightmare, all its properties were specialized for fighting Gods and their followers!

It was like Weeping Sky, which was specialized for Dragons.

Marvin wasn’t flustered at all in the presence of that immense Black Dragon.

While inside the Eternal Night Kingdom, not only did his strength double, but he also had the ability to move instantaneously!

Along with his incredible burst power, these three Gods were bound to meet their ends here.

The large Dragon bellowed and spat out a Dragon Breath in desperation.

Marvin was just like a ghost as he flickered above the Black Dragon.

He was so fast that even if the Dream God and the Queen of Spiders wanted to save the Black Dragon God, they wouldn’t be able to do anything! But at this point, they were each thinking only of themselves!

In a flash, Sodom’s Blades disappeared from his hands!

They were replaced by a spear with a dense killing intent!

Weeping Sky!

The Dragon Slaying Spear!

Under the influence of Marvin’s power, the Dragon Slaying Spear ruthlessly pierced the Black Dragon God’s neck, slamming him down and nailing his body to the ground!

The last bit of Divine Source was also shattered, disappearing!

Marvin raised his head and coldly looked at the Dream God and the Queen of Spiders as they struggled to escape this place.

“The Fate Tablet is here! If you want it, come get it,” Marvin softly announced as he placed his hands over his chest.

He stepped over the Black Dragon God’s corpse gracefully, but in the eyes of the two Gods, he seemed just like a crazy Demon.

“Split up and flee!”

The Dream God clenched his teeth and immediately disappeared.

A hint of disdain flashed in Marvin’s eyes.

‘You want to flee from inside the Eternal Night Kingdom?’

‘You think too highly of yourself.’

He shook the spear in his hands, re-equipped Sodom’s Blades, and began aiming at his next target!

Inside the God Realms.

Because of the appearance of Marvin and the Dragon Thief, the God Realms were thrown into extreme instability.

Fortunately, two of Great Gods had announced that Marvin and that Dragon Thief had been driven out by them.

The God Realms temporarily regained their peace.

But that peace didn’t last long. A terrifying throb echoed in the Gods’ hearts!

It was like something related to them fell!

At that time, the Gods remembered the scene before the Shadow Realm fell!

“No good! A God fell!”

Even Moon Goddess Faniya and Truth Goddess Molly were visibly agitated.

The fall of a God Realm was a very serious matter. if not handled properly, it might lead to a chain reaction and destroy the entire structure of the God Realms.

At that time, the weakened God Realms might be attacked by Hell or the Abyss!


Gods arrived at the location.

“It was the Black Dragon God!”

“What’s going on? Why is his God Realm collapsing? Could he have already fallen?”

“Didn’t he leave with the God of Dawn and Protection and the War God to head to the Elemental Plane of Earth?”

The Gods were puzzled.

“I’ll deal with it,” Faniya quickly reassured.

In any case, now wasn’t the time to consider how the Black Dragon God had fallen. She first had to control the process of the God Realm’s collapse and stabilize its fall into the Astral Plane without getting in contact with other God Realms.

But at this time, the Gods felt another throbbing!


“Heavens! The Queen of Spiders!” a God couldn’t help screeching!

Another one fell!

The Truth Goddess frowned as she appeared in front of that God Realm. Her Truth Scale stabilized the collapsing vortex, preventing it from creating more trouble.

But the fear shrouding the hearts of the Gods slowly increased.

How did these two Gods die?

But before they could figure it out, that throbbing appeared for the 3rd time!

This time, the Gods fell completely silent!

They found out that the 3rd God Realm that was collapsing was the Dream Realm!

“Shit! There aren’t enough Ancient Gods!”

“The Dream God’s fall might spread to the other surrounding God Realms!”

The Gods were panicking!

Chapter 724: Earth Sovereign

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


It was known that the fall of a God Realm would affect the surroundings in a wide range.

Usually, when a God fell, there would be at least one Great God or Ancient God that presided over it to keep it stable.

Currently, only the Ancient Moon Goddess and the Ancient Truth Goddess were in the Astral Sea.

There were three Great Gods, of course, but apart from the War God and the God of Dawn and Protection, who had gone to chase after Marvin, the last one was said to still be in the Wilds, in the Primal Chaotic Fringe to be more exact, and couldn’t appear in the God Realms at this moment!

Since the other two Great Gods were in the Elemental Plane of Earth, nothing could be done about the God Realms.

No one would have expected three Gods to die in a row so quickly!

Three God Realms were collapsing, and under the attraction of the Astral Plane, they started crumbling, shrinking and absorbing all the matter they could reach in their surroundings!

If there weren’t enough powerful Gods to preside over this matter, it would definitely get even worse!

But the embarrassing part was that there weren’t enough Gods of that level around!

Faniya and Molly, only two Ancient Gods.

And the fallen Gods amounted to three!

What could be done about the 3rd collapsing God Realm?

Everyone was terrified, especially the Gods whose God Realms were near to the Dream Realm.

At this time, a fluctuation appeared in the sky!

The War God’s lofty silhouette appeared in the God Realms!

“Get the fuck out of the way, I’m coming.”

He had a very angry expression, as if he had met some hindrance.

Every God obediently got out of his way. With the War God in such an explosive mood, who would dare provoke him?

Even the Gods affiliated to the God of Dawn and Protection didn’t dare come up and inquire about Anuba’s state.

After all, five Gods left for the Elemental Plane of Earth, and three of them fell directly!

Ultimately, the War God rushed back to deal with the matter of the God Realm. How badly must the battle have been?

Was the Dragon that troublesome?

The Gods were even more afraid.

Before the Universe Magic Pool shattered, they had still ruled the skies.

They had ignored all the lifeforms in the Universe, and enjoyed their limitless strength.

They had felt that nothing could challenge them in this Universe.

But ever since the shattering of the Universe Magic Pool, everything changed.

Feinan’s Plane Guardians, Eric in the form of the Astral Beast, the huge monster that came after the collapse… and even some of the newly rising Feinan’s powerhouses… All of these made them feel worried!

Dark Phoenix died under Marvin’s blades.

The Berserk God died under Kangen’s blades.

The War God was slapped three times by a young Dragon!

None of these things would have ever happened in the past.

And now, three Gods with outstanding strength fell one after the other, causing their God Realms to collapse!

This was a complete disaster for the God Realms!

They had no choice but to start reflecting: They might have been the strongest before, but perhaps that was no longer the case…

The Fate Tablet Fragments might have increased their strength, but it also restricted them!

Ever since the 3rd Era, these ascended powerhouses hadn’t progressed much.

This was also one of the reasons that they chose to attack the Universe Magic Pool.

When one lost one’s reason to strive, to struggle, one might turn into what was basically a walking corpse with no purpose.

But while they couldn’t progress, many lifeforms of this Universe were growing tenaciously.

Whether it was those Plane Guardians or that hateful Marvin who rose so recently, these people kept reminding them that Feinan wasn’t the same as before.

When they finally returned to this once-familiar land, they were no longer the mighty powerhouses of the past, and their enemies were younger and full of potential!

The darkness in the Elemental Plane of Earth slowly gathered at one location.

The Eternal Night Kingdom was retrieved by its owner, Marvin.

Sodom’s Blades still maintained a high level of excitement. Marvin was forced to use some strength to suppress the killing intent flowing out of these murderous weapons.

Killing Gods continuously was something inconceivable, even for the bold Marvin.

Moreover, these three Gods had deep grudges with Marvin.

At that time, he finally realized that he had unconsciously become this powerful.

Even without having the system any longer, he was still the strongest person from Feinan.

All this was due to the advanced False Divine Vessel that he got from the Fairy in the Nightmare Boundary, as well as that Fate Tablet offering a steady flow of power!

When fully buffed, his body was perhaps as strong as an Astral Beast’s; something like this was unprecedented in Feinan’s history.

Max level Ruler of the Night fit perfectly with the Shadow Domain, and with the Eternal Night Kingdom and Sodom’s Blades, Marvin turned into a true God Slayer!

Just like that Bloody Emperor!

‘No wonder the name of the Bloody Emperor strikes fear in the hearts of the Gods…’

‘The Slaughterer Imprint ability is simply designed for slaying Gods!”

Marvin gently wiped his hand down Sodom’s Blades, inwardly sighing.

The Gods definitely considered these curved daggers full of evil intents to be among the most frightening weapons. When he killed Dark Phoenix, he had to kill her at least 30 times to succeed.

At that time, he was using the Azure Leafs that he had gotten from the Great Elven King, Nicholas.

If he’d had Sodom’s Blades back then, he would have been able to wipe out Dark Phoenix easily.

Reducing the energy available for recovery by half with each imprint, which effectively also halved the number of resurrections each time… This was simply too frightening for the Gods!

After the three Gods died, their corpses naturally returned to their God Realms, and Marvin didn’t feel like preventing it or checking on them.

As he took back the Eternal Night Kingdom, Tiramisu appeared too. “Done!”

“Seems like you weren’t slow either!” Marvin quipped.

The Dragon’s eyes rolled, and everything that happened here was played back for him to see.

“I sent that Grant guy to the Time Maze, so we have at least fifteen minutes. As for the War God… I played hide and seek with him for a while, but due to you killing so many Gods, he had to go on his way to the God Realms to clean up the mess.”

“We have to take advantage of this time to look for that page you need!”

Marvin nodded.

The duo didn’t hesitate and swiftly entered the Collapsed Earth.

In this part of the Elemental Plane of Earth, the Collapsed Earth was somewhat different.

Other places were filled with flying sand, but this place was exceptionally calm.

No wind. The earth was dark brown, and there would often be cracks opening, revealing some time and space auras.

Those were spatial cracks.

After entering the Collapsed Earth, Marvin noticed a very powerful aura.

He and Tiramisu sped up.

But when they passed between two mountains, a huge rock suddenly came down from an overhang!

As it fell, that huge rock transformed into a foot in mid-air, and it fiercely stomped Tiramisu to the ground!

Marvin looked at that strange rock and paled.

“Earth Sovereign?”

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