Night Ranger

Chapter 731-734

Chapter 731: Redemption (1)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

In the center of Feinan.

In the boundless sea of green, an Abyssal Gate was standing in the area east of the Supreme Jungle.

The bloody river from the Abyss was slowly flowing into this land.

Countless Druids were gathered in the eastern defensive line, and they followed behind the Migratory Bird Council’s Great Druids, solemnly preparing for this war.

The masses of Demons were riding ships from the bottomless Abyss, passing through a bloody river to reach Feinan.

The sky was grey, not much different from night time. Ever since that Astral Beast died, its corpse was still in Feinan’s sky, blocking a good amount of the sunshine.

The dark and gloomy weather was just like the mood of the inhabitants of the Supreme Jungle.

The Abyssal Gate had appeared half a month early. This time, it was the offensive of a Demon Lord that was well-known in Feinan.

The spatial laws had finally recovered from the collapse of the Universe Magic Pool, so the truly powerful could now approach Feinan.

One after the other, the Gods descended.

They were mostly focusing on the North and the West, starting to spread the area that their preaching would cover. Among them, the Three Northern Cities, whose leader had gone missing, were still headed by the God of Dawn and Protection. They were able to grow and thrive under his leadership.

The other Gods couldn’t do much more. They began descending with their true bodies, and with their great power, it was hard for people to raise objections against them.

Besides the few forces who had a Source of Fire’s Order, the Gods’ flames were already blazing over every corner of Feinan.

But they hadn’t laid hands on the Supreme Jungle and the Migratory Bird Council yet.

After some failed negotiations, that group of stubborn followers of the Ancient Nature God didn’t accept the “kindness” of any of the Gods, and they decided to guard their own territory tightly.

Thus, this fight broke out.

The Demon army invaded and the Gods watched from the sidelines.

The Sorcerers from the Lavis Kingdom looked at the countless Demons coming from the bloody river but couldn’t stop them all. They felt sorrowful, as times had changed.

The Era of Gods had finally arrived.

Even if they didn’t want to admit it, it was true that the strongest forces of Feinan could barely defend themselves.

There currently weren’t any gods fighting these forces yet, but they had already publicly announced that they weren’t protecting these areas.

This caused those from the outer planes to target the natives when attacking Feinan.

This was something unavoidable.

Even the strongest Demons also knew that they should choose the softest target to be able to plunder and destroy more.

This group chose to attack the Supreme Jungle.

There weren’t many forces still holding on in Feinan. White River Valley, which was the most famous, had their Overlord leave around half a month ago with no word of him since. It was very difficult for the substitute Lord Constantine to keep defending the territory, despite relying on the Sanctuary to resist the Gods’ pressure. It was clearly impossible for them to provide assistance to the Supreme Jungle. It was the same for the Three Sisters of Rocky Mountain who were being schemed against by the Twin Goddess. However, before the other side’s plot prevailed, Lorie’s Wisdom Ability, which had become stronger than it was when Marvin last saw her, had helped her manage to figure out the content of the plot in advance, giving them time to prevent it. But even so, Rocky Mountain’s current situation was also a mess.

The attitude of the Elves, Ancient Gnomes, and Vampires was unclear.

After the High Elves set up in Jewel Bay under Butterfly’s leadership, there had been no movement. This clearly wasn’t a show of weakness, but rather, a wait-and-see attitude. Thousand Leaves Forest’s Great Elven King Ivan actually wanted to help, but in the end, he was urged via a letter from the High Elves to hold back. As for the content of the letter, it wasn’t made known. As for the Ancient Goblins and the Vampires, the former just returned to Feinan and only thought of protecting their own territory, even if the Abyssal Gate wasn’t that far from them, they only showed their floating city that could resist all attacks, looking down from its walls. As for the Vampires, after Primogenitor Yin returned, their whereabouts seemed very strange, they rarely moved in groups and seemed to be looking for something.

It was to the point that now, when the Migratory Bird Council began to request help from its allies, they were surprised to find that the only one that would extend help was actually the Lavis Dukedom in the North. Daniela sent a Sorcerer Squadron to provide assistance, but despite the group of Sorcerers having impressive strength, it was just definitely not enough against that army of Demons.

At the frontlines of the battlefield where the fighting was about to start, the Migratory Bird Council’s side had prepared many defenses.

On one of the defensive bridgeheads, Old Ent was solemnly looking into the distance.

“Sorry… I failed in the mission to destroy the Abyssal Gate.”

Great Druid Sky Fury lowered his head, feeling somewhat ashamed.

He stood next to Shadow Thief Owl. The old Legend also participated in this mission, as he was affiliated with Lavis Dukedom in a way.

But they were still lacking manpower. With the abilities of Sky Fury and Owl, they weren’t able to destroy the Abyssal Gate that had been painstakingly raised by that Demon Lord.

“It doesn’t matter, this is our fate,” Old Ent said in a low voice. “Maybe if all the members of the Old Alliance of the Seven Orders were here, the outcome could have been different.”

Everyone behind him remained silent.

Ever since the Gods descended, Inheim, who had spent a long time in the past chasing the Shadow Prince, was now on the blacklist of the Gods and was the one being chased incessantly by them. And the Old Alliance of the Seven Orders was with Inheim, avoiding the pursuit together.

The Legends on the list included Copper Dragon Professor and Blade Master Kangen.

The continent sank into an unprecedented chaos.

The powerhouses of mankind had to constantly fight a retreating battle with the Gods, and the Demons and Evil Spirits took advantage of this to begin infiltrating Feinan.

As for Hell… Who knew what those Devils were doing? The news that kept coming from Hell was shocking. Apparently, Diross’ army had almost swept through the entirety of the Nine Hells. If that man really unified the Nine Hells, it might cast a shadow over Feinan’s future.

What made the Migratory Bird Council’s situation even worse was that they didn’t have all their Great Druids!

Previously, Endless Ocean and a few others went to the Green Sea Paradise to look for the Ancient Nature God’s associate. They weren’t sure what the cause might be, but perhaps they had been delayed because of planar differences. Despite Half-God Minsk already arriving at the Supreme Jungle, their power was still lacking.

“Today might be the day we die.”

Old Ent looked at the Celestial Deer that had come uninvited. “You aren’t part of this territory, you shouldn’t be buried with us,” he entreated.

Lorant shook his head.

He glanced at that army of Demon and gently said, “That isn’t important.”

“In fact, I was just thinking about something else… where has that guy gone?”

All that were present fell silent when they heard these words.

Everyone in Feinan had been curious about it.

Marvin had disappeared half a month ago… Where was he now?!

At the same time, on a boat filled with Demons, a small curled-up Demon couldn’t help yawning.

‘It’s sad having no Planar Teleportation spells.’

‘Being forced to take a boat back home is even sadder… But it is still strange that such a small Demon was dragged into a fighting squad like this.’

‘This boat should be leading to the Upper Planes… but… surely it’s too early for an Abyssal Gate to open in Feinan!?’

Chapter 732: Redemption (2)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

The Abyss’ bloody river was flowing calmly, and under the mysterious ritual of the Demon Lord, the river actually flowed upstream, heading for the upper planes.

Marvin, who had disguised himself as a Demon, didn’t know that he had actually infiltrated the Demon Army and was participating in Feinan’s invasion up until he saw the Abyssal Gate in front of him and caught sight of that familiar forest.

‘This is… Feinan?!’

Marvin’s eyes shone.

He had drifted in the bottomless Abyss for half a month, looking for a way to return to Feinan.

But because of the Gods’ pursuit, he had to restrain his aura. Without the Eternal Time Dragon accompanying him, Marvin couldn’t travel between planes on his own. The only Teleportation point that he could get to was White River Valley, and in his first attempt, he was noticed by the Great Gods and was almost ganged up on by Grant and Anubis.

For Marvin, apart from facing the Three Great Gods and the Ancient Gods, he wasn’t afraid of anyone. He only had headaches from having to deal with Grant and Anubis.

Without Tiramisu, he simply still wasn’t able to deal with these Gods.

With no news of the Eternal Time Dragon, he could only rely on his own power to return to Feinan.

During that time, he also used his Fate Imprint to try to get in touch with Jessica to request help from them, but to his surprise, the Fate Imprint in his body wasn’t working anymore.

His aura as the Child of the Plane had also disappeared.

Marvin could faintly guess some things.

Since things had reached this stage, he could only use his Fate Sorcerer Disguise ability to turn into a small Demon.

After half a month of mingling and drifting, he eventually ended up going along the Abyssal Blood River and was taken in by that group sturdy Demons.

Marvin, who was familiar with the Abyss, knew that such a situation had to be due to a Demon Lord preparing to set out for some Upper Plane.

After all, there was a huge price to pay to go up the Blood River. The Bottomless Abyss and the Nine Hells were at a similar level, so there was no need to go through the Blood River to reach them. Therefore, the only target worth such efforts were the Upper Planes.

Regardless of whether it was the Prime Material Plane or those Secondary Planes, Marvin was willing to head that way.

At the very least, it was one step closer to home.

But he never would have thought that such a risky trip would actually go so smoothly!

His journey back to Feinan from the Abyss took a mere three days!

Moreover, he noticed a lot of Sorcerers from Lavis and Great Druids from the Migratory Bird Council gathered together.

He saw Old Ent on that bridgehead, as well as the conspicuous Celestial Deer.

“I finally returned!”

The heavens had pity on him. In the half a month that he spent wandering in the Abyss, Marvin had already cursed at Tiramisu countless times.

The Demon Overseer on the side suddenly noticed a small Demon jumping out in spite of his orders. He became annoyed and got his whip ready to teach the little runt a lesson.

But the boat landed at this time. At the Demon Lord’s command, the masses of Demons rushed down, forming a very chaotic scene. That Demon Overseer was almost washed away and lost track of that small Demon that he wanted to punish.

Marvin was advancing along through the mess.

He had already experienced the chaos of Demons. Marching to battle was simply something enjoyable for them. They had no discipline, and the only thing worth praising about them was their courage and easily to raise morale. But compared to the Devils, the order was simply the worst.

There were more than a hundred thousand Demons being transported through the Blood River!

This amount was a terrifying thought for the sparse population of Feinan.

But Marvin could see that among these hundred thousand Demons, three-quarters were small Demons that looked like him, and had been probably been press-ganged too.

These small Demons had strength comparable to that of ordinary farmers, and they didn’t have any fighting awareness. They could only cause chaos.

But a quarter of these Demons were much stronger.

‘Their goal is the Supreme Jungle?’

Marvin reacted very quickly. It could be seen from the state of the Migratory Bird Council’s defenses that this battle might have already started a while ago.

But with the arrival of this wave of Demons, the horn signaling the Abyss’ attack would soon echo!

Just as expected, when Marvin, as a little Demon, wandered through the tide of Demons, no one bothered about him.

The Demon Overseers were doing their best to order the small Demons to stay in formation, but it was mostly useless.

It would take a long time for these Demons picked up in the Abyss to integrate into the army.

But the war imminent.

The forces of the Druids of the Migratory Bird Council only amounted to roughly three thousand.

Around a hundred thousand fighting against only about three thousand… such a huge difference in numbers.

Despite the Supreme Jungle having a large number of Great Druids, the Demon side also had many fierce Legend Realm Greater Demons.

It seemed that the fall of the Supreme Jungle would just be a matter of time.

Marvin looked at the pairs of ghostly eyes floating in the sky, watching this battle.

Each pair of eyes represented a God!

‘The Gods already descended?’

‘What about White River Valley? Since I’m still alive, they shouldn’t dare make a move on White River Valley.’ Worry coursed through Marvin’s heart.

But the most important matter now was still to help the Supreme Jungle through this crisis.

Not least because the 5th page of the Book of Nalu, [Redemption], was located in the Fallen Star Field, and that place could only be reached by the Great Druids.

This was because the Fallen Star Field only had one entrance, the Green Sea Paradise. It was said to be the rear garden of the Ancient Nature God.

A hundred thousand Demons… Marvin from the past might have been afraid.

But the current Marvin already had the strength of a Plane Guardian!

They were called Plane Guardians because they had the strength to protect their plane!

‘The only problem is those eyes.’

‘I have to quickly resolve this fight without letting these scouts find me and then report it to their Gods!’

Marvin knew that these gazes weren’t focused on him. They were only waiting to harvest the fruits of the fight. Once the Demon Army had taken over the Supreme Jungle, the Gods might order their subordinates to chase down the Demons and justifiably occupy this fertile land.

But Marvin’s appearance came with peculiar timing, considering the presence of the Demons and Gods.

Once he made a move, he would definitely be noticed, and at that time, even the Cloak wouldn’t be of any use.

Marvin truly didn’t want to be entangled with Grant or Anubis without Tiramisu.

‘Looks like I still have to use that Artifact…’

‘Fortunately, I’ve been wandering through the Abyss for so long that it had already cooled down.’

Marvin’s silhouette quickly traveled back and forth through the Demon Army, silently making preparations.

After another half an hour, there were no more Demons coming up from the Blood River, but the Abyssal Gate still had yet to close.

A large horde of Demons gathered outside the Supreme Jungle.

The sounds of horns echoed across the land!

Marvin, who was familiar with the rules of the Abyss, knew that this was the signal to attack!

On the stronghold’s bridgehead, the Great Druids showed deathly expressions.

“Fight! Children of Nature…”

Old Ent shouted a passionate war cry which was followed by an aura that blessed them with strength. The blood of all the young Druids’ was boiling!

But at that time, everyone shockingly found out that an impenetrable darkness was spreading out from the Demon Army!

Darkness descended.

Chapter 733: Redemption (3)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


The night descended from the Blood River’s shore and surrounded the entire Demon Army in an instant!

Eternal Night Kingdom!

All the Demons were shocked!

What was going on?

It was common sense that even if they were in total darkness, they should still be able to easily see their surroundings through their Darkvision.

But at this moment, when the night fell, they were actually no longer able to see anything at all!

Even those few Demons that were at the Legend Realm were trapped in the Eternal Night Kingdom!

A Demon Lord’s roar could faintly be heard from the depths of the Abyss.

But even though the roar came through the Abyssal Gate, he still was unable to come out, as he was busy presiding over the ritual of the Blood River.

But he had instantly figured who had come!

He was very shocked and very angry!

As far as he knew, this powerhouse from Feinan should have still been busy fighting with the Gods. He shouldn’t have had time to come help the Supreme Jungle.

He had been missing for half a month.

At the same time, he was also unaware that the guy who was viewed as a disaster by the Gods had reached the level of a Plane Guardian!

“This is… Marvin?”

Shadow Thief Owl looked into the darkness in the distance with a shocked expression. “I heard the Eternal Night Kingdom was handed to him.”

“Marvin returned?” Lorant was also quite surprised. “Does he plan to deal with an army of a hundred thousand Demons on his own?”

“Or is he helping us stall for time?”

None of the ordinary Druids were sure what to do either, but fortunately, a few Great Druids quickly reacted and ordered a retreat!

No one knew what Marvin had planned!

But they knew that Marvin’s appearance was definitely good news.

Moreover, he had instantly used Eternal Night Kingdom. With their understanding of Marvin, if he wasn’t completely sure of himself, he wouldn’t have made such a move! Anyways, no one else would be able to enter to help him while it was active.

“Now!” Old Ent decisively shouted.

“Yes?” Sky Fury seemed a bit unsure of what he meant.

The next moment, a bright radiance fell from the sky!

Star Burst!

Old Ent spread his hands and chanted forcefully.

The Legendary Star Burst spell made a multitude of stars fall down.

But these exploding stars weren’t targeting the curtain of darkness.


A meteor smashed directly into the ethereal eyes, shattering them!

The targets of these falling stars were those pairs of eyes in the sky watching the war with amusement.

Everyone suddenly realized!

Old Ent’s targets were those vile bystanders!

With Marvin’s current enmity with the God Realms, they definitely couldn’t let any Gods realize that Marvin was here.

Not wanting to be outdone, everyone else followed suit!

The group of Druids from the Supreme Forest were very dissatisfied with the Gods, as were Celestial Deer Lorant and Shadow Thief Owl.

On the surface, they didn’t actually attack Supreme Jungle yet, but they were ready to make a move on their land at any time!

This was the land of the Ancient Nature God’s followers!

These shameless New Gods didn’t dare to attack it directly while it was at full strength, so they were borrowing the hands of the Demons while brazenly looking what ensued.

They were simply scum!

The Gods’ scouts hadn’t thought that the Supreme Jungle’s Legends would rush across to attack them as soon as the darkness surrounded the battlefield.

Old Ent’s Star Burst fell ruthlessly onto the eyes and ears of the God Realms!

In an instant, the other side of the Blood River became chaotic. Under the cover the Great Druids, Shadow Thief Owl was like a Demon, appearing and disappearing unpredictably, harvesting the lives of the Divine Servants who were caught off guard!

He was truly an expert assassin, and although the Shadow Thief class was a rogue class that typically had low fighting strength, that group had already been bombarded by Old Ent’s spell and was in chaos and confusion. This was the perfect opportunity for him to take advantage of their crisis!

The Migratory Bird Council’s sudden move stunned the God Realms.

They were confused by the decision. How could that group of Druids dare to go against them?

Could this be their last act of craziness before dying?

But most Gods were still focused on the suddenly descended darkness, actively sending followers to investigate. Only a few Gods noticed something wrong and tried to use Divine spells for long-distance viewing, but the Supreme Jungle was a Sanctuary that was filled with Nature Power, so what they could see was blurry.

After the Gods’ eyes were eliminated in an instant, the Druids stopped moving.

Angry roars echoed from the Abyssal Gate, but the Eternal Night Kingdom itself was deadly quiet.

After about three minutes, a lazy voice came out. “No matter how much you yell, it’s not like you can come out, or am I wrong?”

Sure enough, it was Marvin’s voice!

Everyone was shocked.

The darkness then dissipated.

The sudden joy on their face was replaced by shock!

The Blood River was no longer flowing upwards, and instead started receding.

The hundred thousand Demons on the Blood River’s shore had turned into corpses!

Marvin stood among the sea of blood and pointed a dagger at the Abyssal Gate and calmly declared, “There is always a Plane Guardian in Feinan.”

Just as he finished his sentence, he leapt, Sodom’s Blades reaping through space as he slashed that Abyssal Gate in two!

The Abyssal Blood River completely dried up, and the roar from the Demon Lord was cut off.

Huge swathes of corpses littered the outskirts of the Supreme Jungle, bringing with them an intense smell of blood.

Never mind those average Druids, even the Great Druids were filled with fear.

It was completely astounding that after vanishing for half a month, Marvin would make such an awe-inspiring appearance in Feinan and slaughter a hundred thousand Demons!

An army that almost certainly would have destroyed the Supreme Jungle had been easily taken care of by Marvin.

How could this not shock them?

Naturally, he couldn’t avoid greeting them.

Marvin wanted to know about the current situation of White River Valley so Shadow Thief Owl quickly brought him up to speed.

Half a month ago, after Marvin and Tiramisu wreaked havoc in the Gods Realms, they no longer knew what had happened to those two.

The Time Dragon was said to have been sealed by Grant inside an Artifact, but no one knew exactly where.

Afterwards, the Gods descended one after the other and started breaking up the land, spreading their influence and establishing their own forces.

As for White River Valley, the Gods dispatched some people to probe it, but the Ancient Sanctuary established by Marvin was still standing strong.

Even if a God could break it, he would be greatly injured at the very least.

In this era of fighting over Faith, even if the God Realms were organized, they also didn’t trust each other.

Their repeated probing should have been an attempt to force Marvin out.

Unfortunately, Constantine and the others struck back fiercely, and Marvin had yet to appear, so the Gods didn’t make a move on White River Valley yet. After all, if they did destroy White River Valley while Marvin wasn’t there, he would most likely stay hidden wherever he was until he could harness the power of the Fate Table in order to get his revenge, and that wasn’t something the Gods wanted to see.

Hearing that White River Valley was still safe, Marvin sighed in relief.

These past two weeks, the thing he was most afraid of was that the Gods would take their anger out on White River Valley, but it seemed that they were more concerned about building their forces while waiting for Marvin to appear!

And in the past few days, there were even some small-scale conflicts among the Gods over territories!

From this, it could be seen that the God Realms weren’t as idyllic as they seemed to be.

Marvin didn’t stay long in the Supreme Jungle. He knew that now that he had come back to Feinan, he might be noticed by those Gods’ Divinations any time now.

Right now, time was of the essence!

He had to quickly find the last two pages of the Book of Nalu!

But he discovered with regret that there was still no news from the Green Sea Paradise that led to the Fallen Star Field. It seemed that a power was separating the connection between them.

When Marvin said that he would leave while waiting for the connection to recover, Old Ent told Marvin that he would notify him when it happened.

After all, Marvin saved them from a huge crisis this time, saved the entire Supreme Forest. Whether it was his strength or friendship, the Migratory Bird Council had completely approved of this quickly maturing youth.

After Marvin left the Supreme Jungle, he didn’t return to White River Valley.

He went to Rocky Mountain.

He had learnt from the Migratory Bird Council that the Twin Goddess was instigating the West Coast’s forces to attack Hope City.

The Three Fate Sisters were apparently having a hard time.

Moreover, Marvin was worried about his Fate Imprint becoming faded.

This had to have some sort of meaning.

Chapter 734: Redemption (4)

Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance


Rocky Mountain.

By the time Marvin arrived, everything seemed to have settled.

The marks on the ground showed that this area had been through a big war.

Only when he used Endless Path to check did he find out that the West Coast Army was retreating in failure. The war had gone poorly for them this time.

He didn’t notice the aura of a God in the area, which suggested that in this life, after Marvin killed the Queen of Spiders, the Twin Goddess wasn’t able to destroy Rocky Mountain alone.

Marvin was quite happy that things had gone better for them this time. The Three Fate Sisters of Rocky Mountain had helped him on numerous occasions.

Since the fighting seemed to have already died down, that left Marvin’s other main reason for coming here to Rocky Mountain.

His Fate Imprint.

Because Lorie transferred the Fate Imprint to him that time to save him, he gained the Child of the Plane aura.

Now, for some reason, not only did the Fate Imprint fade to gray, but he also lost the aura that had come with it.

Marvin had a bad feeling about this.

But even so, he had never imagined that his reunion with the Three Sisters would be in such circumstances!

As Marvin saw them standing on Hope City’s city walls, he noticed that Kate and Jessica’s eyes had become pure white!

And Lorie was standing behind them… She seemed to be an ordinary person now.

The Fortune Fairy that was normally fluttering around all over the place wasn’t there.

Marvin was startled. He leapt over and asked, “What happened here?”

He could clearly feel that Jessica and Kate’s strength had roughly doubled!

While Lorie had lost her Fate Power ability!

And become an ordinary girl.

But Jessica and Kate ignored Marvin’s question and only stared at him. It felt very strange.

“You shouldn’t have come here.”

Jessica’s voice was very harsh, and it didn’t sound friendly like it usually did. “This is extremely risky,” she warned.

Kate furrowed her brows. “We… We don’t have a choice.”

Marvin wasn’t sure what was going on, but he was interrupted by Lorie when he was about to say something to ask for clarification.

“No, you do have a way. Give up on that so-called strength.”

Jessica’s face seemed to show that she was having some sort of internal struggle. “If I don’t accept its gift, we won’t be able to support ourselves. The Twin Goddess is too powerful.”

Kate also nodded as she added, “Our lives aren’t only our own. Our task is to protect this city, to protect this world.”

Marvin looked at the two in bafflement. “What happened in the end?”

“They have changed,” Lorie lamented. “They accepted the last gift and became [Destiny Sorceresses].”

Destiny Sorceress!

When he heard Lorie say this, Marvin gasped!

Destiny Sorceress was the final form of a Fate Sorceress!

This form meant that the Fate Sorceress had completely accepted the gift and the favor of the Plane Will becoming its direct representative!

At the same time, they also completely lost their wills as individuals!

Their bodies had partly become part of Feinan’s Plane Will.

“You know what this means,” Jessica said regretfully. “Sorry, Marvin, we didn’t have any other choice.”

“I really don’t believe that you are the Destroyer!”

Kate remained silent, but the two had already become Destiny Sorceresses!


‘The Plane Will believes that I am the Destroyer?!’

Marvin suddenly understood everything!

Eve previously wanted to kill him before because of the Valkyrie’s will. And now, two of the Three Fate Sisters were Marvin’s enemies!

“The Plane Will… really believes that I am the Destroyer?”

Marvin’s voice was a bit hoarse, and his mind was in a mess.

He didn’t know what he would do when Jessica and Kate made their move!

He could easily kill Eve because she was barely an acquaintance!

But he definitely couldn’t kill these two.

They were his friends.

“I don’t believe it.” Lorie’s voice was soft, but clear. It reached everyone’s ears, including Marvin’s!

When he heard her voice sounding just as steady as ever, the chaos in his mind seemed to settle down.

His mind was a lot clearer!

“Although my Wisdom Ability was given to me by Feinan’s Plane Will, I used it to look very far into the future when it demanded my agreement.” Lorie emphasized her next words very strongly. “Marvin isn’t the Destroyer, so I refused it.”

She refused to carry out the terms that Feinan’s Plane Will stipulated in exchange for the power to defend their land. They had to kill Marvin!

Thus, she was deprived of her Fate Power making her just an ordinary girl!

As for the other two, because of the pressure of the Twin Goddess, they had no choice but to become Destiny Sorceresses to defend the home they had created, but they lost their free will in exchange!

The God Realms wanted to kill Marvin!

Feinan’s Plane Will also wanted to kill Marvin!

Marvin suddenly felt despair.

“Ding?” he subconsciously asked.

“Before becoming a Destiny Sorceress, I already revoked our contract. At least this way, she won’t be under the control of a Destiny Sorceress like me.”

Kate sighed. “Marvin, we really don’t believe that you are the Destroyer…”

“But… We can’t do anything about it!”

The next second, a frightening burst of Fate Power came from the city walls!

Marvin narrowed his eyes and used Endless Path!


He rushed to Lorie’s side. With such a burst of Fate Power, this girl who had lost all her strength simply wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure!

The next moment, his silhouette appeared far in the distance!

But because Marvin was protecting Lorie, he left a flaw while dashing away!

Under the control of the so-called [Destiny], the two Destiny Sorceresses pursued relentlessly!

Endless Path!

Marvin was carrying a person and pushing his False Divine Vessel to the maximum, moving through Feinan at a frightening speed!

Plane Guardians always had incredible strength, so one would expect that Marvin would be able to easily throw off his two pursuers.

But in fact, whenever he reached a new place, the two would quickly catch up to him.

Although they weren’t as fast, they could always catch up whenever he exited his Endless Path!

“It’s no use.” Lorie was deathly pale. Marvin’s forced Endless Path was definitely a burden on her too!

She was only an ordinary person now, after all.

“This is Feinan, it’s watching you.”

Marvin immediately realized the obvious problem. The fact that he hadn’t realized it immediately showed how much the situation had left him flustered.

This was Feinan!

If Feinan’s Plane Will wanted to target him, it didn’t matter where he went, and neither did it matter how fast he was.

Although these two Destiny Sorceresses weren’t quite as fast as he was, they always managed to catch up because they knew where he was.

And the people from the God Realms were chasing him because of the Fate Tablet.

‘What can I do?’

‘Kill Jessica and Kate? There is no way I could do that.’

All he had done so far was taking Lorie and using Endless Path to flee.

But this would only make things worse.

Marvin’s False Divine Vessel and Fate Tablet had huge amounts of power, but the Destiny Sorceresses were unequalled while within Feinan.

Their power wouldn’t ever decrease at all because Feinan’s Plane Will was always replenishing their energy.

If this kept going, Marvin would sooner or later just die of exhaustion!

‘There must be a way…’

Marvin fled while continuing to ponder.

Suddenly, he recalled something from his trip to the Dragon Library!

‘That! All of Feinan’s lands of Order are in its eyes.’

‘But what about the Wilds?’

‘There is primal chaos in the Wilds, it shouldn’t be able to see there!’

Marvin’s knowledge of the many secrets of this world was the greatest weapon he could use in this situation!

When he came up with this, he decisively set it in motion.

He rushed south!

And as he passed White River Valley, he conveniently took the life of a God that been preparing to disturb his territory!

The second he reached the Wilds, that uncomfortable feeling he’d had of always being watched finally disappeared.

He suddenly understood why Lance’s only temple in all of Feinan was built in the Wilds!

‘Am I really the Destroyer?’

The thought still lingered in his mind.

At this time, Lorie, who had always been watching Marvin closely, reached out and grabbed his hand.

“You aren’t.”

Marvin was startled. “You didn’t lose the ability of your Fate Power?”

Lorie laughed. “I truly lost my Wisdom Ability… But what if I’m Wisdom itself?”

A mechanical sound suddenly came out. “You finally remembered.”

In the depths of the Wilds, two people slowly came out.

Marvin immediately recognized the person on the left side. It was shockingly the Truth Goddess, Molly!

The figure next to her was the one who had just spoken, and Marvin also knew him!

Mark 47!

But that voice just now carried a hint of humanity.

Marvin was a bit familiar with it.

“Hello, Marvin.”

Mark 47 showed an unsightly smile as he said, “Please allow me to re-introduce myself.”

“I am Lance.”

In the depths of the Wilds, when the Truth Goddess and the one claiming to be the God of Creation appeared in front of Marvin, he felt that nothing else would surprise him.

“I’m a bit confused… I need a clear explanation!” Marvin quickly said.

The construct calmly responded, “I can explain it to you, of course, but we have to be fast.”

“We don’t have time, it’s moving too quickly. Although your appearance forced history to move forward, her rate of growth also increased.”


‘Who is he talking about?’

Marvin was puzzled.

The Truth Goddess sighed. “I’m still not completely convinced by your words.”

The construct calmly insisted, “From when I first started overseeing this world, I had never imagined that a world would actually have a consciousness that wants to destroy itself.”

“Sadly, she appeared.”

“I have to stop her, so I looked for you, Marvin.”

“Please follow me, we don’t have much time.”

“I’ll let you know everything I know on the way.”

Marvin took a deep breath and asked, “Where are we going? Who is she?”

The construct turned around and said, “To the Negative Energy Plane. As for her… you should know who went to the Evil Spirit Sea.”

Marvin’s heart tightened!

He suddenly thought of the one who had bidden him farewell, saying that she was going to the Negative Energy Plane.

A woman he was well acquainted with. One that had very deep ties with him.

Feinan’s first Plane Guardian, the previous Witch Queen.


“I should start with the bad signs that I saw.”

On the Wilds’ path, everything was dull, but Marvin kept focused, listening to Lance’s story.

After Feinan was set up, it had its prosperous first Era.

But soon, a strange phenomenon started to appear.

At regular intervals, Ancient Gods would fall.

There would be all kinds of reasons for the fall and even Lance wasn’t able to figure them out.

The Ancient Gods of the Astral Sea were fading one by one.

This continued all the way up until the Ancient Nature God and the Ancient Elven God retired and began to slumber. By this point, Lance felt pretty sure that something was quite wrong.

At the same time, a world of negative energy took shape.

After exploring it several times with no results, he focused his attention on something else.

He contacted Feinan’s Plane Will, but he felt that the other side seemed unwilling to communicate with him.

Lance had thought that it was tired and had also entered a period of slumber.

But he never would have thought that it had actually left Feinan.

“… Do you know how many Ancient Gods disappeared?” Lance suddenly asked.

Marvin frowned as he muttered, “I don’t know.”

“A total of seventeen.”

“An Ancient God would fall during each period of major turmoil. Doesn’t it sound familiar?” Lance drew out the word “turmoil” before asking the question.

Marvin gasped, “The Negative Energy Plane?”

He quickly thought and made the connection to the Negative Energy Plane!

Seventeen Ancient Gods fell.

And there were nineteen Evil Spirit Overlords!

If he didn’t count the fallen Human, Diggles, and the Chromatic Dragon God, Hartson… or rather, Tidomas, as he was now known… Then there were seventeen Evil Spirit Sovereigns!

“Don’t tell me…” Marvin started in surprise.

The construct interrupted, “Indeed, they are trapped in the Negative Energy Plane, and they have become unconscious puppets.”

“An evil side was aroused in each of them and they became the Negative Energy Plane’s Overlords.”

“The Negative Energy Plane is the product of the wicked idea of Feinan’s Plane Will!”

“And I… I didn’t realize it soon enough, and thus, I made a mistake.”

As they kept walking, Lance continued with his story.

But at that time, an oasis appeared in front of them.

“It’s here.” The construct hinted for Marvin to go forward.

In the oasis, a gray-clothed woman seemed to be waiting for something.

When she saw Marvin, she immediately walked over.

“Hello, I am Huwishe.”

“Thank you for saving my younger brother Minsk. I’d been entrusted by Sir Lance to look for it, and I am now giving it to you.”

Marvin took the page of the Book of Nalu in a daze.

The Book of Nalu and the Wisdom Chapter automatically appeared, and the page fused with the rest of the pages!

Only one page left to complete the Book of Nalu.

5th page – [Redemption]!

“Your choice is very risky.”

The Truth Goddess glanced at the construct. “You sealed me.”

“This was to protect you,” Lance said, sounding a bit embarrassed.

“Then what about her?” Molly asked, pointing at Lorie. “The Wisdom God passed himself off as the God of Deception and wrote the Book of Nalu, and then self-destructed, becoming a mortal. Hiding from the detection of Feinan’s Plane Will like that, was it all in order to keep the matter of dragging someone from another world hidden?”

After listening to her explanation, Lance solemnly nodded. “Indeed, it was.”

“This is my only path to redemption.”

The long, final chapter will be posted about 6 hours after this one. (Or three and a half hours later than usual, if you’re the type to track it that way).

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.