Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 738 - Plans and requests

Encouraged by morale, Voldemort said to his men, “Now everyone else is going out to do their own business, Severus and Bella, you two stay, I have something to tell you. “

The Death Eaters in the room stepped back after hearing the words of Voldemort. One of the Death Eaters left and walked down to the ground, Strange. After all the Death Eaters in the meeting room had left the room and closed the door, Voldemort waved his hands to the two of his most recognized subordinates to sit down, and then sat back in his seat again.

“Bella, tell me what’s going on outside recently?” After all three were seated, Voldemort looked at Bellatrix and asked, “What are those dirty **** doing now?”

“Their newspapers have been boasting that they have besieged us to a few places and even entered London.” Bella said. Because of the need for confidentiality, Voldemort and his followers came to this secret underground base in northern Scotland and never went out. All activities of everyone were confined to this small underground space. .

Naturally, Voldemort was trapped in this underground base and could not go anywhere. Because only he can guarantee that no one in the base can expose all the information underground, or even directly escape from this underground secret base.

Voldemort’s strict management measures have been quite effective. Even Snape, the ace double-faced spy, has recently been unable to bring any news here to Dumbledore, which is why Dumbledore has recently lost his whereabouts to Voldemort. The reason to master.

Of course, hiding all Voldemort here does not mean that he wants to be a tortoise. Therefore, during this time, Bellatrix, Voldemort’s most trusted subordinate, became Voldemort’s eyes, often going out to see what is happening in various places.

“Oh, you’re right, those dirty descent guys and traitors did attack London.” Voldemort smiled contemptuously and said, “But this is only temporary, as long as we go out and defeat them ,everything will get better.”

“Master, you’re right.” Bella said excitedly with wide eyes. “We gathered the resources of the British magic world for thousands of years and organized an unprecedented army. Even the legendary Morgan Leffey has never had such a powerful force.”

“Yes, this army is unprecedented.” Voldemort was also excited by Bella’s words. “We will completely eliminate the dirty guys and create a clean, pure world belonging to our pure blood wizards. Make the wizarding world of Britain great again. “

“Oh, master.” After shouting a slogan, Bellatrix then reported to Voldemort, “According to the information I found a few times, Dumbledore will also be after their London Raiders. Entering London, he will join the general attack on the Ministry of Magic. I heard some people say that Dumbledore hopes to reduce casualties. “

“Yes, he always looks like this.” Voldemort grinned. “It is always hopelessly weak to reduce casualties, but it has never been known that this is what makes them weak. Are you right, Severus.”

“Master, you’re right.” Snape, who had just stood aside, said in his low voice. “Dumbledore does look a little bit soft in some ways.”

“Yes, Dumbledore had such a weakness.” Voldemort showed a smile of eight teeth, and then said, “But this is very good news for us, as long as those people can haunt him for a little time. , I will be able to give them a fatal blow. “

After hearing Snape’s answer, Voldemort nodded and turned to him and asked, “How are you preparing the various potions we need now? Don’t worry about waste, we will get more after the victory.”

“Basically ready, Master.” Snape lowered his head and said, “Several stimulants, temporary replenishing potions, and all the things needed for fighting will be all cooked up tonight, if all goes well. Everyone can get these medicines tomorrow. “

“Good job, Severus.” Voldemort nodded with satisfaction. “After the victory of the war, I will give you the due rewards of such loyal subordinates. And those who defy me and even rebel against me. It will certainly be punished. “

In the next half hour, Voldemort talked about his various plans, especially what kind of world he would build after the victory of the war. It wasn’t until after the addiction that the two subordinates let go.

After leaving the meeting room, Snape ignored Bella’s entanglement like neuropathy and went upstairs back to his room. Different from those pragmatic young people

After entering the room, he first used a magic to confirm that there was no other investigative magic in the room, and then took out a long plain gold box from a floor that had been pried open in advance.

After holding the golden box in his hand, Snape looked at the box in silence. After much thought, he did not open the box, but raised the floor again and put the box back in its original position.

After standing up, Snape sat back at his desk, then pulled out an old book whose pages had turned yellow and turned one of them. Then an old photo that also turned yellow and faded fell out of the book.

Snape picked up the photo from the table. This was not a moving photo common in the wizarding world, but a black and white photo that was very common in the Muggle world decades ago. In the photo, a little boy with some greasy dark hair looked a little cramped, standing there in an old wizard robe that was obviously unfit, and beside him was a little lighter hair, also wearing a wizard robe with brilliant Smiling little girl.

The layout of the whole photo is a bit strange, because the two people in the photo are too close to the right and too close to the lens. But it can be seen from the photo that the height of the photographer is not high, probably a child ~ ~ Lily– “Looking at the photo, Snape pursed his lips tightly, with a serious face Gently touched the girl ’s face in the photo, and then sat in this position for a long time. It was not until someone knocked on the door that he quickly reached out and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes to quickly clip the photo into the old book, and then Then tuck the book back into the pile of books on the table.

“What are you doing here?” After opening the door, Snape found that it was John Parkinson, Pansy Parkinson’s father, standing at the door. “I don’t remember what needs to be communicated between us.”

“I know, Snape, our relationship has not been good since we were students.” John Parkinson said very simply that as a staunch supporter of pure-blood theory, he naturally looked down on him like Snape when he was a student. It’s a mixed race with a very bad background, so he didn’t intend to quibble at this time, but directly admitted the contradiction between the two sides in the past. “But now I pray that you can help me.”

“I didn’t expect you, the noble head of a pure-blood family, to come and beg me to be a dirty **** person in your eyes.” Snape said in his low voice, “But it’s just like you asked me Come in for a serving, do n’t stand in the hallway. “

“Okay, tell me what you asked me for?” Snape asked after entering the room and closing the door.

“For my daughter, Severus.” John Parkinson said in a low voice, “I don’t think I can survive the next war, so Severus, I pray that you can end the war. Help my daughter later. Because you are the right and left hand most important to the owner, the chance of survival is definitely greater than mine. Of course, if you are willing to help my daughter, you can also watch our family’s collection at will. “

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