Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 737 - plan

Bellatrix walked down the dark tunnel, and there was only a dozen meters of the niches in the black candle. The cold blue light like bellflowers could vaguely illuminate the downward stairs. .

But this is not static, as Bella steps down the steps, the surrounding temperature also rises a little bit. Five or six minutes later, the temperature around Bella had risen as hot as the sun in midsummer. After she walked down the last steps and turned a corner, the darkness in the tunnel was also driven out by a dazzling red light. Illuminate the entire tunnel like daylight.

By this time, Bella’s feet had become flat, moving forward along the smooth, mirrored stone floor, and soon she walked out of the tunnel under the small staircase and appeared on a platform.

The platform is located on the wall of a huge tiankeng, just like the balcony on the palace. Standing on the platform, you can hear the sound of blasting and the collapse of the mountain from the cave below.

Looking down from the edge of the platform, the most dazzling thing is a tumbling magma pool in the cave below. The tumbling magma illuminates the whole cave like the Sahara desert at noon in midsummer.

Many Death Eaters in black clothes and black robes are busy on the black platform by the lava pool. From time to time, some Death Eaters come in and out of the small holes on the wall, like a group of busy worker bees. .

Most Death Eaters’ current job is to shoot a spell into the magma, to separate huge pieces of magma from the magma pool, and then transfer to the altar built in advance by the pool.

The other part of the Death Eaters walked to the edge of the altar after the magma was suspended above the altar, and the same material in the hand was magically sent into these hot magma. Waving the magic wand at the same time injecting a different magic power to these altars.

As the Death Eaters released their spells, various colors of light slowly wrapped around the hot magma floating on the altar. The magma floating above the center of the altar began to slowly cool and shape under the combined effect of these magic powers and the materials previously put in. Become obsidian giants and monsters with different sizes and shapes.

When Bellatrix walked down a boardwalk on the edge of the platform to the bottom of the cave, a two-story obsidian giant puppet had just been shaped, and from its dense bones and greasy face, it could be Seeing that this is a pure killing machine.

At this moment, a Death Eater wearing a silver mask came up holding a brass lantern. As he approached, the surrounding temperature suddenly fell, and Bella even saw a white frost on the lantern and the thick leather gloves of the Death Eater.

There was a baseball-like faint blue flame burning in the lantern, if you look closely, you can see countless wraiths trapped in the flames and silently wailing towards everyone around them, even if they are as powerful as Bellatrix. The black wizard can obviously feel the deepest cold in his body from the heart to the whole body after this lamp is close.

The Death Eater carrying the lamp walked over the edge of the puppet made of equipment and raised the lamp above his head, then chanted the spell and used his other hand to hold a magic wand and drew a rune in the air. .

At the end of the last rune of the rune, a blue flame flew out of the lamp like an arrow from the string, obsidian puppets standing directly on the altar.

As the flame sank into the puppet’s chest, the whole puppet came to life in an instant, and its joints and facial features burst out with a faint blue flame. At the same time, he raised his hair and made a growl.

“Very good, this should be a grade.” Bella nodded to herself, and then watched the stone giant puppet walk into a tall cave under the heavy steps of another group of Death Eaters. It disappeared slowly.

“Bella, come to the meeting room, there are important things to discuss.” Just after Bella watched an obsidian giant be made, a black mist floated from a stone wall and sent Voldemort’s Password.

The first time he received Voldemort’s order, Bella immediately trot to a cave wall and tapped with his wand. After a few knocks, the stone wall disappeared, revealing a deep cave.

It’s just that this cave is much more refined than other caves before, and the walls and floors can be seen carefully polished. After walking through a short corridor, she soon came to a wooden door and stopped, then twisted the door handle without hesitation.

There was only one person in the meeting room sitting at a stone table integrated with the ground, facing the door of the room. Apart from a huge golden chandelier on the roof, the whole house was empty and there was nothing at all.

And very close to the person’s right hand side, a huge viper was wrapped in a star-filled translucent sphere. Bella recognized that it was Nagini protected by a powerful protective spell.

She was even a little jealous of the serpent, because in recent times, its owner Voldemort had paid more attention to the serpent than any of their servants. Even if these servants add up, it seems that this serpent is not more concerned by the master.

“Bella, my most loyal servant. I’m sitting on my right hand now.” A high, clear voice rang from the head of the table. “I’m glad to see you here as soon as I heard my call.”

Bellatrix sat down at the designated position and waited quietly there. A few minutes later, another five or six figures in black robes came in, then took off the hood and sat on the table in turn.

After the small stone table was full, Voldemort turned to look at the wizard sitting in the second position on his right hand and asked the first question in the meeting. “Rodolphs, how are the undead obsidian golems prepared now?”

“Master, you have ordered us to do our best to complete–” Roddolph Lestrange had wanted to say a few words of praise after hearing Voldemort’s question. But after seeing the eyes of Voldemort’s snake, he immediately withdrew the words behind him and answered seriously ~ ~ The 5000 magic puppets you requested will be completed in three days, of which the a-level ones have been produced. 988 seats were produced, 1215 seats were produced in class B, and the rest were all in class C. “

“It’s still a little bit slow,” Voldemort said, looking dissatisfied. “I hope that tomorrow I will see all 5,000 magic puppets built, of which a class A must reach 1,000.”

“Master, now the magma pool has reached a limit, we, ah-” Lestrange hadn’t finished speaking, and Voldemort took out his wand and gave him a heart curse.

“I don’t want to hear this kind of blame. If you don’t, I don’t mind changing someone.” Lestrange, who fell close to the ground, said with a snake-like hiss, all in the room People shrank into their chairs, only Bellatrix looked at Voldemort with an admiring look, not even glancing at her husband who was wailing on the ground.

“Okay, if anyone of you feels that you can’t complete the task now, come up with it now.” After straightening up, Voldemort looked at all the Death Eaters in the conference room and said. “I can reduce your burden.”

The entire meeting room immediately became silent. After a few seconds of silence, Voldemort nodded with satisfaction. “Very good, I hope everyone can complete the battle preparations tomorrow. I will lead you to completely reverse the situation in ten days, completely clean up those dirty **** guys, and then recapture those who belong to us Glory. “

“Yes master.” All the Death Eaters in the conference room immediately shouted with excitement, his face also showing excitement. “We are willing to pay everything for you.”

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