Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 736 - Secret base

After returning from the bank that time, Ryan put all their power into the attack plan against London. After all, when Voldemort is nowhere to be found, the London guys are almost all the enemies they can find now.

Of course, Ryan also knew that Voldemort was the core of the group of Death Eaters. If Voldemort is not killed, those **** Death Eaters will pop up from place to place. So in the next few days, Ryan took those followers into London many times in an attempt to find Voldemort’s location.

Even after Ryan was ready, he took several elite players and rushed directly into Diagon Alley, then slammed and attacked the four Death Eaters outside the Guling Pavilion. The Death Eaters were three dead and one injured. But even Ryan and they dragged the subdued Death Eater all the way from the Guling Pavilion to the Broken Cauldron Bar and did not see any Death Eaters jump out to block.

Along the way, Lane also saw with his own eyes the Death Eater patrol that had been arranged in Diagon Alley. But the group of people looked at Ryan. They dragged a Death Eater and ran straight into Knock Alley without looking back. They didn’t even see the captured companion.

After returning to Hogsmeade with the captives, Ryan interrogated the captured Death Eater. It’s a pity that this Death Eater is only a perimeter, and he doesn’t know where Voldemort went. No way, Ryan and they could only send this Death Eater to the Ministry of Magic.

However, the synthesis of the captive’s confession and everything I saw in Diagon Alley today can prove that Voldemort has not appeared in public for a long time, and may even have left London. War is good.

But Ryan remained extremely vigilant, because he knew that Voldemort and the forces he hid were just like the hidden viper that was ready to give everyone a fatal blow.

In addition to Ryan, both Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic are also looking for Voldemort’s traces, but also found nothing. So where is Voldemort hiding now?

Ryan’s guess about Voldemort is correct, that is, he is indeed not in London with his core Death Eaters. In an inaccessible seaside hilly area in the north of Scotland, those looming under the mist are covered by a lush turf under a small mountain package, hiding secrets that almost no one knows.

“On April 26, Dumbledore announced that he would launch a general attack on London in a very short period of time. This is a very good thing, which means that the battle against the black wizards in the UK has entered the final stage, and finally The time has come to defeat the mysterious man and all his lackeys “

“In this case, all personnel who resist the dark forces should join this counterattack to closely and effectively cooperate with the main action of the Ministry of Magic. Thoroughly clean up the areas that have been recovered and rebuild their effective management institutions. . And work hard to restore most of the production before the end of the war— “

“Oh, it’s all bragging, the great Dark Lord will surely defeat these dirty guys, you will never know the greatness of the Dark Lord.” A witch who looked at the waxy face turned the British Magic Tossed into the fireplace, and then opened the door in the crackling of the burning wood and walked out of the room.

Outside the room was a dark corridor, and only a few candles suspended in the air provided a little bit of poor light for the entire corridor. A door was lined up on both sides of the corridor, but there was almost no movement. The whole kind of gloomy feeling is not like a place where people live, but like a tomb in a grave.

This seemingly hyperactive witch walked quietly in the corridor after going out, even wearing boots with iron palms did not make a little sound in the stone corridor, as if a ghost was floating there.

She stopped every time she reached the door of the room, and then listened quietly to the movement in the door. When she walked to a door, she opened her eyes suddenly, then pulled out her wand and blasted open the wooden door.

Immediately after the explosion, the two people sitting at the table in the room stood up with fright. And on the table between them was a simple magic radio, with intermittent sounds.

“——Death Eaters, you have reached the point of exhaustion. The defense in the city of London has completely collapsed, and even our team can easily enter Diagon Alley to annihilate the Death Eaters and then come out. Block. And your master has left you alone, even if we have a large-scale operation in London, he has no solution, like a mouse hiding in the sewer— “

With a bang, the radio hadn’t finished talking about Jordan, and the radio was blown into pieces by a magic. Then the witch pointed angrily at the two trembling young men with a magic wand: “How dare you listen to these-how dare you! Drill your heart, drill your heart.”

The two young men immediately fell to the ground and curled up with a scream of sorrow, but the witch looked at them without a little pity, and instead increased the output of magic power. “Crabbe, Flint, it is already a great gift for Lord Dark Lord to allow you to come here. You dare to listen to this.”

“We dare not, please spare us, Master Bella.” The two young wizards wailed, but Bella didn’t mean to relax. It wasn’t until the wailing of the two people became inaudible that they gave up and continued to torture them.

“Remember, it’s a glorious honor that you are brought here by Lord Dark Lord now. If you let me discover that you are doing these inappropriate things, it is not such a simple heart curse.” Terex warned with a sharp voice.

“Yes, sir.” Vincent Crabbe and Marcus Flint replied in a weak voice. But at this time Bellatrix walked straight out of this room, no longer looked down at the two people who twitched slightly in the room ~ ~ Although Bella looked down on these young wizards, she definitely would n’t Say something. Because young wizards like Vincent Crabbe and Marcus Flint were brought in under Voldemort’s proposal.

On the one hand, this is because there is not enough manpower. After the large-scale raid in the early stage, Voldemort was surprised to find that the manpower and wealth he possessed fell to an extremely dangerous level, so he needed to find all the resources he could find to complete his Now this plan.

On the other hand, after a series of actions and battles before, most of the people who are now standing on Voldemort’s side have centrifuged him. The only reason he was still under his command was fear of Voldemort’s power and cruel means.

Voldemort was also aware of this matter, so for the confidentiality of the current plan, he now left all those who felt unreliable to London. Although young wizards such as Vincent Crabbe and Marcus Flint are weak, they are considered reliable personnel belts because their fathers are core Death Eaters and are killed in battle at the same time. Here.

As Voldemort’s most loyal subordinate, Bella even looked down on these weak and incompetent little wizards in his eyes. But she will never raise any objections to this practice.

So after punishing the two guys she thought had done wrong, Bella, who came to the corridor, took a deep breath and adjusted a few expressions, then walked to the end of the corridor and pushed away Door.

An instant cold rushed straight into the corridor, causing Bella who had just opened the door to tremble. But she recovered quickly and walked down a dark tunnel in front of her.

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