Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 739 - Reason

“John Parkinson.” After hearing Old Parkinson’s plea, Snape frowned, and then spoke in the slow tone he used to. “We have a decisive advantage in this war, and we will certainly be able to win an easy victory. How can you doubt our great master here, and spread this kind of news full of defeat.”

After watching the old Parkinson’s face change suddenly, Snape went on to say: “Of course, because you didn’t seek me for yourself, and you didn’t plan to escape. So this time I see you as a concern for my daughter I wo n’t report it to our host, but I hope you will stop saying this kind of things in the future, and you wo n’t have to ask anyone else to say this. ”

“Okay, Snape, I remember you. I hope you will be all right this time.” After staring at Snape’s face for more than ten seconds, the old Parkinson’s expressionless expression from Snape’s Seeing nothing in her face, she left angrily after dropping a cruel word.

The door was slammed shut in front of him, and Snape stood silently in the darkness of the room for a long, long time, until at last, a subtle sigh came from the darkness.

This is not the first wizard to come to Snape to intercede. Given that Bella is no different from a lunatic, most Death Eaters have set their goals on Snell, who is also Lord Voldemort ’s right hand. General body. They took out all kinds of resources, knowledge, and even the marriage of his daughter-in-law as a bait, hoping that he could have a lot of good words in front of Voldemort to let them escape the next war.

It is different from Voldemort himself, who thinks that war is about to win. Almost all Death Eaters can feel that the scales of war are day after day leaning towards Hogsmeade the guys they looked down upon before, and the probability of their own victory is decreasing day by day.

This is not because Voldemort did not win in several battles. After all, even in the last war, Voldemort’s personal power did not have much advantage. The main reason why Death Eaters were able to form a prairie trend in Britain and Europe in the war more than ten years ago was that the resources of these pure-blood wizards had an absolute advantage, and they could completely calm down the rebels. .

When the war started, the Death Eaters thought they had a greater advantage than the last war. After all, at the beginning they achieved what was not achieved in the last war, completely controlled the Ministry of Magic, and obtained the ruling power of the British magic world.

This is why so many pure-blood families directly invested in Voldemort after the Ministry of Magic fell. Because they felt that even with the existence of Dumbledore, Voldemort wanted to annihilate those resistances in the north. It was easy to say that this war was a victory. If they do not hurry to express their loyalty, once the war is over, they will definitely be hurt if they are not completely liquidated by Voldemort.

So one after another, the pure-blood family collectively and publicly fell to Voldemort in the shortest time and strove to come up with resources to please, hoping to harvest some loot after the war. With their help, Voldemort was able to launch a comprehensive blockade against the northern resistance organizations.

These pure blood felt that under such circumstances, even if Dumbledore and his loyal men tried their best to resist, Voldemort and the Death Eaters with absolute advantages would easily crush them.

But the facts gave them a slap in the face, and the war that was supposed to end in a short time was dragged on and on. And in their eyes, the unstoppable crowds have become more and more powerful after the early chaos.

What makes them even more incomprehensible is that, according to their calculations, once the pure-blood wizards begin a complete blockade. All resources on the Hogsmeade side can last for at most a week or two. As long as you wait for a little, you can watch these resistances self-defeating without a fight, and then at most are some annoying security wars.

But one week, two weeks, one month, two months-time passed slowly as they waited. The long tug-of-war has now been more than half a year, but in the long battle between them, they were shocked to find that the wizards in the north not only did not deplete resources as fast as they thought, but instead increased in equipment and supplies. The better, they even started to surpass them.

As the biggest advantage of resources disappeared completely, the pure-blood wizards panicked, and the fateful defeats afterward made them uneasy, and after this step, they were like April 1945 The German army in Berlin almost lost its morale, and only hoped to escape.

Therefore, after entering this underground base, Voldemort had executed several guys who tried to run or publicly publicize the failure message, but still could not boost the morale of the others. The wizards of these pure-blood families have recently been looking for any means, hoping to run out of this place or avoid the next battle. Therefore, there have been many practices like Snape trying to bribe and ask for news.

But no matter how hard they try, how to get into the camp. In the end, he still couldn’t escape the order that Voldemort asked everyone to attack together. So now this underground base is more and more like an underground grave, and the atmosphere is quiet on the first day of the day.

After being trapped in the underground base, these pure-blood families are also thinking about a problem. Obviously this time they had a greater advantage than the last war, and they obviously seized the Ministry of Magic that had not been taken in the last war for more than ten years after the start of the war. But after putting two huge advantages together, why did it become the current situation?

“That’s because they never thought that what they are now competing with is not one person or one country. It’s several complete worlds.” At the same moment, Ryan replied to Hermione on the puppet production line of the floating fortress .

Ryan, they came to the floating fortress to check the manufacturing of the first batch of new battle puppets. After harvesting the manufacturing methods of the battle puppets in the world of Sky City, after a series of research and improvements, Ryan finally came up with A new model puppet that strikes a balance between power and Kenben, today is exactly the first day these puppets are put into production.

Fortunately, after the start of the puppet production line, everything went smoothly, and with sufficient materials, it can produce at an average speed of 500 per day. Looking at the puppets on this fully automated production line, Hermione asked a question, that is, why Voldemort’s side is obviously stronger than last time, but lost so fast.

Ryan naturally gave Hermione a good lesson from the perspective of productivity. The final conclusion of UU reading is that Voldemort’s failure this time is inevitable. Because his greatest advantage turned into a disadvantage, and neither he nor his subordinates knew this.

“So the misunderstanding caused by the unequal information is beneficial to us.” Hermione added after Ryan explained: “Although this war brought huge losses, it also made those enemies jump out all of a sudden. . After eradicating them cleanly, it is easier to realize our dreams. “

“Yes.” Ryan nodded. “And I paid a lot of resources in this war. But in some ways this is not a loss. All the resources we donated and lent in the war before will play an important role after the war is over , Let us reform the magic world more smoothly. “

“It’s similar to the American Marshall Plan after World War II.” Hermione raised her eyebrows and said excitedly. “What we pay is only some resources and wealth, which is of no importance to us. But these pays can help us affect the entire British magic world.”

Speaking of which, Hermione shook her left hand violently, her eyes flashing inexplicably.

After all, it was the man who eventually became the Minister of Magic in the original text. Hermione’s character is not as salty as Ryan. So at this time she seemed to be a little bit gaffey, but soon she also discovered this, her face suddenly turned red. .

“It’s okay, there’s nothing embarrassing to pursue a dream.” Ryan stepped forward and took her hand, then stared down at his eyes seriously. “After the war is over, we will be able to start an era that belongs to us, just as President Dumbledore opened his era.”

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