Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 733 - For london

“Today I called you all because I think it ’s time to discuss the next actions. After all, the situation is much better than before the war broke out. It can even be said that we have reached an important turning point. “After sitting on the chair, Principal Dumbledore first spoke out the goals of today’s meeting.

“Yes, Principal Dumbledore.” Ms. Burns echoed. “According to the statistics of our Ministry of Magic, in the most recent week, there have been no more cases of Muggles or sorcerers harmed across the UK. Except in the Greater London area, Death Eaters and members of the Ministry of Magic in London Has also been greatly reduced. “

“This is indeed good news.” Professor Dumbledore nodded and then showed a serious expression. “But I don’t think Voldemort will just take it, even if he suffered huge losses before–“

Speaking of which, Dumbledore glanced at Ryan and Hermione, and then went on to say, “Especially according to my calculations, even if he had lost a lot of manpower and material resources in the confrontation with us before, he still has control There is a force no less than 1/3 of the heyday. This means that Voldemort ’s contraction is not due to insufficient strength, but is planning a conspiracy that we do not know. “

“Professor.” Hermione gestured with her hand, and after asking Dumbledore’s permission, she asked, “Why wouldn’t this be the mysterious person trying to resist thoroughly in London? Now the ordinary people in London are all their hostages .With the city of London, a place where we ca n’t use powerful magic to attack on a large scale, he can cause us huge losses. ”

“In addition, I believe that after the recent series of failures of the Mysterious Man and the oppression of his subordinates, there will not be too many people who are still willing to follow him faithfully. In this way, with such a group of half-hearted It should be no problem if the guy wants to hold a certain place, but if I want to mobilize these people to take the initiative to attack, I think it is too difficult. “

“You’re right, Miss Granger. If Voldemort is a normal person, he would do it like this.” After listening to Hermione’s analysis, Dumbledore nodded, “but he was never that kind. People who follow the rules, or since I knew Voldemort, he has always been used to get everything he wants by any means. It is definitely not what he wants to be stuck in London to fight a defensive battle. “

“I think that Voldemort’s current plan should be to use all the forces he can control to launch a powerful raid, and then completely reverse the current battle situation, and even win the war in this battle.” Finally Professor Dumbledore concluded.

“Principal Dumbledore, do you have any evidence to prove it?” Ms. Burns stood up nervously, and the whole person looked very uneasy. This is because the wizards who are currently on the front line are the Ministry of Magic. According to Professor Dumbledore, those members of the Ministry of the Front should now be in a very dangerous situation.

“Amelia, there is no need to be so nervous.” Dumbledore also noticed Ms. Burns’ uneasiness. He extended his hand and made a depressing gesture to signal her to sit down, and then said, “According to Voldemort’s character He should n’t directly attack the Aurors on the front line. Because attacking Aurors would lift our siege on London at most, but London is not important to him, I do n’t think Voldemort will take only Of resources are invested in such things. “

“What are the mysterious people doing now?” Ms. Burns frowned. “If they haven’t broken our current siege of London, what is the reason for the so much power gathered in the hands of the mysterious people?”

“This, I don’t know.” Principal Dumbledore shook his head helplessly. “But what I ’m sure now is that the wealth and resources that Voldemort obtained before have not been transported back to any place we know. At the same time, several core Death Eaters under Voldemort ’s staff, such as Bellatrix have It hasn’t appeared in front of people for a long time. “

“You are right, Dumbledore.” Mrs. Burns also added. “Our intelligence staff at the Ministry of Magic in London also reported on this matter. They said that some mysterious people have been inserted in the Ministry of Magic recently. The frequency of occurrence has been much smaller than in the past, and even some important people have been absent from work for a long time.”

Listening to the conversation between Dumbledore and Ms. Burns, Ryan can now be sure that Voldemort should have gathered a lot of the most loyal manpower and enough resources to plan, but he can’t guess the specific situation. After all, the plot has changed so much now that he really can’t judge Voldemort’s idea at this time.

So he subconsciously looked at Principal Dumbledore, because he knew that Snape now accepts the dispatch of Professor Dumbledore lurking around Voldemort, and as Voldemort ’s confidant, Snape should theoretically preach to Dumbledore. Some information.

Except for Ryan, everyone in the room also looked at Principal Dumbledore. After all, Mr. Principal is the greatest white wizard in Britain. At this time, Principal Dumbledore naturally became the hope of everyone.

But President Dumbledore didn’t seem to get any useful news now. Looking at everyone’s hopeful eyes, he seemed helpless. “Voldemort’s secrecy work has been very good this time. It seems that anyone involved in his plan has been controlled. Even a close friend like Bella hasn’t seen them recently.”

“That’s terrible.” Ms. Burns frowned, because Voldemort was in a state of being unexcited, and no one knew what his next purpose would be, that is, any place, any one. Everyone may become the target of Voldemort’s next attack.

“Then what should we do? Principal Dumbledore.” Lu Ping issued the common question in everyone’s heart. “Is it necessary to take everyone back and then defend all of our locations.”

“No, it can’t be this way.” Ryan directly objected. “If we withdraw people, it is equivalent to giving up all the previous results and letting the mysterious people get enough time to trim. In this way, we may need to pay more for wanting to obtain such advantages again. . “

“Ryan is right.” Hermione added. “As President Dumbledore said just now, the mysterious person has always tended to take advantage of the excess to take advantage of it ~ ~ This is the case for making Horcruxes, dangerous transformation of his body, and now his plan I think it is no exception. He concentrated so many manpower and resources absolutely to gamble a big one in order to completely reverse the situation. “

“That’s right, Miss Granger.” Dumbledore nodded, then glanced at everyone in the office. “Now passively waiting for Voldemort’s attacks will have no effect other than consuming our resources and strength. Instead, it will let the initiative that already belonged to us change hands again, letting the hope of victory near us slip away quietly. And this Everything may be what Voldemort wants us to do. “

“So I hope you now mobilize all the people to prepare for the attack on London. Anyway, it is our most important goal at this stage to remove Voldemort’s last public stronghold. This is also preventing him from dragging the war on. the best solution.”

“No problem.” “We will do our best.” “Please rest assured, principal—” The others in the office nodded one after another to agree with principal Dumbledore’s opinion, because they also knew that what they do now is better than nothing. Do better.

In the following time, everyone began to discuss the deployment of various forces. After a brief discussion, everyone decided to stop all non-essential actions in order to be able to draw a part of their strength to reinforce the London front line while defending these current points, in order to recover London in the shortest possible time Ministry of Magic and a series of locations.

Just after everyone finished discussing the deployment of the war, Dumbledore cleared his throat. “Today, in addition to talking about combat-related topics, there is something to be discussed about post-war reconstruction.”

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